(2022-11-03). Premier reaffirms pledge on peaceful nuclear use. ecns.cn Premier Li Keqiang has reaffirmed China's commitment to promoting progress in nuclear technology and the growth of nuclear industries, and deepening international nuclear cooperation to facilitate socioeconomic transitioning so as to usher in more benefits for people in different nations.
(2022-11-03). US Sees No Indication Russia Is Preparing to Use Nuclear Weapon. news.antiwar.com The Biden administration said Wednesday that it has seen no indication that Russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine after a media report claimed Russian officials were discussing the matter. "We continue to monitor this as best we can, and we see no indications that Russia is making preparations for such use," White …
(2022-11-03). Canada prepares war bonds for Nazi-infested Ukrainian government. mronline.org During the Second World War, the Canadian government appealed for Canadians to buy war bonds to fight fascism in Europe.
(2022-11-03). The criminalization of the Ontario education workers strike and the global onslaught on workers' rights. wsws.org The abrogation of workers' rights by deeply unpopular governments in North America and Europe makes a mockery of their incessant claims to be mounting a crusade for "democracy" and "human rights" against "Russian aggression" in Ukraine.
(2022-11-03). Railworkers Support Rally at Oakland &SA Dockers Strike with ILWU, No War in Ukraine. indybay.org WorkWeek covers Railroad Workers Solidarity Rally At Port Of Oakland & SA Dockers Strike With ILWU, Oakland Rally Against War In Ukraine & The Life & Struggles of UFWA Founder Al Rojas…
(2022-11-03). Armed forces establishes new Territorial Leadership Command to militarise German society. wsws.org The new territorial command has two main tasks: to conduct and coordinate all Bundeswehr operations within Germany, and serve to mobilize troops for war operations, most immediately for the NATO offensive against Russia.
(2022-11-03). China's Path to Socialist Modernization. orinocotribune.com
(2022-11-03). Financial firms urged to be more self-reliant. ecns.cn China's newly established financial stability fund, its deposit insurance fund and other industry security funds shall not be used as the go-to bailout option while the country is dealing with financial risks.
(2022-11-03). Xi to address 5th CIIE opening ceremony via video, speech to be broadcast live. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping will deliver a speech via video at the opening ceremony of the fifth China International Import Expo (CIIE) and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum on Friday in Shanghai.
(2022-11-03). Health of giant panda at Taiwan zoo examined. ecns.cn Panda experts from the Chinese mainland have found that the health condition of a giant panda in Taiwan's Taipei Zoo, that is suspected of having a malignant brain tumor, is better than expected, island media Chinatimes.com reported on Wednesday, citing the zoo.
(2022-11-03). China's potential growth rate to remain in reasonable range: central bank governor. ecns.cn China's potential growth rate is expected to remain in a reasonable range, the country's central bank governor said Wednesday.
(2022-11-03). China completes transposition of Mengtian lab module. ecns.cn Mengtian lab module conducted successful transposition in orbit at 9: 32 am Thursday, marking that China Space Station completed assembly of T-shape basic structure. Shenzhou-14 taikonauts will enter Mengtian Thursday afternoon.
(2022-11-03). CPC Congress held at 'critical time', Chinese envoy tells UK symposium. ecns.cn Zheng Zeguang, China's ambassador to the United Kingdom, gave a briefing on the gist of the congress at the symposium, which was themed "China's New Journey — World's New Opportunities".
(2022-11-03). More policy support set for real economy. ecns.cn China is ramping up monetary support to consolidate the country's economic recovery, with the property market showing signs of a pickup while pro-investment measures are set to take effect in the fourth quarter.
(2022-11-03). Livestock transferred to winter pasture in Qinghai. ecns.cn Herders drive livestock on the way to winter pastures in Dulan County, Haixi Mongolian-Tibetan autonomous prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province, Nov. 2, 2022.
(2022-11-03). Mengtian lab module to conduct transposition, complete forming of China Space Station T-shape structure. ecns.cn The Mengtian is expected to carry out a transposition maneuver on Thursday, after which the China Space Station will complete the formation of the T-shape structure.
(2022-11-03). China Unicom clarifies new JV plan with Tencent. ecns.cn China Unicom said in a statement on Wednesday night that a new joint venture with Tencent Holdings Ltd has not yet finalized the registration process, which will have no significant impact on the company's current operation.
(2022-11-03). Suspect on the run abroad for 27 years caught. ecns.cn Qu Jianling, an economic crime suspect who fled overseas 27 years ago, was brought back to China on Saturday, the country's anti-graft watchdog said on Thursday.
(2022-11-03). China launches campaign to enhance marine eco-environment protection. ecns.cn A special law enforcement campaign has been launched in China to enhance marine eco-environment protection, and natural resources development and utilization.
(2022-11-03). Pakistan and China stand together as friends and partners: Pakistani Prime Minister. ecns.cn "At a time when the world is grappling with multiple challenges, Pakistan and China stand together as friends and partners," Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif tweeted Tuesday before starting his visit to China.
(2022-11-03). Xi to address 5th CIIE opening ceremony via video. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping will deliver a speech via video at the opening ceremony of the fifth China International Import Expo (CIIE) and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum on Friday.
(2022-11-03). First human blood virome of Chinese population mapped by Chinese researchers. ecns.cn The researchers analyzed the nonhuman sequencing reads in the whole-genome sequencing (WGS) dataset of 10,585 individuals from the China Metabolic Analytics Project (ChinaMAP) to investigate the blood virome in the Chinese population.
(2022-11-03). China, Pakistan to strengthen their high-quality cooperation. ecns.cn China and Pakistan, the "iron brothers" as they are called, have agreed to strengthen high-quality cooperation on massive infrastructure projects, including speeding up construction of the deep-sea Pakistani port of Gwadar.
(2022-11-03). Transposition of China space station lab module Mengtian completed. ecns.cn This screen image captured at Beijing Aerospace Control Center on Nov. 3, 2022 shows China's space station lab module Mengtian after successfully completing in-orbit transposition.
(2022-11-03). China calls for extra cooperation on global supply chain security. ecns.cn China called for more international cooperation to enhance industrial and supply chain security amid pressure from COVID-19 outbreaks, geopolitical tensions and a gloomy global outlook, the country's top economic regulator said on Wednesday.
(2022-11-03). China expresa su apoyo a Pakistán, asolado por las inundaciones. telesurtv.net Las recientes inundaciones en Pakistán mataron a más de 1.700 personas y afectaron a unos 33 millones.
(2022-11-03). Friday 12/2: STOP US NATO Drive Toward World War – International Day Of Action. indybay.org San Francico Federal Building | 70 9th St. | San Francisco…
(2022-11-03). Mueren en custodia policial cinco opositores haitianos. telesurtv.net Se produce en medio del clima de violencia interna y amenazas de intervención militar internacional.
(2022-11-03). US Fed implements fourth consecutive 0.75-point hike. ecns.cn The U.S. Federal Reserve on Wednesday implemented the fourth consecutive three-quarter point interest rate hike, amid the worst inflation in four decades.
(2022-11-03). Experts warn about overlap of flu, COVID. ecns.cn Health experts have called for strengthening virus monitoring and vaccination to guard against potential co-circulation of influenza and COVID-19 this winter.
(2022-11-03). Foto de un cocodrilo en Cuba gana premio en los Mangrove Photography Awards. cubadebate.cu Tanya Houppermans fue la gran ganadora de los premios Mangrove Photography de este año, por su primer plano de un cocodrilo rodeado de manglares en el archipiélago cubano Jardines de la Reina. En su octavo año, este concurso organizado por Mangrove Action Project tiene como objetivo mostrar las relaciones entre la vida silvestre, las comunidades costeras y los bosques de manglares.
(2022-11-03). Shenzhou-14 crew enters Mengtian lab module. ecns.cn Three taikonauts of the Shenzhou-14 crew entered Mengtian lab module Thursday afternoon Beijing Time.
(2022-11-03). Friday 11/4: Elect Justice, NOT Jenkins! indybay.org The San Francisco Police Officers Association | 800 Bryant @ 6th Street, SF…
(2022-11-03). Monday 10/31: Prop 1 Rally at USF. indybay.org On top of Lone Mountain at University of San Francisco!
(2022-11-03). Saturday 11/12: November Day of Action: Costco Drop Smithfield. indybay.org 2500 17th St ∑ San Francisco, CA…
(2022-11-03). Mainland experts visit Taipei Zoo to assist treatment of giant panda Tuan Tuan. ecns.cn Experts explain that the giant panda Tuan Tuan was diagnosed with a suspected brain tumor and will receive palliative care to improve his quality of life instead of any invasive surgery for the time being.
(2022-11-03). Friday 11/4: The Climate Gallery Launch: An Interactive Night For Art and Environment. indybay.org CounterPulse 80 Turk Street San Francisco, CA 94102…
(2022-11-03). PLA hospital ship Peace Ark embarks on 'Mission Harmony-2022'. ecns.cn The Chinese naval hospital ship will pay a friendly visit to Indonesia during the main voyage of ship's Mission Harmony-2022 task.
(2022-11-03). Xi hails important role of Arab League. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping praised the Arab League on Tuesday for making unremitting efforts to safeguard multilateralism and the common interests of developing countries.
(2022-11-03). Saturday 12/17: Author: Rage of Innocence by Kristin Henning and Reginald Dwayne Betts. indybay.org [ONLINE] San Francisco Main Library…
(2022-11-03). Air freighters increase to serve RCEP imports, exports. ecns.cn European aircraft manufacturer Airbus said that after the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement came into effect, the pact is expected to continuously drive the growth of international trade and fuel the demand for more freighters in the region.
(2022-11-03). Skydivers 'jump like a pharaoh' over great pyramids in Egypt. ecns.cn More than 100 parachutists from 16 countries participated in the "Jump Like a Pharaoh" festival at the site of Giza Pyramids ahead of COP27, which will be held in Egypt on November 6.
(2022-11-03). Chinese premier holds talks with Pakistani counterpart. ecns.cn Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held talks with Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif in Beijing on Wednesday.
(2022-11-03). Blessing sentences discovered on silk fragment of Han Dynasty in Hunan. ecns.cn Archaeologists from Hunan Museum discovered that the silk fragment was woven with blessing sentences "may you remain happy and enjoy longevity", marking the earliest sentence found in the silk fabrics unearthed so far.
(2022-11-03). Rice from space promises robust new varieties. ecns.cn Mutated rice seeds brought from space may provide new species on Earth and result in higher yields than their terrestrial counterparts.
(2022-11-03). Chinese scientists create new detailed map of moon rocks. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have created a high-resolution map of moon rocks, providing detailed information about the composition and distribution of lunar surface materials.
(2022-11-03). Dawn redwood trees add colors to forest park. ecns.cn Aerial view shows gorgeous autumn scenery in Wuling Mountain National Forest Park, in Fuling district, Chongqing. The dawn redwood forest is dressed in red and orange in late autumn in Park.
(2022-11-03). Real Madrid vence por amplio margen al Celtic en partido de la Champions League. cubadebate.cu El Real Madrid despejó las dudas de dos malos resultados seguidos con la contundencia que impulsó su triunfo más holgado de la temporada (5-1), castigando con dureza al Celtic en una goleada que nació desde dos penaltis por manos. De ese modo, accede a octavos como primero del grupo y el único superviviente español en la competición.
(2022-11-03). Presidente cubano lamenta fallecimiento de joven liniero que trabajaba en Pinar del Río. cubadebate.cu El Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, lamentó este miércoles el fallecimiento de un joven liniero que trabajaba en la recuperación de la electricidad en Pinar del Río. "Lleguen a su familia y amigos las condolencias por este doloroso accidente".
(2022-11-03). La imagen del día: Desde Manhattan, °Cuba sí, bloqueo no! cubadebate.cu En Manhattan, Nueva York, se muestran imágenes contra el bloqueo de Estados Unidos a Cuba, en la víspera de la votación en las Naciones Unidas.
(2022-11-03). Restablecido el servicio eléctrico a casi el 90% de los clientes en Pinar del Río. cubadebate.cu Según se conoció en la reunión de este miércoles, encabezada por el Presidente de la República para dar seguimiento a las labores de recuperación en la provincia de Pinar del Río, la situación más compleja en la restitución del servicio eléctrica se sigue presentado en San Juan y Martínez y San Luis donde, debido a la magnitud de los daños, aún los trabajos de restablecimiento eléctrico están al 57.36% y al 53.57%, respectivamente.
(2022-11-03). Detectan ilegalidades en los municipios Arroyo Naranjo y Habana del Este. cubadebate.cu El grupo de enfrentamiento a las ilegalidades del municipio Arroyo Naranjo durante el mes de octubre, mediante el operativo efectuado en el Consejo Popular Víbora Park en una Casa Almacén, ocupó un total de 116 files de huevos, 43 paquetes de detergente, 34 jabones de baño, 29 paquetes de toallitas húmedas y 23 paquetes de toallas sanitarias.
(2022-11-03). Saturday 11/12: El Salvador update – CISPES tour. indybay.org Answer Coalition hall. 2969 Mission Street, San Francisco…
(2022-11-03). Sunday 11/13: Learn about El Salvador. indybay.org Namaste Lounge, College Nine and John R. Lewis College, UC Santa Cruz…
(2022-11-02). NATO, Russia conduct simultaneous nuclear drills. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com
(2022-11-02). Both Sweden and Finland Won't Rule Out Hosting NATO Nuclear Weapons. news.antiwar.com Both Sweden and Finland Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin and her Swedish counterpart, Ulf Kristersson, made the comments during a joint press conference in Helsinki on Tuesday. | When asked if Finland would allow nuclear weapons, Marin said she didn't want to "close any doors" and that there should not be "any preconditions" to Finland joining NATO. | Kristersson said that Sweden and Finland will "a…
(2022-11-02). Why Are NATO and Russia Both Now Training for Nuclear War? globalresearch.ca
(2022-11-02). The Long History Of Anti-Jewish Prejudice And Violence By Ukrainians. popularresistance.org The July 21, 2022, issue of London Review of Books published an essay by Abigail Green reviewing the book by Jeffrey Veidlinger, In the Midst of Civilised Europe: The Pogroms of 1918-21 and the Onset of the Holocaust. The book analyzes the early history of independent Ukraine, specifically the years of the 'People's Republic of Ukraine' from late 1917 to 1920. The 'People's Republic' was a short-lived, pro-capitalist government which allied with Germany and the rest of capitalist Europe in opposing the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and seeking to drown it in blood. | Titled 'It all fell apart', the LRB essay analy…
(2022-11-02). U.S., NATO ready array of missiles for war in Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsNovember 1, 2022 Drone-killing Vampires due in Ukraine next year, Pentagon says The U.S. is aiming to send Ukraine the "Vampire" counter-drone system by mid-2023, with a contract award expected within months, a Pentagon spokesman said Tuesday. The Pentagon on Aug. 24 announced it would send the system, a laser-guided-missile launcher that can quickly …
(2022-11-02). Military Situation In Ukraine On November 2, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Russia struck the AFU positions near Kharkov with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Kupyansk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Smela with high-precision missiles; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Orlyanka; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Kuzemovka; | The Russian Army attacked the AFU positions near Makiivka; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Chervonopopovka;…
(2022-11-02). Military Situation In Kharkiv Region, Ukraine, On November 2, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org
(2022-11-02). Ukraine War Could Force Russia-China Into Military Alliance to Counter the US-NATO Threat. globalresearch.ca
(2022-11-02). Ilhan Omar CONFRONTED for Supporting NATO's War in Ukraine w/ Brian Berletic. thealtworld.com
(2022-11-02). Russia Rejoins Ukraine Grain Deal After Turkey's Mediation. news.antiwar.com Russia on Wednesday agreed to rejoin the deal that has allowed grain shipments to leave Ukraine's Black Sea ports after successful mediation from Turkey. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan announced that grain shipments resumed out of safe corridors set up by the agreement at 12pm Moscow time on Wednesday. Erdogan spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin about …
(2022-11-02). Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On November 2, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Clashes between the Russian army and the AFU continue in Mariinka; | The Russian Army advanced towards the village of Nevelske; | Clashes between the Russian army and the AFU continue near Opytne; | Clashes between the Russian army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut; | The Russian Army attacked the AFU positions in Makiivka; | The Russian Army attacked the AFU positions in Bilohorivka; | The Russian Army attacked the AFU positions in Verkhnyokamyanske; | Clashes b…
(2022-11-02). New Plan to Secure US Weapons in Ukraine Leaves Gaps: Experts. globalresearch.ca
(2022-11-02). After Over 8 Months of Pouring Arms Into Ukraine, US Announces Some Oversight. news.antiwar.com After over eight months of pouring tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons into Ukraine, the Biden administration has announced some steps it will take toward oversight of the military aid. The State Department announced the plan on October 27. It focuses on keeping powerful portable weapons like Javelin anti-tank missiles and Stinger anti-aircraft …
(2022-11-02). As Ukraine war escalates, the climate movement goes AWOL. mronline.org Lascaris: This is no time to prioritize political expediency and serenity over the reputational perils of anti-war activism.
(2022-11-02). Ukraine Bans Last Opposition Party. globalresearch.ca
(2022-11-02). Post-WWII Ukrainian Immigration to Britain. The "Waffen-SS GB / Ukraine" globalresearch.ca
(2022-11-02). Ukraine, Asterix and Rules: Notes from the Birthplace of American Empire. Nebojsa Malic. globalresearch.ca
(2022-11-02). Westerners live in denial, convinced they're the good guys. dissidentvoice.org No one took responsibility for the explosion over the weekend that ripped through a section of the Kerch Bridge that links Russia to Crimea and was built by Moscow after it annexed the peninsula back in 2014. But it was not just Kyiv's gleeful celebrations that indicated the main suspect. Within hours, the Ukrainian authorities …
(2022-11-02). UK sanctions 4 Russian steel, petrochemical tycoons. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 02 (MNA) — Britain has sanctioned four Russian steel and petrochemical business owners, including the former head of steel producer Evraz (EVRE.L), the government said on Wednesday, its latest measures taken against Moscow over Ukraine.
(2022-11-02). Putin ends call-up of reservists for conflict. ecns.cn Russian President Vladimir Putin announced late on Monday that Russia's "partial mobilization" drive is over, easing concerns that Moscow would attempt to call up more reservists than promised for its "special military operation" in Ukraine.
(2022-11-02). Tom Engelhardt: An Obituary for Our World. scheerpost.com Give Vladimir Putin full credit. His invasion of Ukraine helped take our minds off climate change at the worst possible moment (so far), even as his war only increases the level of greenhouse gases heading into the atmosphere.
(2022-11-02). Russia says foiled Ukraine special service sabotage in Crimea. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 02 (MNA) — Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) said on Wednesday that it had prevented a sabotage act by the Ukrainian special services at an energy infrastructure facility in Crimea.
(2022-11-02). More Than 30, 000 NATO Troops Are Stationed Along Russia's Border. libya360.wordpress.com MOSCOW/MINSK, November 2. /TASS/. The West seeks to destroy Russia's economy and military potential, making it impossible for the country to pursue an independent foreign policy, Russian defense chief Sergey Shoigu said at a joint board meeting of the Russian and Belarusian defense ministries on Wednesday. He pointed out that the number of NATO forces…
(2022-11-02). Progressive Caucus reversal shows U.S. Congress allows no antiwar voice. workers.org The cynicism of "Congressional Progressive Caucus" Democrats was exposed in their humiliating retraction this week of a letter sent to President Joe Biden calling on him to engage in direct diplomacy with the Russian government. Antiwar protest, the Bronx, New York City, Oct. 15. (WW Photo: Brenda Sandburg) After the . . . |
(2022-11-02). Military Situation In Syria On November 2, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On November 2, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 2 times: 1 in Hama province, 1 in Idlib province; | On November 2, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Ma'rblit village; | On November 2, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Ruwayha village; | On November 2, evacuation of civilians from the Tariq Al-Sad neighborhood towards safe areas near the city of Daraa began…
(2022-11-02). Rediscover Russia, Rediscover China. infobrics.org China is the most worthy global partner for Russia's economy. Against the backdrop of the United States' continuous policy of containing China, the strengthening of economic cooperation between China and Russia as well as other non-Western countries is also an inevitable trend, writes Wang Wen, Executive Dean, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China…
(2022-11-02). Russian FM blasts West anti-Iran media campaign. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 02 (MNA) — Criticizing the West anti-Iran media campaign, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov emphasized that West media claim against Islamic Republic of Iran will lead to a dangerous escalation of tension in the Persian Gulf.
(2022-11-02). Kremlin reacts to media claims on Iran plan against S Arabia. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 02 (MNA) — Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Wednesday reacted to the western media's claims that Iran is planning to strike Saudi Arabia.
(2022-11-02). Iran-Russia to ink contract worth $40bn next week: Safari. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 02 (MNA) — The Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for the Economic Diplomacy said that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), worth $40 billion, will be signed between Iran and Russia next month.
(2022-11-02). Russia launches Soyuz rocket carrying military satellite. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 02 (MNA) — According to the Russian defense ministry, the country has launched a Soyuz rocket carrying a military satellite into space.
(2022-11-02). Syrian Army Deploys Russian-Backed Elite Force Along Key Road In Central Region. southfront.org On November 1, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) deployed a large force from the elite 25th Special Mission Forces Division, commonly known as the Tiger Forces, along a key road that links Hama with Raqqa in central Syria. | According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the force established 20 positions along the road that starts in the town of al-San in the eastern Hama countryside, passes through the nearby key town of Ithriyah and ends up in the town of al-Tabqah in the southern country…
(2022-11-02). ME, N Africa play important role in multipolar world. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 02 (MNA) — The Middle East and North Africa play an increasingly important role in a "multipolar" world, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
(2022-11-02). Analyst: Russia always been open to possibility of resuming energy supplies to Europe. thealtworld.com Former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter, says despite Europe's efforts in the field of the Russian energy embargo, Russia has always been open to the possibility of resuming energy supplies to Europe. | Russia denounces UK for 'directing, coordinating' Nord Stream pipeline explosions | Russia has once again accused the United Kingdom of 'directing and coordinating' explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines on the floor of the Baltic Sea in late September. | Guests | Scott Ritter | Prof. Glenn Diesen…
(2022-11-02). Russian, Iranian envoys to Vienna-based organizations meet. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 02 (MNA) — Russian Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov said he held a meeting with his Iranian counterpart in Vienna on Wednesday.
(2022-11-02). China's upcoming import expo attracts 145 countries, regions, int'l organs. ecns.cn Representatives from a total of 145 countries, regions and international organizations will participate in the upcoming fifth China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, the organizer said on Tuesday.
(2022-11-02). Middle route of China's mega water diversion project hits annual target. ecns.cn The middle route of China's South-to-North Water Diversion Project has completed its annual water diversion target this year, with the amount of water transferred hitting a record high.
(2022-11-02). China's railways up logistics for annual online shopping spree. ecns.cn China's railway stations are stepping up logistics services to meet the usually surging delivery demand during the annual November online shopping bonanza.
(2022-11-02). Golden desert poplar trees along Tarim River in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Stunning autumn scenery of desert poplar trees, also known as populus euphratica, along the Tarim River in Xayar County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
(2022-11-02). Majority of UN nations back China's stance in rights issue. ecns.cn A majority of United Nations member countries voiced their support for China and opposition to using human rights as an excuse to interfere in China's internal affairs at a meeting of the UN General Assembly's human rights committee.
(2022-11-02). Millennia-old trench and cemeteries found in NW China. ecns.cn Archeologists have unearthed a large ring trench and adult cemeteries dating back to the late Yangshao Culture period in the city of Xianyang, northwest China's Shaanxi Province.
(2022-11-02). China, Vietnam vow to further deepen partnership. ecns.cn China and Vietnam vowed on Tuesday to further strengthen and deepen their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, and reiterated the vital importance of properly handling their differences and upholding peace and stability in the South China Sea.
(2022-11-02). Ancient stone bridge revealed after water level drops in Jiangxi. ecns.cn A stone bridge of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) reemerges from Xiannv (Fairy) Lake after water level drops in Xinyu city, east China's Jiangxi Province, Nov. 1, 2022.
(2022-11-02). Chinese structural biologist Yan Ning will return to China to establish medical academy. ecns.cn Chinese structural biologist Yan Ning announced at the 2022 Shenzhen Global Innovative Forum of Talents on Tuesday that she will resign from Princeton University and return to China to help establish the Shenzhen Medical Academy of Research and Translation.
(2022-11-02). China-ASEAN Satellite Remote Sensing Application Center established. ecns.cn The inauguration ceremony of China-ASEAN Satellite Remote Sensing Application Center was held in Beijing both online and offline on Tuesday.
(2022-11-02). Pakistan expects China's support for disaster management: official. ecns.cn Pakistan is likely to ask for China's support in developing disaster management institutions and dealing with post-flood public health emergency situations.
(2022-11-02). (100 great changes) Liangzhu: revitalized 'First City of China'. ecns.cn This is the archaeological site of Liangzhu City, known as the "First City of China." Its history dates back to about 5,000 years ago, the same period as the ancient Egyptian civilization and the Sumerian civilization.
(2022-11-02). China's VR industry aims to exceed $48 billion by 2026. ecns.cn China's virtual reality industry, including hardware, software, and applications, is expected to reach 350 billion yuan ($48.12 billion) by 2026, according to a plan released by China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Tuesday.
(2022-11-02). Nation to continue promoting protecting heritage, traditions. ecns.cn China will continue to stress efforts to inherit and enhance the influence of traditional culture.
(2022-11-02). They say: All segments of Pakistani society see China and Pakistan as Iron Brothers. ecns.cn
(2022-11-02). Podcast Ep 68: How Zionists collaborated with the Nazis. electronicintifada.net Author Tony Greenstein talks about his new book "Zionism during the Holocaust."
(2022-11-02). Camelot's Slurs: The Libelling of Adlai Stevenson. dissidentvoice.org How do you bury responsibility for a decision inspired by a pilfered idea? Blame someone else, especially if that person came up with the idea to begin with. This tried method of distraction was used with invidious gusto by US President John F. Kennedy, who recast his role in reaching an agreement with the Soviet …
(2022-11-02). 'US Has No Plans To Withdraw From Syria or End Sanctions': Official. orinocotribune.com Despite claiming its presence in Syria is solely to fight ISIS, US forces instead maintain regime change policies against Damascus and illegally loot the country's oil | The Coordinator of Strategic Communications for Washington's National Security Council, John Kirby, said on 28 October that the US has no plans to either ease the Caesar Act sanctions against Syria or to withdraw its illegally occupying forces from the country. | The Caesar Act, passed by Congress in 2019, imposes harsh sanctions against Syria and targets any state, business, or individual involved with the Damascus government. | In an attempt to…
(2022-11-02). Iran forwarded new negotiation solutions to EU's Borrell. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 02 (MNA) — Regarding the Vienna talks on the removal of anti-Iran sanctions, the Iranian top negotiator Bagheri Kani said that Iran has sent initiatives to EU coordinator Josep Borrell with the aim of advancing and concluding the talks.
(2022-11-02). Videos: NATO holds combat exercise in Lithuania. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeOctober 31, 2022 Video: NATO Allies train in defence operations and counter attacks during Exercise Iron Wolf Exercise Iron Wolf II tested the ability of nine NATO nations to carry out…operations and counter-attacks. During one scenario, troops from the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic teamed up to launch a mock …
(2022-11-02). Turkey Not Happy With Sweden's 'Elegant Promises' to Crack Down on Kurds. news.antiwar.com Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has said Ankara is not happy with promises Sweden has made to crack down on Kurdish groups in an effort to join NATO, The Cradle reported on Tuesday. Omer Celik, the spokesman for the AKP, said Monday that Sweden "makes very beautiful, elegant promises at the very highest level …
(2022-11-02). Asesinan a otro líder del pueblo Awá en Nariño, Colombia. telesurtv.net Carlos Alberto García Sepúlveda fue asesinado por tres sujetos encapuchados a solo trescientos metros de su casa.
(2022-11-02). "Nazi Billionaires" by David de Jong: How Hitler's financiers are still in business. wsws.org De Jong gives a detailed and well-researched account of the intimate involvement of some of Germany's largest business dynasties with the National Socialists (Nazis) and shows how, after the war, they were able to continue amassing wealth, retain decisive influence in business and financial spheres, and even resume the financing of fascist tendencies.
(2022-11-02). Nazi Billionaires by David de Jong: How Hitler's financiers are still in business. wsws.org De Jong gives a detailed and well-researched account of the intimate involvement of some of Germany's largest business dynasties with the National Socialists (Nazis) and shows how, after the war, they were able to continue amassing wealth, retain decisive influence in business and financial spheres, and even resume the financing of fascist tendencies.
(2022-11-02). Bolivia Warns of a Repetition of the Coup d'Etat of 2019. libya360.wordpress.com The Bolivian president participated in the inauguration of the new Military High Command of the country. President Luis Arce Catacora warned this Tuesday that Bolivia is threatened by actors who support "confrontation and violence", who speak of "marching towards federalization", threatening "against national integrity" and therefore demanded the Armed Forces safeguard political stability and defend…
(2022-11-02). Glaring Western Hypocrisy on Human Rights in Africa: Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. libya360.wordpress.com Ann Garrison The US and EU are complicit in the continued Rwandan and Ugandan incursions into the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as in their support of their TPLF proxies against Ethiopia. On October 31st, thousands of Congolese in Goma, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo's North Kivu Province, protested the war of aggression…
(2022-11-02). Grain Deal Collapsed. War On Communication Lines Coming. southfront.org |
(2022-11-02). Xi sends condolences to Indian president, PM over bridge collapse. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday sent a message of condolence to Indian President Droupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi over a bridge collapse in India's western state of Gujarat, which had caused serious casualties.
(2022-11-02). 5th CIIE to be held in Shanghai. ecns.cn Representatives from a total of 145 countries, regions and international organizations and 284 leading enterprises, including some of the world's top 500 companies will participate in the 5th CIIE, which will be held from Nov. 5 to 10.
(2022-11-02). Imperial and University of Ghana partner to develop student entrepreneurs. imperial.ac.uk Imperial, the University of Ghana and the Impact Hub Accra have partnered in an initiative to develop student entrepreneurs.
(2022-11-02). Giant pandas have fun at Chongqing Zoo. ecns.cn Giant pandas spend more time to play outside in autumn in Chongqing Zoo.
(2022-11-02). Chinese FM sends condolences to Indian counterpart over deadly bridge collapse. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday sent a condolence message to Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar over a bridge collapse that caused heavy casualties in India's state of Gujarat.
(2022-11-02). Xi sends condolences over Indian bridge collapse. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping on Monday sent a message of condolence to Indian President Droupadi Murmu and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi over a deadly bridge collapse in western India.
(2022-11-02). Self-employed businesses enter new era as regulation takes effect. ecns.cn The regulation promises greater supportive policies, including on taxation, finance, employment, digital development and intellectual property protection, to individual businesses.
(2022-11-02). PLA hospital ship to pay friendly visit to Indonesia. ecns.cn The Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark will pay a friendly visit to Indonesia during the main voyage of the ship's Mission Harmony-2022 task, the Chinese military announced on Tuesday.
(2022-11-02). Xi sends congratulations to 31st Arab League Summit. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday sent a congratulatory message to Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the rotating president of the Council of the Arab League (AL), on the convening of the 31st AL Summit in Algiers.
(2022-11-02). Two Imperial academics win ERC Advanced Grants for 'cutting-edge' research. imperial.ac.uk Two Imperial academics have won European Research Council grants to accelerate their ground-breaking research into materials and chemical engineering.
(2022-11-02). S. Korea Halloween crush Victims' belongings fill sports center. ecns.cn Shoes retrieved by police from the scene of the deadly stampede that killed at least 156 people in the Itaewon district are displayed at a gymnasium for relatives of victims to collect, in Seoul, South Korea, Nov. 1, 2022.
(2022-11-02). Singles Day shopping bonanza off to roaring start. ecns.cn The Singles Day extended shopping festival saw booming sales on its grand opening that kicked off at 8 pm on Monday, four hours earlier than in previous years, with homegrown brands and livestreaming sessions gaining popularity among Chinese consumers.
(2022-11-02). World faces risk of combined epidemic of influenza and COVID-19 in the coming winter: top Chinese epidemiologists. ecns.cn The world still faces the risk of a combined pandemic of COVID-19 and influenza, especially this winter, Zhong Nanshan, top Chinese respiratory diseases expert, said on Tuesday.
(2022-11-02). Investors take a shine to Chinese bonds. ecns.cn Foreign investors will continue to increase their exposure to Chinese bonds, thanks to the country's ongoing economic recovery and stable monetary policy, officials and experts said on Tuesday.
(2022-11-02). Shanghai Wild Animal Park raises baby chimp for the first time. ecns.cn A baby chimpanzee was born on Sept. 1, 2022. Her weight has grown from 1,750 grams at birth to 2,600 grams and she now drinks milk seven times a day.
(2022-11-02). S.Korean PM says Halloween crowd crush blamed on incomplete crowd management. ecns.cn The crowd crush that happened Saturday night at Itaewon district of the South Korean capital Seoul during Halloween celebrations can be blamed in part on incomplete crowd management, according to South Korean Prime Minister Han Duck-soo on Tuesday.
(2022-11-02). Estados Unidos Relatos del poder. globalizacion.ca En febrero de este año, y simultáneamente con la invasión rusa a Ucrania, el gobierno norteamericano desató una guerra informativa proclamando la inmediata derrota rusa y negando toda posibilidad de negociación del conflicto. Por estos días este relato va colocando…
(2022-11-02). Filis de Filadelfia toman la delantera en la Serie Mundial del béisbol. cubadebate.cu Amparados en el bateo de largo metraje, los Filis de Filadelfia apalearon por 7-0 a los Astros de Houston y se pusieron delante en la Serie Mundial del béisbol de Estados Unidos, por dos victorias contra una. Desde el mismo primer capítulo, Bryce Harper calentó el partido con soberbio cuadrangular de dos carreras, a lo profundo del jardín derecho.
(2022-11-02). Albornoz domina Abierto de Ajedrez de Málaga. cubadebate.cu Carlos Daniel Albornoz redondeó siete puntos de nueve posibles para coronarse hoy en el XVI Torneo Abierto Internacional de Ajedrez de Málaga 2022, en España. Segundo preclasificado por su ranking de 2 mil 594 unidades Elo, consiguió cinco triunfos y cuatro tablas en una cita en que enfrentó a hombres con más de 2 mil 450 de Elo.
(2022-11-02). Disponibles para su consulta proyectos de leyes de la Fiscalía y de la Contraloría General de la República. cubadebate.cu La Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular (ANPP) dispuso en su sitio web los textos de los proyectos de leyes de la Fiscalía General de la República y De la Contraloría General de la República de Cuba y del Sistema de Control Superior de los Fondos Públicos y de la Gestión Administrativa, y sus respectivos correos electrónicos habilitados, con el propósito de promover la participación ciudadana en este proceso y contribuir a la cultura jurídica.
(2022-11-02). Amplía Bolsa MiTransfer opciones de pago electrónico. cubadebate.cu El pago de servicios por medios electrónicos continúa ganando intensidad en el país, tras la implementación de nuevas ofertas, como la Bolsa MiTransfer, cuenta virtual de dinero asociada a un número móvil, con la particularidad de apuntar a un sector no bancarizado de la población.
(2022-11-02). øQué ocurrió este miércoles en la Liga Élite de Béisbol? cubadebate.cu Cafetaleros superó 2×1 a Ganaderos en nueve capítulos. El éxito quedó en poder Danny Betancourt Chacón (quien permitió una carrera limpia y cuatro hits en 6.0 episodios) y el revés a manos de Yander Guevara Morales. Con esta victoria, los Cafetaleros acumulan cuatro triunfos ante cuatro fracasos.
(2022-11-02). El tiempo: Lluvias en la costa norte y en la región occidental. cubadebate.cu Estará nublado en zonas de la costa norte con la ocurrencia de chubascos ocasionales. En el resto del país estará parcialmente nublado y se nublara en la tarde en localidades de la región occidental con la ocurrencia de algunas lluvias que serán aisladas en el resto del archipiélago.
(2022-11-02). Cuba denuncia estímulo de los EEUU a salidas ilegales y desordenadas (+ Video). cubadebate.cu " øCuántos muertos más hacen faltan para que Estados Unidos tenga una relación migratoria normal con Cuba? øCuántos muertos más hacen falta para que eliminen la ley de Ajuste Cubano? øCuántos muertos más hacen falta para eliminar el bloqueo y las medidas tomadas en medio de la pandemia?", preguntó el coronel Mario Méndez Mayedo, al intervenir en la Mesa Redonda dedicada al impacto de la emigración ilegal y su costo humano.
(2022-11-02). Brasil El triunfo de Lula y la esperanza. globalizacion.ca En este artículo el autor reflexiona sobre el triunfo de Lula desde la perspectiva del cumplimiento de la 'Carta para el Brasil del mañana'. | Triunfó Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva en la segunda vuelta de la elección presidencial en Brasil,…
(2022-11-02). Presentarán el próximo sábado exposición fotográfica Detrás de esta guitarra… cubadebate.cu El próximo sábado 5 de noviembre, a las cuatro de la tarde, se presentará la exposición fotográfica Detrás de esta guitarra…, de la periodista de Ideas Multimedios Heydy Montes de Oca. La muestra será expuesta en la peña de Tato Ayrees, en Prado 354, y las palabras de presentación estarán a cargo de Ares.
(2022-11-02). Evidencias clínicas actualizadas ratifican efectividad de las vacunas Abdala y Soberana. cubadebate.cu Resultados de los inmunógenos cubanos contra la Covid-19 continúan confirmando, señaló el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, que ambas vacunas son un hito de la medicina cubana, de la industria biofarmacéutica cubana, de nuestro sistema de salud y de la Revolución.
(2022-11-02). Controlan escape de amoníaco en empresa de La Habana. cubadebate.cu En las primeras horas de la mañana de este miércoles se produjo una rotura en una tubería del interior de una de las cámaras de refrigeración en la empresa Copmar, ubicada en la zona del Anillo del Puerto de La Habana, hecho que provocó un escape de amoníaco, que se encuentra controlado, según las autoridades.
(2022-11-02). Sincronizó la unidad uno de Felton al sistema electroenergético nacional. cubadebate.cu Este miércoles sincronizó al sistema electroenergético nacional la unidad uno de la termoeléctrica Lidio Ramón Pérez, en Felton, luego de ocho días de mantenimiento ligero. Pasadas las cuatro de la tarde el turbogrupo generaba 240 MW y continuaba subiendo carga hasta alcanzar los 250 MW.
(2022-11-02). Recibe Díaz-Canel al eurodiputado Massimiliano Smeriglio. cubadebate.cu "Para nosotros era importante conocerle personalmente, porque conocemos de toda su labor en apoyo a Cuba, en apoyo a la lucha contra el bloqueo", dijo el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, al diputado al Parlamento Europeo, Massimiliano Smeriglio.
(2022-11-01). Finland, Sweden ready to host NATO nuclear weapons. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com BloombergNovember 1, 2022 Nordic NATO Candidates Seek No Opt-Outs on Nuclear Weapons Finland and Sweden reiterated they plan to ask for no opt-outs from hosting NATO's bases or nuclear weapons as they join the…alliance. Asked at a press conference in Helsinki on Tuesday whether Finland would allow nuclear weapons in its territory during peace time …
(2022-11-01). IAEA starts 'dirty bomb' claims inspections in Ukraine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) experts have started an inspection at two nuclear sites under Ukraine's request, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said.
(2022-11-01). Nuclear plant starts providing heating in Liaoning. ecns.cn The Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station in Liaoning province was put into operation and started providing heating to residents this winter, said its operator China General Nuclear Power Corporation.
(2022-11-01). Putin Skewers US Ineptitude. popularresistance.org Speaking on Oct. 27 at the Valdai International Discussion Club, Russian President Vladimir Putin questioned the sanity of those who would "spoil relations with China at the same time they are supplying billions-worth of weapons to Ukraine in a fight against Russia." | In answer to a question on "the growing tensions between China and the United States over Taiwan," Putin labeled visits by top U.S. officials to Taiwan a "provocation." Putin added: | Frankly, I do not know why they are doing this. … Are they sane? It seems that this runs completely counter to common sense and logic … This is simply crazy. | It…
(2022-11-01). Afraid To Fall Into Russian Trap In Kherson, Ukrainians Risk Being Surrounded In Ugledar. southfront.org |
(2022-11-01). Russia Launches More Strikes on Ukrainian Infrastructure After Crimea Drone Attack. news.antiwar.com Russia on Monday launched more missile barrages against Ukrainian energy infrastructure after it said Ukraine launched a drone attack on the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. According to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, the strikes targeted 10 regions across Ukraine and damaged 18 mostly energy-related facilities. He said the missile barrage left hundreds of …
(2022-11-01). US 'DELTA' Program Used By Ukrainian Military Command Hacked By 'Joker DPR' Hacker Team. southfront.org An anonymous team of hacker "Joker DPR" claimed that it hacked all military command and control programs used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) with databases on the location of the Ukrainian and Russian Armies. Among them, there is the vaunted US-made Delta military program, which is actively used by the AFU. | Earlier, the Ukrainian media revealed the foreign modern technologies and software used by Ukrainian servicemen which was provided by their US commanders. The Ukrainian servicema…
(2022-11-01). Is the U.S. and NATO Running Another Operation Gladio in Europe? libya360.wordpress.com Christopher Helali [Source: russiancouncil.ru][ [In Part Two of this three-part series on foreign mercenary fighters in Ukraine, (see Part 1) the nexus between mercenaries with experience in Syria, Ukraine and U.S.-EU-NATO armed forces becomes more apparent. This second part of the investigation looks at Shaun Pinner, Alexander Tobiassen, John Harding, Sjoerd Heeger, Craig Lang and Ben Fischer.—Editors]…
(2022-11-01). Lies, Spies and US Bioweapons on the Verge of Armageddon. libya360.wordpress.com Wayne Cristaudo Initially, when the Russians brought the existence of the Ukrainian biolabs to the attention of the world, it was denied outright—the official Western response was—"those Ruskies just never stop lying." And having shut down RT news, hardly anyone in the West knew anything about the Russian claim except that it was being made and it was therefore "disinformation," and only…
(2022-11-01). Why NATO's Wars Should Worry Africa. libya360.wordpress.com Farid Abdulhamid NATO's encroachment on Russia is not only a threat to world peace but a clear and present danger to resource-rich regions like Africa. Farid Abdulhamid argues victory in Ukraine will embolden the western military bloc to escalate its agenda in Africa. Abdulhamid calls on activists to lead a vigorous campaign to de-militarise the…
(2022-11-01). Pentagon adds NASAMS missiles to 1,400 Stingers sent to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformNovember 1, 2022 United States to send eight NASAMS to Ukraine — Pentagon The U.S. government will transfer eight NASAMS air defense systems to Ukraine, and two of them will arrive in Ukraine in the near future. U.S. Senior Defense Official said this at a briefing…. "The United States has already provided [Ukraine with] 1,400 …
(2022-11-01). So far this year: NATO nations provided Ukraine with weapons worth 86% of Russian military budget. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformNovember 1, 2022 This year, allies provide Ukraine weapons worth 86% of Russia's military budget — Kyslytsya The total defense and security assistance provided to Ukraine by Western nations in the current year stands at EUR 41.3 billion, which is 86% of the military budget of the…Russian Federation. Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the UN, Sergiy …
(2022-11-01). Street Shootings Started In Ukrainian Capital Amid Blackout (Video). southfront.org Active shootings are reported in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, which has been plunged into darkness as a result of Russian strikes on energy infrastructure. | Since February 2022, various gangs became active in Kiev, some robbing residents, some banks and stores. The previous peak of criminal gang activity was in March-April 2022. At that time, the Russian military was near Kiev, causing panic among some citizens and hope for looting amidst the chaos for others. | Today, the story seems to be repe…
(2022-11-01). Military Situation In Ukraine On November 1, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Russia struck the AFU positions near Bereznegovatoe with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Kupyansk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Novaya Kamenka with high-precision missiles; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Orlyanka; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Kuzemovka; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Chervonopopovka; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks ne…
(2022-11-01). Russia Revealed Ukraine's Losses And Damage To Its Military Infrastructure After Another Day Of Hostilities. southfront.org On November 1, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine. | The Russian MoD reported on the results of the missile and UAV attacks on the military and energy infrastructure facilities throughout Ukraine on October 31. Russian high-precision long-range air- and sea-based weapons hit the facilities of control, communications and energy systems of Ukraine. As a result the management of the Armed Force…
(2022-11-01). Czech Protesters Rail Against Inflation, Sanctions and the Ukraine Proxy War. towardfreedom.org The rally united tens of thousands, from the left and right, against the Czech government's support for sanctions on Russia and the war in Ukraine, reports Connor Freeman.
(2022-11-01). Ukraine Tells GOP the US Needs to Give More Than Just Weapons. news.antiwar.com Amid talk that a Republican-controlled Congress may not be willing to write a "blank check" for Ukraine, Kyiv's message to the GOP is that they need to provide money to fund the Ukrainian government on top of the weapons they need to fight Russia. Ukrainian officials say they're not worried they will lose military aid …
(2022-11-01). Putin Says 'Necessary Conditions' May Arise for Peace Talks. news.antiwar.com On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the "necessary conditions" for peace talks with Ukraine could arise and acknowledged Kyiv was not ready for negotiations at this time. "We reached an agreement with them in Istanbul, but they've thrown all of that into the bin," Putin said at a press conference in Sochi, according …
(2022-11-01). Sea Grain Caravans Continue Sail From Ukraine To Turkey Ignoring All Russian Warnings. southfront.org On October 31, 2022, at least 12 sea transports began moving along the previously established corridor for the transportation of grain from Odessa in the direction towards Turkey. | Earlier, the Russian authorities announced that they were suspending their participation in the "grain" deal after the attack of the Russian Black Sea Fleet ships on the roads of Sevastopol.The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation informed that the movement of dry cargoes along the transport corridor of the…
(2022-11-01). EAM Jaishankar Likely to Visit Russia in November. infobrics.org For the first time since the war broke out between Russia and Ukraine in February this year, External Affairs Minister (EAM) S Jaishankar is likely to visit Russia in November to discuss bilateral issues, including energy, food security, and trade…
(2022-11-01). The US Military Is Conducting Onsite Weapons Inspections Inside Ukraine. news.antiwar.com A Pentagon official told reporters on Monday that US military personnel have recently begun onsite inspections of US-provided weapons inside Ukraine, confirming a small US military presence on the ground. "US personnel have recently resumed onsite inspections to assess weapon stocks in country whenever and wherever the security conditions allow," the Pentagon official said, speaking …
(2022-11-01). The Long History of Anti-Jewish Prejudice and Violence by Ukrainian Nationalists, and How Soviet Ukraine Fought Against It. orinocotribune.com By Dmitri Kovalevich Oct 21, 2022 | While Ivy League professors and book writers in the West equate the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany, the Soviets fought the Nazis and ended violent anti-Jewish pogroms. | The following article is jointly produced by Covert Action Magazine and New Cold War.org. The introduction is by the editors of the two publications. | Introduction | The July 21, 2022, issue of London Review of Books published an essay by Abigail Green reviewing the book by Jeffrey Veidlinger, In the Midst of Civilised Europe: The Pogroms of 1918-21 and the Onset of the Holocaust. The book analyzes the e…
(2022-11-01). Russia suspends, not withdraws from grain export deal with Ukraine: Defense Ministry. ecns.cn The Russian Defense Ministry announced Monday that as the main participant in the Black Sea Grain Initiative, Russia does not withdraw from it but suspends it.
(2022-11-01). 87,000 mobilized people sent to combat zone in Ukraine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu said on Tuesday that 87,000 of 300,000 mobilized people have already been sent to the combat zone in Ukraine.
(2022-11-01). Pentagon chief, Polish DM discuss U.S. troops in Poland, military upgrades. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish RadioOctober 31, 2022 Polish defence minister, US counterpart discuss Ukraine Poland's Defence Minister Mariusz B≈Çaszczak has said he has spoken on the phone with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin to discuss the latest developments in…Ukraine. *** He added that the conversation also focused on "the details of US troop presence in Poland" as well …
(2022-11-01). New air alerts sound throughout Ukraine. en.cubadebate.cu Air alerts have been activated this Tuesday morning in the Ukrainian capital and later throughout the country. It is the second day of this week that begins with an air alert throughout the Ukrainian territory. This Monday, in various regions of the country, a series of attacks against critical and energy infrastructure were recorded. Russian missiles have hit a power plant near Svetlovodsk, according to authorities in the Krivoy Rog region, while the hydroelectric power plant in the city of Novodnestrovsk has also been hit.
(2022-11-01). VIDEO: Russia's missile strike on Ukraine's Poltava region. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — The footage shows Russia's Monday missile strike against targets in the Poltava region in central Ukraine.
(2022-11-01). Ukraine fighting against new big union of Russia, Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that his country is fighting against a new big union, Russia and Iran, and expressed hope that Israel will help Kyiv and strongly react to this.
(2022-11-01). The West Must Stop Blocking Negotiations Between Ukraine and Russia. scheerpost.com Ukrainians have been paying a terrible price for the failure of ensuring sensible and reasonable negotiations from 2014 to February 2022 — which could have prevented the invasion by Russia in the first place, and once the war started, could have led to the end of this war.
(2022-11-01). NATO Had Plans for a Preemptive Strike on Russia Using the Cover of a French-Led Naval Exercise in the Mediterranean. globalresearch.ca
(2022-11-01). "Let's Get Out of NATO": Discontent Soars Across Europe as Russian Sanctions Backfire. globalresearch.ca
(2022-11-01). Military Situation In Syria On November 1, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On November 1, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 3 times; | On November 1, four ISIS militants were killed in clashes with local gunmen in Daraa city; | On November 1, clashes between the Turkish-backed factions and HTS were reported in the village of Sari near Rajo town; | On October 31, a leader of the Third Legion of the Turkish-backed factions was killed by an IED explosion in the countryside of Afrin. | MORE ON…
(2022-11-01). Russia-India Bilateral Trade to Track to Reach US$40 Billion as Cheap Oil Exports Increase. infobrics.org Setting Up in India Can Alleviate an EU Energy Crunch as Cheap Energy Fuels Productivity and GDP Growth…
(2022-11-01). Russia's RB Capital to Set Up a Joint Venture Investment Firm in China. infobrics.org
(2022-11-01). Putin hails Modi as "great patriot", says "the future belongs to India" infobrics.org Economic ties between India and Russia continue to deepen.
(2022-11-01). Tehran-Moscow cooperation to make sanctions ineffective. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji said the expansion of cooperation between Iran and Russia will make international sanctions ineffective.
(2022-11-01). Chinese envoy urges removal of obstacles to Russia's grain, fertilizer exports. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy on Monday called on relevant countries to take concrete measures to remove the obstacles facing Russia's grain and fertilizer exports, warning against politicizing and weaponizing economic and trade issues.
(2022-11-01). Iran-Russia relations have growing trend: oil minister. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — Iranian oil minister says that due to the determination of the high-ranking officials of Iran and Russia in recent years, bilateral and multilateral relations have a growing trend.
(2022-11-01). Iran, Russia agree to sign free trade agreement with EAEU. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — Russia and Iran have agreed to sign a free trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union in the near future, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Tuesday.
(2022-11-01). Russia Considers 'Further Steps' Over Allegation That the UK Was Behind Nord Stream Blasts. news.antiwar.com The Kremlin on Tuesday said that Russia was considering "further steps" to take in response to Britain's alleged role in the attacks on the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines, which connect Russia and Germany. "Such actions cannot be put aside. Of course, we will think about further steps. It definitely cannot be left like this," …
(2022-11-01). UK involved in attack on Black Sea fleet, Nord Stream. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — The Kremlin on Tuesday said Russia's intelligence has information about London's involvement in attacks on Nord Stream gas pipelines and its Black Sea fleet in the port of Sevastopol.
(2022-11-01). Russia announces readiness to invest in Iran's ports. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — In a statement on Tuesday, the Russian government announced it's readiness to invest in Iranian ports.
(2022-11-01). Iran, Russia ink 4 cooperation documents. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — Iran and Russia signed four cooperation documents at the 16th Joint Commission for Economic Cooperation aiming at expanding the relations between the two countries.
(2022-11-01). Yerevan, Baku to respect each other's territorial integrity. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — The leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia issued a statement after a meeting in Sochi whereby the need to respect each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty was emphasized and the use of force was ruled out.
(2022-11-01). Iran-Russia political, security relations 'strategic': MP. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) — The Chairman of Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said the the level of political and security relations between Iran and Russia is 'strategic'.
(2022-11-01). Lula's Speech to the World: 'Brazil Is Back'. orinocotribune.com In his acceptance speech, the new president-elect of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, told the world that his country is back. | During his first speech as president-elect, Lula promised to return Brazil to the position it held before the removal of his ally Dilma Rousseff in 2016, when Brazil was recognized as the founder of regional and international alliances such as BRICS, also made up of Russia, India, China, and South Africa. | Pensavam que tinham acabado com a minha vida política. Que tinham me destruído. Mas estou aqui outra vez. Firme, forte e apaixonado. Nà£o há nada que vá me fazer esmorecer. B…
(2022-11-01). China's "Social Credit Score System" — Fact or Fiction? libya360.wordpress.com Western government & the Western media have deliberately lied about China operating a central "social credit score" system driven by political and ideological criteria. However the same Western sources admit upon further examination that this is a myth, that no such system exists, and the multitude of systems China does use are for tracking and…
(2022-11-01). New data reveals 410-million-year-old horned cowfish. ecns.cn New material of the 410-million-year-old Pterogonaspis yuhaii from Qujing City, southwest China's Yunnan Province, reveals the morphology of the ventral side of the headshield for the first time.
(2022-11-01). China's Mengtian lab module docks with space station combination. ecns.cn The Mengtian lab module docks with China's Tiangong space station combination on Nov. 1, 2022.
(2022-11-01). Xi pledges to cement ties with Vietnam. ecns.cn China and Vietnam have agreed to consolidate their traditional friendship, strengthen the strategic communication between them, enhance political mutual trust and properly handle their differences in order to constantly take their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in the new era to a new level.
(2022-11-01). 'Fabricated' human rights stories faulted. ecns.cn A Chinese ambassador to the United Nations on Monday strongly refuted accusations against China on the issue of human rights made by the U.S., Canada and others at the Third Committee of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
(2022-11-01). More investment made in roads to stabilize economy. ecns.cn China has increased the construction of highway infrastructure in order to maintain and increase investment and stabilize the economy, according to the Ministry of Transport.
(2022-11-01). First highway tunnel in Hanjiang River opens. ecns.cn Yuliangzhou Tunnel, the first highway tunnel in Hanjiang River, was opened to traffic on Monday. The tunnel located in Xiangyang City, central China's Hubei Province, is the first immersed tunnel in central China.
(2022-11-01). First road tunnel crossing Han River in central China's Hubei opens to traffic. ecns.cn Yuliangzhou Tunnel, the first road tunnel extending beneath Han River in Xiangyang City of central China's Hubei Province, opened to traffic on Monday after four years of construction.
(2022-11-01). China will open its door even‚ÄÇwider to outside world: FM Spokesperson. ecns.cn
(2022-11-01). Over 20 turtle footprint fossils found in east China. ecns.cn Over 20 turtle footprints have been found at a dinosaur fossil site during field research carried out by the Zhucheng Dinosaur Culture Research Center in east China's Shandong Province.
(2022-11-01). Icebreakers embark on Antarctic expedition. ecns.cn China's research icebreaker Xuelong, or Snow Dragon, departed from its home base in Shanghai for its latest Antarctic expedition on Monday morning, marking the third time that both Xuelongand Xuelong 2will take part in a joint expedition in the southernmost continent.
(2022-11-01). (100 great changes) Yucun village thrives on green development. ecns.cn In 2021, Yucun, an obscure and small mountain village in Anji County, East China's Zhejiang province, was selected from 170 villages in the world as one of the "Best Tourism Villages" by the United Nations World Tourism Organization.
(2022-11-01). 1,000-year-old ginkgo tree attracts tourists to Hubei. ecns.cn A 1,000-year-old ancient ginkgo tree stands out in a spectacular golden foliage, attracting tourists in Baokang county of Xiangyang, central China's Hubei Province, Oct. 31, 2022.
(2022-11-01). Chinese envoy encourages youth to find solutions for global climate governance. ecns.cn China Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua on Monday encouraged young people to find solutions for global climate governance and make more innovative contributions to carbon neutrality goalsin mid-21st century.
(2022-11-01). Monkeys receive pig organ transplants. ecns.cn A team of scientists in China has successfully transplanted multiple organs from a pig into four monkeys, three of which survived the surgery, marking what experts say is a big step forward in xenotransplantation research aimed at tackling the shortage of donated organs for humans.
(2022-11-01). Chinese company hands over Nigeria's first deep sea port. ecns.cn China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd (CHEC) on Monday handed over Nigeria's first deep sea port to the government after the completion of the huge maritime project in the country's economic hub city of Lagos.
(2022-11-01). New lab module to assist space station's completion. ecns.cn China's Mengtian space lab module, the third major component of the nation's Tiangong space station, was launched on Monday afternoon in a key step to complete the in-orbit assembly of Tiangong.
(2022-11-01). Transport network to further grow. ecns.cn China's transport sector has recently mapped out a detailed plan to build the backbone network of the country's comprehensive transportation system, with the expected scale to reach 260,000 km by 2025.
(2022-11-01). Chinese tracking vessel sets sail for new missions. ecns.cn China's third-generation space tracking ship Yuanwang-5 departed from a port on Monday for spacecraft monitoring missions.
(2022-11-01). China's lab module Mengtian docks with space station combination. ecns.cn China's Mengtian lab module successfully docked with Tiangong space station combination on Tuesday, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).
(2022-11-01). Working groups sent to Foxconn to contain COVID. ecns.cn Official working groups have been sent to a giant Foxconn production plant affected by the COVID-19 virus in Central China to strengthen its disease control capability while improving work conditions for its employees.
(2022-11-01). Chinese researchers complete deep-sea in-situ scientific experiment station in South China Sea. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have recently completed the trial deployment of a deep-sea in-situ scientific experiment station in the South China Sea, bringing them one step closer to realizing long-term unmanned research in the deep sea.
(2022-11-01). China Life: Follow bouncing ball to Hebei Province. ecns.cn
(2022-11-01). Footprints of rare turtle species found in China's 'dragon city'. ecns.cn Over 20 rare turtle footprints of diverse lengths and shapes have been discovered in Zhucheng, East China's Shandong Province, said Chen Shuqing, a staff member at the Dinosaur Culture Research Center of Zhucheng, on Monday.
(2022-11-01). After NATO drill, U.S. interceptor missile warship docks in Croatia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U. S. Sixth FleetNovember 1, 2022 USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55) Arrives in Croatia The Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55) arrived in Dubrovnik, Croatia for a scheduled port visit, Oct. 31, 2022. The port visit comes after Leyte Gulf's participation in the NATO-led vigilance activity Neptune Strike 22.2 (NEST 22.2) in the …
(2022-11-01). The Palestinian narrative is eliminated at the UN Security Council. thealtworld.com The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, extended the illusion of equivalence in speaking about the coloniser and the colonised. It is incumbent upon Israel and the international community to stop the violations against Palestinians, yet Wennesland
(2022-11-01). Definen equipo cubano a Panamericano Sub-18 de Béisbol. cubadebate.cu Dos receptores, seis jugadores de cuadro, cuatro jardineros y ocho lanzadores integran el equipo cubano al Campeonato Panamericano Sub-18 de Béisbol de Baja California del Sur 2022. Estados Unidos es el vigente monarca de la lid y Cuba el máximo ganador histórico.
(2022-11-01). Anatoli Kárpov, leyenda del ajedrez, hospitalizado y en coma inducido. cubadebate.cu Son momentos difíciles para Anatoli Kárpov. El que fuera campeón del mundo de ajedrez, que tiene 71 años, se encuentra en coma inducido por una lesión craneoencefálica (también tiene otra en la pierna). Su hija Sofia confirmó que está en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del área neurológica del Instituto Sklifosovsky de Moscú.
(2022-11-01). Asesinan a otro líder social en Sucre, Colombia. telesurtv.net La víctima fue identificada como William Urueta y era un dirigente del Pacto Histórico en Toluviejo.
(2022-11-01). Why is the Global South Still Poor? libya360.wordpress.com Allen Myers In the years following World War Two, as numerous direct colonies won formal independence, there was a widespread belief, or at least a hope, that political independence would lead fairly rapidly to significant economic progress. No longer under the control of foreign exploiters, the ex-colonies would be free to undergo economic development like…
(2022-11-01). Refusal of National Palace Museum in Taipei to extend treaty sparks public concern. ecns.cn The National Palace Museum in Taipei refused to extend its treaty with Lanqianshanguan Studio, which has preserved rare cultural relics in the museum on the grounds of "limited warehouse space," triggering dissatisfaction among some industry insiders.
(2022-11-01). Animated adaptation of award-winning Chinese sci-fi novel coming in December. ecns.cn The much-anticipated animated adaptation of the Hugo Award-winning science fiction novel "The Three-Body Problem" by Liu Cixin is set for online release on Dec. 3 this year.
(2022-11-01). Orlando Turns Out to Defend LGBTQ Center from Threats by Neo-Nazis and Proud Boys. itsgoingdown.org Report on successful community mobilization in defense of a local LFBTQ center in so-called Orlando, Florida. Originally posted to Iron Snowflake and slightly edited for readability and grammar. In the week leading up to October 29th, different neo-Nazi groups including the Proud Boys, Patriot Front, and the National Socialist Movement (NSM) announced that they would…
(2022-11-01). Dbeiba Remains in Power in Exchange for Turkish Influence (Control) in Libya. libya360.wordpress.com Habib Lassoued Anyone who knows Abdul Hamid al-Dbeiba well knows that he did not come to power by accident. He had been preparing for it for years, and often told his friends he was destined for the ruling platform and that nothing would prevent him from doing so. It would not be easy to abandon…
(2022-11-01). Lula's Victory & Latin American Unity. libya360.wordpress.com Andrés Arauz Our goal: On January 1, 2023, during Lula's swearing-in, the treaties for the new UNASUR are signed. We barely have two months to carry out all the preparatory work and reach key agreements. The legal path is being resolved thanks to the detailed technical-legal study of Guillaume Long and Natasha Suñé. Additionally, we must…
(2022-11-01). Revolution is the Heart of Socialism. libya360.wordpress.com Sarah Garnham The history of class societies is awash with revolutionary uprisings, but no class system has seen more revolutionary ferment than capitalism. Throughout its 250-year history, not a decade has gone by without revolutionary struggle breaking out somewhere, and periodically there are waves of revolution that sweep across several countries. The most recent was…
(2022-11-01). This Economic Crisis Has Come at the Perfect Moment to Catalyze Society's Breakdown. libya360.wordpress.com Rainer Shea Collapse isn't a tragedy, it's a crime. A crime being perpetrated against us for the benefit of a tiny minority. There's no honest argument for perpetuating the existing social order. Replacing it is the only rational option. When we analyze the collapse that our civilization is undergoing, we need to factor in the…
(2022-11-01). We are Witnessing the Birth of a New World Order Where the West Will Have to Live Within its Means. libya360.wordpress.com Professor Sergey Karaganov At last week's Valdai Forum, in Moscow I was invited to speak at a session entitled "The Crumbling World: Lessons for the Future from the Political-Military Crisis of 2022." The event has become a leader in the international intellectual community in dealing with global affairs of the present and future. But the title of…
(2022-11-01). What Can the Western Left Learn from Lula's Breathtaking Victory? libya360.wordpress.com Alex Fleck Lost in international jubilation that has met Lula da Silva's incredible political comeback are the sheer financial scale of what he had to defeat, and the makeup of a new re-organised progressive coalition he now leads — which will change Brazil's politics for a generation. The Worker's Party in Brazil has just won…
(2022-11-01). Colorful lights illuminate ancient village in Jiangxi. ecns.cn Located in the southwestern Le'an County, Liukeng village is famous for its large-scale architecture as well as unique building layout. It was listed as a key cultural heritage site under state-level protection in 2001.
(2022-11-01). Death toll from S.Korea's crowd crush rises to 156. ecns.cn The death toll from a crowd crush, which occurred Saturday night at the Itaewon district of the South Korean capital Seoul during Halloween gatherings, rose overnight, the authorities said Tuesday.
(2022-11-01). Embassy in South Korea in all-out effort handling Chinese nationals' deaths in tragic stampede. ecns.cn The embassy is making an all-out effort handling the cases of at least four Chinese nationals killed in Saturday's tragic stampede, which has killed at least 155 people.
(2022-11-01). Díaz-Canel spoke with the president-elect of Brazil: Always count on Cuba. en.cubadebate.cu "Last night, with the emotion of victory, I spoke with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. I sent him hugs from Raúl, from the Cuban people and government, and told him: 'Your victory belongs to Brazil and Latin America and the Caribbean, to integration and peace. Always count on Cuba,'" President Miguel Díaz-Canel wrote on his Twitter account. After enduring lawfare, jail and persecution, Lula da Silva was once again elected president in Brazil. He won this Sunday in the ballot, of the presidential elections, by obtaining .90% of the votes.
(2022-11-01). Ancient pontoon bridge partially exposed due to drought in Jiangxi. ecns.cn The pontoon bridge, with a history of more than 800 years, uses floats or shallow-draft boats to support a deck for pedestrian and vehicle travel.
(2022-11-01). Global investors see value in property market. ecns.cn Both international asset managers and property developers have accelerated the expansion of their presence in the Chinese real estate market, driven by the perception that it presents undeniable investment value.
(2022-11-01). Former Pakistani minister calls for people centric cooperation under CPEC. ecns.cn It is job creation and export revenue under the CPEC that will have the maximum impact on lives of people, said Sharif, who served as Pakistan's lead representative for Industrial Cooperation in the Joint Cooperation Committee of CPEC.
(2022-11-01). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Thousands of health care workers across Argentina are in the sixth week of a struggle for better pay and working conditions.
(2022-11-01). Death toll from S.Korea's crowd crush rises to 155. ecns.cn The death toll from a crowd crush, which occurred Saturday night at the Itaewon district of the South Korean capital Seoul during Halloween gatherings, rose overnight, the authorities said Tuesday.
(2022-11-01). South Korean Prime Minister meets the press over deadly stampede. ecns.cn
(2022-11-01). U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on use of affirmative action in college admissions. ecns.cn The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on the use of affirmative action in college admissions on Monday.
(2022-11-01). Deadly stampede in Seoul under investigation. ecns.cn Police officers put a police line on the scene of the incident and block entry from outside at Itaewon in Seoul, South Korea, Oct. 31, 2022. The deadly stampede in Seoul has killed at least 155 people.
(2022-11-01). Summit to stress connected world's digital future. ecns.cn This year's edition of the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit is expected to create an important platform for international exchanges and cooperation in cyberspace, and demonstrate the cutting-edge internet technologies and application scenarios.
(2022-11-01). NASA captures image of Sun 'smiling'. ecns.cn The NASA Dynamics Observatory caught the sun "smiling." Seen in ultraviolet light, these dark patches are known as coronal holes and are regions where fast wind streams out into space.
(2022-11-01). Portillo y las deudas discográficas. cubadebate.cu Nuestra discografía está en deuda con Portillo, y todo lo que por decantación lógica pueda desprenderse de un sistema de radiodifusión coherente. Por ende su figura cultural no subsiste en un sistema que aboga por resaltar lo bello y valioso de nuestra música, lamentable y contradictoriamente. Hoy, una generación como la mía aún puede dar fe del paso de grandes como él por estos lares. Pero mañana, mañana quién sabe…
(2022-11-01). Nuevas alertas aéreas suenan en toda Ucrania. cubadebate.cu Las alertas aéreas se han activado la mañana de este martes en la capital ucraniana y posteriormente en todo el territorio del país. Se trata del segundo día de esta semana que comienza con una alerta aérea en todo el territorio ucraniano. Este lunes, en varias regiones del país, se registró una serie de ataques contra la infraestructura crítica y energética.
(2022-11-01). Unión Eléctrica pronostica alto déficit en capacidad de generación en el horario diurno y para el pico nocturno. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica estima una afectación máxima de 1 350 MW en el horario diurno y 1 487 MW en el pico, por déficit de capacidad de generación. En nota de prensa precisó que la máxima afectación en el horario de la noche fue 1 409 MW a las 19: 20 horas, coincidiendo con la hora pico.
(2022-11-01). Bolsonaro rompe el silencio con un discurso de dos minutos y sin referirse a la derrota. cubadebate.cu Jair Bolsonaro habló por primera vez desde los resultados de las elecciones el domingo. Se reivindicó como líder de la derecha y no se refirió a la derrota. Tampoco habló de Lula da Silva, quien ganó los comicios y es el presidente electo de Brasil.
(2022-11-01). Científicos norteamericanos destacaron capacidad del modelo cubano antiCovid-19 ante emergencias. cubadebate.cu Científicos de Estados Unidos exaltaron hoy la capacidad de Cuba de desarrollar y vacunar a su población con productos propios antiCovid-19, modelo que sugieren seguir para hacer frente a emergencias sanitarias globales.
(2022-11-01). Trabajar con eficiencia, calidad y agilidad en la recuperación de Pinar del Río. cubadebate.cu En la tarde de este lunes tuvo lugar un nuevo encuentro de trabajo, encabezado por el presidente de la República, para dar seguimiento a las labores de recuperación en la provincia de Pinar del Río. Eficiencia, calidad y agilidad son conceptos esenciales que no se pueden perder de vista en ninguna de las tareas que allí se acometan.
(2022-11-01). Díaz-Canel habló con presidente electo de Brasil: Cuenta siempre con Cuba. cubadebate.cu "Anoche, con la emoción del triunfo, hablé con Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Le mandé abrazos de Raúl, del pueblo y el Gobierno de Cuba y le dije: 'Tu victoria es de Brasil y de América Latina y el Caribe, de la integración y la paz. Cuenta siempre con Cuba'", escribió en su cuenta en la red social Twitter el presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel.
(2022-11-01). Canciller cubano se reúne con presidente de la Asamblea General de la ONU. cubadebate.cu El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, sostuvo este martes una reunión con el presidente de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, Csaba K≈ërà∂si. Durante el encuentro, el canciller expresó el compromiso de Cuba con la defensa del multilateralismo, lo cual ha sido una de las prioridades del presidente de la Asamblea.
(2022-11-01). Tapando agujeros, el mundo después de Ucrania. globalizacion.ca Hice un curso de lectura rápida y leí La guerra y la paz en veinte minutos. Creo que decía algo de Rusia (Woody Allen) | El ´orden internacional basado en reglas ª definido hace al menos tres siglos por las cañoneras euroamericanas,…
(2022-11-01). Desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe Entre la cooperación y la intervención. globalizacion.ca La guerra militar, económica, diplomática y psicológica entre la Federación Rusa y la OTAN ha revelado varias debilidades en la capacidad de Estados Unidos y sus aliados de mantener su dominio en el mundo. | Un hecho notable ha sido que…
(2022-11-01). Deporte cubano sufre pérdidas millonarias por el bloqueo, pero no se detiene. cubadebate.cu En los últimos cinco años, el deporte cubano ha tenido pérdidas de más de 15 millones de dólares por el bloqueo de EE.UU., informaron responsables del Inder. Han sido afectados pagos a federaciones internacionales, transacciones, compras de medios, la colaboración de técnicos cubanos y el trabajo del laboratorio antidoping.
(2022-11-01). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Emigración ilegal, Ley de Ajuste y su costo humano. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu Autoridades de la Dirección de Identificación, Inmigración y Extranjería y de la Dirección General de Tropas Guardafronteras del Ministerio del Interior y de la Dirección de Asuntos Consulares y Cubanos Residentes en el Exterior del MINREX comparecerán este martes en la Mesa Redonda para hablar sobre el impacto de la emigración ilegal y su costo humano.
(2022-11-01). Predicciones meteorológicas aplicadas a la astronomía. cubadebate.cu Muchos de los que nos dedicamos al mundo de la meteorología, por no decir que casi todos, tenemos como segunda afición la Astronomía, y es que a pesar de estudiar elementos y eventos de distinta índole, tienen una interrelación poco conocida. Al planificar una observación astronómica, uno de los factores determinantes, es el tiempo.
(2022-11-01). Fidel Castro: °Un pueblo así es un pueblo invencible! (+Video). cubadebate.cu Fragmento final de la comparecencia de Fidel ante la radio y la televisión cubanas el 1 ∫ de noviembre de 1962. Hay una cuestión que quiero recalcar hoy, una apreciación que quiero manifestar, y es en lo que se refiere al pueblo, a la conducta que ha tenido el pueblo en estos días. Debo decir que la actitud del pueblo, en cuanto a decisión, valor y disciplina, ha superado todo lo que los más optimistas pudieran haberse imaginado nunca.
(2022-11-01). Envíanos tu foto de las bicicletas. cubadebate.cu øQuién no disfruta un buen viaje en bicicleta? Se trata de uno de los medios de transporte más baratos, ecológicos y saludables que existen. Por eso, en esta ocasión dedicamos La Tira de los Lectores a ese vehículo, que tantas veces nos ha resuelto un problema. Envíanos tu foto en bici a nuestro correo comentacubadebate@gmail.com y la publicaremos el próximo domingo en nuestro sitio web y redes sociales.
(2022-11-01). Federación Cubana de Beisbol denuncia campaña de desinformación, acoso y presiones. cubadebate.cu El presidente de la Federación Cubana de Beisbol (FCB), Juan Reinaldo Pérez Pardo, reafirmó que la FCB está decidida a convocar para compromisos internacionales a atletas insertados en ligas foráneas y denunció la ejecución de una campaña de desinformación y presión para hacer fracasar ese propósito.
(2022-11-01). Comienza en Holguín temporada turística de invierno (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu La llegada del primer vuelo invernal de la aerolínea canadiense WestJet al Aeropuerto Internacional Frank País García, de la ciudad de Holguín, marcó hoy el inicio de la temporada alta en el polo turístico de esta provincia nororiental cubana.
(2022-11-01). Supremo Tribunal ordena desbloquear cierre de carreteras en Brasil. cubadebate.cu La Policía Federal de Carreteras (PRF por sus siglas en portugués), informó en su cuenta en Twitter que ha deshecho 246 manifestaciones de camioneros simpatizantes de Jair Bolsonaro que protestan por su derrota en las elecciones del domingo. La medida fue ejecutada tras el exhorto de la justicia.
(2022-11-01). Los avances de la economía de Venezuela en el primer semestre del 2022 (II). cubadebate.cu Un elemento de mucha importancia para evaluar la incipiente recuperación venezolana parte de los profundos cambios en la política económica adoptados por el gobierno en el 2018. Frente a la situación monetaria enfrentada entonces por el país, ya a la altura de agosto de 2018 el gobierno tomó la decisión de aprobar un conjunto de medidas extraordinarias.
(2022-11-01). Pinar del Río después de Ian: Aún lenta la recuperación de viviendas. cubadebate.cu Luego del paso de Ian, el cual afectó a la mitad de las viviendas del fondo habitacional del territorio, apenas 49 079 fichas técnicas están listas para la venta de materiales de la construcción. Esa cantidad es la que no ha tenido errores y forma parte de las 70 419 que ya estaban confeccionadas al cierre del fin de semana, pero se encontraban en proceso de revisión.
(2022-11-01). Centrales muelen tabaco en el Sandino. cubadebate.cu Ataque de siete sencillos impulsó a los Centrales en su éxito de 3×0 ante los Tabacaleros, que no encontraron paz en el estadio Augusto César Sandino. La tropa de Armando Jesús Ferrer Ruiz ovacionó la actuación del lanzador Alain Sánchez Machado, quien permitió cero carreras limpias y cuatro hits en siete episodios.
(2022-11-01). Cuba lista para celebrar Feria Internacional de La Habana 2022. cubadebate.cu Hasta la fecha, unos 60 países estarán presentes en la edición 38 de la Feria Internacional de La Habana (Fihav), resaltó hoy el titular del Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera de Cuba, Rodrigo Malmierca. Nuestras expectativas están puestas en que Fihav 2022 contribuya a la inserción de la economía nacional en el contexto internacional, dijo.
(2022-11-01). Cuadrando la Caja: La transformación digital en la economía cubana (+ Video). cubadebate.cu øCuál es la relación entre informatización, transformación digital y procesos como el blockchain, qué frena su impacto en la economía cubana? øCómo puede facilitar el desarrollo la aceleración de la transformación digital? øAprovechamos en Cuba los datos que generan los cubanos en las redes en función de la eficiencia económica y el gobierno electrónico?
(2022-11-01). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este martes primero de noviembre. cubadebate.cu