(2022-09-18). Turkey, Russia reach deal resolving nuclear plant dispute. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey and Russia had reached a deal resolving a dispute over a nuclear power plant being built at Akkuyu in southern Turkey.
(2022-09-18). Whose Grain Is Being Shipped from Ukraine? America's GMO Agribusiness Giants to Take Control of Ukraine Farmland. globalresearch.ca
(2022-09-18). Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government, and World War Three? globalresearch.ca It all started on March 5, 2014: a US sponsored fascist coalition government under the disguise of democracy was installed in Ukraine. | With historical foresight this article by Felicity Arbuthnot was first published on March 15, 2014 in the immediate …
(2022-09-18). Syria air defense repels Israel's nighttime attack. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — Syrian air defense forces repelled a nighttime attack by Israeli fighter jets on Saturday using Russian-made Pantsir-S1 and Buk-M2E air defense systems.
(2022-09-18). Kremlin responds to Western nuclear claims. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — The cases of when Russia will use nuclear weapons are stated in the national nuclear doctrine, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Saturday.
(2022-09-18). Rusia frustra ataque de tropas ucranianas en Jersón. telesurtv.net "El régimen de Kiev reanudó los ataques para crear la amenaza de una catástrofe nuclear en la planta nuclear de Zaporiyia", denuncia el Ministerio ruso de Defensa.
(2022-09-18). Local Peace Groups in National Day of Action to Stop Ukraine War. indybay.org Protesters deliver letters to Senators Feinstein and Padilla…
(2022-09-18). Land Dispossession and Imperialism Repackaged as 'Feeding the World'. globalresearch.ca Incisive article by Colin Todhunter first published on Global Research on November 30, 2020. See section on Ukraine below pointing to Western agri-business control over Ukraine agriculture. | *** | The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of …
(2022-09-18). Asian and NATO Countries Get Actively Engaged in the "Battle for the Arctic" journal-neo.org During the Cold War, Washington and Moscow fought hard for dominance in the Arctic. But then these tensions subsided in the 1990s, a period of "rapprochement between the West and Russia". The Arctic Council was even created, bringing the states of the region together and allowing them to coordinate their policies. After that, for a …
(2022-09-18). Shipping route launched between Quanzhou, Russian Far East. ecns.cn A Panamanian container shipcarrying 12 TEUs of cargo departed from Quanzhou City in southeast China's Fujian Province on Thursday, heading for Russian port city Vladivostok.
(2022-09-18). Resulta herido el corresponsal de teleSUR Alejandro Kirk en Donetsk. telesurtv.net El hecho tuvo lugar específicamente en el distrito Voroshilovsky, ubicado al centro de Donetsk, en la región oriental de Ucrania.
(2022-09-18). México insistirá en extradición del autor del crimen a periodista. telesurtv.net El pedido de extradición del supuesto autor intelectual del asesinato del periodista Javier Valdez hacia México desde EE.UU. data del 2020.
(2022-09-17). Military Situation In Ukraine On September 17, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Russia struck the 28th Mechanised Infantry Brigade of the AFU near Nikolayev with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the 66th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU near Kupyansk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the 66th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU near Kharkov with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the 80th Airborne Assault Brigade of the AFU near Seversk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Ochakov with high…
(2022-09-17). BOUTCHA 2.0 À IZIOUM — L'UKRAINE UTILISE DES CIVILS TUÉS PAR DES BOMBARDEMENTS ET LES TOMBES DE SES SOLDATS POUR JOUER LA CARTE DU MASSACRE/ Par Christelle Néant. marktaliano.net Original link here: Boutcha 2.0 à Izioum — L'Ukraine utilise des civils tués par des bombardements et les tombes de ses soldats pour jouer la carte du massacre Donbass Insider (donbass-insider.com) Sans surprise après la reprise d'Izioum, près de Kharkov, par les Forces Armées Ukrainiennes (FAU), l'Ukraine nous fait une réédition de Boutcha, …
(2022-09-17). Ukrainian Offensive In Kharkiv Region On September 17, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org
(2022-09-17). Biden warns Russia against nuclear option in Ukraine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 17 (MNA) — US President Joe Biden has warned Russia of harsh consequences should it use nuclear or chemical weapons in Ukraine.
(2022-09-17). teleSUR Correspondent Alejandro Kirk Injured in Donetsk. telesurenglish.net teleSUR's correspondent in Donetsk, Alejandro Kirk, was injured while covering the conflict in eastern Ukraine, but is out of danger according to the medical report. | RELATED: | According to the journalist, who is also a correspondent for the Iranian channel HispanTV, a group of journalists, including Kirk, was in the city of Donetsk when he was hit by shrapnel during a Kiev offensive in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People'
(2022-09-17). White House Announces Massive $10 Billion Aid Package for Jordan. news.antiwar.com The Joe Biden administration rolled out a new assistance agreement with Jordan. Washington will send Amman $10.15 billion over the next seven years. The new deal will make Jordan the third largest recipient of American aid, following only Ukraine and Israel. The White House signed the new memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Friday. The Biden …
(2022-09-17). Ukraine War, Divided Left: "Social Patriots" and the "Anti-Imperialism of Fools"! covertactionmagazine.com Since Russia's military operation commenced on February 24, the socialist left has been divided in its response to the armed conflict in Ukraine. On one side are those who align with the U.S., NATO and the Ukrainian state in denouncing Russia as the principal villain. In opposition are those who view the conflict as the outcome …
(2022-09-17). SCO Grows While Russia, China Boost Ties In Response To US policies in Ukraine, Taiwan. southfront.org Click to see full-size imageBoth Russia and China see the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit as a major indicator of unity and defiance in the face of threats coming from the US-led political West. | Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst | On Thursday, September 15, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping held a much anticipated bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Uzbekistan's Samarkand. Th…
(2022-09-17). Kiev Begs For ATACMS Ballistic Missiles. southfront.org The Kiev regime continues to beg its Western allies for modern weapons, turning the war in Ukraine into the global one. To approach Ukraine's victory in the war against Russia, Ukraine needs long-range missiles, said adviser to the head of Zelensky's Office Podolyak. | Moscow has already warned that the delivery of longer-range missiles by the United States to Ukraine will make Washington a party to the conflict. In the event of the start of deliveries of longer-range missiles to Ukraine…
(2022-09-17). Zelensky and NATO plan to transform post-war Ukraine into 'a big Israel'. thegrayzone.com The NATO-backed Atlantic Council has proposed apartheid Israel as a blueprint for a hyper-militarized Ukraine. The paper was authored by Obama's former ambassador to Tel Aviv, now an Israeli spy-tech consultant. Just forty days after Russia's military campaign began inside Ukraine, Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky told reporters that in the future, his country would be like "a big Israel." The following day, one of Israel's top promoters in the Democratic Party published an op-ed in NATO's official think tank exploring …
(2022-09-17). U.S. firms get rich, Ukrainian youth die. workers.org By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein is a Venezuelan international relations expert, who was previously Director of the International Relations of the Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, his country's ambassador to Nicaragua and an advisor for international politics for TeleSUR. This article, published Sept. 7, was translated . . . |
(2022-09-17). US reluctant to provide longer-range missiles to Ukraine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 17 (MNA) — A report by tan American media has said that the Unite military leaders are reluctant to provide longer-range missiles to Ukraine for fear of Russi's reaction.
(2022-09-17). Military Situation In Syria on September 17, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On September 17, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 3 times: 1 in Latakia province, 2 in Idlib province; | On September 16, SDF artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces near Azaz town; | On September 17, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions in the Tal Rafaat area; | On September 17, Israeli forces attacked Damascus airport and countryside. Five SAA servicemen were killed. | <...
(2022-09-17). US Leaders Moralize About Alleged Human Rights Abuses In Russia And China To Justify Proxy Wars. popularresistance.org Jonny, a pseudonym for a 45-year-old man currently being held in pretrial detention in Miami's Federal Detention Center (FDC Miami), believes that prison authorities are trying to kill him. Maria, Jonny's partner of three years, tells me in a series of interviews translated by her teenage daughter that she is also concerned for his life, given FDC Miami's cruel mismanagement of his grave medical condition. | As a pretrial detainee, Jonny's innocent until proven guilty and protected by the Fifth and Sixth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, but you wouldn't know this from the inhumane treatment he receives at the…
(2022-09-17). IG Metall union preparing real wage reductions in German contract negotiations. wsws.org The contract negotiations for around 3.8 million workers in the metal and electrical industries will decide how much the costs of the war against Russia and the massive rearmament programme will be pushed onto the backs of the working class.
(2022-09-17). Russian Airstrikes Hit HTS Positions In Syria's Greater Idlib Again (Videos). southfront.org A Russian Su-24 strike aircraft in the sky over the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. Photo: Dmitriy Vinogradov / RIA Novosti | On September 17, a new wave of Russian airstrikes targeted the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, which is occupied by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and several other terrorist groups. | The airstrikes, which were reportedly carried out by two Su-24M and two Su-34 fighter bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces, hit positions of HTS in…
(2022-09-17). TeleSur informa que su enviado especial herido en Donetsk se encuentra fuera de peligro. cubadebate.cu TeleSur informó este sábado que su enviado especial a la región del Donbass, el periodista y documentalista Alejandro Kirk, fue herido por metralla en una arremetida ucraniana en el centro de Donestk. Desde la cadena precisaron que el periodista ya se encuentra fuera de peligro y está siendo atendido por los médicos.
(2022-09-17). Washington Throws Kiev under the Turkish Bus. journal-neo.org Although Turkey continues to be economically, politically and militarily dependent on the US and NATO, it is also moving further and further away from being an unquestioning supporter of Washington. And there are many reasons for this, which showed Erdogan the collapse of the once monolithic "Pax Americana" system. Wherever Turkey sees a prospect for …
(2022-09-17). Freedoms Denied in Niagara Region. marktaliano.net READ MORE: COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies Global ResearchGlobal Research Centre for Research on Globalization Video: Brian Peckford, Signatory of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, on Trudeau and the COVID-19 Mandates Mark Taliano…
(2022-09-17). Arlenis Sierra será la única ciclista cubana en lid mundial. cubadebate.cu La cubana Arlenis Sierra, la mejor ciclista rutera de América en la última década, será una vez más la única competidora por Cuba en los Campeonatos Mundiales de Ruta, que este año se disputan desde hoy hasta el próximo día 25. Aunque en Europa no la mencionan entre las grandes favoritas del evento, Sierra solo fue superada por un segundo en la edición anterior.
(2022-09-17). Gov. Ron DeSantis – The New Nixon – cover-up worse than the crime. indybay.org How similar is Gov. Ron DeSantis' cover-up of the felony forgeries of Chief of Special Prosecutions (Fl 20th Judicial Circuit), Anthony Kunasek, Esq. and State's Attorney Amira Fox to Watergate? Especially in light of the Governor's suspension of Andrew Warren for simply exercising prosecutorial discretion.
(2022-09-16). Russian, Chinese Energy Companies to Build Hydrogen Plant on Sakhalin. infobrics.org The export branch of Russian nuclear power company Rosatom, Rusatom Overseas, and China's Energy Engineering Corporation have signed a memorandum of understanding, which paves the way for cooperation on a pilot project of building a hydrogen plant on Sakhalin Island…
(2022-09-16). Eyewitness: Human Toll of Eight-Year Ukrainian Army Onslaught in Eastern Ukraine is Shocking/ By John Parker. marktaliano.net By John Parker Global Research, September 16, 2022 CovertAction Magazine 15 September 2022 Original Link Here: Eyewitness: Human Toll of Eight-Year Ukrainian Army Onslaught in Eastern Ukraine is Shocking Global ResearchGlobal Research Centre for Research on Globalization ..]…
(2022-09-16). India unlikely to be coerced by G7 to enforce price cap on Russian oil. infobrics.org Ursula von der Leyen says anti-Russia sanctions "are here to stay" despite European crisis…