(2022-09-08). Daesh Attacks Embassy In Kabul Amid Wave Of Violence Against Russians. southfront.org Click to see full-size imageDaesh would be involved with Western intelligence and Ukrainian neo-Nazis in many other issues, raising suspicions about the Embassy case. | Written by The recent
(2022-09-08). Ukraine Claims Responsibility for Recent Crimea Attacks. news.antiwar.com
(2022-09-07). Russia ready to cooperate with any country given increasing global energy demand: Putin. ecns.cn Russia stands ready to cooperate with any country, especially in the context of an increasing global demand for energy, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday.
(2022-09-08). China urges avoiding further deterioration of humanitarian situation in Ukraine. ecns.cn China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, Geng Shuang, on Wednesday called on the international community to do its utmost to avoid further deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Ukraine.
(2022-09-07). Western countries try to preserve old world order despite irreversible changes in int'l system: Putin. ecns.cn Western countries are trying to preserve the old world order despite irreversible transformations happening in the system of international relations, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday during the plenary session of the 7th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF).
(2022-09-08). No to war and surging prices! wsws.org Resistance is growing across Europe to the massive price hikes being used to pass the costs of the proxy war the US and NATO are waging against Russia in Ukraine onto working people.
(2022-09-07). Russia's travel ban covers more EU officials. ecns.cn More officials from the European Union (EU) have been banned from entering Russia in response to Brussels' sanctions against Russia and weapon supplies to Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Wednesday.
(2022-09-08). Ukraine Planned to Use UN-Appointed International Nuclear Experts as a Tool for Blackmail. libya360.wordpress.com Scott Ritter The IAEA report doesn't name the perpetrators of attacks on Europe's biggest nuclear power plant, but the mission itself left Kiev frustrated. If at first you don't succeed, then try, try again. This seems to be the mantra of the Ukrainian government as it seeks to blackmail the international community into helping it evict…
(2022-09-08). Fighting Near Ukrainian Nuclear Site Must End to Prevent Chernobyl-Like Disaster. truthout.org The International Atomic Energy Agency is calling for a safety and security protection zone to be immediately set up around the facility in order to avoid a nuclear disaster at Europe's largest nuclear power plant. This week it released a long-awaited report urging Russia and Ukraine to create a demilitarized zone around the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, after visiting it last week. "Their warnings are pretty clear: Unless the fighting stops, unless the shelling around and on the plant site stops, … then the plant is really skating on thin ice," says Edwin Lyman, director of nuclear power safety at the Unio…
(2022-09-08). US Announces $2.8 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine, Allies in the Region. news.antiwar.com On Thursday, the Biden administration In Kyiv, Blinken met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and other officials and said that the administration was…
(2022-09-08). In Video: Wagner Fighters Ambushed Ukrainian Group Near Bakhmut. southfront.org
(2022-09-08). Zelensky Rings New York Stock Exchange Bell as Euro Dips Below Dollar. mintpressnews.com As the Ukraine proxy war triggers economic crisis across the West, Zelensky has kicked of a campaign inviting foreign investors to plunder his country and is crushing the labor rights of his citizens.
(2022-09-08). Thursday 9/15: Stop the War in Ukraine! Ceasefire Now! $$ for Climate & Healthcare, Not More Weapons! indybay.org 12 Noon: Senator Padilla, 333 Bush St. | 1pm: Senator Feinstein, One Post St.
(2022-09-08). Peace Talks Are More Essential Than Ever as War Rages on in Ukraine. fpif.org Russia and Ukraine had a 15-point framework for peace. It remains the best hope for a ceasefire, just settlement, and more peaceful geopolitical competition.
(2022-09-08). Noam Chomsky and Robert Pollin: Humanity's Fate Isn't Sealed — If We Act Now. truthout.org We live in extraordinarily dangerous times. Climate breakdown is upon us, yet nation-states and their leaders continue to pursue policies based on "national security" and the pursuit of geopolitical objectives. The transition to a clean and sustainable global energy landscape is hampered both by powerful interests linked to the fossil fuel economy and lack of international cooperation. In fact, the war in Ukraine, which runs on fossil fuels, is not only delaying climate action but has increased reliance on the very energy sources that drive global warming and poison the planet. Indeed, the war has been a godsend…
(2022-09-08). Turkey positions itself as conduit for US-Russian trade which bypass sanctions. infobrics.org Washington warns businesses from using Turkey to circumvent sanctions on Russia.
(2022-09-08). US imported $6 billion from Russia as it forces others to quit doing business with Moscow. infobrics.org America keeps importing essential commodities from Russia while pressuring others not to do it.
(2022-09-08). Weighing Up Options: Will Algeria Join BRICS. infobrics.org Early in August, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune hinted that Algeria may apply to join BRICS, the economic bloc comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Mohamed Si Bachir discusses the idea and its motivations…
(2022-09-08). Asia's Future Takes Shape in Vladivostok, the Russian Pacific. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar Sixty-eight countries gathered on Russia's far eastern coast to listen to Moscow's economic and political vision for the Asia-Pacific The Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok is one of the indispensable annual milestones for keeping up not only with the complex development process of the Russian Far East but major plays for Eurasia integration. Mirroring an immensely…
(2022-09-08). Economic war instead of climate policy & Russia as enemy. indybay.org Sustainability and capitalism do not go together. Because capitalism needs growth and drives environmental destruction. The consequences: Species extinction, drought stress for trees, water scarcity. A consistent climate policy would have to get down to the nitty-gritty, but at present it is overshadowed by the economic war.
(2022-09-08). Sunday 9/18: Ukaine, The Working Class, Russia, China & US Imperialism-A Global Working Class Panel. indybay.org To register: | us02web.zoom.us/j/89698353349?pwd=VmhPNWpiZXMwdGU4L3JKc1Z5WkRydz09 | 996012…
(2022-09-08). Russia and Europe: War of Sanctions and Energy Resources. libya360.wordpress.com Yoselina Guevara L. According to press agencies, Russia will not fully resume its gas supplies to Europe until the West lifts sanctions against Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has stated. He also referred to the specific case of maintenance work on the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline noting "we cannot say whether repair work will…
(2022-09-08). The U.S. Must Ends Its Complicity in Illicit Financial Flows Out of Africa. fpif.org If you caught the breaking news story about Russians
(2022-09-08). Top 10 Reasons Sweden and Finland Will Regret Joining NATO. davidswanson.org
(2022-09-08). Policía de Canadá amplía búsqueda de sospechoso de masacre. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades, probablemente el presunto perpetrador de los asesinatos, Myles Sanderson, ultimó a su hermano.
(2022-09-08). Atentado a Cristina Kirchner: Un intento de asesinato cuidadosamente planificado. cubadebate.cu La imputación oficial a Fernando Sabag y Blenda Uliarte establece que el intento de magnicidio fue organizado. Varios videos muestran que "la banda de los copitos" hizo "inteligencia" frente a la casa de Cristina Kirchner antes del atentado y los investigadores aseguran que el grupo participó en acciones violentas previas contra el gobierno.
(2022-09-08). S.Korea proposes talks with DPRK for reunion of separated families. ecns.cn South Korea on Thursday proposed talks with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) for the reunion of families separated by the 1950-53 Korean War.
(2022-09-08). øCómo fue la resistencia de los rusos al sitio de Leningrado. telesurtv.net Durante el sitio de Leningrado murieron cerca de 1.2 millones de personas, el 90 por ciento de ellas como consecuencia del hambre y los bombardeos nazis.
(2022-09-08). Italy at a Crossroads Ahead of Crucial Elections. libya360.wordpress.com The snap elections in Italy come in the context of the dissolution of the Parliament in July, eight months ahead of its term ending. All major political parties and their coalitions are competing in the elections. Leftist parties have also launched their electoral platform called the People's Union (PU) and have begun campaigning across the…
(2022-09-08). The Unity Imperative: Lessons for Building the Anti-Fascist Alliance. libya360.wordpress.com Joe Sims Members of the Communist Party USA and Young Communist League proceed along Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington during the Poor People's Campaign's Moral March, June 18, 2022. | Jose Luis Magana / AP The call for unity resonates across a wide swath of today's democratic and social movements. Attend any demonstration and you're likely…
(2022-09-08). UK is a Dictatorship, Not a Democracy. libya360.wordpress.com Eric Zuesse UK's recent string of atrocious Prime Ministers have not represented a majority of UK subjects (subjects of the Queen, who is sovereign; they are not citizens of their country — a "subject" is the very opposite of "a citizen," who possesses sovereignty, there being no dictatorship, of any type, over citizens). (To call…
(2022-09-07). IAEA Chief Contradicted Kiev's "Politicisation" of Visit to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. "It's a Technical Mission" globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-07). China supports continued presence of IAEA experts at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. ecns.cn China on Tuesday expressed support for the continued presence of the experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), UN's nuclear watchdog, at Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.
(2022-09-07). Chinese UN envoy calls for security of Ukrainian nuclear facilities. ecns.cn A Chinese ambassador to the United Nations on Tuesday reiterated support for the efforts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and called for the safety and security of nuclear facilities in Ukraine.
(2022-09-07). Kiev Tried to Capture IAEA Delegation to Make Human Shield. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-07). Ukraine's Top General Warns 'Limited' Nuclear War Can't Be Ruled Out. news.antiwar.com Gen. Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, the commander-in-chief of Ukraine's armed forces, warned Wednesday that it couldn't be ruled out that the war in Ukraine could turn into a "limited" nuclear conflict that could draw in other countries and potentially spark World War III. Zaluzhnyi made the warning in an op-ed published by the Ukrainian state news agency …
(2022-09-07). Nuclear Alarm Bells at Zaporizhzhia. commondreams.org The extreme risks around Ukraine's massive nuclear plant are the strongest argument yet for an end to the use of nuclear power.
(2022-09-07). Nuclear Defense, or Nuclear Offense? US Military to Test Launch an ICBM, Notifies the Kremlin. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-07). Speculative Pakistani Arms Sales To Kiev vs. Speculative North Korean Ones To Russia. oneworld.press The US-led Western Mainstream Media ignored the reports about Pakistan's speculative involvement in a transnational UK-led airbridge for militarily supplying Kiev while going bonkers about the second one connected to North Korea's supposed arms sales to Russia. Their conspicuous silence towards the former very strongly suggests some element of truth to those claims while their hysterical over-amplification of the latter similarly suggests that it lacks any actual substance.
(2022-09-07). Russian UN envoy reacts to claims of arms purchases from DPRK. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 07 (MNA) — Russian Permanent Representative to the UN rejected US media claims of Russia purchasing arms from North Korea.
(2022-09-07). Biden White House Calls For $5.5 Billion More For Ukraine, Black America Criticizes Priorities. moguldom.com "They got money for wars but couldn't feed the poor in 1993," the late hip-hop icon 2Pac rhymed on his song "Keep Ya Head Up." As the U.S. readies to send more financial aid to Ukraine to aid the eastern European country that was invaded by Russia on Feb. 24, many Black Americans are wondering …
(2022-09-07). Ukrainian Grain Deal a Failure – Russian Official. telesurenglish.net Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, said the Ukraine grain deal has failed to deliver on allowing Russian fertilizers and food products to reach world markets. | RELATED: | "The agreement was closed for four months. That is, it ends in November. In a normal [situation], the agreement should be extended. Given the results, or rather the lack of results, I do not rule anything out," the Nebenzia said, sugges…
(2022-09-07). Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On September 7, 2022. southfront.org
(2022-09-07). Russia Says Western Countries Not Living Up to Their End of Grain Deal. news.antiwar.com On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Western countries were not living up to their end of the UN-brokered grain export deal that unlocked Ukraine's Black Sea ports. One part of the agreement was to help facilitate the export of Russian grain and fertilizer, which has been impeded due to Western sanctions. US …
(2022-09-07). Dancing with the Politicians. US Foreign Policy Has Become a Full-time Comedy Routine. southfront.org Written by If the non-stop dancing duo Biden and Blinken is seriously seeking to validate its view that the United States of America is and should be the world's hegemon, they are going about it the wrong way. They should be taking their lead from Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky by turning their press conferences into e…
(2022-09-07). Press Release by Journalists and Activists Opposed to NATO/Ukraine's "Death List" Website. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-07). 18+: DPR Forces Storm Ukrainian Positions In Pervomaiskoe, Peski Region. southfront.org On September 7, units of the DPR People's Militia supported by Russian forces finished the mop up operations on the western outskirts of the town of Peski. | After the 11th regiment, the battalion "Somalia" and the special forces units of the DPR People's Militia took full control of the seed factory located in the area, they focused on the storming of the village of Pervomaiskoe, where the fighting has been going on for several weeks. | On September 5, assault groups of the 11th regiment…
(2022-09-07). Military Situation In Kharkiv Region, Ukraine, On September 7, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org
(2022-09-07). Battle For Balakleya: Major Successes Of Ukrainian Military Since February 2022. southfront.org
(2022-09-07). Erdogan Exploits the Libyan Crisis to Further His Own Interests. orinocotribune.com The two simultaneous visits by the outgoing head of the unity government, Abdulhamid Al-Dabaiba, and the head of the parliament-backed government, Fathi Bashaga, to Ankara to meet with Turkish officials revealed that Turkey is sticking to the file of a political solution in Libya, and that the field is open for a combination of a solutions that take into account Turkey's interests. | Observers pointed out that Turkey benefited from the withdrawal of various influential countries in the Libyan file, especially Russia's preoccupation with the war in Ukraine and the United States ' lack of enthusiasm to sponsor a Li…
(2022-09-07). Revealed: US & EU Plans To Plunder Ukraine. mintpressnews.com Now that the US has publicly accepted that Ukraine won't win the war, the focus has moved to who will get to plunder what from Ukraine after the war.
(2022-09-07). Military Situation In Ukraine On September 7, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org The town of Kodema came under control of the DPR; | The industrial area on the western outskirts of Pisky came under DPR control; | The AFU launched offensive operations in the area of Balakliya; | Russia struck the 24th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU near Olenovka with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the 46th Airmobile Brigade of the AFU near Belogorka with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the 406th Artillery Brigade of the AFU near Peremoga with high-p…
(2022-09-07). More Thoughts on the International War Crimes Tribunal. The Case of Ukraine. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-07). Banks Have Ukrainian Blood on Their Hands. commondreams.org Citi is not alone. Together with JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, and Crédit Agricole, it collectively provided more than 12 billion dollars of loans for Russian oil and gas companies in the run up to Russia's full scale military invasion.
(2022-09-07). West Killed Peace Proposal to End Ukraine War, Russia Supported Negotiated Settlement. orinocotribune.com By Benjamin Norton Sep 4, 2022 | Russia and Ukraine agreed to a negotiated settlement to end the conflict in April, but British Prime Minister Boris Johnson intervened to stop the peace deal, and the US and EU escalated the proxy war to try to weaken Moscow. | In May, Ukraine's avowedly anti-Russian newspaper Ukrainska Pravda published a bombshell report that got virtually no attention in the West, titled " The article noted, "The Russian side… wa…
(2022-09-07). BREAKING: Russian Forces Took Control Of Kodema, Bakhmut Region. southfront.org On September 7, the Russian Ministry of Defense officially confirmed the control of Russian-led forces of the town of Kodema located to the west of Svetlodarsk. | After months of heavy fighting, the assault units of the Wagner group completed the mop up operation on the western outskirts of Kodema, establishing full control over the town. The battle for Kodema began in mid-July."As a result of successful offensive actions in the Donetsk…
(2022-09-07). The Russia-India-China (RIC) Framework Is The Key To The Asian Century. oneworld.press Russia intends to play a leading role in facilitating its equally strategic multipolar Great Power partners' recently reaffirmed shared desire to jointly pioneer the Asian Century.
(2022-09-07). EU to Propose Price Cap on Russian Gas Despite Warning from Putin. news.antiwar.com The EU on Wednesday said it will propose a price cap on Russian gas despite explicit warnings from Moscow that such a move would result in Russia cutting off all energy supplies to Europe. "We will propose a price cap on Russian gas," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. "We must cut Russia's revenues …
(2022-09-07). Baltic Nations Agree On Visa Ban for Most Russian Citizens by Mid-September. news.antiwar.com The Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia Under the ban, the three Baltic nations will not allow Russians with Latvian Foreign…
(2022-09-07). The West & Russia: Waging Media Wars vs. Defending Its Information Space. oneworld.press The growing appeal of Russia across the Global South isn't due to it waging media wars but is instead attributable to this vast majority of humanity agreeing with the multipolar worldview that it espouses.
(2022-09-07). Was Western Intel Behind ISIS-K's Terrorist Attack Against The Russian Embassy In Kabul. oneworld.press The Anglo-American Axis' strategic interests are to punish Russia for its leading role in the Taliban's geo-economic balancing act; prompt Moscow to either double down with Wagner mercenary deployments in order to militarily overextend itself in Eurasia or quickly abandon its growing influence in Afghanistan; and attempt to revive the formerly heated rivalry between it and Pakistan over that country.
(2022-09-07). While U.S. Leaders Moralize About Alleged Human Rights Abuses in Russia and China to Justify Proxy Wars, Prisoners in the U.S. Routinely Suffer from Inhumane Treatment. libya360.wordpress.com Lauren Smith [Source: cartoon-pop.blogspot.com] A Miami Prisoner is Among Those Who Believe That U.S. Prison Authorities Are Trying to Kill Them While U.S. leaders denounce Russia and China, and other official enemies for alleged human rights violations daily, they are silent about the massive human rights abuses that occur routinely in the U.S. prison system—the largest…
(2022-09-07). US Military to Test Launch an ICBM Wednesday, Notifies Russia. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-07). Is Russia Limiting Gas Flows to Europe? Five Gas Pipelines out of Service. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-07). Washington's Africa Strategy Seeks to Counter Russia and China. libya360.wordpress.com Salman Rafi Sheikh Geopolitical competition has no limits. This is especially the case when superpowers with global ambitions compete. As long as the competition is fair, it could drive development (although it might still have its socio-political and economic discontents). But when competition itself is projected as a phobia, it becomes more of an anomaly…
(2022-09-07). Ivan Timofeev Speaks at Mumbai Conference about Sanctions. russiancouncil.ru Experts from Russia and Sweden were invited to participate in the discussion…
(2022-09-07). Military Situation In Syria On September 7, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On September 7, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | On September 7, the SDF and the US coalition carried out a joint exercise in the countryside of Malikiyah; | On September 6, Israeli warplanes struck Aleppo Airport with several missiles; | On September 6, an SDF member was killed by IED explosion near the town of Karamah; | On September 6, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turk…
(2022-09-07). Absolute Proof that EU Leaders Are Responsible for Europe's Soaring Fuel-Prices. libya360.wordpress.com Eric Zuesse A BusinissInsider news-report on the morning of September 7th headlined "Putin says Russia will restart Nord Stream 1 gas flows 'tomorrow' if it gets turbines, and blames sanctions for the shutdown" and opened with: Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Gazprom could restart gas flows to Europe via the key Nord Stream…
(2022-09-07). Biden, Like Trump, Breaks International Law, Violating UN Neutrality By Blocking Countries. scheerpost.com By Benjamin Norton / In a blatant violation of international law and its 1947 hosting agreement, the US government has blocked numerous countries from participating in events at the UN headquarters in New York City. | The Biden administration is banning Russian diplomats, while the Trump administration illegally prohibited top officials from Venezuela and Iran. | Reuters reported on September 2 that Russia has filed a formal complaint with the United Nations, after the US government has "been constantly…
(2022-09-07). Putin slams US sanctions, calls them threat to entire world. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 07 (MNA) — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday that the 'sanctions fever' instigated by the so-called collective West is a threat to the whole world.
(2022-09-07). CNPC, Gazprom agree to yuan, ruble gas supply payment. ecns.cn China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), parent of PetroChina, said on Wednesday it had signed an agreement with Russia's Gazprom to start switching gas supply payments to yuan and rubles.
(2022-09-07). Western Countries Cling to the Old World Order: Putin. telesurenglish.net Western countries are trying to preserve the old world order despite irreversible transformations happening in the system of international relations, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday during the plenary session of the 7th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok, Russia. | RELATED: | "Western countries are trying to maintain yesterday's world order, which is only beneficial to them, to force everyon…
(2022-09-07). Western sanctions bring Moscow closer to ME, esp. Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 07 (MNA) — Russian President Vladimir Putin said that sanctions imposed by Western countries against Russian have brought Moscow closer to Middle Eastern countries, Iran in particular.
(2022-09-07). Russian Grunts Will Be Relieved to Know That Moscovites Hardly Ever Think About the War. anti-empire.com Source: Bookmark
| Imagine this. Maybe you're a Donetsk taxi driver. Middle-aged. 45-years old. On a good day you can still handle your share of vodka but if you're honest with yourself you've got times when that arthritis in your right knee tingles for days, and your hairline has been receding faster than the Amazonian rainforest. Let's say that in February you were mobilize…
(2022-09-07). UK: Truss assembles cabinet of class war at home and escalated war against Russia. wsws.org Those who backed Truss and now make up her cabinet consist of most rabid elements within a rabidly right-wing party.
(2022-09-07). Daesh Terrorists Attack Russian Embassy in Kabul Amid Wave of Violence Against Russians. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-07). Patrick Lawrence: Unmaking History. scheerpost.com By Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost Every young journalist knows, and probably most newspaper readers know, too, the old thought: Journalists write the first draft of history. I like to think a few or more journalists and a few or more readers also know that this is sheer nonsense. Journalism, and I mean in …
(2022-09-07). Why Is NATO In Yugoslavia? First Step in NATO's Expansion, "Others are Planned for the Near Future" globalresearch.ca Sean Gervasi had tremendous foresight. He understood NATO enlargement several years before it actually unfolded into a formidable military force.
(2022-09-07). Rejecting Israeli Report on Journalist's Killing, Senator Demands Independent US Probe. commondreams.org Israeli Army's claim that Palestinian-American reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was accidentally killed by an IDF soldier contradicts numerous other analyses, says U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland.
(2022-09-07). Asesinan a periodista paraguayo frente a emisora de radio. telesurtv.net El autor del asesinato de Humberto Coronel se movía solo en una moticleta negra y realizó diez disparos con una pistola nueve milímetros contra el periodista.
(2022-09-07). Punto Deportivo: Algunas claves del triunfo de Villa Clara en el sub-23 (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Villa Clara se impuso este martes cuatro carreras por tres sobre Santiago de Cuba, en sus predios del estadio Augusto César Sandino, para conseguir su primer título en el Campeonato Nacional sub-23 años. Sobre la final y el torneo en general comentamos en la sección Punto Deportivo, además de reconocer al equipo sub-15.
(2022-09-07). Europe's Treatment of Refugees is Racist and Murderous. libya360.wordpress.com Abdul Rahman The recent incident of refugees being stranded in the Mediterranean without assistance from coastal forces exemplifies a larger pattern of cruelty by European nations towards those fleeing conflict zones According to an Al-Jazeera report, around 60 refugees, mostly from Lebanon and Syria, stranded in the Mediterranean sea have not got any help from European coast…
(2022-09-07). Jackson Water Crisis: A Legacy of Environmental Racism. libya360.wordpress.com Chi Chi Izundu, Mohamed Madi, Chelsea Bailey, Cooperation Jackson Community water distribution in Jackson, Mississippi (AP Photo/Steve Helber) The city of Jackson is suffering from years of neglect by the state of Mississippi. Residents of the majority Black city need a new water system, but a legacy of racism and antipathy towards their Black led city…
(2022-09-07). Germany's Energy Suicide: An Autopsy. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar Police stand blocking people taking part in a protest against increasing energy prices and rising living expenses in Leipzig, Germany, September 5, 2022. Credit: REUTERS/Christian Mang The EU has weaponized the supply of European energy on behalf of a financial racket, against the interests of European industry and consumers. When Green fanatic Robert…
(2022-09-07). U. S. trains Georgian army for new Caucasus conflict. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Georgian Ministry of DefenseSeptember 6, 2022 A demonstration exercise of special operations forces was held within the framework of the exercise "Worthy Partner 2022" Major General Thomas Carden of the National Guard of the US state of Georgia got acquainted with the course of the training together with the leaders of the defense forces. Major …
(2022-09-07). US Military and Biological Activities in the Asian Region. libya360.wordpress.com Vladimir Platov In recent months, the media of various states have begun publishing more and more revelations about Washington's aggressive policies, especially in the development and testing of bioweapons, which are banned by international conventions and humanitarian law. Frankly speaking, the fact that the United States is using such weapons of mass destruction raises no…
(2022-09-07). Rwanda and Uganda's M23 Militia Reappears to Slaughter and Plunder in DRC: US Backs Rwanda and Uganda. libya360.wordpress.com Ann Garrison Rwanda and Uganda are again plundering the Congo. As always they do so with the backing of the U.S. Rwanda and Uganda's M23 militia have returned to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), once again slaughtering Congolese people to plunder their resources. To understand this, we have to return to March 2013, after M23 had been…
(2022-09-07). Joà£o Paulo Rodrigues: "Brazil Has a Great Responsibility in Latin America" libya360.wordpress.com Brasil de Fato MST national leader, Joà£o Paulo Rodrigues — Guilherme Santos/Sul21 Joà£o Paulo Rodrigues is a member of the national coordination of the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) and represents the MST within Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's campaign for the presidency of Brazil. In an interview with Brasil de Fato, Rodrigues speaks about the upcoming 2022 Brazilian general…
(2022-09-06). Arms Transfers to Ukraine. Detailed Overview of Deliveries, Timeline. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-06). "Socio-Economic Suffering": Massive Protests in Prague against EU "Counterproductive Policies" globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-06). Russian president will visit Donbas: Kremlin spox. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 06 (MNA) — Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Tuesday said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay a visit to Donbass.
(2022-09-06). U.S.-Russia Relations: Bill Perry's Lies — Versus the Truth. libya360.wordpress.com Eric ZuesseWilliam J. Perry, the U.S. Secretary of Defense during Bill Clinton's first term (ending 20 January 1997), issued an article on September 5th, "How the U.S. Lost Russia", whose concluding paragraph opened with "There is no organic reason why Russia should be our enemy. Putin is the enemy, not Russia." In other words, he's…