(2023-01-07). Mass protests resume across Peru against the coup regime and social inequality. wsws.org Beyond the initial demands for the resignation of the Dina Boluarte administration, the shutdown of Congress, and general elections, protesters are increasingly advancing social demands over the high cost of living and staggering social inequality.
(2023-01-07). Threat of more U.N. sanctions on Haiti. workers.org While the huge social, economic and political problems of Haiti have slipped out of the news, if anything they have intensified over the past few months. Credit: HaàØti-Liberté According to Helen La Lime, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Haiti and Head of BINUH (U.N. Integrated Office in . . . |
(2023-01-07). Four Ways Netanyahu's new Far-Right Government threatens Israeli Democracy. juancole.com By Boaz Atzili, American University School of International Service | (The Conversation) Democracy is not just about holding elections. It is a set of institutions, ideas and practices that allow citizens a continuous, decisive voice in shaping their government and its policies. The new Israeli government, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu and sworn in …
(2023-01-07). "The whole world's watching": 10,000 New York City nurses prepare to strike, as NYSNA blocks united struggle. wsws.org NYSNA is in last-minute negotiations with five hospitals attempting to to continue to divide up workers and shut down what would undoubtably be a powerful, unified struggle.
(2023-01-07). Friday 1/13: SF Rally-Smash US Supported Coup In Peru, US Gov & Biden Get Bloody Hands Off Peru. indybay.org Peru Consulate | 790 Market St. | San Francisco…
(2023-01-07). Macron's sending tanks to Ukraine marks escalation of France's role in war on Russia. wsws.org Crossing his own 'red line' laid down against tank deliveries to Ukraine in March last year, Macron is starting 2023 by massively ramping up French involvement in the NATO war effort against Russia in Ukraine.
(2023-01-07). New Year's Sitrep: The End of the Tunnel? southfront.org
(2023-01-07). Harry's Great Afghan Shooting Party. dissidentvoice.org What to make of it? History is filled with the deeds of blood-thirsty princes bold in ambition and feeble of mind. Massacres make the man, though there is often little to merit the person behind it. The Duke of Sussex seemingly wishes to add his name to that list. In what can only be described …
(2023-01-07). On Giuseppe Trani and the "Human Condition" dissidentvoice.org When the newsstand of Giuseppe Trani was swept away by massive flooding that devastated the southern Italian town of Casamicciola, near Naples, the 70-year-old man lost everything. Not for long, though, as the townsfolk, who were also affected by the flooding and landslides experienced throughout the whole region, raised the needed funds to help Trani …
(2023-01-07). Traditional Chinese medicine important in China's COVID-19 response: expert. ecns.cn Leveraging traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the treatment of infections is an important step in the Chinese approach to COVID-19 response, an expert has said.
(2023-01-07). China optimizes medical insurance to ease financial burden of COVID-19 patients. ecns.cn Chinese authorities have released a circular to further optimize medical insurance policies to ease the financial burden of COVID-19 patients.
(2023-01-07). China's forex reserves expand in December 2022. ecns.cn The 2023 Consumer Electronics Show, the world's premier tech show, kicked off in the US city of Las Vegas on Thursday, drawing more than 3,200 exhibitors from over 170 countries and regions. Hundreds of Chinese companies participated in the show, including well-known brands like TCL, Lenovo, and Hisense as well as startups. #CES2023…
(2023-01-07). Alto a la represión racista: °Permitid la entrada en EE.UU. a todos los inmigrantes! workers.org El Paso, Texas, el 26 de diciembre de 2023 El 19 de diciembre, 400 soldados de la Guardia Nacional de Texas fueron desplegados en mi ciudad natal de El Paso para "ayudar" con la migración masiva en la frontera con Juárez, México. El estado desplegó estos cuerpos especiales imperiales de . . . |
(2023-01-07). The Secret History of a Riot. dissidentvoice.org The 800-page gorilla of a report from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the Capitol seems strangely silent on a few matters that, apparently, were a bit too uncomfortable for the Committee to take on. So, buckle up for a discomfiting ride with our investigative team that has been tracking …
(2023-01-07). Saturday 1/7: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "My Ramleh," directed by Lubna Dajani. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…
(2023-01-07). [Perspectives] Unhealthy histories: sports and addictive sponsorship. thelancet.com Professional sport has been criticised for its role as a vehicle to market addictive products or services. Despite the harmful health effects on society, football audiences are inured to seeing sponsors of such products not only on pitch-side hoardings and shirts, but also embedded in television rights, competition names, prematch build-up, corporate hospitality, and social media. Tobacco's successful movement into sports sponsorship established the template on which other addictive sponsors, notably the alcohol and gambling industries, built their strategies.
(2023-01-07). [Clinical Picture] Focusing on the eye signs of Alport syndrome in a 40-year-old man who previously had a kidney transplant and hearing loss. thelancet.com A 40-year-old man attended our ophthalmology department reporting a gradual worsening of vision in both eyes over the previous few months.
(2023-01-07). [Correspondence] Breast radiotherapy for non-low-risk ductal carcinoma in situ: to boost or not to boost? — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We welcome Thomas Mulliez and Mark De Ridder's comments on the BIG 3-07/TROG 07.01 study.1 The 15% increase in acute adverse events in patients who had a tumour bed boost compared with no boost after whole breast irradiation for ductal carcinoma in situ was mainly due to self-limiting radiation dermatitis.
(2023-01-07). Friday 1/13: Media: Stop Cheerleading for War! indybay.org San Francisco Chronicle Bldg., 901 Mission St @ 5th, San Francisco…
(2023-01-07). Wednesday 1/11: Close Guantanamo/ Prosecute Yoo for Torture. indybay.org U.C. Berkeley Law School, Bancroft Way @ College Ave., Berkeley…
(2023-01-07). "In der Politik passiert nichts zufà§llig. Wenn es passiert, kann man darauf wetten, dass es so geplant war." globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …
(2023-01-07). "In Politics, Nothing Happens by Accident. If it Happens, You Can Bet it Was Planned that Way." globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-07). U.S. House adjourns as McCarthy seeks to flip more Republican holdouts to break speakership impasse. ecns.cn The U.S. House of Representatives has adjourned until late Friday night as Congressman Kevin McCarthy is seeking to flip more Republican holdouts to overcome the embarrassing speakership impasse.
(2023-01-07). Cradle of Civilization: Longmen Grottoes. ecns.cn
(2023-01-07). Red State Plans to Investigate Abortion Seekers and Trans Youth Require Sanctuary States to Lock Down Data. juancole.com By Adam Schwartz | ( Electronic Frontier Foundation ) In the wake of this year's Supreme Court decision in Dobbs overruling Roe v. Wade, sheriffs and bounty hunters in anti-abortion states will try to investigate and punish abortion seekers based on their internet browsing, private messaging, and phone app location data. We can …
(2023-01-07). [Correspondence] Application of a sex-specific GRACE score in practice — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Dorien M Kimenai and Nicholas L Mills for their interest in our Article.1 Indeed, sex-specific diagnostic thresholds of troponin were introduced into the Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction in 2012 during the recruitment period of our study and have led to increased diagnostic sensitivity in the decade since.2…
(2023-01-07). [Obituary] Eldryd Hugh Owen Parry. thelancet.com Physician and founder of the Tropical Health and Education Trust. He was born in Cardiff, UK, on Nov 28, 1930 and died of pneumonia in London, UK, on Nov 13, 2022 aged 91 years.
(2023-01-07). [World Report] Increasing humanitarian concerns for 2023. thelancet.com Hard choices for humanitarians as UN seeks US$51 ∑5 billion in emergency aid funds to address surging needs, John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.
(2023-01-07). Netanyahu Shocked at UAE cancellation of his State Visit after Extremists Storm Aqsa Mosque Complex. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) Far right wing extremist Itamar Ben-Gvir led a group of Israeli fanatics up to the al-Aqsa Mosque complex this week, in a clear sign that he will pressure the new Israeli government, in which he has an official post, to make the area a place of worship for Jews. The …
(2023-01-07). [Perspectives] Advancing the commercial determinants of health agenda. thelancet.com The landmark 1842 Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, by the social reformer Edwin Chadwick, was a damning indictment of how large-scale socioeconomic change during the 19th century contributed to the increased spread of epidemic and chronic diseases. Poor health among the working masses was not simply a consequence of behavioural choices or moral failings but was associated with pathogenic conditions created by the Industrial Revolution.
(2023-01-07). Why the Middle East is moving and must move away from Oil and Gas. juancole.com By Elif Selin Calik | ( Middle East Monitor ) In 2022, the biggest energy issue in the Middle East was Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil cut as the world economy entered into a period of 'heightened uncertainty and rising challenges'. In October, OPEC cut its 2022 forecast for growth …
(2023-01-07). [Correspondence] Cardiovascular risk in systemic autoimmune diseases — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We agree with Giacomo Cafaro and colleagues that comparing different types of cardiovascular outcomes occurring in people with systemic sclerosis to those occurring in patients with other autoimmune diseases would be of interest. However, our study1 included relatively few participants with systemic sclerosis and even fewer cardiovascular events, precluding a meaningful analysis of individual outcomes.1…
(2023-01-07). Biden to Democrats: Nominate Me, Whether You Like It or Not. indybay.org Sleepwalking to disaster…
(2023-01-07). [Comment] Offline: Health's intercultural turn. thelancet.com We are trapped in a linguistic cage from which few of us can escape. We rarely complain. We are comfortable in our epistemological prisons, especially those of us who languish in Anglophone confinement. If we break free, we are afforded an insight into a different world, one where the assumptions, practices, and outcomes might be so completely different from our own that we can only marvel at our own parochial limitations. Jaime Breilh is an Ecuadorian epidemiologist whose work is richly available in books and research articles in Latin America.
(2023-01-07). Israel: Netanyahu's new government, the shadow of Meir Kahane, and openly racist coalition partners. greenleft.org.au An underreported news development from November/December last year is the election of Benjamin Netanyahu's new government in Israel, reports Rupen Savoulian.
(2023-01-07). [Correspondence] Cardiovascular risk in systemic autoimmune diseases. thelancet.com In a large population-based observational study, Nathalie Conrad and colleagues1 showed the association between 19 autoimmune diseases and 12 cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) with data from about 22‚Äâ000‚Äâ000 people in the UK. However, we are concerned about the possibly confusing message caused by treating several CVDs as a composite outcome in this study.
(2023-01-07). [Editorial] The Lancet at 200: a start, but more to do. thelancet.com Thomas Wakley, a 27-year-old apothecary, surgeon, and sometime boxer, founded The Lancet in 1823. Wakley's intention was to publish reports of metropolitan hospital lectures, at the time a highly profitable activity for a small coterie of powerful physicians and surgeons in London. In addition to dismantling this private monopoly over medical knowledge, Wakley also hoped to provide "a correct description" of important clinical cases—"a complete Chronicle of the current Literature". His audience was national (city and country doctors) and global ("Colonial Practitioners"—a group for whom we must make o…
(2023-01-07). [Correspondence] Breast radiotherapy for non-low-risk ductal carcinoma in situ: to boost or not to boost? thelancet.com Radiotherapy and tumour bed boost for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast is the subject of many debates in tumour boards and radiotherapy departments. We thank Boon H Chua and colleagues1 for their well designed randomised trial comparing fractionation schedules and boost for non-low-risk DCIS. A boost lowered the 5-year local recurrence rate from 7 ∑3% to 2 ∑9%, resulting in 4% fewer salvage mastectomies compared with the no-boost group; however, this was at the cost of an increase of 15% acute and 11% late grade 2 or more events.
(2023-01-07). [Perspectives] André Ilbawi: centring community-defined priorities in cancer care. thelancet.com Speaking about WHO's latest cancer campaign to amplify the voices of people affected by cancer, André Ilbawi, Technical Lead for WHO's Cancer Control Programme, says it "focuses on better understanding and addressing the needs of people affected by cancer, so not only those that are diagnosed but also caregivers and people bereaved". For example, he points out that "very few countries, even among those in the OECD, have policies like paid leave for caregivers of those diagnosed with cancer. This includes even within the UN system.
(2023-01-07). CNH workers: Vote NO on the contract! Form rank-and-file committees to expand and win the strike! wsws.org Even the limited information which union officials have provided makes clear that the proposal deserves to be soundly rejected.
(2023-01-07). Former secretary at Stutthof concentration camp sentenced to juvenile probation. wsws.org On December 20, 2022, the Itzehoe Regional Court in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein sentenced 97-year-old Irmgard Furchner, a former secretary at the Stutthof concentration camp near Gdansk, to a suspended juvenile sentence of two years for aiding and abetting murder in more than 10, 0 cases.
(2023-01-07). 2022 was Canada's deadliest year of the COVID-19 pandemic. wsws.org The policy of the Trudeau government and provincial health authorities to let the virus rip unimpeded, a policy adopted by all capitalist governments around the world, has enabled COVID-19 to mutate into ever-more dangerous variants.
(2023-01-07). Republicans elect House speaker on 15th ballot, Biden praises police and "patriotic" Republicans. wsws.org In the aftermath of the November midterm elections, media pundits proclaimed a "victory for democracy" and "return to normalcy" in American politics. The events of Friday, however, the second anniversary of the January 6, 2021, storming of the US Capitol by a fascist mob incited by the sitting president, have well and truly exploded all such fantasies.
(2023-01-07). Australian public health system breaking down as funding cuts to Medicare deepen. wsws.org The federal Labor government "increased" Medicare payments by just 1.6 percent in July last year, when inflation had already reached 6.1 percent.
(2023-01-07). At least two dead as California battered by high winds and heavy rain and snow. wsws.org While rains and snows abated Thursday evening, they are predicted to pick up across northern California and southwest Oregon late Friday and continue next week.
(2023-01-07). Australian students and youth: "We need an anti-war movement because otherwise we won't have a future" wsws.org "There's been no greater time for the building of an anti-war movement. Capitalism has no answer to the needs of the population. All it has is austerity policies."
(2023-01-07). 2,800 Akron teachers set to strike Monday. wsws.org Teachers and educators will strike the Akron Public Schools on Monday after working without a contract since last June.
(2023-01-07). Interview with Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly on the COVID pandemic and Long COVID. wsws.org "This was a historic moment in the annals of medicine… when patients came to the fore and alerted all of us scientists that something here is wrong and needs to be investigated and researched and gave the entity its name."
(2023-01-07). SGP Berlin election campaign met with widespread support. wsws.org In the first days of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (SGP) campaign for the Berlin state election, members and supporters have distributed thousands of leaflets at vocational schools, in residential neighbourhoods and at factories, and held countless discussions with workers and young people.
(2023-01-07). Mobilize the working class against the jobs massacre in Amazon and other industries! wsws.org The mass layoffs announced by Amazon and the jobs bloodbath of the ruling class must be opposed through the development of rank-and-file committees and a political struggle against the capitalist system.
(2023-01-07). January 6 Committee Final Report downplays central role of Virginia Thomas, Supreme Court in Trump coup. wsws.org The evidence strongly indicates that Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election through state legislatures were aided by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, through his surrogate and life-long Republican operative, Virginia "Ginni" Thomas.
(2023-01-07). White Noise: A film adaptation of the Don DeLillo novel. wsws.org The complicated goings-on, including the occurrence of a potentially deadly "airborne toxic event" and the determined pursuit of an experimental drug that supposedly suppresses the fear of death, take place in the 1980s.
(2023-01-07). NFL player Damar Hamlin in recovery three days after on-field collapse. wsws.org While 24-year-old professional football player Damar Hamlin had his breathing tube removed by doctors on Thursday and he was able to speak with family and his teammates via video, the cause of his on-field collapse as well as his ability to make a full recovery remain unknown.
(2023-01-07). Argentina to Host 7th Summit of Latin American States. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Foreign Affairs Minister Santiago Cafiero announced that Argentina will host the 7th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). | RELATED: | Argentine President Alberto Fernandez will inaugurate the Jan. 24 event in Buenos Aires, and Cafiero will present a report of his country's work during its temporary leadership of the bloc. | "Argentina h…
(2023-01-07). The Heat: U.S. Prison Slavery. america.cgtn.com Does slavery still exist in the United States of America? This past November, four U.S. states voted to remove the last vestiges of slavery from their state constitutions. Slavery and involuntary servitude are prohibited on the national level, and forced labor is still allowed in …
(2023-01-07). Cámara Baja chilena inicia debate nuevo proceso constituyente. telesurtv.net En ningún caso, se propone la realización de una nueva Convención Constitucional, a pesar de que así emergió de un plebiscito en 2020.
(2023-01-07). Operativo antinarcóticos en México deja 29 muertos, ningún civil. telesurtv.net El presidente López Obrador aseguró que se actuó de manera responsable en la captura de Ovidio Guzmán para evitar víctimas inocentes.
(2023-01-07). Entra en vigor tregua navideña ordenada por presidente de Rusia. telesurtv.net Pese a solicitud del Kremlin de que Kiev se sume al alto al fuego de 36 horas, se reportan bombardeos del Ejército ucraniano sobre localidades del Donbás.
(2023-01-07). Trabajadores salvadoreños rechazan criminalización de la protesta. telesurtv.net Reclaman el pago de salarios atrasados y otras prestaciones. Denuncian que se les amenaza con aplicarles la ley de excepción.
(2023-01-07). ONU insta a unir esfuerzos para combatir el trabajo infantil. telesurtv.net El titular del organismo internacional advirtió que 160 millones de niños son víctimas del trabajo infantil.
(2023-01-07). Chile registra la inflación más alta desde 1991. telesurtv.net El país suramericano experimenta una espiral inflacionaria que afecta con fuerza a las familias con ingresos medios o bajos.
(2023-01-07). Haití cierra 2022 con más de 2.000 muertes por armas de fuego. telesurtv.net Fuentes oficiales estiman que alrededor de 200 bandas criminales operan en todo el país, la mayoría en la capital haitiana.
(2023-01-07). MAS boliviano exige a Fiscalía informe sobre acciones golpistas. telesurtv.net La Cámara de Diputados señaló que se reclamarán los avances en las investigaciones de los hechos violentos.
(2023-01-07). FAO: precios mundiales de alimentos batieron récord en 2022. telesurtv.net El índice de precios de aceites vegetales de la FAO promedió 144,4 puntos en diciembre, 10,3 puntos (6,7 por ciento) menos que en noviembre.
(2023-01-07). Republicano McCarthy logró presidencia de la Cámara Baja de EEUU tras 15 votaciones y jornadas de caos en el Congreso. cubadebate.cu Tras ganar apoyo vía concesiones a congresistas de ultraderecha, el republicano Kevin McCarthy fue elegido presidente de la Cámara de Representantes la madrugada de este sábado en la votación número 15, precedida por una pelea en la que un legislador debió ser apartado físicamente y por jornadas de caos sin precedentes en más de 160 años en el Congreso.
(2023-01-07). øCómo se diseñaron los presupuestos municipales para el año 2023? cubadebate.cu "Hay que potenciar la cultura tributaria para que se entienda por qué hace falta el tributo y qué representa en el gasto municipal. En la medida en que logremos involucrar a la población y las autoridades, lograremos una ejecución del presupuesto de 2023 con resultados, disminuiremos el déficit fiscal a partir de la premisa del país de que las nuevas formas de ingreso sean la autogestión de los propios municipios y los proyectos de desarrollo local".
(2023-01-07). Conglomerados mediáticos, redes sociales digitales y vigilancia. cubadebate.cu Por lo general, sabemos que la mayoría de los grandes medios comerciales de nuestros países están vinculados a sectores del poder económico y/o político y reflejan sus intereses. Pero, øes coincidencia que en toda la región —e incluso fuera de ella— se repita la misma narrativa, con apenas algunas pequeñas variantes? øQué importancia tiene este hecho en la vida social y política de hoy?
(2023-01-07). ONAT informa a los contribuyentes sobre vectores fiscales para 2023. cubadebate.cu La Oficina Nacional de Administración Tributaria informa a los contribuyentes que los vectores fiscales de 2023 estarán disponibles desde el 15 de enero en el portal tributario, servicio Vector Fiscal. Los usuarios podrán solicitar el vector por los correos consultas de la ONAT de sus municipios. Las direcciones de correo electrónico están en la sección Contacto del portal.
(2023-01-07). Expertos ONU: Redes sociales deben asumir responsabilidad para frenar discurso del odio. cubadebate.cu Pese a que muchas empresas dicen no permitir la incitación al odio, los expertos advirtieron que hay una amplia brecha entre los compromisos de las compañías con sus directrices y su cumplimiento en las redes sociales. "Es especialmente patente en la aprobación de anuncios incendiarios, desinformación electoral y contenidos sobre teorías conspirativas".
(2023-01-07). Fiscalía peruana abre investigación contra presidenta Boluarte. telesurtv.net Las diligencias incluyen a varios funcionarios del actual Gobierno por su responsabilidad en la represión a las marchas pacíficas de diciembre pasado.
(2023-01-07). Central obrera se declara en estado de emergencia en Bolivia. telesurtv.net El presidente Luis Arce convocó a una concentración y movilización para celebrar el Día del Estado Plurinacional el próximo 22 de enero.
(2023-01-07). Tercer día de Paro Nacional en Perú exige renuncia de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net La víspera se reportaron protestas en los departamentos de Apurimac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Puno, Cuzco y Tacna.
(2023-01-07). EE.UU. revela detalles de ataque con drones en Kabul en 2021. telesurtv.net Ese ataque mató a 10 civiles afganos en agosto de 2021 y el Ejército atribuyó el asunto a un error de los operadores.
(2023-01-07). Fallece el exfutbolista italiano Gianluca Vialli. telesurtv.net Vialli fue protagonista en el único título de Serie A y las cuatro copas italianas ganadas por la Sampdoria.
(2023-01-07). Honduras activa plan de emergencia nacional por influenza aviar. telesurtv.net Esta disposición tendrá vigencia por tres meses y se contarán con todos los recursos necesarios para la vigilancia y monitoreo del virus.
(2023-01-07). Aumentan a 13 las provincias dominicanas en alerta por vaguada. telesurtv.net Aunque la nación seguirá bajo un ambiente lluvioso, se descontinuó la alerta verde para las provincias Puerto Plata, El Seibo y La Alta Gracia.
(2023-01-07). Bomberos combaten incendios forestales en Uruguay. telesurtv.net Aunque dos siniestros se extinguieron, en la jornada se registraron varios en zonas cercanas a viviendas y sitios de interés económico.
(2023-01-07). Siguen protestas contra el Gobierno de Perú. telesurtv.net Fueron reportadas varias personas heridas en la ciudad de Juliaca, región de Puno, como consecuencia de la represión policial.
(2023-01-07). Reportan al menos 10 heridos por tiroteo en Florida, EE.UU. telesurtv.net En 2022 se registraron en el territorio estadounidense 639 tiroteos en masa.
(2023-01-07). Cámara Baja de EE.UU. aplaza otra vez la elección de presidente. telesurtv.net El principal candidato republicano, Kevin McCarthy, no alcanzó los 218 votos necesarios. Ya se realizaron 11 votaciones.
(2023-01-07). El Salvador iniciará año escolar el 6 de febrero en presencial. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Salud de El Salvador registró 186 fallecidos a causa de la Covid-19 en 2022.
(2023-01-07). teleSUR en español tiene canal alterno en YouTube. telesurtv.net La presidenta del multimedio, la periodista Patricia Villegas, invitó a suscribirse a este canal (teleSURtv_Oficial).
(2023-01-07). Lula da Silva viajará a Uruguay el próximo 25 de enero. telesurtv.net Los cancilleres de ambos países sudamericanos ya se encuentran trabajando en la agenda del encuentro bilateral.
(2023-01-07). Kevin McCarthy es electo presidente de la Cámara Baja de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Después de 15 sesiones de votación, Kevin McCarthy logró 216 votos para resultar electo líder de la Cámara de Representantes.
(2023-01-06). White Lives Matter more in Ukraine. mronline.org The open white supremacy and fascism exhibited in Ukraine are conveniently swept under the rug. Nazis are bad, unless they serve the interests of the U.S. state.
(2023-01-06). Kiev Snubs Christmas Truce… No Peace or Goodwill From NATO and Its Frankenstein Monster. strategic-culture.org The United States and its NATO allies do not want any chance of diplomacy and peace breaking out. | Russia's unilateral truce for the Orthodox Christmas this weekend was rejected out of hand as "cynical propaganda" by the United States, European Union, NATO and the NeoNazi regime in Kiev that they support. Who are the real cynics here? | While Moscow declared on Thursday arrangements for a temporary respite in the conflict, the U.S. and its NATO allies were on the same day announcing plans for a further escalation with the new supply of tanks and more missiles to the Kiev regime. | Reports Friday also indicate th…
(2023-01-06). Peru: Nation-Wide Strike Against Boluarte Reaches Third Day. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Peruvians stage the third consecutive day of protests to demand the resignation of President Dina Boluarte, the closure of Congress, the call for a constituent process, and the release of former President Pedro Castillo. | RELATED: | The land Transport Superintendence confirmed the blockade of roads in 46 sites scattered in eight regions of the country. Among them is the blockade of traffic between Puno and…
(2023-01-06). Peru Dismisses Its Ambassador to Bolivia. telesurenglish.net The Peruvian Government announced on Friday the decision to dismiss its ambassador in La Paz, Carina Palacio, in the context of the controversy over the alleged interference of former Bolivian president Evo Morales in the country's internal affairs. | RELATED: | The Government's resolution reads: "It is resolved to terminate the functions as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Peru to the Plurinational State…
(2023-01-06). Protests continue in Peru as newly installed government cracks down after coup. greenleft.org.au A rapid end to the Peruvian crisis appears unlikely after the right-wing "soft coup" against President Pedro Castillo, writes Rodrigo Acuña.
(2023-01-06). Counterinsurgency War: US Bioresearch Labs, Bases and Troops in Peru. orinocotribune.com By Stella Calloni Dec 31, 2022 | Peru has been experiencing a dramatic crisis since December 7, 2022. This crisis was caused by the illegal dismissal of President Pedro Castillo, imposed by the parliament under the control of the Peruvian ultra-right wing, which ordered his arrest the day of the president's message to the nation. He was condemned to 18 months in prison a week later by the Permanent Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, which provoked a popular uprising in several regions, repressed by the police from the first moments and later by the army when the coup perpetrators imposed a state of emer…
(2023-01-06). Belgian trade unions strike over soaring energy prices and inflation from Ukraine war. therealnews.com Belgium's largest unions took to the streets of Brussels on Dec. 16th to demand higher wages, a cap on energy prices, and more bargaining power. This strike came on the wave of other labor actions in Belgium, including a national strike and a three-day rail strike. Organizers say that workers' real wages are being diminished by runaway inflation driven by rapid increases in the costs of energy due to the war in Ukraine. | Director, Camera, Editing: Brandon Jourdan |
| Transcript: | The transcript of this story is in progress and will be made available as soon as possible. |
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(2023-01-06). Can NATO and the Pentagon Find a Diplomatic Off-Ramp From the Ukraine War? juancole.com ( Code Pink) NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, known for his staunch support for Ukraine, recently revealed his greatest fear for this winter to a TV interviewer in his native Norway: that the fighting in Ukraine could spin out of control and become a major war between NATO and Russia. "If things go wrong," …
(2023-01-06). U.S., Germany To Supply Ukraine With Dozens Of Bradley & Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles. southfront.org Soldiers from 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, travel in a Bradley Fighting Vehicle, May 24, 2014, during Combined Resolve II. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) | The United States and Germany have agreed to supply dozens of infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to Ukraine, where Russia has been conducting a special military operation for nearly a year. | The decision was announced in a joint statement that was released after a phone call between American President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Schol…
(2023-01-06). Washington makes Ukraine war new flashpoint in its confrontation with Iran. wsws.org There is a real and growing danger that the US-NATO drive to militarily defeat and subjugate Russia will help trigger a major Mideast war, or the expansion of the current war to the Middle East.
(2023-01-06). Putin Orders Unilateral Ceasefire for Orthodox Christmas, Ukraine Rejects It. scheerpost.com
(2023-01-06). Western Escalation in Ukraine: Sending in Armor — But is it Too Little Too Late? libya360.wordpress.com Update on Russian military operations in Ukraine for January 6, 2023: — After over a week, the Western media continues talking about Ukraine's HIMARS strike on assembled Russian troops; — The focus on political optics inadvertently reveals the lack of strategic and tactical importance of this strike and highlights the lopsided nature of fighting against…
(2023-01-06). First wheeled "tank-destroyer" sent to Ukraine: France to supply armored combat vehicles, conducts training. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Associated Press/Defense NewsJanuary 5, 2023 France eyes delivery of tank-killing vehicles to Ukraine The French Armed Forces Ministry said Thursday it will soon hold talks with its Ukrainian counterpart to arrange for the delivery of armored combat vehicles in what France's presidency says will be the first time this type of Western-made wheeled tank-destroyer will …
(2023-01-06). Ukraine Supporters Should Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Nuclear Power in Ukraine: What Would Happen if Zaporizhzhia Was Hit? globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Ukraine Rejects Ceasefire With Russia and Carries Out Attacks. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Ukrainian Presidential Adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said that his country will agree on a ceasefire with Russia only after Russian troops are withdrawn from Ukraine. | RELATED: | Earlier in the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a temporary ceasefire along the frontline. This truce was expected to last for 36 hours, starting at noon local time on Jan. 6., when Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas. | Putin al…
(2023-01-06). After test run in Ukraine, Australia buys long-range U.S. missile systems. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Stars and StripesJanuary 5, 2023 Australia to buy HIMARS, a US-made rocket system that's seeing success in Ukraine Australia is buying the same type of U.S.-made long-range missile systems that have helped Ukrainian forces even the odds against invading Russians. The Australian government announced plans Thursday to spend more than $680 million to field surface-to-surface …
(2023-01-06). Nuclear Ukraine: Amid 'Concerns'Over Alleged Russian Threat, the World Overlooks the Real Danger. libya360.wordpress.com Olga Sukharevskaya Last year, Western media and high-ranking politicians actively discussed the possibility of Russian troops using atomic weapons in Ukraine. There has even been speculation on the likelihood of a nuclear war breaking out. However, it could be said that the risk is probably a lot higher on the other side of the barricades….
(2023-01-06). New US Military Aid Package to Ukraine. telesurenglish.net This Friday, the U.S. State Department announced the delivery of a new military aid package to Ukraine amounting to 3.075 billion dollars. | RELATED: | According to the government statement, 2.85 billion dollars from Pentagon reserves will go directly to Volodymir Zelenski's government. Another 225 million dollars from the Foreign Military Financing program will be used to modernize the Ukrainian Armed Forces. | The package…
(2023-01-06). The Heat: Russia-Ukraine Conflict. america.cgtn.com Russia calls a temporary ceasefire in Ukraine in observance of Orthodox Christmas. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his military to carry out a 36-hour ceasefire on the front lines of Ukraine for Orthodox Christmas and urged the Kyiv government to do the same. Putin's announcement …
(2023-01-06). Moscow Could Retaliate if Germany Seizes Russian Assets to Help Ukraine. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Gordon M. Hahn: ´ The West Has Been Reckless with Vladimir Putin ª. libya360.wordpress.com Mohsen Abdelmoumen Mohsen Abdelmoumen: You are an expert in geostrategy, what is your view on the current conflict in Ukraine? Gordon M. Hahn: The war in Ukraine is best called the Russian-NATO Ukrainian war. It is a war over whether or not NATO will be allowed to expand to Ukraine and elsewhere along Russia's borders, but mostly…
(2023-01-06). Russian Army Destroyed Ukrainian S-300 System In Donetsk Before Ceasefire. southfront.org The Russian military had destroyed a Ukrainian S-300 long-range air defense system on the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on January 6. | The spokesman, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, said that the air-defense system was destroyed a day earlier, before the Russian-declared ceasefire in Ukraine came into effect."A launcher and a radar station of the Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile system were destroyed in the areas…
(2023-01-06). Defensive and offensive operations: "tank-killers" part of new U.S. $45b arms package to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Stars and StripesJanuary 5, 2023 US to send 'tank-killer' Bradley Fighting Vehicles to Ukraine as part of new aid package The United States will send a new round of aid to Ukraine that includes armored ground vehicles to help Ukrainian troops fight off invading Russian forces, according to the White House and Pentagon. Air Force …
(2023-01-06). Biden orders Germany to send armored vehicles, interceptor missiles to Ukraine, train Ukrainian combat forces. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleJanuary 5, 2023 Ukraine updates: Germany and US to send armored vehiclesKyiv will receive a significant upgrade in firepower from Germany and the United States Germany and the United States will send armored vehicles to Ukraine, the leaders of the two countries said in a joint statement. The announcement came after a phone call …
(2023-01-06). Ukraine To Arm Its Soviet Buk Air Defense Systems With U.S.-Made Sea Sparrow Missiles. southfront.org A NATO Sea Sparrow missile is launched during a live-fire self-defense missile exercise aboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S Truman in 2004. (Photo credit: Petty Officer 2nd class Jason P. Taylor/US Navy, Department of Defense). | The United States will supply Ukraine with RIM-7 Sea Sparrow short-range anti-aircraft missiles, Politico reported on January 5. | The missiles will be provided as a part of a $3.8 billion military aid package that will be announced on January 6. Around $2.25 billion of the pac…
(2023-01-06). US Dismisses Putin's Christmas Ceasefire as 'Cynical Ploy'. news.antiwar.com The State Department on Thursday rejected Russian President Vladimir Putin's order for a unilateral ceasefire in Ukraine for Orthodox Christmas, which is celebrated on January 7, as a "cynical ploy." Putin ordered the ceasefire to take effect at noon on Friday and last through Saturday after a request from Patriarch Kirill, the head of the …
(2023-01-06). Poland to deploy first of 2 U.S. battle tanks to Ukrainian, Russian borders. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish Press AgencyJanuary 4, 2023 Poland's MoD approves contract for 116 Abrams tanks Mariusz Blaszczak, the defence minister, on Wednesday signed a contract for the delivery of 116 US-made M1A1 Abrams tanks. At a ceremony held at the 1st Warsaw Armoured Brigade Blaszczak said that "the tanks will be shipped here, to Wesola (district of …
(2023-01-06). Coup plotter McFaul turns his attention to Georgia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The MessengerJanuary 6, 2023 President Biden should call on President Zourabichvili to pardon Mikheil Saakashvili, Michael McFaul says The former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul published an extensive opinion letter about Mikheil Saakashvili in the Washington Post and called on President Joe Biden, together with European democratic leaders, to immediately come out with a …
(2023-01-06). China and India Are Buying Up Russia's Arctic Oil. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Kiev Rejected Russia's Orthodox Christmas Truce on False Pretexts. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Why BRI is Back with a Bang in 2023. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar As Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative enters its 10th year, a strong Sino-Russian geostrategic partnership has revitalized the BRI across the Global South. The year 2022 ended with a Zoom call to end all Zoom calls: Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping discussing all aspects of the Russia-China strategic partnership in an exclusive video…
(2023-01-06). The Plan to Carve Up Russia. strategic-culture.org
(2023-01-06). Russian Fighters Reached Center Of Soledar. southfront.org
(2023-01-06). Raytheon sells long-range missiles to Romania for war in Black Sea. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense PostJanuary 6, 2023 Raytheon Secures $208M Naval Strike Missile Contract From Romania Raytheon Missiles & Defense has received a $208-million contract to supply Naval Strike Missiles (NSMs) to the armed forces of Romania. *** The amount of mobile coastal anti-ship missile batteries to be delivered to the NATO member wasn't disclosed. However, the US …
(2023-01-06). Uranium Water Contamination in US Far More Prevalent Than Believed. mintpressnews.com Providing clean water is the most basic responsibility of a government. The US government — the richest in the world — can't do that, which puts this country at the level of a failed state.
(2023-01-06). Secret War: How the U.S. Uses Partnerships and Proxy Forces to Wage War Under the Radar. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). The Chris Hedges Report: Mickey Huff & Nolan Higden on the Disappearance of Democratic Debate and Dialogue in America. scheerpost.com By Chris Hedges Democratic debate and dialogue have all but vanished in the United States. There is widespread censorship imposed by social media platforms, private corporations about which we know nothing, while they know everything about us. Mainstream news outlets champion censorship and deplatforming in the name of democracy. Brian Seltzer, for example, on CNN …
(2023-01-06). All of Israel's most dangerous politicians are now in one place—the government. peoplesworld.org Even before the new Israeli government was officially sworn in on Dec. 29, angry reactions began emerging, not only among Palestinians and other Middle Eastern governments, but also among Israel's historic allies in the West. As early as Nov. 2, top U.S. officials conveyed to Axios that the Biden administration is "unlikely to engage with …
(2023-01-06). At least 12,000 NYC nurses poised to strike. popularresistance.org As many as 12,000 New York City nurses are set to go on strike on Monday, January 9. On December 21, NYC unionized nurses voted to Authorize A Strike by a landslide 98.8% vote. The nurses, organized under the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA), are demanding that hospital executives address short-staffing, raise pay in line with inflation, and not cut healthcare benefits for workers. | With the impending strike, hospital executives are scrambling. Nurses at New York Presbyterian hospital reached a tentative deal with bosses over the weekend, in which nurses would receive 18% in raises over the next three y…
(2023-01-06). At Least 12,000 New York City Nurses Poised To Strike. popularresistance.org New York City, New York – As many as 12,000 New York City nurses are set to go on strike on Monday, January 9. On December 21, NYC unionized nurses voted to Authorize A Strike by a landslide 98.8% vote. The nurses, organized under the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA), are demanding that hospital executives address short-staffing, raise pay in line with inflation, and not cut healthcare benefits for workers. | With the impending strike, hospital executives are scrambling. Nurses at New York Presbyterian hospital reached a tentative deal with bosses over the weekend, in which nurses would receive 18% in ra…
(2023-01-06). What to Expect from the Government in 2023? More of the Same. dissidentvoice.org For those wondering what to expect from the government in 2023, it looks like we're going to be in for more of the same in terms of the government's brand of madness, mayhem, corruption and brutality. Digital prisons. Unceasingly, the government and its corporate partners are pushing for a national digital ID system. Local police …
(2023-01-06). US-Saudi Tensions Ease as Military Cooperation Against Iran Grows. news.antiwar.com Tensions between the US and Saudi Arabia have eased as the two countries are stepping up military cooperation against Iran, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing US and Saudi officials. The officials said that the Biden administration has dropped its threats to retaliate against Saudi Arabia over OPEC+ oil production cuts that were …
(2023-01-06). The Decline & Fall Of Nuclear Disarmament In 2022. progressivehub.net THALIF DEEN | INDEPTHNEWS…
(2023-01-06). Socialism is not a Utopian ideal, but an achievable necessity: The First Newsletter (2023). mronline.org In May 2021, the executive director of UN Women, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, and the UN high representative for disarmament affairs, Izumi Nakamitsu, wrote an article urging governments to cut excessive military spending in favour of increasing spending on social and economic development.
(2023-01-06). Socialism Is Not a Utopian Ideal, but an Achievable Necessity. popularresistance.org In May 2021, the executive director of UN Women, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, and the UN high representative for disarmament affairs, Izumi Nakamitsu, wrote an article urging governments to cut excessive military spending in favour of increasing spending on social and economic development. Their wise words were not heard at all. To cut money for war and to increase money for social development, they wrote, is 'not a utopian ideal, but an achievable necessity'. That phrase — not a utopian ideal, but an achievable necessity — is essential. It describes the project of socialism almost perfectly. | Our institu…
(2023-01-06). The U.S. Armed Its Kurdish Proxies In Syria With Anti-Tank & Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems — Report. southfront.org The United States have secretly armed its main proxy group in northern and eastern Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF),…
(2023-01-06). If You Wouldn't Ask Hannibal Lecter to Stop Mass Atrocities, Don't Ask "The International Community" popularresistance.org As someone who spends a lot of time studying African conflict, I often witness and find myself drawn into discussion with groups demanding that "the international community" do something to stop genocide and mass atrocities in their country. Of course I sympathize with any community under attack because of their racial, ethnic, clan, national, class, or political identity, but why would anyone in Africa or elsewhere in the Global South expect "the international community"—meaning the US-dominated West—to stop genocide and mass atrocities? The US dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan even though the Allies h…
(2023-01-06). You Wouldn't Ask Hannibal Lecter To Stop Mass Atrocities. popularresistance.org As someone who spends a lot of time studying African conflict, I often witness and find myself drawn into discussion with groups demanding that "the international community" do something to stop genocide and mass atrocities in their country. Of course I sympathize with any community under attack because of their racial, ethnic, clan, national, class, or political identity, but why would anyone in Africa or elsewhere in the Global South expect "the international community"—meaning the US-dominated West—to stop genocide and mass atrocities? The US dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan even though the Allies h…
(2023-01-06). Honored in Cuba and condemned by Washington, Ana Belén Montes walks free from federal prison. thegrayzone.com "I obeyed my conscience rather than the law," ex-Defense Intelligence Agency analyst Ana Belén Montes declared on her way into a federal prison. Accused of spying for Cuba, she is a hero on the besieged island, where she foiled countless US destabilization operations. On January 8, 2023 the US has to release a federal prisoner who is known as one its most notable opponents of treatment of Cuba since its revolution. She is Ana Belén Montes, and she will be …
(2023-01-06). Why is the West Lamenting the End of 'Liberal' Israel? mintpressnews.com Israel's new extremist government maybe coming under fire now, but it is only a matter of time before it is whitewashed as more proof that Israel can strike a balance between being Jewish and democratic.
(2023-01-06). Veterans For Peace Golden Rule In Havana, Cuba. popularresistance.org Thank you to the many Cuban people who have welcomed us to their beautiful country. Thank you to ICAP for hosting our press conference. And thank you to the members of the media who are here today to listen to our message of peace, love and solidarity. | We are a diverse group of people from the United States and Hawai'i. We are from the US states of California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Minnesota, New York and Rhode Island. And several of us are from the island nation of Hawai'i. We are the crew and supporters of the historic anti-nuclear sailboat Golden Rule. Many of us are members of Veterans For Peace,…
(2023-01-06). A History Of The First Revolution In The Americas. popularresistance.org On January 1, 1804, Haiti became an independent republic, following the revolution which had begun 13 years earlier as a rebellion of enslaved people against slavery and French colonialism. | Previously known as Saint-Domingue, it was the most profitable colony in the world, generating greater revenue than all of the continental North American colonies combined. This immense wealth was generated by the sweat and blood of enslaved Africans who were being worked to death in their tens of thousands on coffee and sugar plantations. | Shortly after the French revolution, which supposedly espoused the ideals of "libert…
(2023-01-06). Brazil: Defenders Return Embassy to Venezuelan Authorities. popularresistance.org This Monday, January 2, the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, deputy Jorge Rodríguez, received the keys to the headquarters of the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Brazil from the hands of local social movements that, for more than three years, had protected the residence from attempts of aggression, siege, and attacks by fascism. Rodríguez, accompanied by the new Venezuelan ambassador to Brazil, Manuel Vicente Vadell, as well as the staff that works at the diplomatic headquarters, received the keys to the residence from Joà£o Pedro Stedile, Brazilian social leader.
(2023-01-06). This Construction Union Is Reaching Out To Undocumented And Non-union Workers. popularresistance.org New York City, New York – Many workplaces are marked by a real tension between different types of workers: undocumented vs. citizens, union vs. non-union, and more. New York City's Construction and General Building Laborers' Union Local 79 has been working to overcome these divides by intentionally reaching out to undocumented and non-union workers in the construction trades. And the bosses are taking notice. Recorded in the spring of 2022 from the Local 79 headquarters in Manhattan, TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez conducts a Spanish-language interview with Alex Martinez, Walter Martinez, and José Rosas,…
(2023-01-06). Learning From An Older Generation Of Troublemakers. popularresistance.org One of the fun things about the 2022 Labor Notes Conference was the presence and enthusiasm of young people. To this labor veteran, it was encouraging to see the young blood and new faces; it was clear that we have a new generation of leaders emerging in the labor movement. And that is more than welcome! | That being said, there is a lot of experience that has already left and will leave over the next 20 or so years. It's not that my generation—folks who came of age during the late 1960s and early '70s—had all the answers or did everything correctly. But we did a lot; and there's a lot that younger ac…
(2023-01-06). Review: Learning From An Older Generation Of Troublemakers. popularresistance.org One of the fun things about the 2022 Labor Notes Conference was the presence and enthusiasm of young people. To this labor veteran, it was encouraging to see the young blood and new faces; it was clear that we have a new generation of leaders emerging in the labor movement. And that is more than welcome! | That being said, there is a lot of experience that has already left and will leave over the next 20 or so years. It's not that my generation—folks who came of age during the late 1960s and early '70s—had all the answers or did everything correctly. But we did a lot; and there's a lot that younger ac…
(2023-01-06). This NYC construction union is reaching out to undocumented and non-union workers. The bosses don't like it. popularresistance.org Many workplaces are marked by a real tension between different types of workers: undocumented vs. citizens, union vs. non-union, and more. New York City's Construction and General Building Laborers' Union Local 79 has been working to overcome these divides by intentionally reaching out to undocumented and non-union workers in the construction trades. And the bosses are taking notice. Recorded in the spring of 2022 from the Local 79 headquarters in Manhattan, TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez conducts a Spanish-language interview with Alex Martinez, Walter Martinez, and José Rosas, who were all fired from t…
(2023-01-06). Sealing Criminal Records Benefits Us All. popularresistance.org About 70 million people‚Äâ—‚Äâ1 in 3 adults‚Äâ—‚Äâhave some kind of criminal record; background checks often turn up arrests, for example, even if no charges were ever filed. Nine in 10 employers weigh that past in their hiring decisions. | And the collateral consequences go far beyond employment. Criminal records can disqualify people from housing, professional licensing and public benefits. | In short, a record can sentence an individual‚Äâ—‚Äâand their family‚Äâ—‚…
(2023-01-06). China Grants Emergency Approval for Homegrown ECMO. telesurenglish.net
(2023-01-06). XBB unlikely to cause new infection peak in China. ecns.cn
(2023-01-06). Global Food Prices Surge 14.3 Pct in 2022: FAO. telesurenglish.net In 2022, the FAO's sub-indexes show cereal prices are up by 17.9 percent from 2021, vegetable oil prices are up by 13.9 percent, dairy prices are up by 19.6 percent, meat prices are up by 10.4 percent, and sugar prices are up by 4.7 percent. | Photo taken on Oct. 11, 2022 shows a worker displaying processed rice at a grain plant in Nanchang County, east China's Jiangxi Province.
(2023-01-06). People receive inhaled COVID-19 vaccines in Fuzhou. ecns.cn Fuzhou City in east China's Fujian Province started vaccination with inhaled COVID-19 vaccines.
(2023-01-06). Li: China puts Pakistan ties a diplomacy priority. ecns.cn Premier Li Keqiang said on Thursday that China will work with Pakistan to promote practical cooperation in various areas, urging the South Asian nation to do its utmost to ensure the safety of Chinese people and organizations there.
(2023-01-06). halo appears over Mount Tai. ecns.cn A halo appeared over Mount Tai in Tai'an, east China's Shandong province on Thursday.
(2023-01-06). China-Central Asia gas pipeline transports 43.2 bln cubic meters to China in 2022. ecns.cn In 2022, the China-Central Asia gas pipeline has transported 43.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas to China, with a daily transport amount of about 100 million cubic meters, a strong guarantee for the demand of Chinese market, according to the Horgos initial compressor station of PipeChina West Pipeline Company on Thursday.
(2023-01-06). Nation heats up domestic iron ore biz. ecns.cn China is expected to ramp up domestic iron ore sources while enhancing the utilization of scrap steel and housing more overseas mining assets to safeguard the supply of iron ore, a key raw material for steelmaking, experts said.
(2023-01-06). China's civil aviation industry poised to reach 75% of pre-pandemic level: CAAC. ecns.cn China aims to revive its civil aviation industry to 75 percent of the pre-pandemic level this year, with the total volume of flight transport turnover reaching 97.6 billion ton-kilometers, the air passenger transport volume 460 million trips, and airport cargo and mail throughput 6.17 million tons, working to achieve profit and loss balance, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) on Friday.
(2023-01-06). Australia purchasing sophisticated HIMARS and naval strike missiles. wsws.org Boosting Australia's military capacities is a key component of the US-led military build-up throughout the Indo-Pacific to prepare for an aggressive war against China.
(2023-01-06). Chinese NEVs expected to zoom in 2023. ecns.cn China's new energy vehicle market, already the largest in the world, is expected to grow further in 2023 as vehicle makers are vying to launch new models and private car buyers are becoming the major consumer group.
(2023-01-06). Spring Festival goods market booms as the festival approaches. ecns.cn As the Spring Festival approaches, the festival atmosphere becomes strong in north China's Tianjin. In the Spring Festival goods market at the historic canal town Yangliuqing, various red lanterns were hung.
(2023-01-06). Experts slam curbs on travelers from China. ecns.cn Health experts and international organizations have criticized the requirement by some countries for travelers from China to have a negative COVID-19 test as a condition for entry, saying it will not help prevent the spread of the virus.
(2023-01-06). As Washington prepares for conflict with China, US confronts major labor shortages in semiconductor manufacture. wsws.org Semiconductors are as essential to modern militaries as they are to every other part of the economy.
(2023-01-06). First China-developed ECMO approved for COVID patients. ecns.cn China's first domestically produced ECMO, the extracorporal life support product known as "artificial lung," has been approved for emergency use, according to the National Medical Product Administration on Thursday.
(2023-01-06). CPC International Department outlines China's optimization of COVID-19 response. ecns.cn The International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee recently sent letters to foreign political parties and organizations, explaining the adjustment to China's COVID-19 response policy and its significance to strengthening exchanges and cooperation between countries.
(2023-01-06). China's big-data tech industry improves greatly. ecns.cn
(2023-01-06). Abandoning 'zero COVID,' China fights virus surge before Lunar New Year. peoplesworld.org BEIJING—Patients, mostly older people, lay on stretchers in hallways or took oxygen while sitting in wheelchairs as a COVID-19 outbreak stretched public health facilities' resources in China's capital Beijing, even after its reported peak. The Chuiyangliu hospital in the city's east was packed Thursday with newly arrived patients. Beds ran out by midmorning, even as …
(2023-01-06). China's COMAC C919 Passenger Jet and a Leap for Multipolarism. journal-neo.org Right at the end of 2022 the first of China's COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China) C919 airliner jets was delivered to a domestic Chinese airline company, China Eastern Airlines. Reuters in an article titled, "China Eastern takes delivery of the world's first made-in-China C919 jet," would report: The world's first C919, a Chinese-made narrowbody …
(2023-01-06). China's big-data tech industry improves greatly: white paper. ecns.cn A white paper on big data released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) showed that the overall level of China's big-data technology industry improved significantly.
(2023-01-06). China's timely and transparent sharing of COVID-19 information proven by facts. ecns.cn
(2023-01-06). Utopias and Dystopias as Places of Mental Retreat and Cooperation with China. indybay.org Joe Biden and his foreign policy team are in many ways still entrenched in the Cold War era, and his administration has generally taken a far more antagonistic stance toward China than Obama. It is not surprising, then, that the progress Kerry made with his Chinese interlocutors in Glasgow largely fizzled out as tensions over Taiwan grew more intense.
(2023-01-06). China Set to Lose Its Demographic Lead. telesurenglish.net Data from the United Nations (UN) suggest that India will unseat China as the world's most populous country on April 14 of this year, well ahead of the 2027 forecast. | RELATED: | These estimates would mark the first time in 300 years that a country other than China holds the world's top demographic position. This was expected to occur in 2027. | In China, government policies limiting families to one child contributed greatly to reducing the…
(2023-01-06). New Revelations Must Stop Concord NWS Negotiations. indybay.org The negotiations between the city of Concord and the developers that comprise Concord First Partners should be stopped. New revelations brought forth by reporter Dan Borenstein reveal legal entanglements regarding Albert Seeno the 3rd. The fiscal and organizational stability of Seeno's Discovery Builders is in question.
(2023-01-06). People enjoy ice sports on Minor Cold. ecns.cn People skate and sled on the ice of Shichahai lake, a popular scenic area in Beijing during Minor Cold, or Xiaohan, the 23rd term of the 24 traditional Chinese terms, Jan. 5, 2023.
(2023-01-06). Was 2022 the Year the World Turned a Corner on Climate Change? scheerpost.com By Mitchell Beer | The Energy Mix After nearly half a century of delaying the shift off fossil fuels, and "with the climate crisis breaching our front door," 2022 may have been the moment when humanity finally turned a corner on emission reductions, says U.S. climate analyst Dr. Leah Stokes. Despite a year of severe …
(2023-01-06). Watzreal Satisfies with "Dark Album: Remaster," an Underground San Francisco Rap Gem. indybay.org On the remastered re-release of his gem "The Dark Album," San Francisco's Watzreal adds a handful of can't miss tracks and a true underground hit of an album.
(2023-01-06). Operation To Capture El Chapo's Son Leaves 29 Dead in Mexico. telesurenglish.net At least 29 people were killed in clashes sparked by an operation to capture a son of jailed Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman in northwest Mexico's Sinaloa state, Defense Minister Luis Cresencio Sandoval confirmed Friday. | RELATED: | The capture of Ovidio Guzman on Thursday left 19 assailants and 10 military troops dead and 35 others wounded, Sandoval said at a press conference. | Army and National Gu…
(2023-01-06). Over 2 bln trips expected during travel rush. ecns.cn Nearly 2.1 billion trips are expected to be made during the upcoming Spring Festival travel rush, up 99.5 percent year-on-year, according to the projection by the Ministry of Transport.
(2023-01-06). Mayo Clinic Minute: Snowblower safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Winter is here, and if you live in a region with a lot of snow, investing in a snowblower can save you a lot of time and energy on those mornings when you have to clear the driveway to get to work or school. But Dr. Sanj Kakar, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic hand and wrist surgeon, says those snowblowers can be more dangerous than you think. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/xC1uzCewqbo Journalists: Broadcast-quality video…
(2023-01-06). Hundreds Of Palestinians In Masafer Yatta Face Forced Displacement By Israel. progressivehub.net PEOPLES DISPATCH…
(2023-01-06). Train attendants receive training for upcoming travel rush. ecns.cn High-speed train attendants participate in a training program, including physique, etiquette and etc. ahead of the spring festival travel rush in Chongqing, Jan. 5, 2023.
(2023-01-06). Will the War Party Wield the Speaker's Gavel? globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). First official steps after 11 years between Syria and Tàºrkiye; Assassination of a nationalist politician; New Year messages from politicians. uwidata.com At the turn of the New Year, Tàºrkiye's agenda remains intense. Turkish and Syrian officials met in Moscow to overcome the ongoing political dispute between the two countries since the start of the civil war in Syria. The busy agenda in Tàºrkiye continued as we entered the new year. In a central location of the …
(2023-01-06). Starmer pledges austerity alliance between future UK Labour government, big business and unions. wsws.org Declaring Labour was the party of national unity, he began, "I believe in our country, I believe in our businesses."
(2023-01-06). Dr. Warren Hern: Humans Are a Metastasizing Cancer Terminating Life on the Planet. scheerpost.com Physician and anthropology scholar Dr. Warren Hern delves into some of the most upsetting aspects of human behavior as a fatal threat to all life on earth in the near future.
(2023-01-06). Opposition to union bureaucracy, class war monetary policies to fuel growth of US class struggle in 2023. wsws.org This year, at least 1.6 million workers in the United States have contracts due to expire, including workers in key industries.
(2023-01-06). Canada's Employment Rises 104,000 in December. telesurenglish.net
(2023-01-06). Sunday 1/8: The Pursuit of Happiness framed in political-economic terms. indybay.org Virtual through Google Meet: The Pursuit of Happiness framed in political-economic terms | Sunday, January 8 ∑ 7: 00 — 8: 00pm | Google Meet joining info | Video call link: meet.google.com/mqd-jtmf-gkk…
(2023-01-06). Police Killed Nearly 100 People a Month in 2022, Data Shows. truthout.org Stunning new data shows that police across the U.S. killed 1,176 people in 2022, the highest number of police killings in a year since researchers began recording such data a decade ago. According to Mapping Police Violence, there were only 12 days in 2022 when police didn't kill someone. The majority of the killings took place in scenarios where no crime was alleged, or where police were called… |
(2023-01-06). U.S. gov't announces measures to crack down on illegal immigration. ecns.cn The U.S. government announced Thursday new measures to crack down on illegal immigration.
(2023-01-06). Saturday 1/14: Film Screening:The Circle, banned in Iran, directed by Afar Panahi, imprisoned in Iran. indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Ave | Berkeley…
(2023-01-06). What's Inside the Budget for the Secretive DARPA Agency? globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Pakistan: Update on flood affected areas and the need for relief and rehabilitation. greenleft.org.au While floodwaters have receded across much of Pakistan, relief efforts continue to support flood-affected communities, reports Farooq Tariq.
(2023-01-06). Selected Articles: What's Inside the Budget for the Secretive DARPA Agency? globalresearch.ca By DARPA was
(2023-01-06). Do Meghan and Harry Really Believe They Control the Narrative? globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Saturday 1/7: Election 2022: What Does It Mean for the Socialist Left? indybay.org
(2023-01-06). Comicomment: U.S. children wilt in the long shadow of gun violence. ecns.cn The U.S. has recorded 175 gun deaths and over 300 gun injuries in the first four days of the new year, according to Gun Violence Archive.
(2023-01-06). The Inflation and Deflation Stories of Our Lifetime (and No, They're Not the Ones You Think!). scheerpost.com
(2023-01-06). Britain's rail unions RMT and ASLEF will not fight anti-strike laws. wsws.org The new anti-strike laws were first conceived as a response to the national rail strikes. Their two main leaders, the Rail, Maritime and Transport union's Mick Lynch and train drivers' union ASLEF's Mick Whelan, have made clear they will abide by the legislation.
(2023-01-06). Wednesday 1/18: Solon's Salon. indybay.org Notable House | 189 Ellsworth St. | San Francisco…
(2023-01-06). Museum exhibits 2, 0-year-old ritual vessel with tigers. ecns.cn Shanxi Museum exhibited a bronze tiger Yi, an elegant utensil that ancient nobles used to wash their hands during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC).
(2023-01-06). Water Protector and intrepid warrior Joye Braun passes on. peoplesworld.org A dauntless advocate of Indigenous justice walked on with the passing of indomitable Water Protector and fearless Warrior Joye Braun. Joye was the National Pipeline organizer for the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN). She was a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of South Dakota and passed away on Nov. 13. Joye was only 53 …
(2023-01-06). Wickremesinghe's new year gift to Sri Lanka: more austerity measures. peoplesdispatch.org As the government attempts to obtain a bailout from the IMF, it has imposed a series of austerity measures which have been widely condemned by trade unions and civil society…
(2023-01-06). FDA makes abortion pills available in pharmacies and through mail-orders companies. nationofchange.org Any pharmacy can provide the pills to patients as long at drugstores and large chains have completed the certification process.
(2023-01-06). Sri Lankan Health Workers' Action Committee initiates fight against "paying wards" in government hospitals. wsws.org The HWAC is calling on health employees to fight for the mobilisation of workers to defeat the government's paying ward plan, which is aimed at wiping out Sri Lanka's public health system, a fundamental gain won by the working class.
(2023-01-06). Two Major Pharmacies Say They Plan to Offer Medication Abortions. Here's What That Could Mean. scheerpost.com The federal government will let retail pharmacies provide mifepristone, which helps end pregnancies, to patients with a prescription. But it's not clear how widespread the impact will be.
(2023-01-06). Cuba Welcomes Brazil's Reintegration To CELAC. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Cuba's Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodriguez welcomed the reintegration of Brazil into the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). | RELATED: | "Latin America and the Caribbean can and must continue to consolidate its unity as an essential condition for its existence," Rodriguez tweeted, recalling CELAC's importance. | Since his first presidential term in 2003, Brazilian President Lula da Si…
(2023-01-06). Persecution of Dr ≈ûebnem Korur Fincancƒ± continues in Turkey. peoplesdispatch.org Turkish physician and forensic expert ≈ûebnem Korur Fincancƒ± remains imprisoned after having been Shortly after her arrest, Dr. Fincancƒ± was tra…
(2023-01-06). United States: Two barrels aim at African People's Socialist Party. greenleft.org.au Members of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP) in the United States are expecting to be indicted this month over spurious allegations, reports Don Fitz, prompting a grassroots solidarity defence campaign.
(2023-01-06). Brownlisted: New Year, Same Bull. latinorebels.com A rundown of the Latino-centric news from the first week of the new year.
(2023-01-06). Red Herrings: Escobari and Hoover's Geographic Controls and Common Trends Add Nothing. cepr.net This is the eleventh in a series of blog posts addressing a report by Diego Escobari and Gary Hoover covering the 2019 presidential election in Bolivia. Their conclusions do not hold up to scrutiny, as we observe in our report Nickels Before Dimes. Here, we expand upon various claims and conclusions that Escobari and Hoover make …
(2023-01-06). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips to help a frozen shoulder. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pain and stiffness in your shoulder can make every activity, including sleep, difficult. Worsening shoulder pain, especially at night, could mean you have a frozen shoulder, says Dr. Christopher Camp, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic surgeon. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/OU6-i4dKPKs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of…
(2023-01-06). Sunday 1/8: Watch Livestream to raise $100,000 to put Revolution on the Map. indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue | Berkeley…
(2023-01-06). How Big Pharma Actually Spends Its Massive Profits. levernews.com
(2023-01-06). Polarizing and isolating Americans is good business for media monopolies. therealnews.com
(2023-01-06). Friday 2/3: 23rd Annual Rosa Parks Day in California and Transit Equity Day Kickoff Celebration. indybay.org SMICS Bar | 12th & K st. | Sacramento, CA…
(2023-01-06). (W. E. Talk) Why are CPC's policies on developing Tibet a success. ecns.cn Why do we say these policies are successful in terms of practical effects, historical achievements, and a comparison between the East and the West?
(2023-01-06). Inside the Wood Street Commons Fight Against Displacement. itsgoingdown.org Over the last few months, residents of the Wood Street Commons, a self-organized community located in Oakland, CA have organized protests and filed lawsuits, in an attempt to stop their eviction and push the city to grant them access to public land. After a series of massive sweeps throughout 2022, remaining residents face another round…
(2023-01-06). WHO's Cancer Research Agency to Assess 5G Health Risks — But Not Until 2025. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). BLM, OWS and the Folly of Street "Activism" dissidentvoice.org We begin this long and winding ode on August 7, 2012 — a classic hot-and-humid Big Apple summer day. I was taking part in a demonstration called "Occupy Saks" and I came within an eyelash of being arrested by seven cops. I'll get to that shortly. For now, I'll explain that the protest was ostensibly …
(2023-01-06). ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 30.12.2022. indybay.org ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 30.12.2022 | comunicaciones e información para la liberación…
(2023-01-06). The Corporate Globalists' Technocracy. dissidentvoice.org
(2023-01-06). "United Nations must bless Turkish-Syrian meetings" uwidata.com By Nahed al Huseini reporting from Damascus / Syria The year 2023 began with an important diplomatic turn. After 11 years of interrupted diplomatic relations, defense ministers of Tàºrkiye and Syria came together in a trilateral meeting in Moscow. Speaking to United World International, Syrian Member of Parliament, Dr. Nabil Toumeh said if conducted with …
(2023-01-06). Nacho's Special (A Latino USA Podcast). latinorebels.com Nachos: They're one of the most popular snack foods in the United States. But their immense popularity over the years has overshadowed the true history of the dish. On this episode of Latino USA, we tell the story of the man who unintentionally created a phenomenon.
(2023-01-06). Wage Growth Slows as Unemployment Falls Back to Half-Century Low. truthout.org The December employment report showed a very strong labor market but much less evidence of inflationary pressures than in prior months. The unemployment rate fell back to 3.5 percent, its half-century low. The U-6 measure of labor market slack fell to 6.5 percent, its lowest level on record. At the same time, wage growth moderated. There was a sharp downward revision to the November data. With 0.3… |
(2023-01-06). Guyana Confers Roraima Order To St. Vincent Prime Minister. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Guyana's President Irfaan Ali conferred Saint Vincent & the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves the Roraima Order, the second most important recognition given to personalities who have offered outstanding service to Guyana. | RELATED: | "The Roraima Order is a well-deserved medal of the tireless commitment and unwavering contributions that Dr. Gonsalves has made to the Caribbean integration", Ali…
(2023-01-06). Bolivia: Far-right leader detained ahead of coup trial. greenleft.org.au A Bolivian court sentenced far-right Bolivian leader Luis Fernando Camacho to four months of preventive detention in the Chonchocoro Prison while investigation is underway in the 'Coup d'état I' case, reports People's Dispatch.
(2023-01-06). Two years on, the January 6 coup continues. wsws.org Two years after former president Trump and his Republican alliestried to overturn the Constitution, the aspiring dictator and the social and political forces that supported him remain free, and are openly plotting their next coup.
(2023-01-06). Black Women Lead In House Speaker Saga. newsone.com Source: Chip Somodevilla / Getty | The Honorable Cheryl L. Johnson, clerk of the U.S. House of representatives has been running a tight ship this week. Until a Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is finally selected, Johnson is running the show. | Several outlets have reported on Johnson's calm demeanor and poise during the multiple rounds of voting without an end in sight. Bloomberg
(2023-01-06). The vanguard vs. the mass organization. cpusa.org There seems to be some confusion about the terms "vanguard" and "mass organization." This is important because both things are necessary to each other, and to our work. I will attempt to clarify the difference between the two organizational forms, and the relationship between them. "Vanguard" is a military term. In the military context, …
(2023-01-06). Five Things to Do for Peace in the Days Ahead. davidswanson.org
(2023-01-06). Saturday 1/21: Barbara Lee & Elihu Harris Lecture Series Presents Bishop Nathan D. Baxter. indybay.org Beebe Memorial Cathedral | 3900 Telegraph Avenue | Oakland, CA 94609…
(2023-01-06). California Bill to Punish Doctors for 'False' COVID-19 Information Goes Into Effect. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). TG 983: The Gaggle Talks To Scott Ritter. thealtworld.com George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle once again sat down for one of our regular, long and fascinating discussions with military analyst Scott Ritter. This conversation was probably the most intriguing and informative yet.
(2023-01-06). SGP holds successful launch event for the Berlin state elections. wsws.org On Monday, the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP) broadcast its launch event for the 2023 Berlin state elections. In it, leading members of the party explained the SGP's principles, socialist program and historical foundations.
(2023-01-06). Mayo Clinic Minute: Best cooking fats for healthy cholesterol levels. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Are you trying to remember which fat is the good fat to use in the kitchen? If you are confused about whether to use unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated or saturated fats when cooking, it's understandable. It can be confusing. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says fats that raise your bad cholesterol levels and increase your risk for heart disease are the ones to avoid. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/drmIcHaxxfM Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post….
(2023-01-06). 2 Years After January 6 Capitol Attack, Trump Still Hasn't Been Charged. truthout.org Two years after the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol building, several hundred people have been charged (and some have been convicted) for their involvement in the attack — but former President Donald Trump has yet to face repercussions for his role in the day's events. Following his loss in the 2020 presidential election to President Joe Biden, Trump spent weeks wrongly claiming that… |
(2023-01-06). From Free Press to Billionaire Press: Reviewing the Top (Censored) Stories of 2022. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Lula Confirms Brazil's Return to CELAC with Arce. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Monday 1/16: SAVE THE DATE for the 9th Annual Reclaim MLK's Radical Legacy Weekend! indybay.org Middle Harbor Shoreline Park, 2777 Middle Harbor Rd, Oakland, California.
(2023-01-06). Wednesday 3/15: Kim Stanley Robinson's Half Century Love Affair With the Sierra Nevada. indybay.org Herbst Theatre | 401 Van Ness Ave | San Francisco, CA 94102…
(2023-01-06). Unemployment Falls Back to Half-Century Low, but Wage Growth Slows. cepr.net The pandemic increase in the length of the average workweek has been completely reversed. | The December employment report showed a very strong labor market but much less evidence of inflationary pressures than in prior months. The unemployment rate fell back to 3.5 percent, its half-century low. The U-6 measure of labor market slack fell to 6.5 percent, its lowest level on record. | At the same time, wage growth moderated. There was a sharp downward revision to the November data. With 0.3 percent growth in the average hourly wage reported for December, the annualized rate over the last three months is just 4.1 p…
(2023-01-06). Oklahoma lawmaker pens bill to ban gender-affirming care for anyone under age 26. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in A Republican lawmaker in the state of Oklahoma has proposed legislation to ban medical workers from providing gender-affirming care to children and young adults — a move that many experts say will endanger transgender and nonbinary people in the state. | Proposals to bar physicians or other medical workers from providing gender affirming care to trans or n…
(2023-01-06). Latin America's Pink Partnership. cepr.net The American Prospect See article on original site Last summer, Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Ted Cruz (R-TX) issued a warning from the Senate floor. "Already," Cruz said, "nine governments across South America, Central America, and the Caribbean are controlled by socialists." Since then, Gustavo Petro has formed the first left-wing government in the history of …
(2023-01-06). Venezuela's National Assembly Elects Board of Directors for 2023-2024 Term. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, January 5, the National Assembly (AN) of Venezuela, in its first plenary session of the year, ratified Deputy Jorge Rodríguez as the president of the National Assembly for the 2023-2024 parliamentary term. | Deputy Pedro Infante was elected as the first vice president, and Deputy América Pérez as the second vice president, both from the ruling coalition, Bloque de la Patria. | Bloque de la Patria's nominations of Rosalba Gil as the secretary and María Alejandra Hernández as the deputy secretary of the AN for the 2023-2024 term were also passed with a clear majority. | The inauguration of the presiden…
(2023-01-06). Why the Arctic turning into a Lukewarm Puddle should be a bigger Headline than a bit of Inflation. juancole.com ( Tomdispatch.com ) Let me start 2023 with a glance back at a December news moment that caught my eye. To do so, however, I have to offer a bit of explanation. First, the obvious: I'm an old guy and, though I spend significant parts of any day scrolling through endless websites covering aspects …
(2023-01-06). The Birth of International Fascism via CIA Cutouts. libya360.wordpress.com Cynthia Chung I was invited onto the Convo Couch recently to talk with Fiorella Isabel and Craig Pasta Jardula about my newly released book, you can check out our conversation below. For more on my book "The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set: The Birth of International Fascism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy" see…
(2023-01-06). Fernando Botero at 90: Works featured at the Museum of Latin American Art. peoplesworld.org LONG BEACH, Calif. — If you hear someone has a "Rubenesque" figure, you immediately know what that means: a full-figured, though shapely and alluring woman as commonly rendered by the classical Dutch painter Peter Paul Rubens. The Colombian-born painter Fernando Botero has similarly lent his name to a genre of artistic depiction called "Boterismo." Curiously, …
(2023-01-06). Live Reno: Paiute and Shoshone Rally to Halt Lithium Mine at Thacker Pass as Court Begins. indybay.org The Reno-Sparks Indian Colony and other opponents of the planned Thacker Pass lithium mine marched to the Bruce R. Thompson Courthouse on Thursday morning and are now rallying outside. | Inside the building, a federal judge is now scheduled to hear arguments from attorneys representing tribes, environmental groups, and a local rancher who have all sued to halt the mine, as well as from Lithium Nevada—the company behind the mine— and the Bureau of Land Management, which permitted the project.
(2023-01-06). Bolivian Judge Rejects Freedom Action for Governor Santa Cruz. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, La Paz First Anti-Corruption Sentencing Court rejected the release action filed by Santa Cruz Governor Luis Fernando Camacho, who remains in pretrial detention at the Chonchocoro maximum security prison. | RELATED: | While the hearing was held virtually, the outskirts of the prison remained surrounded by social organizations which held a vigil to demand "30 years in prison" for the far-right politi…
(2023-01-06). 2 Years After Jan. 6, Part of Congress Has Been Shut Down Again by the Far Right. truthout.org Friday marks two years since the January 6 Capitol insurrection, when President Donald Trump incited thousands of supporters to violently storm Congress, attempting to overturn the 2020 election. The attack on the Capitol briefly shut down Congress as lawmakers fled for their safety from the mob, which included members of the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers and other violent extremist groups. |
(2023-01-06). Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). DEA-Trained Agents Work in Latin America, Conspire With Cartels. latinorebels.com For decades, the DEA has supported special units abroad, whose agents are local police officers vetted and trained by the U.S. Now, former agents and members of those units —some of them currently facing criminal accusations— reveal that the drug cartels bribed them while they had access to sensitive information from the U.S. government.
(2023-01-06). Spanish Far-Right Vox Deputy Expelled from Bolivia for Interference in Camacho Case (+Chile & Venezuela). orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, January 4, the Spanish deputy of the Vox party, Víctor González, was expelled from Bolivia for three years, accused of "disturbing public order and inciting confrontation between citizens by committing acts of interference" and breaking into police stations in the department of Santa Cruz, as reported by the Bolivian government. | Bolivian vice minister for foreign affairs, Freddy Mamani, stated that González and his Chilean colleague, Luis Fernando Sánchez, made "politics in Bolivia" by "interfering in internal affairs" through questioning the judicial process followed against governor of Santa C…
(2023-01-06). Is the extreme cold bad for your lungs? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The winter storm blowing across much of the country is holding up holiday travel plans as the snow falls and temperatures drop into the below zero digits. The National Weather Service says many parts of the the U.S are affected by the extreme cold. Can freezing temperatures freeze your lungs? "Our body does its best to keep our core temperature about 37 degrees, and our lungs are encased within our thoracic cavity. Unless your whole body is…
(2023-01-06). Oxford study warns extreme heat and drought to hit 90% of world population. nationofchange.org The life-threatening impacts of the global climate emergency have only continued to reverberate in 2023.
(2023-01-06). 'Public trust'—a key legal tool to preserve our natural resources. nationofchange.org Law professor Mary Wood breaks down how people can protect their right to clean air, water, and land as well as fortify their climate change resiliency.
(2023-01-06). South Korea and its cyber front. journal-neo.org Generally, when it comes to cybercrime, the author writes about North Korean hackers, but an overview of what the issue of hackers in the ROK in general looks like is also noteworthy. First, some general statistics on hacker attacks in the ROK. Back in 2021, following the attempted hacking of the Korea Atomic Energy Research …
(2023-01-06). Mayo Clinic Minute: Safety tips to keep you out of the emergency department this winter. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Winter brings snow, cold and ice that can create hazardous conditions leading to serious injury. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sue Cullinan, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, discusses some of the most common winter-related injuries that she sees and offers tips on how to keep you and your family safe. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/H08ugUwD_Xw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…
(2023-01-06). Oral COVID-19 therapeutics available for most at risk. ecns.cn Two major oral antiviral pills, Pfizer's Paxlovid and the domestically-developed Azvudine, are now available for COVID-19 treatment at community clinics in several districts in Shanghai and Beijing.
(2023-01-06). A Government That Assaults Liberty. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Cold weather medical emergencies to know about: frostbite and hypothermia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says arctic cold and bitter winds will spread across much of the U.S., and some states will experience dangerously low temperatures dipping well below zero. This is especially concerning during the busy holiday week when many people are expected to travel. One concern, if you are exposed to the extreme cold, should be frostbite. Frostbite Frostbite is an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues. First, your skin becomes very cold…
(2023-01-06). 2022: Year of the working class in the USA. workers.org This article was published Jan. 1, 2023, on the sites of La Pluma and Tlaxcala. The working class in the United States burst into action in 2022. Warehouse workers at Amazon, baristas at Starbucks, prisoners, coal miners, nurses, teachers, graduate students and more organized and resisted capital. Many went on . . . |
(2023-01-06). Ana Belén Montes, an Exemplary Hero, Will Be Freed. orinocotribune.com By Stansfield Smith Jan 4, 2022 | On January 8, 2023 the US has to release one of its
(2023-01-06). Jackson Water Crisis Continues Despite Federal Government Interventions. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). "Invest" in the Future: GMOs, Round-Up Ready Babies! dissidentvoice.org Oh, the fun of these major Mafia Corporations, and the fun of the paid-off media, and the fun of the Polluted Press, and the fun of the Colonized Public, and the Fun of Billionaires like Gates who have invested billions into genetically modified germs and seeds and Round-Up Ready Death. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is …
(2023-01-06). South Carolina Supreme Court Permanently Blocks State's Abortion Ban. truthout.org Reproductive rights supporters in South Carolina and across the country celebrated Thursday once the state Supreme Court permanently struck down a law banning abortion after around six weeks, or before many people even know they are pregnant. Senate Bill 1 had been blocked in the federal court system — until June, when the U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision… |
(2023-01-06). Turkish court suspends public funding to left-wing HDP, the third-largest party in parliament. peoplesdispatch.org The move is being seen as part of the larger political persecution unleashed by Erdogan's government, which is likely to face a stiff challenge in the upcoming national elections…
(2023-01-06). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Flu shots are important for young people, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 28 and consider myself fairly healthy. I have never gotten a flu shot and have never had the flu. I did receive a COVID-19 vaccine series. Do I really need a flu vaccination? My employer is recommending an influenza immunization for everyone, but I am hesitant. I have heard some people get sick from flu shots. ANSWER: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that everyone 6 months and older…
(2023-01-06). Friday 2/3: MoToR/dance: Water in the Kettle (World Premiere). indybay.org 2513 Blanding Ave | Alameda, CA 94 1…
(2023-01-06). Scars mended using transplanted hair follicles in Imperial College London study. imperial.ac.uk Imperial researchers have found that hair follicle transplants can promote scar rejuvenation by altering their architecture and genetic makeup.
(2023-01-06). Is Ben-Gvir Preparing a Holy War Against the Palestinians? Jonathan Cook. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Thursday 1/12: Rally & Press Conference Demands More Prison Closures Across California. indybay.org California State Capitol (West Steps) | 1315 10th St | Sacramento, CA 95814…
(2023-01-06). CATL revs up intl presence with overseas plants. ecns.cn Going global will be a key phrase for Chinese battery maker Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd in 2023, as the world's largest maker of electric vehicle batteries has accelerated its overseas expansion over the past year.
(2023-01-06). Ontario's Strong Mayor Reforms: A New Shell for Urban Neoliberalism. socialistproject.ca Last month, Ontario's Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell affixed her signature to Along with
(2023-01-06). Tentative court ruling spares People's Park for the moment. indybay.org Food Not Bombs, Feeding The Hungry In People's Park:…
(2023-01-06). Inclusive children's programming 'Drag Story Hour' defended from attack. liberationnews.org Multi-ethnic community groups were able to outnumber and stop protestors from disrupting the Drag Story Hour.
(2023-01-06). Mexico arrests alleged drug cartel leader Ovidio Guzman. america.cgtn.com In Mexico, a massive military operation on Thursday led to the arrest of an alleged major fentanyl trafficker. Ovidio Guzman, a leader of the Sinaloa cartel, is in a maximum-security prison awaiting extradition to the United States. His arrest also sparked widespread retaliatory violence …
(2023-01-06). Remodeled Shipping Containers, Boxcars Could Be Solutions for Expanding Homeless Shelters. dissidentvoice.org Whatever Arizona's new governor Katie Hobbs does with over 3,000 steel, 40'x8'x8.6,' four-ton shipping containers — still arriving to wall off Mexico for 10 miles of the San Rafael Valley — is yet to be revealed. Her predecessor, Republican Doug Ducey, in the last months of his regime was ramrodding containers into place on a …
(2023-01-06). Rosewood Remembered: Centennial of racist massacre that destroyed a Black Florida town spotlights racial injustice past and present. splcenter.org
(2023-01-06). Incarcerated lives endangered in freezing conditions. workers.org In analyzing the heroic 1992 Los Angeles Rebellion, Sam Marcy, the late chairperson of Workers World Party, wrote in the pamphlet: "A Marxist Defense of the L.A. Rebellion" that "Marxism differs from all forms of bourgeois sociology in this most fundamental way: All bourgeois social sciences are directed at covering . . . |
(2023-01-06). NIH's All of Us Research Program returns health-related DNA results to participants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Institutes of Health's (NIH) All of Us Research Program has begun returning personalized health-related DNA results to more than 155,000 participants. The reports detail whether participants have an increased risk for specific health conditions and how their bodies might process certain medications. The All of Us Research Program collects participants' blood, urine, and saliva samples. These biosamples are stored and managed for research at a specialized All of Us Research Program biobank at Mayo Clinic. "It is rewarding for us at the…
(2023-01-06). Colombia's ceasefire is real, but is it bilateral? colombiareports.com Contrary to claims made by President Gustavo Petro, Colombia's government has made no ceasefire agreements with any illegal armed group. Petro said on Saturday that "we have agreed a bilateral…
(2023-01-06). Ask the Mayo Mom: The eyes of a child. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The retina is a thin layer of tissues, cells, and nerves that line the back wall inside the eye. This layer has millions of light sensing cells that receive and organize visual information according to the Mayo Clinic. On this Ask the Mayo Mom edition of the Q&A podcast, host Dr. Angela Mattke is joined by Dr. Brittni Scruggs, an ophthalmologist at Mayo Clinic Children's Center. Dr. Scruggs is a physician, surgeon, and scientist with a research…
(2023-01-06). Hundreds of Cuban and Haitian refugees arrive in Florida at the start of the new year. wsws.org The surge of desperate migrants arrives as the Biden administration moves to tighten anti-migrant policies.
(2023-01-06). Imperial recognises seven outstanding graduates with Alumni Awards. imperial.ac.uk Meet the 2023 winners: Shaping the net-zero journey, changing our understanding of how our planet works, and defining the technologies of tomorrow.
(2023-01-06). Weight gain over holiday season – tips to manage calories at parties. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you have noticed you've packed on pounds over the last 10 or 20 years, and wondered how that weight gain happened, here's one idea that might make you consider setting down that extra plate of cookies or latkes during this holiday season. "Studies have shown that, from mid-November until mid-January, people averaged a weight gain in the population of about three quarters of a pound or so. It doesn't sound like much, but it…
(2023-01-06). Community treatment reducing hospital burden. ecns.cn Shanghai has further increased the capacity of its community medical centers, aiming for the early detection and treatment of COVID-19 patients with the potential for severe symptoms to relieve the pressure on major hospitals.
(2023-01-06). Yoon Administration takes Jeju Massacre out of history textbooks. mronline.org Ministry of Education justified the move as "exploring the foundation of the Republic of Korea based on liberal democracy."
(2023-01-06). SDF Concludes Anti-ISIS Operation In Northeastern Syria. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Source: the Hawar News Agency. | On January 6, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) concluded a large-scale operation against ISIS cells in the northeastern Syrian governorate of al-Hasakah. | The Kurdish-led group launched operation, codenamed Al-Jazeera Thunderbolt, on
(2023-01-06). Declassified intelligence files expose inconvenient truths of Bosnian war. mronline.org A trove of intelligence files sent by Canadian peacekeepers expose CIA black ops, illegal weapon shipments, imported jihadist fighters, potential false flags, and stage-managed atrocities.
(2023-01-06). USDA Advisory Committee on Minority Farmers comes to the "Farm to Fork Capitol of America" indybay.org 24th Annual, California State Capitol Kwanzaa Celebration, Room 126, Historic Hearing Room, official Federal Register Notice was received for the first in person USDA Advisory Committee Minority Farmers in many years and indeed it will be held West of the Rocky Mountains, Habari Gani…
(2023-01-06). Brazil Recorded 54% Increase in Deforestation Alerts in 2022. telesurenglish.net These data were released Friday by the Center for Weather Prediction and Climate Studies (INPE) as part of the agency's real-time monitoring system: Deter-B initiated in 2015. | RELATED: | According to INPE, deforestation alerts in the Legal Amazon in 2022 reached the largest area since 2015, while they became equivalent to more than 8 times the size of the city of Rio de Janeiro, totaling 10 267 km ≤. | In the period from August to December la…
(2023-01-06). After shutting down strike, UAW pushes through sellout contract for New School part-time faculty. wsws.org The ratification follows the shutdown of a nearly four-week strike in which the union leadership ordered part-time faculty back to work weeks before a finalized tentative agreement was arrived at.
(2023-01-06). Mayo Clinic Minute: Be realistic with New Year's health resolutions. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting in better shape is consistently one of the most common New Year's resolutions people make each year, but many have a hard time following through. Dani Johnson, a wellness physical therapist with the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program, offers tips to make it easier to stick to a resolution to get in shape. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/9UcuKAFFISg Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of…
(2023-01-06). Buenos Aires City's Security Minister Denounced for Corruption. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the Argentine government filed a criminal complaint for corruption against the Buenos Aires City's Security Minister Marcelo D'Alessandro. | RELATED: | Over the last week, journalists published data on events that "would constitute serious acts of corruption and/or other crimes against public administration," Justice Minister said. | Among other things, the press leaked transcript of conversations attributed to D'Alessan…
(2023-01-06). Mayo Clinic Minute: Treating skin cancer with Mohs surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Nearly 5 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with a form of skin cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Dr. Naiara Sbroggio Barbosa, a Mayo Clinic dermatologist, explains how Mohs surgery can be used to treat basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and some types of melanoma. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/IB8JeZ4nhkY Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of…
(2023-01-06). Before the Bombs Come the Platitudes. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). In attempt to preempt strike, New York nurses union announces tentative agreements with two more hospitals. wsws.org Racing to prevent a strike, union officials are using a tentative agreement with New York-Presbyterian Hospital that would amount to a cut in real wages as a template in negotiations with other hospitals.
(2023-01-06). Science Saturday: 20-year review suggests athletes with genetic heart disease may return safely to competitive sports. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Athletes with a genetic heart disease are often disqualified from participating in competitive sports because of the perceived risk of sudden cardiac arrest. While the clinicians' intent may be understandable, is it necessarily the best approach? Mayo Clinic researchers conducted a review of athletes who were treated at Mayo during a 20-year period, and their findings published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggest that after the patient's condition has been properly evaluated and treated, an athlete's safe return to play is…
(2023-01-06). Daily Round-up | Thousands of Palestinians under threat of displacement in West Bank village & more. peoplesdispatch.org In this episode, we look at stories of evictions in Palestine and India, a report on casualties in the Yemen war, and the conviction of a leader of the Bolivian coup…
(2023-01-06). 15 Saudi-Backed Yemeni Fighters Killed Or Wounded In Attack Attributed Al-Qaeda. southfront.org . | On January 6, two bombing targeted Saudi-backed forces near the town of Wadi Umran in the southern Yemeni province of Abyan. | Local sources in Yemen told the Al Ain News that a water tanker and a patrol of local forces affiliated with the Southern Transitional Council were targeted with improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at the entrance of Wadi Umran. | According to the Emirati news outlet, seven fighters were killed and at least right others were wounded as a…
(2023-01-06). Flexible work arrangements, a benefit to all — ILO report. news.un.org Flexible working hours can advance economies and businesses while helping employees and families achieve a better work-life balance, according to a new report launched by the International Labour Organization (ILO) on Friday.
(2023-01-06). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Coping with cancer and the holidays. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: A close family member recently was diagnosed with cancer. I'm struggling to be positive for my loved one even though I'm concerned. Do you have any advice as we move into the holiday season to help them but also to help me manage my own emotions? ANSWER: Any medical diagnosis can be challenging, but cancer is very emotionally laden because it can come with many cognitive, emotional, psychological, spiritual and existential conundrums and challenges….
(2023-01-06). Protect children's hearing from noisy toys, gifts. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Hearing loss often is thought of as something that happens to the elderly. But we live, work and play in a noisy environment, and hearing loss affects the lives of people of all ages. The Hearing Health Foundation reports that nearly 50 million people in the U.S. suffer from hearing loss in at least one ear, including 20% of teens. In younger children, hearing loss may be caused by playing with noisy toys. Are toys really that…
(2023-01-06). Tuesday 1/10: Revisions to Downtown Expansion Plan at Santa Cruz City Council. indybay.org Attend meeting in person: Council Chambers, 809 Center Street, Santa Cruz | The Downtown Plan Expansion project is #30 on the City Council meeting agenda, and will be heard sometime after 5 PM, following oral communications. See meeting agenda for information on participating virtually/phoning in:…
(2023-01-06). Pittsburgh Post-Gazette strike vs. Block Communications continues. workers.org Member, Typographical Local CWA 14156 Striking Post-Gazette newspaper workers join Pittsburgh Starbucks Workers United and other unions Dec. 9 outside the Market Square Starbucks. Credit: Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh. Communications Workers Locals 14827 and 14842, Typographers and Mailers union members, walked out on strike at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Oct. . . . |
(2023-01-06). Erdogan Wants to Solve the Kurdish Problem with Assad. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). US Fed says no letup in financial tightening. wsws.org Once again, the Federal Open Market Committee, the key policy-making body, underscored that for all the talk in public about the need to bring down inflation, the discussion behind closed doors is about blocking a wages upsurge in the working class.
(2023-01-06). The U.S. Prison Industrial Complex, A Domestic Military Operation: Over-Policing, Mass-Incarceration, Slavery, and Capitalism. libya360.wordpress.com Karl Fluri Although the United States has branded itself as the bastion of freedom both at home and abroad, it is abundantly clear to any objective observer that, just as U.S. imperialism undermines those claims on a global scale, the fascist police state and "prison industrial complex" that exists in the nation today do the…
(2023-01-06). As Speaker Deal Is Considered, Matt Gaetz Indicates He May Never Back McCarthy. truthout.org As Republicans negotiate a potential deal to defeat the week-long impasse in selecting a speaker of the House of Representatives, one of the GOP holdouts, Rep. Matt Gaetz (Florida), has indicated that support from him and his allies won't come easy. GOP House leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (California) has made 11 unsuccessful attempts so far to win a majority of votes in the race for the speakership. |
(2023-01-06). Companies That Pledged to Stop Giving to Election Objectors Have Given Them $10M. truthout.org After thousands of right-wing militants descended on the Capitol on January 6 two years ago in support of former President Donald Trump, hundreds of corporations made pledges to pause or stop donations to lawmakers who voted just hours after the attack to overturn the results of the 2020 election. But those corporations restarted such donations shortly after, and PACs affiliated with over 70… |
(2023-01-06). Firefighters Fight Forest Fires in Uruguay. telesurenglish.net The National Fire Department of Uruguay reported Friday that the forest fire near the town of Algorta, in the Rio Negro department, in the center-west of the country, was declared extinguished. | RELATED: | "The fire is declared extinguished, after having maintained the situation, of non-existence of smoke columns and/or hot spots, after the passage of more than eight hours a day," said the agency in…
(2023-01-06). Political Deadlock in US House Speaker Election Continues. telesurenglish.net The U.S. House of Representatives voted to adjourn until noon on Friday with no speaker elected on Thursday after 11 rounds of voting. | RELATED: | Congressman Kevin McCarthy from California, the House Republican leader, fell short of the necessary votes to take the gavel in five more rounds of voting Thursday afternoon. | The House has voted 11 times since the 118th Congress convened on Tuesday, making it the longest speaker contest in 164 years…
(2023-01-06). 2023 Emancipation Day Celebration – Remembering CA Pioneers of African Descent. indybay.org January 1, 2023 GOD's Appreciation Dinner hosted by Stockton Black Leadership Council mirrors January 1, 1866 city-wide effort hosted by Reverend Jeremiah King featuring a grand parade through Downtown Stockton with speeches and festivities enjoyed by all. Soon come recognition of the contributions of early California Pioneers of African Descent.
(2023-01-06). A New Era of De-Westernization Has Begun. libya360.wordpress.com Wang Wen The political equivalence structure between the West and the non-West is increasingly strengthened and is becoming an important feature of world politics in the third decade of the 21st century. Of course, the world in 2023 will not be mellow, but in any case, amid the "de-Westernisation", major changes unseen in a century will continue to evolve in an irreversible way, writes Valdai Club expert Wang Wen. The global significance…
(2023-01-06). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Advancing treatments for acute myeloid leukemia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), also called acute myelogenous leukemia, is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made. The disease progresses rapidly, affecting a group of white blood cells called myeloid cells, which normally develop into mature red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. "There are acute and chronic leukemias, explains Dr. James Foran, an oncologist at Mayo Clinic. "The chronic ones tend to happen…
(2023-01-06). The Trillion Dollar Silencer. covertactionmagazine.com The military's deep penetration into all aspects of American life has hampered the development of a strong anti-war movement—at a time when it is desperately needed. Tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets across the U.S. in the last few years to decry police brutality, to oppose the Supreme Court's decision to …
(2023-01-06). The Undeniable Proof That COVID Injections Are Dangerous & Causing #CollapsingAthletes. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/6/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth
(2023-01-06). Winnemucca Paiute and Shoshone Remain Evicted from Homes, Denied Justice by Court. indybay.org Winnemucca Indian Colony elderly and disabled remain evicted from their homes by a disputed tribal council whose leader lives out of state. The Inter-Tribal Court of Appeals of Nevada denied the Native homeowners justice.
(2023-01-06). Mayo Clinic Minute: Don't get bit by frostbite. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Just in time for the holidays, much of the nation has been gripped by extreme cold. The frigid temperatures can be very dangerous if you venture outside with exposed skin. It doesn't take long for frostbite to set in. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/m67nGA1O7k8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 03) is in the downloads at the end of…
(2023-01-06). Turkish Intelligence "Neutralized" PKK-Affiliated Communist Leader In Syria's Al-Hasakah. southfront.org Zeki Gurbuz, aka Ahmet Sores. Source: the Anadolu Agency. | The Turkish intelligence has "neutralized" a senior leader of the Marxist—Leninist Communist Party (MLKP) in Syria's northern region, the Anadolu Agency reported on January 6. | Security sources told the state-run news agency that the communist leader, Zeki Gurbuz, was targeted in an operation by the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) in the countryside of al-Hasakah. | The term "neutralized" is usual…
(2023-01-06). SWAT Teams Attack Atlanta Forest Encampments, Activists Charged with 'Terrorism' in Movement to Stop Cop City Police Training Facility. towardfreedom.org
(2023-01-06). The NFL: America's Billion Dollar Blood Sport. scheerpost.com By Harvey Wasserman / CounterPunch American football has always been a blood sport. It needs to change or die. Tackle must end. Flags must come. And they will. Why? Because human lives are at stake…and with them, a trillion-dollar industry. A century ago, football players were maimed and died in droves. The college game was a cross between …
(2023-01-06). We Have Had Enough!They Have Crossed The Line! NNU-CNA Sutter Alta Bates Nurses Strike. indybay.org On January 1, over 100 striking NNU-CNA nurses and community supporters rallied at Sutter's Alta Bates hospital…
(2023-01-06). I've been diagnosed with prediabetes. What does that mean? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you've been diagnosed with prediabetes, it means your blood sugar levels are not high enough to be classified as Type 2 diabetes, but are high enough to indicate a need for change. A normal fasting blood sugar level is below 100; whereas, the level of a person with prediabetes is between 100 and 126. Once levels have surpassed 126, it's classified as Type 2 diabetes. This indicates that the body resists insulin or doesn't produce enough of…
(2023-01-06). Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia. wsws.org Ground crew at Taiwan's Taoyuan International Airport strike; India: 3, 0 Tamil Nadu secondary teachers hold hunger protest; Hundreds of South Australian bus drivers to strike for better wages and safety…
(2023-01-06). My Neighbors Were "Buffalo Strong" During Storm. Officials Were "Buffalo Wrong." truthout.org Buffalo, New York, has long been known as a resilient city of "good neighbors." From our annual snowfall totals to our sports teams, Buffalonians know how to stick together in challenging times. Many of us are struggling to dig out of the past year fraught with crises of epic proportions. Nearly two weeks ago, our city was buried under nearly six feet of snow with 70-mph sustained winds at times. |
(2023-01-06). Venezuela: President Maduro Appoints Tellechea as PDVSA Leader. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro appointed Pedro Tellechea as the new president of the state-owned Petroleum of Venezuela (PDVSA). | RELATED: | "With his great experience as the head of Petrochemical of Venezuela (PEQUIVEN), Tellechea will boost the national oil industry. All our recognition to former PDVSA President Asdrubal Chavez, who will soon have new responsibilities," Maduro tweeted. | In Se…
(2023-01-06). Puerto Ricans Set Up Encampments to Protest Environmental Destruction. latinorebels.com Fed up with the slow government response, Puerto Ricans in beach towns along the western coast have set up encampments to demand action be taken to stop illegal construction from further destroying the environment.
(2023-01-06). For the working class, Congress has always been "broken" liberationnews.org While this may be a source of embarrassment for the ruling class, the absence of a functioning Congress is no great tragedy.
(2023-01-06). A Year of Global Displacement. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Donald Trump, the Most 'Dangerous' U.S. President Ever. strategic-culture.org
(2023-01-06). Does Aaliyah's Voice Still Matter To The Culture? newsone.com
(2023-01-06). Get to the point: Proper disposal of sharps. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org "Sharps" is the term used to describe any device with a sharp point or edge that could cut your skin. This includes needles, syringes, infusion sets, lancets (sometimes called "fingersticks") and auto-injectors, like EpiPens. There are many reasons why you may have sharps in your home. They are used to manage many different health conditions, including allergies, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, infertility, blood clotting disorders and psoriasis. It's important to correctly dispose of sharps to…
(2023-01-06). Amazon confirms layoff of 18,000 tech workers. wsws.org Amazon CEO Andy Jassy announced on Wednesday that 18,000 jobs would be eliminated at the global tech company and that employees would learn of the layoffs starting on January 18.
(2023-01-06). French Family Doctors to Continue Strike. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, French family doctors took to the streets of Paris to demand that the authorities improve their working conditions and double the value of health care fees in urban areas. | RELATED: | "In order to avoid 'health care deserts' in the countryside, the goverment have ended up saturating the consultations in cities," physician Alexia Guidez explained, recalling that family doctors based in large towns cannot…
(2023-01-06). How to prevent flu, RSV and COVID-19 during busy holiday season. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu infection rates across the U.S. continue to be very high. "As we predicted, this flu season has hit early, and it's hit us hard," says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "We are seeing high and very high rates of influenza across the country." For those who have yet to get a flu shot, now is an excellent time to…
(2023-01-06). Omali Yeshitela: 'I was attacked by the FBI for fighting for black power'. greenleft.org.au African People's Socialist Party chairperson Omali Yeshitela discusses the FBI raid on his home and the continuing US government war on the movement for Black liberation and reparations.
(2023-01-06). Racist campaign for a police state after Berlin New Year's Eve. wsws.org The new year has begun in Germany with a vicious racist campaign for a police state. The events of the "Berlin New Year's Eve" are serving as a pretext, with the political and media establishment claiming that unprecedented violence was directed against the security forces.
(2023-01-06). Enticed by Wealth, the Media is Complicit in the Crimes of Corporations in Indian Country. indybay.org Enticed by wealth and self-glory — the media, corrupt tribal governments, and self-dealing non-profits operate a vacuum for truth, violating the sacred places of origin. The most censored issues in Indian country in 2022.
(2023-01-06). World's Largest Floating Book Fair Visits Egypt. telesurenglish.net With a crew of nearly 3 volunteers of more than 60 nationalities, Logos Hope ship is currently docked at Port Said, in northeastern Egypt, holding the world's largest floating book fair as part of its humanitarian mission to spread knowledge and foster cultural exchange. | RELATED: | It is the first destination for Logos Hope in 2023, but not the first time for the ship to visit this African country, for the floating…
(2023-01-06). Sixty-thousand Detroit households threatened with water shutoff. wsws.org In the face of 7 percent inflation, and with the immune-evasive new XBB.1.5 variant now spreading throughout the country, the resumption of water shutoffs will be a social and health disaster for Detroit's working class.
(2023-01-06). Epochal shift: 1,000 German soldiers ask not to be sent to war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleJanuary 6, 2023 Spike in German troop numbers asking not to be sent to war It's fewer than 1,000 troops, but nevertheless, the number of German Bundeswehr soldiers who asked to be exempted from serving in war zones rose markedly in 2022. This option dates back to the era of national service. Almost 1,000 …
(2023-01-06). Democratic Congresswoman Mary Peltola Open to Coalition Candidate for Speaker. truthout.org As the impasse over choosing a speaker of the House of Representatives continues for a fourth day, Rep. Mary Peltola (D-Alaska) has expressed an openness to supporting a bipartisan "coalition" candidate to end the stalemate. Around 20 far right Republicans have blocked GOP House leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy's (California) attempts to be speaker in the first 11 ballots. In the 12th ballot… |
(2023-01-06). Elder Woman Released After 27 Years of Slave-like Servitude in Brazil. unicornriot.ninja
(2023-01-06). Biden announces Trump-style measures against refugees. wsws.org The Department of Homeland Security will begin pushing back into Mexico tens of thousands of refugees seeking asylum from four countries. It will also reject automatically any asylum claim filed by all other refugees traveling through Mexico, adopting the "transit ban" established under Trump.
(2023-01-06). African Roots of MLK Vision – 2023 Journey to Atlanta, Georgia and Gold Coast, Ghana. indybay.org Historical sojourn on the African continent exposed SNCC to a larger world infused with new possibility and hope, thus solidifying Africa's symbolic and political importance to struggles for freedom in the United States and around the world, revisited in 2023.
(2023-01-06). CES 2023 kicks off in Las Vegas. america.cgtn.com The CES is the world's largest consumer electronics show and it has officially kicked off in Las Vegas. The show has struggled in year's past due to the pandemic.
(2023-01-06). Rethinking the State and Rent Madness. indybay.org The right to housing for everyone must be understood as a public challenge and presupposes the de-commodification of the housing supply, a democratization of urban policy, and breach with the real estate exploitation coalition.
(2023-01-06). Documentary: The Real Story of January 6. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-06). Organizaciones peruanas continúan movilizadas contra el Gobierno de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes han afirmado que continuarán movilizados en las calles para expresar sus demandas.
(2023-01-06). Asociación rechaza actos violentos en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. telesurtv.net El ministro de Gobierno, Eduardo del Castillo, indicó que la violencia en la ciudad ha provocado que 27 estructuras entre públicas y privadas fueran dañadas.
(2023-01-06). Chapeando: La mala suerte en la otra orilla (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu En este podcast saldamos deuda con una parte de la audiencia que nos pregunta por qué no contamos también sobre lo que anda mal al norte, del otro lado del mar. El cúmulo de desgracias daría para afirmar que una maldición los persigue, como suelen decir los odiadores sobre el gobierno cubano cada vez que algo negativo sucede aquí.
(2023-01-06). UNE pronostica afectación de 185 MW durante pico nocturno de este viernes. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica estima para la hora pico nocturna una disponibilidad de 2 585 MW y una demanda máxima de 2 700 MW, con un déficit de 115 MW, por lo que si se mantienen las condiciones previstas, se pronostica una afectación de 185 MW en este horario. La UNE prevé que en el horario diurno no se afecte el servicio por déficit de capacidad en el SEN.
(2023-01-06). Ucrania, el plato rico de los Estados Unidos. globalizacion.ca Las negociaciones para un alto el fuego en Ucrania no parecen estar ni a punto de nacer, pero de hecho todo el mundo sabe que desde hace tiempo Estados Unidos, ante la insostenibilidad militar y financiera del enfrentamiento entre Ucrania…
(2023-01-06). Quién duda que en Cuba el debate económico no solo competa a académicos o especialistas. cubadebate.cu Cuadrando la caja es un ejemplo de cuánto se puede hacer para contribuir a la solución o entendimiento de múltiples problemas de la economía cubana, a crear poco a poco la cultura en torno a esta ciencia, y a confiar en la capacidad creadora de nuestros trabajadores y pueblo.
(2023-01-06). Cuba sostiene una posición consistente a favor de la migración regular, ordenada y segura. cubadebate.cu Ante el anuncio por parte del Gobierno de Estados Unidos de nuevas decisiones migratorias, que atañen a los ciudadanos cubanos, Cubadebate solicitó las consideraciones al respecto de Ernesto Soberón, Director de Asuntos Consulares y de Cubanos Residentes en el Exterior del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
(2023-01-06). Volcán Kilauea entra en erupción en Hawái, EE.UU. telesurtv.net El ente precisó que continuará monitoreando la actividad de Kilauea de cerca e informará cualquier cambio significativo.
(2023-01-06). La ofensiva de Agricultores se impone a Tabacaleros por segundo juego consecutivo de semifinales. cubadebate.cu Una ofensiva de 12 sencillos impulsó a los Agricultores en su éxito de 6-1 frente a los Tabacaleros, que no encontraron paz en el estadio Mártires de Barbados. Los dirigidos por Carlos Martí han ganado los dos primeros juegos de las semifinales. El lanzador ganador fue Leandro Francisco Martínez Figueredo.
(2023-01-06). Descartan extradición expedita de hijo del Chapo Guzmán a EE.UU. telesurtv.net "No podríamos extraditarlo el día de hoy, o mañana, o pasado, no se podría: tenemos que cumplir las formalidades que la ley nos impone", dijo el canciller mexicano.
(2023-01-06). Cuba anuncia preselección de 50 peloteros para el Quinto Clásico Mundial. cubadebate.cu La Federación Cubana de Béisbol anunció este viernes la nómina de 50 jugadores para el V Clásico Mundial, del 8 al 21 de marzo de 2023. El 7 de febrero será difundida la lista final de 30 peloteros que se inscribirán en el evento.
(2023-01-06). Presidente venezolano designa nuevo canciller. cubadebate.cu El presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, anunció este viernes en Twitter que Yván Gil Pinto reemplazará a Carlos Faría como canciller. Gil Pinto se desempeñaba como viceministro para Europa en la Cancillería, y previamente había sido designado como encargado de Negocios de Venezuela ante la Unión Europea.
(2023-01-06). Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador aprueba Ley de Seguridad Integral. telesurtv.net Por Pachakutik, Mireya Pazmiño afirmó que esta ley por sí sola no cambiará los problemas ni mejorará la situación, sino que el Gobierno debe implementar políticas públicas efectivas.
(2023-01-06). Dan la bienvenida a Brasil por reintegrarse a la Celac. telesurtv.net Cafiero, cuyo país ostenta la presidencia pro témpore de la Celac, destacó que la reintegración de Brasil a la entidad "agrega certidumbre y fortalece a la región".
(2023-01-06). Gobierno mexicano confirma 29 muertos y 35 heridos durante captura del capo Ovidio Guzmán López. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno de México informó este viernes que 29 personas fallecieron (10 militares y 19 delincuentes) durante la captura del Ovidio Guzmán López, el Ratón, en el pueblo de Jesús María, a 45 kilómetros de Culiacán, capital del estado Sinaloa, y los enfrentamientos posteriores.
(2023-01-06). Los problemas de la inserción internacional de la economía cubana a través de los años (III). cubadebate.cu La situación actual de la economía cubana demanda un proceso que permita modificar los resultados de su inserción en la economía internacional como parte de los cambios estructurales a alcanzar y -sobre todo- como un elemento esencial de la estabilización macroeconómica indispensable para hacer posible ese proceso.
(2023-01-06). Xiomara Castro y Lula da Silva en busca de la ruta inicial. globalizacion.ca La presidenta Xiomara Castro, electa por el voto mayoritario del pueblo hondureño, más de 1.7 millones de votos, y que generalmente dirigentes y diputados de los partidos de oposición política pretenden desconocer, estuvo en Brasil como invitada especial a la…
(2023-01-06). Nuevo estudio indica que dos tercios de los glaciares podrían desaparecer para 2100. cubadebate.cu Los glaciares del mundo están reduciéndose y desapareciendo más rápido de lo que pensaban los científicos, y se pronostica que dos tercios de ellos desaparecerán a finales de siglo si se mantienen las tendencias actuales del cambio climático, de acuerdo con un nuevo estudio. En el peor de los casos de un calentamiento de varios grados, el 83% de los glaciares del mundo posiblemente desaparecerían para el año 2100.
(2023-01-06). Asamblea Nacional venezolana ratifica a Jorge Rodríguez como su presidente. cubadebate.cu Este jueves, la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela ratificó como presidente de su junta directiva al diputado Jorge Rodríguez. Con la elección de la nueva junta inició formalmente el periodo de sesiones ordinarias de la Asamblea correspondiente a 2023. En su discurso, Rodríguez destacó que durante los últimos dos años los logros en materia legislativa fueron importantes.
(2023-01-06). Paramédico herido de bala en Guantánamo permanece en estado crítico estable. cubadebate.cu El doctor Luis Alberto Ramírez Díaz, subdirector quirúrgico del Hospital Dr. Agostinho Neto, en Guantánamo, informó a Venceremos que el paramédico Luis Miguel Bartoló Tamayo, herido de bala en la mañana de este jueves, se encuentra en estado crítico estable e intubado, en la unidad de Cuidados Intensivos.
(2023-01-06). Aduana cubana detalla prioridades para 2023. cubadebate.cu Entre las principales prioridades de la Aduana General de la República para 2023 se encuentran mantener a Cuba como destino seguro, facilitar la actividad de los actores económicos del comercio exterior, priorizar el trabajo en la ventanilla única y la modernización tecnológica, dijo Nelson Cordovés Reyes, su jefe, durante un encuentro con la prensa este jueves.
(2023-01-06). Ferroviarios británicos retoman paro en defensa de sus derechos. telesurtv.net Los trabajadores defienden su derecho a la huelga ante una normativa propuesta por el Gobierno contra los paros.
(2023-01-06). Dirige Díaz-Canel reunión en Villa Clara con autoridades locales. cubadebate.cu El presidente de la República y primer secretario del PCC, Miguel Díaz-Canel, preside este viernes en Villa Clara una reunión con las máximas autoridades locales con el objetivo de evaluar las potencialidades de esa provincia para afrontar su situación económica y social en 2023. La reunión forma parte de un grupo de encuentros con las autoridades de las provincias del país.
(2023-01-06). Fidel: El hombre rebelde cuya obra superó a Sísifo. globalizacion.ca El 1 de enero del 2023 esta verdad: Fidel ascendió con la roca y la mantuvo en la cima y con su obra superó el mito de Sísifo. Y esa roca es Cuba libre, independiente y soberana. El 1 de…
(2023-01-06). Inflación en Italia registra en 2022 su nivel más alto desde 1985. telesurtv.net El precio de los productos energéticos regulados aumentó desde el 57,9 por ciento en noviembre al 70,3 por ciento en diciembre de 2022.
(2023-01-06). Gobierno argentino extiende programa social para 9.000 menores. telesurtv.net Durante su intervención, el jefe de Estado anunció también la inauguración de las obras del Espacio de Promoción de Derechos de funge en el Instituto Saturnino Unzué.
(2023-01-06). Vicepresidente cubano firma libro de condolencias por muerte de Benedicto XVI. cubadebate.cu El vicepresidente cubano, Salvador Valdés Mesa, firmó en la Nunciatura Apostólica el libro de condolencias por la muerte del papa emérito Benedicto XVI. "Cuba lo recordará siempre con respeto y gratitud por los afectuosos sentimientos demostrados durante su visita apostólica al archipiélago y su posición en el tema del bloqueo impuesto por Estados Unidos", escribió.
(2023-01-06). OMS alerta sobre nueva subvariante XBB.1.5 de la Covid-19. telesurtv.net Según el titular de la OMS, en el cuarto año de la pandemia, el mundo presenta una situación mucho mejor respecto a los anteriores.
(2023-01-06). Encuentran ballena de 14 toneladas muerta en playa guatemalteca. cubadebate.cu Este viernes fue encontrada una ballena azul muerta, de un peso estimado de 14 toneladas y 12 metros de largo, en una playa guatemalteca del Pacífico sur. Las autoridades desconocen las causas de la muerte. El cetáceo fue enterrado en la playa por riesgo de contaminación.
(2023-01-06). Registran 752.748 empleos formales creados en México en 2022. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a al IMSS, en diciembre se registró una caída mensual de 345.705 plazas.
(2023-01-06). Portuarios y Agricultores noquearon y lanzaron preguntas. cubadebate.cu Dos nocauts en una misma jornada de semifinales presenciamos este jueves, cuando supuestamente anda concentrada la mejor calidad del país: Portuarios 14-4 a Centrales y Agricultores 13-2 sobre Tabacaleros. øQué lectura deja tanta ofensiva? øQué podemos esperar en lo adelante? øExcepción o regla lo visto?
(2023-01-06). Democrats' New House Leader Has Record of Defending Human Rights Violations. truthout.org Soon after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she was stepping down as Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, Democrats chose Rep. Hakeem Jeffries as their new leader. In contrast to the mayhem on the Republican side of the aisle, Jeffries was unopposed and has been widely praised by observers on Capitol Hill. Unfortunately, in choosing Jeffries, the Democratic Party has sent a clear… |
(2023-01-06). Detienen en México a Ovidio Guzmán, hijo de "El Chapo" cubadebate.cu El gobierno de México confirmó la detención este jueves de Ovidio Guzmán, hijo de Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, quien es considerado uno de los líderes del cartel de Sinaloa. Guzmán, cuya detención fue posible tras "seis meses de trabajo de reconocimiento y vigilancia" en el área de influencia del grupo criminal, fue trasladado a Ciudad México y después enviado al penal de máxima seguridad del Altiplano.
(2023-01-06). Elevan a 12 las provincias dominicanas en alerta por vaguada. telesurtv.net La vaguada incidirá sobre el noreste, este, norte, el litoral costero sur, la Cordillera Central y poblados fronterizos.
(2023-01-06). OMM: Europa registra varios récords de temperaturas en invierno. telesurtv.net Hace cerca de dos meses la OMM alertó sobre el aumento de la temperatura entre 1991 y 2021 en Europa, el continente más afectado por esta consecuencia del cambio climático.
(2023-01-06). México presenta la agenda de la cumbre de América del Norte. telesurtv.net Los temas principales a discutir serán los del cambio climático, competitividad en la región, migración, seguridad y salud.
(2023-01-06). Guyana condecora al primer ministro de San Vicente y las Granadinas. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado elogió la solidaridad del premier sanvicentino con Guyana, específicamente en la protección de la democracia y la integridad territorial.
(2023-01-06). Siete datos del muralista mexicano David Alfaro Siqueiros. telesurtv.net El pintor mexicano murió en Cuernavaca, estado de Morelos, el 6 de enero de 1974, a la edad de 77 años.
(2023-01-06). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este viernes 6 de enero. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este viernes 6 de enero en el mercado cambiario del país.
(2023-01-05). Military Situation In Donbass On January 5, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Russia struck the AFU positions near Krasniy Liman with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Vodyanoye with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Pavlovka with high-precision missiles; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Soledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Up to 40 Ukrainian ser…
(2023-01-05). An interview with historian Christian Gerlach on the Nazi war of annihilation against the Soviet Union. wsws.org Christian Gerlach, who has done pioneering research into the Nazi war against the Soviet Union and the Holocaust, spoke to the WSWS about his work.
(2023-01-05). 'They shot them down like animals': Massacre in Peru's Ayacucho. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in On December 15, 2022, while helicopters flew overhead, members of Peru's national army
(2023-01-05). 'They shot them down like animals': Massacre at Peru's Ayacucho. greenleft.org.au While helicopters flew overhead, members of Peru's national army shot down civilians with live bullets in the outskirts of the city of Ayacucho on December 15, reports Zoe Alexandra.
(2023-01-05). Peru: General Strike Enters Second Day. libya360.wordpress.com Kawsachun News Protests and strikes against Peru's coup regime have entered their second consecutive day. Authorities report that highways are blocked by protesters in at least 37 different spots, up from 25 last night. Peruvians are demanding the release of former President Pedro Castillo, early elections, and the closure of Congress. Today, Peru held a general strike…
(2023-01-05). France To Supply Ukraine With AMX-10 RC Wheeled Light Tanks. southfront.org A French AMX-10 RC seen here in Paris after the parade on July 14, 2021. By Wikimedia user (Kevin.B) | France will supply Ukraine with AMX-10 RC wheeled light tanks, President Emmanuel Macron's office announced on January 4. | The Elysée said in a statement after a phone call between Macron and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy that France will send the light tanks, which the French military has been gradually replacing with new Jaguar…
(2023-01-05). Aaron Maté: The U.S. Government Is Looking For A Prolonged Stalemate In Ukraine, Not Diplomacy. moguldom.com The war in Ukraine has been going on since Feb. 24, 2022, when the country was invaded by Russia. Since then, the U.S. has poured billions of dollars in aid into Ukraine. Most recently, a new round of Ukraine funding was approved just two days after Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky made his first wartime trip …
(2023-01-05). What to expect from the war in Ukraine in 2023? unitedworldint.com Interview by Gà∂kalp Erba≈ü Russia broke NATO's containment strategy with its military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022. For Russia, 2022 was a year of struggle against the Atlantic camp. The widespread belief was that its economy would collapse and its army defeated. Russia, whose currency valued against the US and NATO powers and …
(2023-01-05). Ukraine's GDP Plunges Record 30.4 Pct in 2022. telesurenglish.net "In 2022, the Ukrainian economy suffered its largest losses and damage in the entire history of independence," said the ministry's press service, quoting Yulia Svyrydenko, the first deputy prime minister and economy minister. | RELATED: | In December 2022, Ukraine's GDP declined 34 percent due to a certain stabilization of the situation with energy supply, after a fall of 37 percent in November, the ministry said. | In the fourth quarter of last yea…
(2023-01-05). US to Send Ukraine Bradley Fighting Vehicles in Nearly $3 Billion Arms Package. news.antiwar.com The US is going to send Ukraine Bradley Fighting Vehicles for the first time in a new weapons package worth nearly $3 billion, US officials told The Associated Press on Thursday. The officials said the $2.85 billion aid package will be formally announced on Friday, and it will mark the single largest arms package for …
(2023-01-05). What is NATO? | Chris Williamson. youtube.com WHAT IS NATO? The host of Declassified Palestine and former Labour Party MP Chris Williamson breaks down the roots of NATO, Britain's role in its history, and what led to NATO's current proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Support independent watchdog journalism! Patreon.com/MintPressNews…
(2023-01-05). Selected Articles: The Disastrous Events of the Year 2022 Will Plague Us for as Long as We Exist. globalresearch.ca By The unprecedented raid on President Trump's home revealed the Gestapo State that has replaced American …
(2023-01-05). British-Run Spy Tech Powers Ukraine Proxy War, Putting Civilians at Risk. strategic-culture.org Leaked files reveal the Anomaly 6 spy firm is providing intelligence to the British military through a cut-out involved in the Kerch Bridge bombing and other acts of dangerous sabotage in the Ukraine conflict. | By Kit KLARENBERG | On December 6th, The Grayzone The company's technology effectively transforms every individual on Earth into…
(2023-01-05). The Ukraine Crisis Is a Classic 'Security Dilemma'. progressive.org Recent calls to end the war must be more than exercises in public relations.
(2023-01-05). Erdogan Tells Putin He Wants to Mediate a 'Lasting Peace' in Ukraine. news.antiwar.com Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday and said Ankara was ready to mediate between Moscow and Kyiv to reach a "lasting peace" in Ukraine. "Erdogan stated that as Turkey, we are ready to facilitate and mediate the establishment of a lasting peace between Russia and Ukraine," the Turkish president's …
(2023-01-05). Central bank gold purchases highest in more than half a century. wsws.org The buying surge appears to be a response to two developments——the freezing of the Russian central bank's dollar holdings after the invasion in Ukraine, and the development of uncertainty over the stability of US financial markets and its political system.
(2023-01-05). US Now World's Top LNG Exporter, As Europe Boycotts Cheaper Russian Gas. popularresistance.org The United States has rapidly become the world's biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG), tied with Qatar. | A significant reason for this meteoric increase is because Europe replaced Asia as the top market for US LNG in 2022, as Brussels pledged to boycott Russian energy over the proxy war in Ukraine. | Among the principal importers of US LNG are France, Spain, Britain, the Netherlands, and Italy. | Europe is now paying significantly more for expensive US LNG than it had previously for Russian pipeline gas. | As of 2022, Europe had the highest energy prices on the planet. This was a key factor in fueling…
(2023-01-05). Military Situation In Syria On January 5, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org On January 5, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | On January 5, Vladimir Putin, president of Russia and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey discussed Ukraine and Syria in a phone call; | On January 4, the US base at CONOCO gas facility was attacked with several rockets. No casualties were reported; | On January 4, an SAA serviceman was killed by unknown gunmen in the Abbas vil…
(2023-01-05). Military Situation In Ukraine On January 5, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Russia struck the AFU positions near Gulyay Pole with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Krasniy Liman with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Vodyanoye with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Pavlovka with high-precision missiles; | Russian President, Vladimir Putin ordered a ceasefire in Ukraine over Orthodox Christmas (January 6-7), following request from Russia's spiritual leader Pa…
(2023-01-05). France Says It Pledged AMX-10 RC 'Light Tanks' to Ukraine. news.antiwar.com French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday pledged to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Paris will provide Kyiv with AMX-10 RC armored combat vehicles as Ukraine has been seeking Western-made tanks. A French official said that the AMX-10 RC vehicles will be the "first time that Western-made armored vehicles are being delivered in support of the …
(2023-01-05). Eight-Year-old Debunked Lie Blaming Russia for Shooting Down Malaysian Passenger Flight in 2014 is Given New Life by Dutch Judge. covertactionmagazine.com That the trial was unfair is indicated by the judge's ruling that all evidence supplied by Dutch and Ukrainian state organizations was admissible in court; but all evidence supplied by Russian organizations were inadmissible. On November 17, a Dutch court convicted two Russians, and a Ukrainian commander of a military unit in the Donetsk People's …
(2023-01-05). Ukraine's Glorification of Stepan Bandera Draws Criticism Even from Key Ally. libya360.wordpress.com Peoples Dispatch A collage of a photo of a right-wing rally in honor of Stepan Bandera and the tweet from the Ukrainian parliament on January 1, 2023. (Photo: via Labor Heartlands) Since 2014,…
(2023-01-05). Russia announced Christmas ceasefire, US anti-war activists urge others to follow suit. peoplesdispatch.org After Putin ordered troops to observe a ceasefire over Orthodox Christmas, US anti-war organization CODEPINK insists that the US and Ukraine also declare a Christmas truce…
(2023-01-05). Ukrainian parliament, army leadership celebrate birthday of the fascist mass murderer Bandera. wsws.org The deafening silence about the celebration of Bandera's birthday by the Ukrainian parliament and chief-of-staff betrays the criminal complicity of the imperialist powers in the promotion and strengthening of Ukrainian fascism.
(2023-01-05). Ukraine War Predictions for 2023 w/ Brian Berletic! thealtworld.com Danny Haiphong…
(2023-01-05). Russian Lancet Drones Take Out More Ukrainian Military Equipment (Videos). southfront.org ZALA Lancet attack drone. © Marina Lystseva/TASS | On January 4 and 5, Russian sources shared videos documenting three recent strikes with Lancet loitering munitions on equipment of Kiev forces in the special military operation zone in Ukraine. | The strikes destroyed an American-made AN/TPQ-48 counter-battery radar installed on the rooftop of a public building, a Ukrainian-made Kozak-2 armored vehicle that was carrying ammunition and a modified SUV similar to the ones usually used by Ukrainian…
(2023-01-05). 'Keep Hypocrisy to Yourself,' Says Ukraine Official After Putin Orders Christmas Truce. commondreams.org Under pressure from a key religious leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday announced a 36-hour cease-fire for the war on Ukraine launched last February—a move swiftly criticized by an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Putin's decision came after the head of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) said that "I, Patriarch of Moscow and …
(2023-01-05). Ukrainian 'Shark' Drone Downed Over Russia's Rostov Region. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. | On January 5, a Ukrainian Shark reconnaissance drone was downed in the outskirts of the town of Aksay in Russia's Rostov region. | The drone appeared to be nearly intact in a photo that surfaced online. This suggests that it was brought down with electronic warfare means, not air defense fire. | The Shark was especially developed by Ukrspecsystems to conduct reconnaissance and correct artillery fire. The drone was presented in October of 2022, around seven mont…
(2023-01-05). Ukraine's Intelligence Boss Predicts Further Attacks Deep Inside Russia. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-05). Western Escalation in Ukraine: Sending in Armor But is it Too Little Too Late? thealtworld.com Update on Russian military operations in Ukraine for January 6, 2023: | After over a week, the Western media continues talking about Ukraine's HIMARS strike on assembled Russian troops; | The focus on political optics inadvertently reveals the lack of strategic and tactical importance of this strike and highlights the lopsided nature of fighting against Ukraine; | Russia possesses many times more means and opportunities to carry out such strikes and does so nearly daily; | Western pundits are resorting to increasingly fantastical thinking to solve what they admit is Ukraine's inability to…
(2023-01-05). Russia and the West: Towards a Long War. uwidata.com Russia entered the New Year with rain, not snow. Unlike previous years, the Kremlin and its surroundings were calm. The lights of the houses were on. At five minutes to 12, President Putin appeared on Russian television. Lined up behind him were men and women in uniform. Putin addressed his citizens from the Southern Military …
(2023-01-05). 101st Airborne Still Deployed in Romania Simulating War With Russia. scheerpost.com
(2023-01-05). Rock Attack Hit Syria's Greater Idlib Just Day After Russian Warning Of False-Flag Plot (Photos). southfront.org A heavy rocket attack targeted the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib just a day after a Russian warning of a false-flag plot by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). | A salvo of heavy rockets hit the outskirts of the towns of al-Fu'ah and Kafriya in the eastern countryside of Idlib on January 5. The two towns, which were once strongholds of government supporters in Idlib, are now populated by refugees and foreign jihadists. | Five people were allegedly wounded in the rocket at…
(2023-01-05). In 2022 The US-Led Unipolar Order Was More Unstable Than Ever. popularresistance.org Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin via video link on December 30, which drew alarm from certain Western media outlets. The New York Times, for example, concluded that the call came amid a "weak moment" for both leaders. Readers were led to believe that both China and Russia find themselves "isolated and desperate." However, the assertion conceals a more difficult truth. That is, the U.S.-led unipolar order has experienced a number of challenges to its stability over the course of 2022 that show no sign of letting up in the new year. | The signs of decay are both external and…
(2023-01-05). The foundation for a resolution to the Syrian crisis has been laid. journal-neo.org In mid-December, Turkish President R.T. Erdogan, returning from a trip to Turkmenistan, sent a clear signal that the Syrian conflict could be resolved within the Syria-Turkey-Russia trio. For this, the Turkish leader suggested, representatives of the intelligence organizations of the three countries and the defense ministers should meet first, and then the foreign ministers. The …
(2023-01-05). Rockets Hit Another U.S.-Base In Northeastern Syria. southfront.org . (Credit: U.S. Army) | Early on January 5, an indirect fire attack targeted the United States-led coalition's Green Village base in Syria's northeastern region, according to Sputnik. | The Russian news agency said that a salvo of rockets hit the base, which is located within al-Omar oil fields in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. Several smoke columns were seen rising from the base. However, no casualties were reported. | After the attack, U.S. fighter jets and drones were spotted over…
(2023-01-05). US Base in Syria Struck by Missile Barrage in Largest Attack 'of Its Kind'. orinocotribune.com Local sources confirmed that there were likely casualties among US forces, as the missiles reportedly struck the facility's housing section | Washington's military base in the occupied Al-Omar oilfield in Syria's eastern governorate of Deir Ezzor, came under intense rocket fire late on 30 December in what has been described as the largest attack "of its kind," with media suggesting the likelihood of US military casualties. | "The American base in the Al-Omar oil field in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor was subjected to violent missile strikes of unknown origin this evening," a Russian media correspondent re…
(2023-01-05). Russian, Turkish, Syrian Foreign Ministers Could Meet In UAE — Report. southfront.org Abu Dhabi's skyline in December 2014. By Wikimedia user Wadiia. | The foreign ministers of Russia, Turkey and Syria could meet in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the coming days, RT reported on January 5. | The meeting will be the next step in ongoing Russian efforts to restore ties between Ankara and Damascus, who were driven apart by the war in Syria. Turkey's foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has already talked about meeting with his Syrian counterpart Faisal Mekdad in mid-January. However, the…
(2023-01-05). Russia Responds To Makeevka Missile Strike. southfront.org |
(2023-01-05). Targeting China, the U.S. brings its New Cold War to Africa. peoplesworld.org The United States government held the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in mid-December, prompted in large part by its fears about Chinese and Russian influence on the African continent. Rather than routine diplomacy, Washington's approach in the summit was guided by its broader New Cold War agenda, in which a growing focus has been to disrupt relations …
(2023-01-05). Tension points and geopolitical territories in the sights of imperial warmongering. uwidata.com By Micaela Constantini * Faced with the scenery of international conflict and geopolitical transition, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with their watchdog NATO, are trying to maintain their hegemony in key geopolitical territories such as the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Western Balkans and the South Atlantic. This year the world went through …
(2023-01-05). Sanders, Warren, and Others Raise Alarm Over Rise of Medical Credit Cards. truthout.org A group of progressive senators raised alarm this week over a pernicious outgrowth of the United States' for-profit healthcare system: medical credit cards. In a letter to the chief executives of Wells Fargo and Synchrony Financial — two large issuers of medical credit cards — Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)… |
(2023-01-05). Chinese FM reminds citizens to fully understand entry requirements of destinations as a handful of nations impose restrictions on Chinese travelers. ecns.cn In response to the latest travel restrictions targeting travelers from China, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that countries should not take discriminatory measures against China and advised Chinese citizens to fully understand entry requirements of their destinations before departure.
(2023-01-05). Sportswashed: Ronaldo Heads To Saudi Arabia. southfront.org Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark | It just keeps getting darker and darker. For the professionally ignorant, things are only getting better. With one of history's great events of sportswashing concluded — the 2022 Qatar World Cup — another state famed for its cosmetic distractions and moneyed seductions made a splash. Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal, his sun setting and his prospects diminishing among Europe's top clubs, was signed to play in Saudi Arabia. | He had been seething and…
(2023-01-05). CNN Recruits Washington's Worst Warmonger The Instant He Leaves Congress. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article: | CNN has shattered the speed of light in its haste to recruit former representative Adam Kinzinger to its punditry lineup the millisecond he left congress. | Kinzinger, who prior to being
(2023-01-05). Israel kills three children as 2023 dawns. electronicintifada.net Netanyahu government escalates provocations in occupied Jerusalem.
(2023-01-05). Legality of Israel's occupation referred to UN court. electronicintifada.net EU seeks strong relationship with Israel's extreme right.
(2023-01-05). Israel Was Never a Democracy: So why is the West Lamenting End of "Liberal" Israel? dissidentvoice.org Even before the new Israeli government was officially sworn in on December 29, angry reactions began emerging, not only among Palestinians and other Middle Eastern governments, but also among Israel's historic allies in the West. As early as November 2, top US officials conveyed to Axios that the Joe Biden Administration is "unlikely to engage …
(2023-01-05). Japan slammed for 'reckless decision' on release of nuclear-contaminated water. ecns.cn Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said at a regular news conference that the ocean discharge plan for the contaminated water is "by no means" Japan's domestic affair.
(2023-01-05). US and South Korea hold talks on "nuclear sharing" wsws.org Despite Biden's denial, a senior US official confirmed that the two countries were discussing enhanced information sharing, joint planning, as well as training, and a simulation exercise for nuclear warfare "in the not-too-distant future."
(2023-01-05). Chaos In The House Of Representatives. popularresistance.org Republican Kevin McCarthy lost a vote to be Speaker of the House. Then he lost again. And again. Then Donald Trump called for all Republican congresspeople to support McCarthy. Then McCarthy lost three more times. | This is the chaotic scene that unfolded on the floor of the House of Representatives on Tuesday and Wednesday. The wafer-thin Republican majority — their spoils from the aborted red wave — split itself apart at the first possible juncture. Despite (and perhaps because of) being the hand-picked leader of the Republican establishment, McCarthy was unable to win the support of the right of hi…
(2023-01-05). XBB unlikely to cause new infection peak in China: expert. ecns.cn The XBB subvariant of Omicron is unlikely to cause a new infection peak in China in the near future, said a Shanghai-based expert on infectious diseases.
(2023-01-05). Further moves outlined to ensure stable prices. ecns.cn China will adopt further measures to ensure stable prices and sufficient supply of daily necessities and energy for household and industrial needs.
(2023-01-05). Commemorative coins for Year of the Rabbit officially issued. ecns.cn China officially issued commemorative coins for the Year of the Rabbit on Wednesday, with each set containing 20 two-color, copper alloy coins.
(2023-01-05). China, Philippines to ensure stability. ecns.cn China and the Philippines have agreed to expand their contributions to regional peace and stability and bring more benefits to the people of both countries.
(2023-01-05). 'Pouring water into ice' in NE China. ecns.cn Hot water instantly freezes and forms an arc-shaped ice halo after being splashed into the air in the cold of winter.
(2023-01-05). China to crack down on anti-COVID drug related violations. ecns.cn China will launch a targeted campaign from January to June to secure stable prices and good quality of COVID-19 related drugs and medical supplies, according to an official of the country's top market watchdog.
(2023-01-05). CBIRC to guide more financial support for consumption. ecns.cn The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission is launching new efforts to bolster the real economy by boosting consumption.
(2023-01-05). Medical 'green channel' enhances rural services. ecns.cn In China, 80 percent of medical resources are in cities, and the collaboration model helps optimize allocation of medical resources and better secure the health of the rural population at a time when COVID-19 cases are surging.
(2023-01-05). Nation to continue monitoring viral mutations of COVID-19. ecns.cn China will continue to monitor the mutation, transmissibility and virulence of the COVID-19 virus to optimize future epidemic prevention and control measures, according to a document released by the National Health Commission.
(2023-01-05). Space contractors release China's annual launch plan. ecns.cn China plans to carry out around 60 launch missions this year, according to the country's major space contractors.
(2023-01-05). US Sending Delegation to Taiwan for Trade Talks in Move Sure to Anger China. news.antiwar.com The US is sending a delegation to Taiwan next week for trade talks with Taipei, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) said on Wednesday, in a move sure to anger Beijing. The US and Taiwan agreed to hold formal trade talks last year, and the first round was held in New York in …
(2023-01-05). Domestic oxygenation device approved to treat severe COVID cases. ecns.cn China's top drug regulator on Thursday granted emergency approval for the use of the first domestically developed extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine to treat COVID-19 patients in critical condition.
(2023-01-05). Over 1,000 bronze relics unearthed in Shanxi. ecns.cn Photo released on Jan. 4, 2023 shows bronze relics unearthed from a tomb of the Xizhou Dynasty (1046BC-771BC) in Jiangxian County, north China's Shanxi Province.
(2023-01-05). China to adjust medical care policies for COVID infections: insider. ecns.cn China's medical insurance policies for COVID infections will be adjusted soon as the country prepares to downgrade management of COVID-19 from Class A to Class B from Jan. 8, 2023.
(2023-01-05). Full text: Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of the Philippines. ecns.cn The following is the full text of a joint statement released by China and the Philippines on Thursday.
(2023-01-05). Fiscal spending, fine-tuning of policy set to ensure recovery. ecns.cn China will strengthen fiscal policy adjustment and optimize policy mix to walk the fine line between supporting growth and defusing systemic risks, and will step up fiscal expansion appropriately in 2023 to aid economic recovery.
(2023-01-05). China adjusts medical insurance to ease financial burden of COVID-19 patients. ecns.cn Regional medical authorities in China are adjusting medical insurance policies to address the medical needs of COVID-19 patients.
(2023-01-05). Chinese president appoints new ambassadors. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping has removed and appointed the following ambassadors in accordance with a decision by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, according to a statement from China's top legislature on Thursday.
(2023-01-05). COVID-19 infections surge in China. wsws.org China's abandoning Zero-COVID also meant abandoning any tracking of real figures in terms of case counts and deaths. Estimates, however, provide a horrific account of the public health crisis sweeping across the country.
(2023-01-05). China issues commemorative stamps for Year of the Rabbit. ecns.cn China Post issued the annual zodiac stamps including two zodiac stamps and a stamp album on Wednesday.
(2023-01-05). US Warship Makes First Taiwan Strait Transit of 2023. news.antiwar.com A US Navy guided-missile destroyer sailed through the Taiwan Strait on Thursday in the first US transit of the sensitive waterway of 2023. The US Navy's Seventh Fleet said the USS Chung-Hoon made the passage. Entering the new year, tensions between the US and China over Taiwan are rising as Washington continues to escalate support …
(2023-01-05). People across China prepare to greet Spring Festival. ecns.cn Villagers make red lanterns in Shijiazhuang, north China's Hebei Province, Jan. 4, 2023. As the Chinese Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, approaches, villagers are busy making red lanterns.
(2023-01-05). Israeli Government Accused of 'Assassinating Democracy' With Proposed Judiciary Overhaul. commondreams.org Israeli liberals and critics around the world sounded the alarm Thursday over a plan by Israel's new far-right government to dramatically limit the power of the country's judiciary, in part by allowing a simple parliamentary majority to overturn Supreme Court rulings. On Wednesday, Israeli Justice Minister Yariv Levin—a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud …
(2023-01-05). Video: 'We need a radical sea change' — music and politics with Grace Petrie. greenleft.org.au Inspiring socialist, feminist, lesbian, left-wing protest singer Grace Petrie spoke with Kamala Emanuel about music and politics.
(2023-01-05). Dems Raise Concerns Over 'Creepy' Role of McCarthy Super PAC in Speaker Talks. commondreams.org Why is a billionaire-funded super PAC aligned with Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy playing a role in talks over who will become the next speaker of the House? Democratic lawmakers and campaign finance watchdogs raised that question Wednesday after the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) and the Club for Growth—another right-wing organization bankrolled by billionaires—announced a deal …
(2023-01-05). Is the US Responsible for the Attack on Makiivka in Donetsk? globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-05). Imperialism and the agrarian crisis. mronline.org THE hegemony of imperialism is invariably associated with an agrarian crisis in countries of the global south; in fact agrarian crisis is just the other side of the ascendancy of imperialism. This is evident from the case of Indian agriculture.
(2023-01-05). More Women Are Being Detained as Jail Populations Near Pre-COVID Levels. scheerpost.com
(2023-01-05). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. wsws.org Airline and airport workers in Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal hold strikes throughout the Christmas period over pay and conditions; French GPs organised in Facebook group outside the unions extend indefinite strike for more health funding; New Year begins with week of strikes by UK rail workers over jobs, pay and conditions, but unions keep drivers' and conductors' disputes separate; protests in Iran continue over death of Mahsa Amini, joined by protests and strikes against cost of living crisis…
(2023-01-05). Morocco And Israel, The Unholy Alliance That Threatens Peace In North Africa. southfront.org | Written by Piero Messina | We don't need the crystal ball to bet on the next crisis in North Africa. The growing tension between Morocco and Algeria will add to the Libyan chaos and the institutional collapse of Tunisia. With a third wheel: Israel. Tel Aviv has become a strategic partner of Rabat and for Algeria this situation is becoming a factor of national security. | Since the summer of 2021, Algeria has unilaterally severed diplomatic relations with Morocco, accusing the Moroccan kingdom of "
(2023-01-05). Damar Hamlin's NFL Contract Isn't Guaranteed, So His Situation Could Get Worse. newsone.com Damar Hamlin is indeed still on his rookie deal. Since his contract is not guaranteed, he could be out of another paycheck from the NFL.
(2023-01-05). Challenges and priorities for Brazil's new president. america.cgtn.com On New Year's Day, leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was sworn in as Brazil's new president after a bitter political campaign against his right-wing predecessor Jair Bolsonaro. This is Lula's third term as president and may be his toughest test yet.
(2023-01-05). Kevin McCarthy Has Won His Own Race to the Bottom. truthout.org KKevin McCarthy has spent the past days impaled on these spikes of his own creation. On Tuesday, he lost three votes for House speaker in quick succession, before his allies succeeded in adjourning the House for the rest of the day. That evening, Donald Trump tried to rescue McCarthy's candidacy by urging his hard-right followers to come around and support McCarthy as speaker. But Trump seems… |
(2023-01-05). FDA expands access to abortion pill. ecns.cn The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has expanded access to abortion through medication by allowing certified retail drug stores including large chains and mail-order companies to dispense the abortion pill mifepristone.
(2023-01-05). "If there is to be a livable future, it will be a future offline" mronline.org Jonathan Crary's new book excoriates the digital world of late capitalism.
(2023-01-05). Far Right Extremists Flex Political Muscle Ahead of January 6 Anniversary. truthout.org On the eve of the anniversary of the January 6 attack on the Capitol, experts say the House GOP's failure to choose a speaker despite multiple rounds of balloting this week demonstrates the power wielded by far right extremists over both the Republican Party and the nation's broader political atmosphere. In the two years since former President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally morphed into the… |
(2023-01-05). Railroad corporations want to slash train crews for Wall Street profits. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON (PAI)—Using safety of workers and communities as their main argument, two top railroad unions and the AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department strongly argued for mandatory two-person crews on all freight trains. TTD and unions carried their campaign to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) hearing on crews on Dec. 14, a day after rail workers' rallied …
(2023-01-05). Whatever the score, owner greed beats player safety in football. liberationnews.org Alarming injuries are regularly inflicted upon football players in the sport that generates the most profits in the world.
(2023-01-05). Biden Calls GOP's Inability to Select Speaker of the House "Embarrassing" truthout.org On Wednesday, President Joe Biden spoke to reporters about Republicans' failure to select a speaker of the House of Representatives, the congressional chamber in which they hold a majority. Six votes have been held so far — three on each of the two days that the House has convened since the start of the 118th Congress. Each of those six votes failed to produce a winner for the speakership. |
(2023-01-05). The UN General Assembly Drags Israel to the World Court. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-05). 'Paying the Land' shines a light on First Nations struggle in northwestern Canada. greenleft.org.au Acclaimed comics journalist Joe Sacco travelled to the Arctic regions of north-west Canada to learn about the Dene people and their struggles for his latest book, Paying the Land. Andrew Chuter reviews.
(2023-01-05). How Do You Mourn the Death of an Israeli Democracy That Never Was? commondreams.org Even before the new Israeli government was officially sworn in on December 29, angry reactions began emerging, not only among Palestinians and other Middle Eastern governments, but also among Israel's historic allies in the West. As early as November 2, top US officials conveyed to Axios that the Joe Biden Administration is "unlikely to engage …
(2023-01-05). Gangsta Boo Passing At Age 43 Brings Attention To Fentanyl Epidemic In America. moguldom.com The Jan. 1 death of Three 6 Mafia artist Gangsta Boo shocked the hip-hop world and highlighted the fentanyl epidemic in America. While there has been no official ruling on Gangsta Boo's cause of death, it is believed she died of a possible fentanyl overdose. The 43-year-old artist, whose real name is Lola Mitchell, had attended a …
(2023-01-05). Netanyahu Ushers in the Most Anti-Palestinian Government in Israel's History. scheerpost.com
(2023-01-05). Hong Kong holds internal drill for resumption of cross-border travel. ecns.cn Hong Kong made final preparations for the resumption of cross-border travel. Over 300 immigration officers participated in an internal drill at Lok Ma Chau Spur Line control point and the Hong Kong- Macao Ferry Terminal control point ahead of the border reopening on Wednesday.
(2023-01-05). Ray Curry and Shawn Fain: Stop blaming worker apathy for low turnout caused by voter suppression! wsws.org The majority of workers never knew there was an election, because the entrenched UAW leadership did not want us to have a real chance to remove them from power.
(2023-01-05). Alta Bates Summit nurses boldly strike for pensions and a contract. workers.org Berkeley, California Nurses at the three sites of the Alta Bates Summit Medical Center campuses in Oakland and Berkeley went on a 10-day strike from Dec. 24 until the early morning of Jan. 2. They took this action after 97% of them voted to reject their bosses' last-minute contract offer. . . . |
(2023-01-05). Will Lehman to Ray Curry and Shawn Fain: Stop blaming worker apathy for low turnout caused by voter suppression! wsws.org The majority of workers never knew there was an election, because the entrenched UAW leadership did not want us to have a real chance to remove them from power.
(2023-01-05). 'Victory for American Workers': FTC Proposes Ban on Noncompete Clauses. commondreams.org Progressive advocacy groups and lawmakers celebrated Thursday after the Federal Trade Commission proposed a new rule that, if finalized, would prohibit employers from including noncompete clauses in employment contracts, which the agency described as "a widespread and often exploitative practice that suppresses wages, hampers innovation, and blocks entrepreneurs from starting new businesses." Given the prevalence …
(2023-01-05). Biden Toughens Border, Offers Legal Path for 30,000 a Month. latinorebels.com President Joe Biden said Thursday the U.S. would immediately begin turning away Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans who cross the border from Mexico illegally. Instead, the U.S. will accept 30,000 people per month from those countries and Venezuela for two years as long as they come legally, have eligible sponsors, and pass background checks.
(2023-01-05). FDA rules that retail pharmacies can offer abortion medication. therealnews.com
(2023-01-05). Al-Aqsa Mosque Stormed By Israeli Cabinet Minister Provoking International Backlash. thelastamericanvagabond.com On Tuesday morning, far right Israeli Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, provoking the convening of a UN Security Council meeting and setting the tone for the new Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. On the same day that Israeli settlers desecrated a Protestant Christian graveyard by smashing gravestones, Israel's new security
(2023-01-05). The little secret about corporate profits. nationofchange.org The power of big corporations to raise their prices higher than their costs are rising.
(2023-01-05). Is Nothing Sacred? White Women Accused Of Appropriating Popular Black Hair Product. newsone.com
(2023-01-05). Capitalism's War on Railroad Workers Continues Under President Whose Support For Unions Rings Hollow. covertactionmagazine.com The U.S. Congress imposed a labor agreement on 115,000 railroad workers on December 1, disregarding the vote from four unions to reject it. That is how little real democracy there is in the United States. The millionaires' club on Capitol Hill could not even support giving sick days to railroaders chained to round-the-clock work schedules. Why …
(2023-01-05). UN working to reduce tensions following Israel minister's holy site visit. news.un.org The United Nations remains ready to support efforts to de-escalate tensions in the Middle East exacerbated this week by the visit of Israel's new National Security Minister to a disputed holy site in Jerusalem, the Security Council heard during an emergency session on Thursday.
(2023-01-05). 26 Dems in Congress Urge DOJ to Continue Moratorium on Federal Executions. scheerpost.com The lawmakers asserted that "there are serious concerns about arbitrariness in the application of the death penalty, the disparate impact of the death penalty on people of color, and the alarming number of exonerations of individuals previously sentenced to death."
(2023-01-05). The White Lotus Seasons 1 and 2: Satirizing the wealthy and privileged. wsws.org Season two revisits many of the same concerns as the first season, tackling how money affects relationships of all types.
(2023-01-05). Exhibition features migrants at U.S.-Mexico border. america.cgtn.com A cultural exhibit now open in Los Angeles aims to explore the migration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, in part, through items discarded by migrants who've taken the long, treacherous journey toward new lives in a new country. Many don't make it, and organizers say these items …
(2023-01-05). CES: Chinese companies display tech innovation. ecns.cn Chinese enterprises, which account for 16 percent of exhibitors at this year's CES, are showcasing a wide array of innovative and disruptive products and services at the annual consumer electronics industry gathering.
(2023-01-05). Europe: Warm start to 2023 breaks records and skiers' hearts, says WMO. news.un.org The unusually warm conditions in Europe that marked the festive season broke records — and likely skiers' hearts – in several countries on the continent, on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has confirmed.
(2023-01-05). Biden Rebuked for Doubling Down on 'Poisonous Anti-Immigrant Policies of the Trump Era'. commondreams.org The Biden administration has called the Trump-era Title 42 policy "obsolete" and urged the U.S. Supreme Court to strike it down, but on Thursday President Joe Biden announced a significant expansion of the migrant expulsion program in an effort to deny entry to Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans who arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border. NBC News …
(2023-01-05). Death Penalty Was 'Visibly Problematic' 35 Percent Of The Time In 2022. progressivehub.net MARISA SARNOFF | LAW & CRIME…
(2023-01-05). US Fed Says Higher Interest Rates Will Remain. telesurenglish.net "Participants generally observed that a restrictive policy stance would need to be maintained until the incoming data provided confidence that inflation was on a sustained downward path to 2 percent," according to a Fed meeting summary. | Photo taken on April 20, 2022 shows the U.S. Federal Reserve building in Washington, D.C., the United States.
(2023-01-05). 24 Terms: Minor Cold. ecns.cn
(2023-01-05). Syria: Chemical weapons pose unacceptable threat, and are a 'danger to us all'. news.un.org Any use of chemical weapons anywhere is simply "unacceptable", the deputy head of the UN Disarmament Affairs office (UNODA) told the Security Council on Thursday, briefing on efforts to eliminate the scourge from the battlefields and towns of Syria.
(2023-01-05). U.S. And Cuba Relations Can Improve, But Biden Must Act Soon. progressivehub.net WILLIAM LEOGRANDE | RESPONSIBLE STATECRAFT…
(2023-01-05). Very Asian Foundation encourages advocacy of Asian-Americans. america.cgtn.com The Very Asian Foundation is an organization founded to shine a light on Asian experiences through advocacy and celebration. Since its inception earlier this year, the foundation has blossomed and is getting lots of support within and beyond the Asian community. As a TV …
(2023-01-05). Scientists At University Of Buffalo: America's Anti-Black Racism Hurts Romantic Relationships, Stability. moguldom.com It's no secret that anti-Black racism is bad for one's mental and physical health. A newly released study found it also impacts the health of romantic relationships in a significant way. The Journal of Social Science & Medicine published the study by researchers from the University of Buffalo that followed data that tracked two generations …
(2023-01-05). Seven months after workplace death, injuries continue apace at Canada's National Steel Car. wsws.org Accidents have continued apace following the death of Quoc Le, despite the frequent presence of Ontario Ministry of Labour officials on the premises.
(2023-01-05). This Is The Best Headline In A While. smoothiex12.blogspot.com It is a well-known fact that Manfred Mann's Earth Band were the best cover band for… Bruce Springsteen's music when Bruce was still filled with talent and not full of shit as he is today. Larry nailed the title and substance.
(2023-01-05). Chinese, Philippine presidents hold talks. ecns.cn Xi held talks with Marcos at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday. Prior to the talks, President Xi held a welcoming ceremony for Marcos in the Northern Hall of the Great Hall of the People.
(2023-01-05). US Child Care Deficit Impacts Multiple Sectors of the Country. scheerpost.com With funds from the American Rescue Plan drying up, there are fewer workers in the child care industry, higher tuition for child care providers and fewer Americans participating in the workforce.
(2023-01-05). A short history of America and the world. thiscantbehappening.net Between the turn of the screw And the twist of the knife Between the Twist of the twister And Dylan's simple twist of fate There sometimes arise opportunities To own the life that was given us by our mothers To make headway against The semi generated wind of the highway of the one-way life. Against … |
(2023-01-05). Hundreds attend funeral of Sri Lankan Trotskyist Sarath Kumara. wsws.org Sarath joined the Revolutionary Communist League, forerunner of the SEP, in 1991 and remained a courageous and dedicated working-class fighter for Trotskyism until his death aged 57.
(2023-01-05). Kyrgyzstan — Next In Line For A Colour Revolution? southfront.org | Written by Gavin O'Reilly | The accession of Kyrgyzstan to Going by recent trends related to the two most rec…
(2023-01-05). Pakistan floods: 9 million more risk being pushed into poverty, warns UNDP. news.un.org An additional nine million people risk being pushed into poverty on top of the 33 million affected by last summer's devastating floods in Pakistan, the UN development agency, UNDP said on Thursday, ahead of next week's International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan in Geneva.
(2023-01-05). Military Situation In Iraq On January 5, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org One Iraqi police officer and one civilian were killed in the Tarmiyah area by an IED explosion; | The Iraqi Army and the PMU carried out a security operation in the Badush area in the north of Mosul city; | Iraqi leaders and officials reiterated condemnations of the killing of Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a US strike in Baghdad three years ago, during a forum commemorating the anniversary of the assassination. | MORE ON THE TOPIC:
(2023-01-05). The Podcast conglomerate the media won't name. mronline.org Spoiler: It's John Malone's Liberty Media…
(2023-01-05). Donald Trump Gets 1 Vote for Speaker As McCarthy Loses for 7th and 8th Time. truthout.org As the House undergoes an increasingly absurd series of votes in which Republicans are failing, time and again, to nominate a new speaker of the House, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) on Thursday cast what seemed to be two unserious — or at least knowingly derisive — votes for Donald Trump. Gaetz cast the only vote for Trump during the House's seventh and eighth speaker votes… |
(2023-01-05). Buffalo 'bomb cyclone' exposes failure of capitalism. iacenter.org By Ryan Lockwood December 29, 2022 Buffalo, New York Buffalo is reeling from its worst snowstorm in a generation. From Dec. 23-25, Western New York state was ravaged by a "bomb cyclone," which brought hurricane-force winds, subzero wind chills and over 50 inches of snowfall to the region. But Winter Storm Elliot is as much a social disaster as it is a weather one. Abandoned cars block a road following winter storm in Buffalo, New York, Dec. 27. At the time of this writing, at least 40 people in the Buffalo area have died due to the storm, a majority of them people of color. This surpasses the death toll of the in…
(2023-01-05). The Likud Party of Netanyahu, A Terrorist Organisation? globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-05). Family, friends pay respects to Wadiya Jamal. workers.org Wadiya Jamal has spent most of her adult life fighting for her husband's release. The beloved wife of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal died unexpectedly from a heart attack Dec. 27, 11 days after a historic decision by a Philadelphia judge in his case. Family and friends attended services for her . . . |
(2023-01-05). What to expect from 2023 CES. america.cgtn.com The preview "Unveiled" event signaled this week's Consumer Electronics Show is on the rebound. At its peak, more than 170,000 people attended CES. But due to the pandemic, attendance last year dropped to 45,000. Organizers believe this year it could more than double, surpassing …
(2023-01-05). Groundwork's Michael Mitchell Previews Final Jobs Report of 2022. commondreams.org Ahead of tomorrow's December Jobs Report, Groundwork's Director of Policy and Research Michael Mitchell released the following statement, cautioning that additional rate hikes will bring more pain to workers and push our economy into a Fed-manufactured recession: "As workers and families are struggling with higher prices, Chair Powell is hell-bent on bringing down wages and …
(2023-01-05). Revisiting The Legend And Legacy Of Dr. C. Eric Lincoln: 13 Things To Know. moguldom.com Charles Eric Lincoln was a renowned educator and sociologist. He authored several of the most important scholarly works on the religious movements of Black Americans. In revisiting the legend and legacy of Dr. C. Eric Lincoln, here are 13 things to know. 1. His childhood Born June 23, 1924, in Athens, Alabama, Lincoln was abandoned …
(2023-01-05). New York City's Public Transit Is Broken. jacobin.com Socialist state legislator Zohran Mamdani says that can change.
(2023-01-05). 'Did We Win?' Awake, Damar Hamlin's First Words Suggest His 'Neurological Condition Is Intact'. newsone.com Source: Icon Sportswire / Getty | Buffalo Bills safety During a press conference Thursday afternoon, health officials who have been treating Hamlin spoke out about his condition and say he is "making substantial progress." | Trauma surgeon, Dr. Timothy Pritts assured reporters that Hamlin's condition has significantly improved. | "There has been substantial improvement in his conditions over 24 hours,' he said. "He is…
(2023-01-05). Republicans Are Mad Cori Bush Called Byron Donalds A Black GOP 'Prop,' But Where Is The Lie? newsone.com Missouri Rep. Cori Bush is pictured in Washington, D.C., in 2021. | Source: Paul Morigi / Getty | Nothing gets Republicans in a white and fragile frenzy like Black people calling them out for using Black conservatives as "Black friend" accessories meant to make their party seem less racist. Republicans know that once they've spent significant time going to war against
(2023-01-05). Two barrels aim at African People's Socialist Party. mronline.org With new FBI and Department of "Justice" (DOJ) attacks expected in early January, a defense, mobilization and information session attracted hundreds of allies of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP).
(2023-01-05). Marx, the 'Metabolic Rift' and Capitalism's Assault on Nature. mronline.org Marx's theory that capitalism created a "metabolic rift" between human society and nature has re-emerged as an indispensable tool for understanding the climate crisis we face today.
(2023-01-05). Salutes to Karim Younes, Palestinian prisoner, on his liberation after 40 years. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes Karim Younes and the entire Palestinian people on his liberation today after serving 40 years as the longest consecutively-held Palestinian prisoner. Imprisoned since 1983, Younes was welcomed home by his fellow residents of 'Ara, a Palestinian village in occupied Palestine '48. Speaking immediately after his release, he confirmed his …
(2023-01-05). Improve healthcare access to end 'preventable tragedy' of child mortality. news.un.org A child or young person died every 4.4 seconds in 2021, and millions more could lose their lives by 2030 unless all women and children have access to adequate healthcare, two UN reports published on Thursday have revealed.
(2023-01-05). Will Store Clerk Who Killed Armed Robber Be Protected By Louisiana's 'Stand Your Ground' Law? newsone.com Source: SOPA Images / Getty | It appears that an employee at a store in Louisiana who was arrested and charged with manslaughter after he shot and killed an armed robber is not being protected by the state's so-called Rafus Alexander, 30, killed the suspect and accidentally stuck a customer during the shooting at a Dollar General store in the city of Monroe on Monday, according to local news outlet KNOE, which cited police records. | I can't even imagine this outcome being the…
(2023-01-05). Two classic graphic novels explore the rise of German fascism and the Holocaust. greenleft.org.au Andrew Chuter reviews two classic graphic novels: Maus, which tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust; and Berlin, which is set during the German Weimar Republic prior to World War II.
(2023-01-05). In four years of Bolsonaro, healthcare lost funding, quality and reach. peoplesdispatch.org The government of Workers' Party president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, which was sworn in 5 days ago, has considerable challenges ahead of it to tackle the social, economic, political, and public health crisis which faces Brazil. During the four years of far-right rule under Jair Bolsonaro, the health sector was one of the hardest hit by budget cuts, a move which exacerbated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. | The budget proposal for Brazil's health sector for 2023, left by the government of Jair Bolsonaro, proposed a reduction of investment in the sector by R$ 22.7 billion reais (USD $4.2 billion). While Lula'
(2023-01-05). Chinese authorities further optimize travel between the mainland, HK and Macao. ecns.cn The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued a notice to optimize people-to-people exchanges between the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions (SAR) on Thursday.
(2023-01-05). Will Confucius Marry Marx? The Quest for Legitimacy in Chinese Politics. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-05). SDF Arrested More Than 100 Suspects In First Week Of Anti-ISIS Operation In Syria's Al-Hasakah (Video). southfront.org The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have arrested more than 100 suspected members of ISIS in the first week of Operation…
(2023-01-05). Cuba Says Biden Applies Blockade Even More Aggressively Than His Predecessors. truthout.org "[T]he current U.S. government, the one of Joseph Biden, of all those that the Cuban Revolution has known, is the one that has most aggressively and effectively applied the economic blockade," Carlos Fernández de Cossío, vice minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, declared in a speech on December 14. "It is the one that punishes the most, the one that causes the most damage to the daily life of… |
(2023-01-05). 112 Organizations Call For White House To Fully Review TVA Decision On Fossil Gas Expansion. commondreams.org This morning, 112 organizations across 20+ states called on the Environmental Protection Agency to refer the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)'s decision to construct a new fossil gas plant and pipeline to the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). The organizations call for the CEQ to review the serious public health and environmental impacts of …
(2023-01-05). Berlin housing campaign gets another green light for expropriation. greenleft.org.au After winning a 2021 referendum to expropriate corporate landlords owning 3000 apartments or more, Berliners may actually see the implementation of their demands in 2023, reports Sibylle Kaczorek.
(2023-01-05). [Articles] Meningococcal A conjugate vaccine coverage in the meningitis belt of Africa from 2010 to 2021: A modelling study. thelancet.com These estimates highlight where gaps in immunisation remain and emphasise the need for broader efforts to strengthen RI systems. This methodological framework can be applied to estimate coverage for any vaccine that has been delivered in both routine and supplemental immunisation activities.
(2023-01-05). State Power and Covid Crimes. strategic-culture.org By Ramesh THAKUR | The three major controversies over pandemic management for the past three years have been lockdown measures, universal masking recommendations and mandates, and Covid vaccines. | The last was a pharmaceutical intervention using revolutionary new technology. The first two were radical departures from the existing scientific and policy consensus as encapsulated in official documents from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and in several national pandemic preparedness plans. They established the willingness of the state to dictate every aspect of people's lives, down to the most ridiculous and ab…
(2023-01-05). Corporations Want to Exploit Your Children. dissidentvoice.org When children realize how big businesses are controlling their childhood, their rebellious sense of being exploited connects with their instinct for safety and self-respect. The commercial pressures descending on our children through relentless direct marketing, radically bypassing parental authority, are at a fever pitch. It will take more than studies by nutritionists and health specialists, more than congressional …
(2023-01-05). Ocasio-Cortez Says Democrats Can Take Advantage of GOP's "Chaos" to Gain Power. truthout.org As the Republican Party descends into chaos this week, failing six times to elect a new speaker of the House, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) has suggested that Republican leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (California) approach the Democrats with concessions if he wants to win the speakership. In an interview on MSNBC this week, Ocasio-Cortez emphasized the importance of Democratic unity… |
(2023-01-05). Video: 'We need a radical sea change' – music and politics with Grace Petrie. greenleft.org.au Inspiring socialist, feminist, lesbian, left-wing protest singer Grace Petrie spoke with Kamala Emanuel about music and politics.
(2023-01-05). Lula da Silva begins third term as Brazil's president. peoplesdispatch.org On January 1, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was sworn in as Brazil's new president. This will be his third term in office. Around 300,000 people attended his swearing in ceremony in Brasilia along with 120 international delegations. On his first day itself, Lula signed pro-people decrees and provisional measures.
(2023-01-05). Where Next For Kazakhstan? journal-neo.org In November President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of Kazakhstan won re-election with over 80% of the vote. As he was the official candidate of every party represented in parliament, this was not surprising. It is this sort of thing which has given Central Asian states in general a bad name. Even though they may be democracies in …
(2023-01-05). US became largest exporter of liquefied natural gas in 2022. nationofchange.org Due to the energy needed in the natural gas liquefaction process, LNG terminals produce an enormous amount of greenhouse gas emissions.
(2023-01-05). "African Labor in the World Community": CLR James' Political Economy. libya360.wordpress.com Matthew Quest On CLR James' 122nd Anniversary, Matthew Quest celebrates his intervention in global freedom movements by placing his radical political economy in conversation with the African world and the African continent. He argues that CLR James offers a different and better understanding of capital, the state, and the role of the working class than…
(2023-01-05). Remembering the Late Pablo Milanés (OPINION). latinorebels.com "Poet. Maestro. Cuba's defiant son. Pablo Milanés was all these things and more. He was also the soundtrack of my youth," writes Puerto Rican journalist Susanne Ramires de Arellano.
(2023-01-05). Lula da Silva Confirms Brazil's Return to CELAC. orinocotribune.com In 2020, former president Jair Bolsonaro decided to withdraw Brazil from CELAC. | This Wednesday, the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, confirmed his country's return to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). | The announcement was made by the assistant foreign minister of Bolivia, Fredy Mamani, who indicated that Da Silva informed the Bolivian president, Luis Arce, of his return to the regional organization. | "President Lula has co…
(2023-01-05). Palestinians Can Only Dream of Justice at the ICC as Netanyahu Can't Wait to Start a War in Gaza. strategic-culture.org One wonders how long we have to wait in 2023 before a new intifada begins, orchestrated entirely by the Israeli government's dirty work. | Is there anything quite so vomit-inducing than Israel's new government with Benjamin Netanyahu at its helm? Barely days in office and he's already frothing at the mouth like a sick dog looking at its next meal, in this case the Gaza Strip. One wonders how long we have to wait in 2023 before a new intifada begins, orchestrated entirely by the Israeli government's dirty work, which in 2020, broke records with almost 1000 Palestinian homes stolen at gunpoint from humble Palestini…
(2023-01-05). The Disastrous Events of the Year 2022 Will Plague Us for as Long as We Exist. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-05). CEPR Sanctions Watch, January 2022. cepr.net In this Sanctions Watch, covering December 2022: Seized Afghan assets languish in US-backed trust fund while Afghans prepare for a grueling winter; US lawmakers meet with the president of Cuba and denounce the US embargo; UN experts denounce environmental degradation and loss of life as a result of sanctions against Iran; US, Japan, South Korea …
(2023-01-05). Gov. Ron DeSantis Administration Demands Universities Report Programs On Diversity, CRT. newsone.com Source: WADE VANDERVORT / Getty | Florida's commander-in-white-fragility, Gov.
(2023-01-05). Slave Uprisings Were Legitimate Insurrections, Unlike Jan. 6 Capitol Riots. newsone.com On the anniversary of the Capitol riots, never forget that historians estimate there were around 2 insurrections in America that involved 10 or more enslaved people starting in the early 1600s.
(2023-01-05). Speaker of the House Faces Political Peril From Member Deaths and Resignations—Especially With a Narrow Majority. scheerpost.com The Congress that ended on Jan. 3, 2023, had 15 vacancies, a rate unmatched since the 19 s. If that rate continues, whoever leads the now-closely divided House will face trouble.
(2023-01-05). 2022's greenwashing hall of shame. peoplesworld.org As public pressure to act on the climate crisis increases, more and more companies, governments and nonprofits are making misleading claims about the sustainability of their operations, a tactic commonly known as greenwashing. However, as greenwashing is becoming more common, people are also getting better at spotting it. Eco-Business published its list of 18 entities called out for …
(2023-01-05). Buffalo Bills football player Damar Hamlin in critical condition after heart stops mid-game. wsws.org Damar Hamil remains in critical condition after nearly dying during the nationally televised Monday Night Football game.
(2023-01-05). 'Turn Every Page': A loving documentary about ideas, writing and comradeship. peoplesworld.org I knew the recently released documentary Turn Every Page: The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb would be right up my alley. These two men, for those who may need a reminder, are, respectively, the author of The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (now in its 41st printing), as …
(2023-01-05). Why Many Turkish People who migrated to European Countries are worse off than those who stayed at Home. juancole.com By Sebnem Eroglu, University of Bristol | (The Conversation) Many people migrate to another country to earn a decent income and to attain a better standard of living. But my recent research shows that across all destinations and generations studied, many migrants from Turkey to European countries are financially worse off than those …
(2023-01-05). Far Right House Republicans Flex Political Muscle Ahead of January 6 Anniversary. truthout.org On the eve of the anniversary of the January 6 attack on the Capitol, experts say the House GOP's failure to choose a speaker despite multiple rounds of balloting this week demonstrates the power wielded by far right extremists over both the Republican Party and the nation's broader political atmosphere. In the two years since former President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally morphed into the… |
(2023-01-05). Amid House Chaos, Watchdogs Urge GOP to Abandon Plans to Gut Ethics Commission. truthout.org Watchdogs are urging House Republicans to revise language in the chamber's proposed rules package that would undermine an independent congressional ethics body's ability to function at precisely the moment when it is expected to launch probes of several GOP lawmakers. The U.S. Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) "provides independent, nonpartisan oversight and accountability… |
(2023-01-05). Japan's Kishida Vows Stronger Alliance With US Amid Military Buildup. news.antiwar.com Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Wednesday vowed to expand Tokyo's alliance with the US under his new controversial military spending plan that breaks from the country's post-World War II pacifism. Kishida made the comments when previewing an upcoming visit to Washington DC, where he will meet with President Biden on January 13. "We will show …
(2023-01-05). 8 Million Pakistanis Remain Displaced After Summer Floods. telesurenglish.net Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) in Geneva, Khalil Hashmi, said Thursday that some 8 million people remain displaced after last summer's floods, warning that waters have not yet receded in some areas. | RELATED: | The South Asian country remains in urgent need of housing, the Permanent Representative said during a press conference. The official said that flood damage had affected agriculture and the livel…
(2023-01-05). Jan. 6 Anniversary: Two years later, we must hold Capitol insurrectionists accountable. splcenter.org
(2023-01-05). Inflation in Colombia soared to 13.1% in December. colombiareports.com Inflation in Colombia soared to 13.1% in the last month of 2023, the highest rate since March 1999, according to the statistics agency. Colombia's average inflation rate was 10.15% last…
(2023-01-05). Baloch and Pashtun issue "undermines" the situation in Pakistan and the region in general. journal-neo.org In late December last year, Pakistan's Balochistan province, which covers 45% of the country's desert and sparsely populated area, suffered three terrorist attacks in less than two days. The most damaging of these was an improvised explosive device that blew up an army convoy in the eastern Kohlu district of the province on December 25. …
(2023-01-05). U.S. House still in turmoil with no speaker elected on 2nd day of voting. ecns.cn The U.S. House of Representatives remains in turmoil with no speaker elected on the second day of voting.
(2023-01-05). California Police More Than Twice As Likely To Use Force Against Black People. progressivehub.net SAM LEVIN | THE GUARDIAN…
(2023-01-05). Efforts to improve Beijing's air quality see clear outcome. ecns.cn After great efforts to fight air pollution in the past decade, Beijing's air quality in 2022 was the best for the city since 2013, the municipal authority announced on Wednesday.
(2023-01-05). 100+ Groups Push North American Leaders to Act on Guns, Climate, and Immigrant Justice. commondreams.org Three days before U.S. President Joe Biden, Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are set to meet in Mexico City, more than 100 grassroots groups from all three countries called on the leaders on Thursday to take action together to help solve the climate crisis, end gun violence, and …
(2023-01-05). Day Three: House Speaker Vote Ties 100-Year Record As Ninth Round Kicks Off. southfront.org Update (1525ET): The 9th round of voting for House Speaker is now underway, topping the number of ballots it took in 1923 to re-elect Speaker Frederick Gillett (R-MA). He won by eventually caving to several demands to liberalize House legislative rules in order to win over fellow Republicans. | Prior to that, the House was deadlocked for "We need to get to a point wh…
(2023-01-05). Trades Union Congress general secretary writes "Dear Prime Minister" letter calling for talks to end UK strike wave. wsws.org Nowak's appeal is for the Tories to reinstate the role of the union bureaucracy in suppressing the working class through a tripartite arrangement with employers and the government.
(2023-01-05). Managing burnout as organizers and cultivating radical community care. peoplesworld.org Activist burnout has become more prevalent since the 2020 George Floyd uprisings. A lot has changed since then, though, as we're no longer maintaining daily marches, rallies, and demonstrations. We are no longer facing off riot cops in intersections that once felt like warzones. We don't have to maneuver as quickly as we did that …
(2023-01-05). Expressway opens from Beijing to Xiong'an. ecns.cn The latest section of the Beijing-Xiong'an Expressway opened to traffic on Saturday, reducing travel time from the capital to the new area in neighboring Hebei province to around minutes, according to the Ministry of Transport.
(2023-01-05). Experts answer questions on emerging XBB variant. ecns.cn The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention answers key questions on XBB.1.5, the emerging Omicron strain that is raising concerns globally.
(2023-01-05). UK government announces new anti-strike laws for education, health, transport, and other workers. wsws.org A front-page report in the Times—published the day the statement was released in clear coordination with the government, said, "Employers would be able to sue unions, and union members who were told to work under the minimum service requirement but refused to do so could be dismissed."
(2023-01-05). As YSL Jury Selection Begins, Meet The Judge Presiding Over Young Thug's RICO Trial. newsone.com Atlanta Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Ural Glanville. | Source: Superior Court of Fulton County / Superior Court of Fulton County | The long-awaited beginning of While conventional wisdom would suggest that Young Thug is at the center of the trial, there is one un…
(2023-01-05). New Omicron offshoot XBB.1.5 taking hold in U.S. america.cgtn.com There is growing concern over a sudden spike in COVID-19 infections tied to a new Omicron variant that is now responsible for more than 40 percent of U.S. cases in December. But data suggests the number is much higher in parts of the Northeast, …
(2023-01-05). Two years after January 6 attempted coup, Republican fascists deadlock the House. wsws.org Ultra-right representatives who helped organize the coup of January 6, 2021 are now demanding effective control of the House by blocking the selection of a Speaker.
(2023-01-05). Former minister in Bolivia's coup government convicted in the US. peoplesdispatch.org Arturo Murillo was arrested in the US in May 2021, after fleeing Bolivia in November 2020. He pleaded guilty to the crimes of bribery and money laundering on October 20, 2022…
(2023-01-05). Recruiting salaries creep up in 2022. ecns.cn The job market saw a marginal increase in recruiting salaries in 2022 with financial and information technology industries in first-tier cities offering job-seekers higher remuneration, according to a recruitment agency.
(2023-01-05). Sudan Military-Civilian Pact Omits Key Justice Reforms, including an End to Impunity (HRW). juancole.com Human Rights Watch (Nairobi) Sudan's political actors and international partners should ensure that progress on human rights and accountability for serious human rights violations are central to any new transition, Human Rights Watch said today. This includes an end to the violent crackdown against peaceful protesters, releasing arbitrarily detained protesters, and taking concrete …
(2023-01-05). New Subvariant of COVID-19 Spreads Rapidly – WHO. telesurenglish.net At a briefing on Thursday, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned of the rapid spread of XBB.1.5, a new subvariant of COVID-19. | RELATED: | "There is intense transmission and pressure on health systems, particularly in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and a recombinant subvariant is spreading rapidly. XBB.1.5 is the recombinant of two BA.2 sublineages," Ghebreyesus said. | According t…
(2023-01-05). The Heat: Lula back in power in Brazil. america.cgtn.com President Lula is back in power in Brazil. What can we expect for the country and the region? On New Year's Day, leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was sworn in as Brazil's new president after a bitter political campaign against his right-wing predecessor Jair …
(2023-01-05). Customers Removed $8B+ From Crypto Bank Silvergate, Stock Is Down 85% In 3 Months. moguldom.com Silvergate, a California bank that deals mostly in cryptocurrency transactions, saw its stock fall 48 percent on Thursday, Jan. 5 after the Wall Street Journal reported that the collapse of the FTX crypto exchange in November 2022 caused a run on the bank. When the FTX crypto exchange declared bankruptcy, Silvergate was forced to sell …
(2023-01-05). FTC Unveils New Rule Banning Companies From Using Noncompete Clauses. truthout.org The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced on Thursday that it has proposed a sweeping new rule that would bar employers from imposing noncompete clauses on workers, a move that could have major benefits for tens millions of workers across the U.S. The FTC said that employers' use of noncompete clauses, which typically prohibit workers from moving jobs to competitors within certain time frames… |
(2023-01-05). Australian report shows growing homelessness. wsws.org The crisis is being driven by interest rate rises, record house prices, soaring rents and stagnant or declining wages.
(2023-01-05). The Progressive Left is maintaining systemic racism in New York City. mronline.org Workers in the United States once united across trade and background to fight for the 8-hour workday. Today, many lament how weak the labor movement has become, often pointing to attacks from the right to strip unions and workers of power.
(2023-01-05). The fight to end cash bail in Illinois. liberationnews.org In a historic first, Illinois had been poised to be the first state in the country to completely eliminate cash bail on Jan. 1. However, just hours before the law, the Pretrial Fairness Act, was set to take effect, the Illinois Supreme Court issued an injunction blocking its implementation statewide.
(2023-01-05). International forum honors Filipino revolutionary leader, Ka Joma. iacenter.org By Monica Moorehead January 2, 2023 A standing room only forum, "Ka Joma Lives: International Proletarian Revolutionary Leader, Theoretician, Teacher and Poet in the Service of the People," was held in tribute to the Filipino leader, Professor Jose Maria Sison, in Amsterdam Dec. 23. Credit: Nahendra Khadka Ka (Comrade) Joma died on Dec. 16 at age 83 in a hospital in the Netherlands, where he was forced into exile in 1988 by the reactionary Philippine government. Sison was imprisoned in the Philippines in 1977 for nine years but was released following the ouster of the U.S.-backed dictator, Ferdinand Marcos. The U…
(2023-01-05). Daily Round-up | Sudanese teachers stage strike demanding wage hike & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In this episode, we take a look at teachers' protests in Sudan, the killing of a teen by Israeli forces, British rail workers going on strike, and the impending release of Puerto Rican political prisoner Ana Belen Montes…
(2023-01-05). NYC Uber drivers stage one-day strike over company robbery of $12M in raises. peoplesworld.org NEW YORK—Some 80,000 low-wage mostly immigrant New York City Uber drivers staged a one-day strike on Jan. 5 over the firm's robbery of an estimated $12 million in raises the city's Taxi and Limousine Commission ordered for them. At a noontime rally at Uber headquarters at 175 Greenwich St., in downtown Manhattan, the drivers explained …
(2023-01-05). Family Who Got Bruce's Beach Back Will Sell It Back To LA County For $20M: Black America Responds. moguldom.com Many restorative justice and reparations activists lauded Los Angeles County when it returned Bruce's Beach, an oceanfront property in southern California, to the descendants of the Black couple it was stolen from through eminent domain in 1924. Now Black America has plenty to say about the family's decision to sell it back to the local government for …
(2023-01-05). 9 Unforgettable Moments From 'The Arsenio Hall Show'. newsone.com Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall during Eddie Murphy Visits "The Arsenio Hall Show" on July 13, 1987, at Fox TV Studios in Hollywood, Californi.a | Source: Ron Galella, Ltd. / Getty | Picture this: It's around 11 pm, you're in your pajamas after a long day, and you turn on the TV for something to watch. Of course, late-night TV was at its peak, with folks like Johnny Carson and David Letterman taking over the top of the ratings. They were both a safe bet on late nights, perfect for Middle America. However, they lacked the connection to Black American audiences. There was a void that the top 3 networks (ABC, NBC, CBS…
(2023-01-05). Venezuela: Economy Grew 17.73% in 2022, Maduro Praises Production Surge. venezuelanalysis.com "Venezuela is experiencing the first stage of a long cycle of recovery and structural growth," said President Maduro.
(2023-01-05). Biden to Make First Visit to US-Mexico Border. latinorebels.com President Joe Biden intends to visit the U.S.-Mexico border —his first trip there since taking office— in connection with his meeting next week in Mexico City with the leaders of Mexico and Canada.
(2023-01-05). Internal CDC Emails Claim Assistant Secretary for Health Blocked Release of Fluoride Review. thelastamericanvagabond.com Emails between the U.S. National Toxicology Program and the CDC claim that Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine prevented the release of a long-delayed review on the toxicity of fluoride. Newly released emails reveal that leadership within the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Health acted to prevent the release
(2023-01-05). Crypto Bosses In Multibillion-Dollar Public Dispute Over Missing Customer Funds. moguldom.com The contagion spreading from the collapsed FTX crypto exchange has reached crypto exchange Gemini, which was founded by twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss in 2014. Gemini lent $900 million of client funds to a crypto investment firm and now it wants its money back by Sunday to resolve the liquidity crisis facing its 340,000 customers …
(2023-01-05). Is This Just the Beginning of Far Right Attempt to Make Congress Dysfunctional? truthout.org The U.S House of Representatives still has no speaker after Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy failed to get the full backing of his party over the course of two days and six rounds of voting. A contingent of about 20 far-right lawmakers opposes McCarthy's elevation to the top job, but no other candidate has emerged so far who can garner the 218 votes necessary to claim the speaker's gavel. |
(2023-01-05). Ruins of secret passages on Great Wall discovered. ecns.cn Ruins of over 130 hidden doors on the Great Wall, one of the world's great wonders, have been recently unveiled through close to centimeter-resolution continuous shooting.
(2023-01-05). Communist replies to BBC budget tips: 'Get out and see the real world.'. thecommunists.org The following letter was sent by one of our members to the BBC in response to yet another patronising and delusional piece on 'budgeting'. ***** There is what you describe as a 'cost of living' crisis, and there is a real crisis — a crisis of capitalism. A crisis that will not be going away. …
(2023-01-05). Circular emphasizes TCM treatment for COVID. ecns.cn The strengths of traditional Chinese medicine in treating COVID-19 should be further highlighted, according to a circular released by the State Council's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism on Wednesday.
(2023-01-05). Arizona prison forced pregnant inmates into induced labor. wsws.org Medical records from the prison and interviews with the women indicate that all three were given medical procedures to induce labor before their due dates without their consent…
(2023-01-05). Key US Allies Collaborate On Espionage Laws Considered Harmful To Whistleblowers And Journalists. thedissenter.org This article was funded by paid subscribers of The Dissenter Newsletter. Become a Ministers and security officials in Australia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom have coordinated with the United States to develop new espionage laws.
(2023-01-05). Tribals forced to flee after right-wing violence in India's Chhattisgarh State. peoplesdispatch.org
(2023-01-05). Continúan las movilizaciones contra el Gobierno de Perú. telesurtv.net En Lima la policía lanzó gases lacrimógenos para dispersar a los manifestantes que se encontraban en la plaza Manco Cápac.
(2023-01-05). Protestas y bloqueos de vías prosiguen en Perú. telesurtv.net Las movilizaciones que iniciaron este miércoles en varias regiones se mantienen a pesar de los enfrentamientos con la Policía.
(2023-01-05). Ministro de Gobierno boliviano revela cifras de dineros que financiaron el golpe de Estado en 2019. cubadebate.cu Los datos fueron relevados este miércoles por el ministro de Gobierno, Eduardo del Castillo, en una conferencia de prensa en la que también explicó parte de los 33 elementos probatorios en contra de Camacho, entre ellos la confesión que hizo en un video de que su padre "arregló" con militares y policías para que quiten su respaldo al gobierno de Evo Morales.
(2023-01-05). PSG debutará en Copa de Francia de fútbol sin su trío ofensivo estelar Mbappé-Messi-Neymar. cubadebate.cu El director técnico del Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), Christophe Galtier, señaló hoy que el club debutará mañana en la Copa de Francia de fútbol sin su estelar tridente ofensivo Kylian Mbappé-Lionel Messi-Neymar. De acuerdo con Galtier, todos los jugadores presentes en el mundial de Catar tendrán descanso.
(2023-01-05). Presidente argentino rechaza ocupación inglesa de las Malvinas. telesurtv.net El mandatario apuntó que Reino Unido usa al archipiélago como "un escenario propicio para armarse en el Atlántico Sur".
(2023-01-05). Amazon despedirá masivamente a más de 18 000 empleados. cubadebate.cu El gigante de la compra y venta online, Amazon, anunció que despedirá alrededor de 18.000 empleados a partir del 18 de enero. La firma alegó que la decisión fue adoptada ante la "inestabilidad en la economía" global y por haber "contratado (personal) rápidamente en los últimos años", según comunicó una nota firmada por su director ejecutivo, Andy Jassy.
(2023-01-05). Tribunal de India detiene desalojo y demolición de 4.000 viviendas. telesurtv.net Más de .000 personas se enfrentaron a la demolición de sus viviendas, que supuestamente invadían terrenos ferroviarios.
(2023-01-05). Compañía Acosta Danza presentará espectáculo Raíces. cubadebate.cu Acosta Danza, con la dirección general del primer bailarín Carlos Acosta, presentará el espectáculo Raíces, en el Teatro Martí, el 14 y 15 de enero.La nueva temporada estará integrada por coreografías que representan la evolución histórica de la compañía.
(2023-01-05). Aprobados más de 1 nuevos actores económicos, informa Ministerio de Economía y Planificación (+ PDF). cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Economía y Planificación aprobó hoy 154 nuevos actores económicos, de los que 153 son mipymes privadas y una estatal. Coincidiendo con el inicio del año, en lo adelante se informarán las cifras de las nuevas aprobaciones que se realicen, sin incluir los datos acumulados de hace más de un año, informó el MEP.
(2023-01-05). Papa Francisco encabeza misa por el funeral de Benedicto XVI. telesurtv.net "Benedicto, fiel amigo del Esposo, que tu gozo sea perfecto al oír definitivamente y para siempre su voz", expresó el jefe de la Iglesia católica en la homilía.
(2023-01-05). Les Luthiers anunció su despedida definitiva de los escenarios tras 55 años de trayectoria. cubadebate.cu Les Luthiers anunció su despedida definitiva de los escenarios, después de 55 años de trayectoria y adelantó que realizará una última gira antes del "adiós". La noticia fue confirmada en las redes sociales del icónico conjunto, a partir de la decisión de sus dos integrantes históricos, Carlos López Puccio y Jorge Maronna.
(2023-01-05). Cámara baja de EE.UU. no logra, por seis veces, elegir su líder. telesurtv.net Los demócratas del Congreso, que perdieron la mayoría en la Cámara de Representantes en las elecciones intermedias de 2022, han guardado silencio sobre el caos republicano.
(2023-01-05). Naufragio en río de Nigeria deja al menos diez muertos. telesurtv.net Una embarcación en mal estado, en que viajaban alrededor de cien personas, se partió en dos cuando se acercaba a la localidad de Samanaji.
(2023-01-05). Unión Eléctrica pronostica una afectación de 142 MW en horario nocturno. cubadebate.cu Se estima para la hora pico una disponibilidad de 2688 MW y una demanda máxima de 2760 MW, para un déficit de 72 MW, por lo que de mantenerse las condiciones previstas se pronostica una afectación de 142 MW en este horario.
(2023-01-05). Putin ordena un día de alto al fuego en Ucrania con motivo de la Navidad ortodoxa. cubadebate.cu El presidente de la Federación de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, ordenó aplicar un alto el fuego en toda la línea del frente en Ucrania desde las 12: 00 (Hora de Moscú) del 6 de enero para la Navidad ortodoxa, informó hoy el Kremlin. Según el Kremlin, el presidente pidió a la parte ucraniana que también declare un alto el fuego y permita que los ciudadanos ortodoxos asistan a los servicios navideños.
(2023-01-05). Ocupantes israelíes asesinan a otro adolescente en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Ascienden a cuatro los palestinos que perdieron la vida a consecuencia de disparos de Israel en lo que va de 2023.
(2023-01-05). La Universidad de La Habana en su cumpleaños 295. cubadebate.cu Los logros en el campo científico, expresados en premios y reconocimientos, son notables. Su lugar entre las similares del continente muestra que es un centro que crece continuamente. Su participación en el desarrollo científico del país y en las labores sociales la hacen digna de su historia. En sus 295 años, es una Universidad joven con ánimos para continuar aportando en las transformaciones y avances de la sociedad cubana.
(2023-01-05). Anuncia Estados Unidos nuevas políticas migratorias para Cuba, Haití y Nicaragua. cubadebate.cu De acuerdo con un comunicado de la Casa Blanca de este jueves, Estados Unidos permitirá la entrada cada mes de hasta 30 000 migrantes de Cuba, Haití, Nicaragua y Venezuela, pero endurecerá las restricciones, ya aplicadas con la llegada de la pandemia de covid-19, para aquellos que intenten cruzar la frontera con México sin la documentación necesaria.
(2023-01-05). Presidente Petro sanciona ley que crea Ministerio de Igualdad. telesurtv.net "Vamos Colombia por el cambio, por la igualdad y por La Paz", indicó la ministra Francia Márquez.
(2023-01-05). Declaran emergencia por llegada de tormenta a California, EE.UU. telesurtv.net El Departamento Forestal y de Protección contra Incendios informó que el fenómeno natural traerá fuertes lluvias del miércoles a jueves.
(2023-01-05). Europa sufre altas temperaturas en pleno invierno que baten todo tipo de récords. cubadebate.cu La agencia de la ONU destacó que las temperaturas superiores a 20 ∞C se sucedieron en muchos países del viejo continente, incluso en Europa Central y que, en varias naciones, desde España hasta el este de Europa, se batieron algunos récords de temperatura nacionales y muchos locales durante los meses de diciembre y de enero.
(2023-01-05). Papa Francisco encabeza en el Vaticano funeral de Benedicto XVI (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu El papa Francisco preside hoy el funeral de Benedicto XVI en la plaza San Pedro ante casi 100 000 fieles, delegaciones de Alemania e Italia y decenas de personalidades mundiales, que acuden a despedir al pontífice emérito. Nunca antes un Sumo Pontífice había presidido el funeral de su inmediato predecesor.
(2023-01-05). Brasil: La política exterior de Lula. globalizacion.ca El 1 de enero finalmente Lula da Silva asumió el gobierno de Brasil en lo que constituirá su tercer mandato presidencial. Es innegable que su presencia al frente de la principal potencia sudamericana es un bienvenido soplo de aire fresco …
(2023-01-05). Cuba duelo oficial por muerte del Papa emérito Benedicto XVI. cubadebate.cu El Presidente de la República Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez decretó Duelo Oficial en Cuba con motivo del fallecimiento el pasado 31 de diciembre del Papa emérito Benedicto XVI. Benedicto XVI manifestó afectuosos sentimientos hacia los cubanos y se pronunció contra el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero que se impone a Cuba…
(2023-01-05). Canciller valora reanudación de visas de EE.UU. en Cuba. telesurtv.net La embajada estadounidense en Cuba había informado en noviembre de 2022 que en esta fecha sería reanudado este proceso.
(2023-01-05). Presidente cubano comienza por Ciego de àÅvila reuniones con máximas autoridades provinciales. cubadebate.cu Miguel Díaz-Canel, primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, inició hoy con un grupo de reuniones con las máximas autoridades de todas las provincias, comenzando este jueves en Ciego de àÅvila. En el encuentro se evaluaron las acciones que se han diseñado para enfrentar la situación económica y social que atraviesa el territorio cubano en la actualidad.
(2023-01-05). Uruguay registra una inflación del 8,29 % en diciembre de 2022. telesurtv.net A pesar de que se haya quedado por encima de la meta establecida por el Ejecutivo, la variación anual registró una tendencia a la baja, pero solo del 0,26 por ciento.
(2023-01-05). Rusia despliega buque con misiles hipersónicos. telesurtv.net El presidente Vladímir Putin subrayó que "seguiremos desarrollando el potencial de combate de las Fuerzas Armadas".
(2023-01-05). Fidel Castro sobre la Universidad de La Habana: "Aquí me hice revolucionario" (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Este 5 de enero la Universidad de La Habana arriba a su aniversario 295. Muchos son los revolucionarios que egresaron de sus aulas, entre ellos Fidel Castro. Sobre su paso por la Casa de Altos Estudios dijo: "Fue un privilegio ingresar en esta universidad también, sin duda, porque aquí aprendí mucho, y porque aquí aprendí quizás las mejores cosas de mi vida".
(2023-01-05). Brasil anuncia que retomará el programa Más Médicos. telesurtv.net El secretario de Atención Primaria del Ministerio de Salud, Nesio Fernandes, señaló que "la agenda de retomar Más Médicos es inmediata".
(2023-01-05). Tu pañuelo verde para cuando vuelvas, Tina. cubadebate.cu Pero para encontrar la tumba de Tina hay que seguir caminando, y entras a territorio pobre, con descuido visible, triste… Allí está ella: unas flores mustias sobre su lápida develan que la vienen a visitar, que no está olvidada, que no está sola.
(2023-01-05). Presidente cubano encabeza reuniones en Ciego de àÅvila y Sancti Spíritus con máximas autoridades provinciales. cubadebate.cu Miguel Díaz-Canel, primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, inició hoy con un grupo de reuniones con las máximas autoridades de todas las provincias, comenzando este jueves en Ciego de àÅvila y Sancti Spíritus. En el encuentro se evaluaron las acciones que se han diseñado para enfrentar la situación económica y social que atraviesa el territorio cubano en la actualidad.
(2023-01-05). Universidad de La Habana celebra acto por su 295 aniversario. cubadebate.cu Más imponente y majestuosa que de costumbre se muestra hoy la Universidad de La Habana. Una bandera cubana y otra de la FEU engalanan la escalinata. En el Aula Magna, a primera hora, comienza el acto, presidido por el presidente cubano Díaz-Canel, en homenaje al 295 aniversario de la institución, símbolo en estos casi tres siglos de la educación y la historia de Cuba.
(2023-01-05). Bolivia reporta superávit comercial de 761 millones de dólares en 2022. telesurtv.net Entre los productos que Bolivia exporta, se encuentran el oro y estaño metálicos, soya, girasol y derivados, manufacturas de madera, productos químicos y otros.
(2023-01-05). OMS: La COVID-19 sigue siendo peligrosa pero con las medidas adecuadas la emergencia podría terminar este 2023. cubadebate.cu El director general de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, aseguró este miércoles que la covid-19 podría acabar oficialmente este año como emergencia pública si se trabaja adecuadamente, pero alertó que sigue siendo un virus peligroso y cada semana provoca el deceso a unas 10.000 personas.
(2023-01-05). Presidente argentino entrega 597 casas en provincia de Misiones. telesurtv.net El mandatario refirió que este trabajo forma parte del empeño del Ejecutivo en convertir a Argentina en un país cada vez más equitativo y justo.
(2023-01-05). Play off de la Liga Élite: Centrales arranca ganando. cubadebate.cu Centrales le ganó 5×2 a los Portuarios en un juego que estuvo empatado a dos hasta el octavo inning, en el inicio de los play off de la Liga Élite. La semifinal entre ambos equipos tendrá su segundo partido este jueves desde la 1: 30 p. m. Mañana iniciará la semifinal entre Agricultores y Tabacaleros.
(2023-01-05). Play off de la Liga Élite: Agricultores noquean a los Tabacaleros. cubadebate.cu Agricultores mostró hoy su arsenal ofensivo en el éxito ante Tabacaleros (13×2), en el primer partido de la serie semifinal entre ambos conjuntos. La tropa de Carlos Martí, como local en sus predios del Mártires de Barbados de Bayamo, noqueó a los Tabacaleros, con una ofensiva de dieciséis hits, encabezada por Guillermo Avilés al batear de 4-1.
(2023-01-05). Sismicidad en Cuba: Trece temblores perceptibles en 2022. cubadebate.cu Con 13 temblores perceptibles, la sismicidad en Cuba apuntó en 2022 a la normalidad con matices en su comportamiento, según revela el resumen emitido por el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), adscripto al Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Sismológicas. Con la excepción de Pinar y Bahamas Norte, cuyo comportamiento fue considerado como normal, las 11 restantes zonas de actividad sísmica del SSN mantuvieron una valoración de alta.
(2023-01-05). Sondeo: presidente de Chile alcanza una desaprobación del 61 %. telesurtv.net Los resultados indican un aumento del rechazo de 12 puntos respecto al lapso analizado previamente, correspondiente a los meses de abril y mayo.
(2023-01-05). Condenan a exministro de facto boliviano en EE.UU. telesurtv.net El exfuncionario fue detenido en 2021 en EE.UU. tras huir de Bolivia, y permaneció en una prisión Federal del condado de Miami Dade, en Florida.
(2023-01-05). Rusia afirma haber causado pérdidas severas a Ucrania en Donbás. telesurtv.net Provocó centenares de bajas y la destrucción de medios y pertrechos bélicos de Kiev, entre ellos cinco lanzacohetes Himars, entregados por EE.UU.
(2023-01-05). Regiones peruanas acatan paro contra Gobierno de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net En Arequipa, los manifestantes bloquearon el puente Añashuayco y en Puno restringieron el tránsito vehicular en varios puntos.
(2023-01-05). China y Filipinas acuerdan estrechar trabajo en áreas estratégicas. telesurtv.net Presidente de Filipinas, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., realiza visita de Estado a Beijing. Sostuvo encuentro oficial con Xi Jinping.
(2023-01-05). Condenan a exministro de facto boliviano a casi seis años de cárcel en Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu El exministro del Gobierno de facto boliviano encabezado por Jeanine àÅñez, Arturo Murillo, fue condenado este miércoles a 70 meses de prisión en Estados Unidos (EE.UU.), por los delitos de soborno internacional y lavado de dinero. Fue detenido en 2021 en EE.UU., luego de huir de Bolivia y permaneció en la prisión Federal de Seguridad Administrativa de Miami Dade, en Florida.
(2023-01-05). Tropas de EE.UU. saquean 60 camiones de petróleo y trigo en Siria. telesurtv.net Dos caravanas de camiones ingresaron al norte del territorio iraquí por los cruces ilegales de al-Mahmoudiya y al-Walid.
(2023-01-05). El tiempo: Día cálido y algunas lluvias en el centro del país. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá con poca nubosidad en gran parte del archipiélago. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado y se nublará en la tarde desde Sancti Spíritus hasta Holguín con algunos chubascos, lluvias y aisladas tormentas eléctricas. En el resto del país las lluvias serán muy aisladas.
(2023-01-05). Gobierno de Bolivia niega persecución política contra gobernador de Santa Cruz. telesurtv.net Unas 76 personas son procesadas judicialmente acusadas por los actos violentos contra dependencias estatales en Santa Cruz, protagonizados por partidarios de Camacho.
(2023-01-05). Gobierno de Colombia suspende cese al fuego bilateral con ELN. telesurtv.net "No puede aceptarse como acuerdo un decreto unilateral del Gobierno", expresó el ELN en el comunicado de respuesta al Gobierno.
(2023-01-05). México otorgará fertilizantes a dos millones de productores. telesurtv.net Será fertilizante gratuito para dos millones de productores, sobre todo para campesinos con pocas hectáreas, apuntó el mandatario.
(2023-01-05). Conforman instancia para caracterizar a grupos armados en Colombia. telesurtv.net El nombramiento de dichos funcionarios se ha amparado en el decreto 2655, expedido el pasado 31 de diciembre de 2022.
(2023-01-05). ONU analizará ingreso de extremista israelí a Al-Aqsa, en Jerusalén. telesurtv.net Ministro israelí de extrema derecha, Itamar Ben-Gvir, accede a complejo de la mezquita Al-Aqsa, en Jerusalén este ocupado.
(2023-01-05). Presidente Lula nombra a senador Prates para dirigir Petrobras. telesurtv.net El presidente interino ejercerá el cargo hasta la toma de posesión del nuevo titular de la compañía designado por el Gobierno.
(2023-01-05). Decomisan 242 paquetes de presunta cocaína en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net Las pacas fueron puestas bajo la custodia del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses.
(2023-01-05). Junta militar de Myanmar otorga amnistía a más de 7.000 presos. telesurtv.net El vocero de las autoridades castrenses, Zaw Min Tun, confirmó a medios internacionales la concesión de la amnistía.
(2023-01-05). Corea del Sur valora cesar acuerdo con el Norte por tensiones. telesurtv.net Es un acuerdo anexo a la Declaración Conjunta de Pyongyang sobre distensión anunciada el 19 de septiembre de 2018…
(2023-01-05). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este jueves 5 de enero. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este jueves 5 de enero en el mercado cambiario del país.
(2023-01-05). Qué trae la prensa cubana, jueves 5 de enero de 2023. cubadebate.cu