2022-05-23: News Headlines

Freedom Socialist Party (2022-05-23). Saturday 5/21: Ecosocialism: The Solution to Save Planet Earth. indybay.org Online via Zoom…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-05-23). 2022 National Maritime Day – Honoring the "African Founding Father of California" indybay.org As we consider the blessing of World Trade Month, fully cognizant of the vast majority of world trade on the global connected oceans. Ancient/future final preparations for 2022 Africa Unity Week in California helping host the World Conference of Mayors is an amazing journey. Engaging California Leadership looking forward to adding to a strong case to bring US African Leaders to San Francisco, California, Fall 2022. Discover the Golden Legacy of Honorable William Alexander Leidesdorff Jr. as we share our salient contributions to the forward flow of humanity.

Human Agenda (2022-05-23). Thursday 5/26: Corporate Funding of Local Campaigns. indybay.org La Corona Taqueria, Banquet Room | 601 North 4th Street | San Jose California 95112…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-05-23). California Preservation of the United States Colored Troops Project. indybay.org 2022 Armed Service Celebration at our California State Capitol showcased the ongoing disparity is service delivery for California Black Veterans past, present and future. A positive new way forward is at hand…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-05-23). Saturday 6/11: Journalist Shwanika Narayan Speaks at San Francisco Public Library. indybay.org This is an online/virtual event. Register to attend.

Brennan Center for Justice (2022-05-23). Wednesday 6/8: Who Gets to Be an American: Race, Fear, and Surveillance in Domestic Policy. indybay.org Online event (free)…

NCBCP, Black Women's Roundtable & many more (2022-05-23). Wednesday 5/25: Black Women Leaders & Allies: Voting Rights & Reproductive Justice Speak Out. indybay.org D.C. speaker out rally via livestream. Take action from anywhere!

Riseup4abortionrightsbayarea (2022-05-23). From the Mission to the Castro, March for Reproductive Justice. indybay.org Photos from an afternoon rally and march on May 14. One march was not enough on an important day to turn up for abortion rights and the broad range of other rights protected by the endangered Roe v. Wade.

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