(2022-10-24). As Winter Approaches and Inflation Rises, Social Unrest Boils in Europe. news.antiwar.com As inflation and energy prices continue skyrocketing in Europe, people across the continent are protesting against the war in Ukraine and the anti-Russian sanctions, which have raised living costs to intolerable levels, the New York Times reported Friday. This is making politicians nervous, as winter approaches. "The resignation on Thursday of Prime Minister Liz Truss …
(2022-10-24). India's ONGC Eyes Stake in Russian Entity Managing Sakhalin 1. infobrics.org India's Oil and Natural Gas Corp plans to take a stake in the new Russian entity that will manage the Sakhalin 1 project in the far east as it seeks to retain a 20% share in the asset…
(2022-10-24). Leaders of DPRK, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba congratulate Xi on election as general secretary of CPC Central Committee. ecns.cn Ruling party leaders of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Vietnam, Laos and Cuba on Sunday respectively sent congratulations to Xi Jinping on his election as general secretary of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
(2022-10-24). Los Filis de Filadelfia vuelven a la Serie Mundial de la MLB. cubadebate.cu El astro Bryce Harper conectó el jonrón decisivo en la octava entrada y los Phillies de Philadelphia avanzaron a la Serie Mundial de las Grandes Ligas este domingo con una victoria de 4×3 sobre los Padres de San Diego. Los Phillies llegaron a la final del campeonato de playoffs de las Grandes Ligas de Béisbol por primera vez en 13 años.
(2022-10-24). Red Theory: Bourgeois democracy and fascism. fightbacknews.org Communists have a proud history of fighting on the front lines of the resistance to fascism, from the International Brigades in Spain, to the Antifascist Resistance in occupied Europe, to the heroic struggle of the Soviet people to defend the USSR and defeat Nazi Germany. The Soviets liberated the survivors of the death camps and led the assault on Berlin. From that practice theory has been developed to analyze what fascism is, how it develops, and how it should be fought. | It is common on the left to hear the United States described as fascist. This is especially true among the youth and some petty bourgeois r…
(2022-10-24). Wednesday 11/16: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. indybay.org Please email contact@oaklandprivacy.org a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info.
(2022-10-23). Kazakh President the Latest Addition to Kiev's Infamous 'Kill List'. orinocotribune.com Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has been branded a threat to Ukraine for his refusal to condemn Russia's military operation. |
(2022-10-23). Russia warns Ukraine may use "dirty bomb" en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) — Russian Defense Minister Shoigu discusses the Ukraine crisis with British Defense Minister Ben Wallace in a phone call, conveying concerns about possible provocations by Ukraine in form of a nuclear "Dirty Bomb".
(2022-10-23). Russian DM Calls Counterparts To Warn of Coming False Flag. news.antiwar.com Russia's top defense official held a flurry of calls with other military chiefs to forewarn a nuclear false flag would soon happen in Ukraine. The call between Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was the second in three days. The Kremlin says Shoigu held calls with Austin, UK Minister of Defense …
(2022-10-23). The Wolfowitz Doctrine Led to the Disastrous War in Iraq: Now it is Leading to a Potentially Even More Cataclysmic War in Asia. covertactionmagazine.com The Project for a New American Racist Century is omnipresent in the capitals of Europe today. From Dublin to Berlin—Ukrainian colors are on flagpoles, bus stops and buildings. The subtext is blonde hair and blue eyes. America and its European clients (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization—NATO) now see Ukraine much like Israel sees the West …
(2022-10-23). 101st Airborne Deployed to Ukraine's Border 'Ready To Fight Tonight'. news.antiwar.com The White House has deployed thousands of American soldiers just miles from Ukraine to prepare for war, according to CBS News. Officers speaking with the outlet revealed they were there for combat against Russia. Brigadier General John Lubas confirmed nearly 5,000 troops from the 101st Airborne recently joined the 100,000 American soldiers already deployed to …
(2022-10-23). Spain to bolster NATO's Eastern flank with 14 jets. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) — Spain on Saturday said it would send 14 fighter jets to Bulgaria and Romania to bolster NATO's eastern flank as the defense alliance strengthens its deterrence capacity following Russia's Ukraine military operation.
(2022-10-23). Iran is joining Russian gas supplies through substitution schemes. journal-neo.org In their recent speeches, representatives of Russia and Iran have very positively described the intense contacts between the two countries, assessing visits, meetings and negotiations of the officials of both countries as a steady and unwavering will of these states aimed at shaping a "new era" of mutually beneficial strategic cooperation, including in the economic …
(2022-10-23). Russian military plane crashes in Irkutsk region (+VIDEOS). en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) — A Su-30 military jet has reportedly crashed in Irkutsk, 5,000 km east of Moscow.
(2022-10-23). Russia to open free heating centers in Europe ahead of winter. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) — The Russian agency for foreign humanitarian cooperation announces opening its centers in the EU equipped with free electricity and heating to help citizens fight the winter amid the energy crisis hitting Europe…
(2022-10-23). China and Cuba: A Relationship of Solidarity, Friendship and Cooperation. libya360.wordpress.com We are very pleased to publish below an interview with Carlos Miguel Pereira Hernández, Cuba's ambassador to China, conducted by People's Daily and published in Chinese on 13 October. The unabridged English translation has been provided to us by the Cuban Embassy in Beijing. Timed to coincide with the 62nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations…
(2022-10-23). Los asiáticos se repartieron el botín de la Copa Mundial de béisbol sub 23: Japón nuevo campeón. cubadebate.cu El equipo de Japón se proclamó campeón de la IV Copa Mundial de béisbol categoría sub 23 con cita en Taiwán, al derrotar 3-0 a Corea del Sur en la gran final, en partido disputado en el Tianmu Baseball Stadium. Con este triunfo se convierten en el único equipo que ha podido subir dos veces a lo más alto del podio en campeonatos mundiales de esta categoría.
(2022-10-23). Liga Élite: Agricultores y Tabacaleros firman barridas de fin de semana (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu Par de barridas se firmaron en este primer fin de semana de la nueva Liga Élite del Béisbol Cubano, un campeonato que ha comenzado con un discreto apoyo de los aficionados, pero que al menos en su inicio ha demostrado que funciona la concentración de la calidad, al disputarse buenos partidos con una baja tasa de pifias al campo.
(2022-10-23). Presidente Arce instruye a esclarecer deceso en Puerto Quijarro. telesurtv.net Julio Pablo Taborga, quien se oponía al bloqueo instruido por la organización derechista Comité Cívico del departamento de Santa Cruz, fue golpeado por los seguidores del paro.
(2022-10-23). Pesistas cubanos ganan cuatro medallas en panamericano juvenil de Lima. cubadebate.cu Elizabeth Caridad Reyes Entenza ganó tres preseas de plata y Lesther Miguel Fernández Prades una en el Campeonato Panamericano Juvenil de Levantamiento de Pesas que culmina hoy en Lima, capital de Perú. En la categoría de 87 kilogramos (kg) de peso corporal, la cubana izó 94 y 97 kg en el ejercicio de arranque.
(2022-10-23). Denuncian nuevo asesinato de líder social en Arauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net La víctima fue identificada como Giraldo Alonso Ríos quien sucumbió el pasado viernes como resultado de heridas de armas de fuego.
(2022-10-22). EU confesses 'our prosperity was based on China & Russia': Cheap energy, low-paid labor, big market. mronline.org EU foreign-policy chief Josep Borrell confessed the West's neoliberal economic model was "based on cheap energy coming from Russia," "access to the big China market," and low-paid Chinese workers. Europe has now lost that, and is thus in crisis.
(2022-10-22). And They Huff, And They Puff… smoothiex12.blogspot.com Larry posted yesterday a very good description of CIA in relation to modern Russia and what load of malarkey all those "reputable" spooks provide on Putin and Russians:
(2022-10-22). Syria Security Operation In Daraa Continue With Destruction Of ISIS Hideouts (Photos). southfront.org The Russian-backed Syrian security operation against ISIS cells in the town of Jasim in the western Daraa countryside is still ongoing. | On October 22, local fighters taking part in the operation blew up three hideouts of ISIS cells in the town. The first and second hideouts were a farm and a house owned by the terrorist group's local leader Abu Abdul Rahman al-Iraqi, who was killed five days ago, while the third one was the house of the group's local security commander Abu Zaid Sbeina…
(2022-10-22). 75th Anniversary of Nuremberg Code. dissidentvoice.org I have no doubt that the C19 shots are our modern holocaust, which will cost more human lives than WW2. The implementation of Agenda 2030 is rapidly accelerating. Many people stand on the sidelines and do nothing. They just say "wake me up when this is over". Their inaction contributes to the rapid, insidious …