2024-10-03: News Headlines

Alice Slater, Global Issues. (2024-10-03). Nuclear Annihilation Threatened By Revival Of Cold War And Red Scare. popularresistance.org There had been a sense of waiting with bated breath in the wake of Russia's President Vladimir Putin recent announcement that he would lower the threshold for Russia's use of nuclear weapons, as the US and its NATO allies broadcasted their plans to ignore a repeated "red line" articulated by US President Biden not to provide arms to Ukraine which could be launched deep inside Russia. | Britain is playing its usual provocative role by sending clear messages that it would welcome US approval to let Ukraine use its "Storm Shadow" long-range missiles. We just got a short breather, in light of this recently issued pub…

WSWS (2024-10-03). Fighting against war means fighting capitalism! wsws.org Never before has the threat of nuclear annihilation been as great as it is today. It is high time to stop the unbridled escalation of the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine by the NATO powers.

David Swanson (2024-10-03). In Madison, Wisconsin, Pressuring Congress to End Wars. worldbeyondwar.org We want our members of Congress to join Senators Merkley, Welch, and Sanders in blocking weapons sales to Israel. We also call on Congress to halt NATO-backed strikes inside Russia, stop arming Ukraine. #WorldBEYONDWar…

Ahmed Adel (2024-10-03). "Grand Failure of Biden's Adventure in Ukraine": Resources of Ukraine's NATO Allies including Military Aid Will Dwindle by 2025. globalresearch.ca NATO's continued arms shipments to Ukraine next year are at risk due to a lack of resources among key backers of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, experts told Bloomberg on September 27. This is a far cry from the promises …

____ (2024-10-03). Balkan Stability Threatened: Kosovo PM Warns of Russian Influence. devdiscourse.com Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has expressed concerns that the Balkans' stability could be at risk if Russia emerges victorious in Ukraine, potentially emboldening Serbia's expansionist tendencies. Kurti urged the West to maintain firm support for Ukraine to prevent further instability in the region.

infobrics (2024-10-03). Ukrainian neo-Nazi ideology causing problems in Kiev-Warsaw cooperation. infobrics.org According to Poland's Defense Minister, Ukrainian have "no memory" about his country's war efforts to support Kiev.

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotiroviƒá (2024-10-03). Kievan Russia (882‚àí1242): The Original National State of Russians. globalresearch.ca In the years from 882 to 1242 the first and original national state organization of the Russians — the Kievan Russia (not Kyivan Rusia or Kyiv Rus'!) became directly and indirectly subject to external political influences by several external political …

Drago Bosnic (2024-10-03). Zelensky's Laughable 'Victory Plan' Seems to be 'Working' — He Already Got $8 Billion. Is He Engaged in "Election Meddling"? globalresearch.ca In the last two and a half years, the Neo-Nazi junta frontman Volodymyr Zelensky pitched a number of "peace" plans, formulas, platforms and whatnot. Last year,

infobrics (2024-10-03). Zelensky's laughable 'victory plan' seems to be 'working' — he already got $8 billion. infobrics.org What is this "victory plan" about? It wouldn't be the first time that the Neo-Nazi junta is claiming that it can "win", but it "just needs this one game changer". So far, only nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers haven't been delivered to its forces. However, nothing worked, so how would this new "plan" turn the tide? Russian offensive capabilities only keep growing, with a deadly combination of artillery dominance and air superiority aided by unrivaled long-range strike systems. Not even NATO itself can match that, let alone the battered Kiev regime forces.

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