2023-09-19: News Headlines

Rainer Shea, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-09-19). The Exposing Of US' Anti-Assad Psyops Brought Ongoing Repercussions. popularresistance.org A hidden disadvantage of our ruling class within the US/NATO imperialist sphere is that frequently, these elites need to scramble in response to developments they haven't foreseen, and whose consequential outcomes they have limited control over. When the Democratic Party and its partnered intelligence agencies used the DNC leaks to construct a narrative about "Russian hacking," they hadn't planned the inciting incident; they were reacting to it. And their attempt to turn the leak in their favor by pointing to it as "evidence" of a Russian plot against America wasn't ultimately effective. When somebody decides to…

Larry Johnson (2023-09-19). America Has Lost its Diplomatic Mojo. sonar21.com War on the Rocks published an article the other day — U.S. DIPLOMACY AFTER THE RUSSO-UKRAINIAN WAR — that unintentionally illustrates why the United States is losing influence on the…

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