(2022-11-02). In the eye of the typhoon, Hardened fronts & The Nuclear War Bluff. indybay.org Nuclear war is a big bluff & the last means of the cult to enforce its Great Reset to control & decimate humanity. Now is the time to recognize this & not be fooled again by the dilettantes in the Western governments. The worldwide growing resistance will end all plans of the globalists & expose all deceptions. Those responsible will be exposed.Love remains when illusion & fear fall…
(2022-11-02). Big oil, food giants, restaurant chains reap windfall profits as US real wages plunge. wsws.org Biden's feigned outrage over corporate price- and profit-gouging cannot conceal the fact that his administration is working relentlessly with the trade union apparatuses to impose the full inflationary impact of the war in Ukraine on the working class.
(2022-11-02). Pentagon confirms deployment of active-duty military personnel in Ukraine. wsws.org In an extraordinary revelation Tuesday, US Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder admitted during an official briefing that active-duty US military personnel are not only deployed inside of Ukraine, but are operating throughout the country, far away from the US embassy.
(2022-11-02). Railworkers Support Rally at Oakland &SA Dockers Strike with ILWU, No War in Ukraine. indybay.org WorkWeek covers Railroad Workers Solidarity Rally At Port Of Oakland & SA Dockers Strike With ILWU, Oakland Rally Against War In Ukraine & The Life & Struggles of UFWA Founder Al Rojas…
(2022-11-02). Friday 12/2: 12/2/11 STOP US NATO Drive Toward World War-International Day Of Action. indybay.org San Francico Federal Building | 70 9th St. | San Francisco…
(2022-11-02). From the Archives: The betrayal of the 1997 Ontario teachers' strike. wsws.org This 1997 International Workers Bulletin editorial board statement drew lessons—that remain critical today—from the unions' sabotage of a militant two-week Ontario teacher strike that was rapidly becoming a mass working-class political challenge to the hated Tory government of Mike Harris and its class war agenda.
(2022-11-02). Saturday 12/17: Author: Rage of Innocence by Kristin Henning and Reginald Dwayne Betts. indybay.org [ONLINE] San Francisco Main Library…
(2022-11-02). Saturday 11/12: November Day of Action: Costco Drop Smithfield. indybay.org 2500 17th St ∑ San Francisco, CA…
(2022-11-02). (100 great changes) Winter Olympics ignite Chinese passion for ice and snow sports. ecns.cn The 2022 Beijing Olympics witnessed eye-catching moments of breathtaking speed and the charm of ice and snow activities, including Alpine skiing, short track speed skating, figure skating, and ice hockey.
(2022-11-02). Monday 10/31: Prop 1 Rally at USF. indybay.org On top of Lone Mountain at University of San Francisco!
(2022-11-02). Friday 11/4: Elect Justice, NOT Jenkins! indybay.org The San Francisco Police Officers Association | 800 Bryant @ 6th Street, SF…
(2022-11-02). Friday 11/4: The Climate Gallery Launch: An Interactive Night For Art and Environment. indybay.org CounterPulse 80 Turk Street San Francisco, CA 94102…
(2022-11-02). On fourth day of his private ownership, Elon Musk fires Twitter board of directors. wsws.org Financial concerns have quickly overtaken the hollow statements by Elon Musk that his takeover of Twitter was motivated by his drive to preserve the platform as a "digital town square."
(2022-11-02). Saturday 11/12: El Salvador update (CISPES tour). indybay.org Answer Coalition hall. 2969 Mission Street, San Francisco…
(2022-11-02). Sunday 11/13: Learn about El Salvador. indybay.org Namaste Lounge, College Nine and John R. Lewis College, UC Santa Cruz…
(2022-11-02). Al menos 14 personas heridas tras tiroteo en Chicago, EE.UU. telesurtv.net La versión oficial indica que desde un vehículo en marcha un hombre armado disparó contra la multitud reunida en East Garfield Park.