Monthly Archives: January 2024

2024-01-11: News Headlines

Tom Feeley (2024-01-11). Every U.S. Senator Has Taken AIPAC Money. AIPAC's influence is evident in U.S. senators' support for Israel. By Bill Astore Courtesy of, I saw a chart on AIPAC contributions to U.S. senators that showed that all 100 senators have taken AIPAC money. Leading the way are senate "giants" like Mitch McConnell (nearly two million dollars) and Chuck Schumer (roughly $1.7 million). …

Charles Pierson (2024-01-11). Biden's $582 Million Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia. Can It Be Blocked? On December 24, 2023, the Biden Administration announced a $582 million arms sale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Three Congressional resolutions aim at blocking the sale. S.Res. 109,[1] which Senator Christopher Murphy (D-CT) introduced on March 15, 2023, invokes a little-used section of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.[2] Section 502B bars the US

George Beebe (2024-01-11). Russia's upper hand puts US-Ukraine at a crossroads.

Russian progress in the Ukraine war is pushing the United States toward a painful choice. If we want a prosperous Ukraine with a viable path toward liberal governance and European Union membership, we will have to concede that it cannot be a NATO or U.S. ally, and that this neutral Ukraine must have verifiable limits on the types and quantities of weapons it may hold. If we refuse to agree to those terms, Russia will quite probably turn Ukraine into a dysfunctional wreck incapable of rebuilding itself, allying with the West, or constituting a military threat to Russia. Russian progress is not yet evident…

infobrics (2024-01-11). Ukraine's air defense in critical condition. The neo-Nazi regime's forces are not able to face Russian intense use of missiles and drones.

noemail (2024-01-11). Ukraine's Zelenskiy says a ceasefire would only benefit Russia. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Thursday that a ceasefire in Russia's war against Ukraine would not lead to political dialogue, and would only benefit Moscow. Speaking to reporters in the Estonian capital Tallinn during a wider tour of the Baltic region, Zelenskiy said any pause would risk allowing Russia to re-group and boost its supply of munitions "and we will not risk".

yalensis (2024-01-11). Ukraine War Day #687: The Righteous Among The Nations. Dear Readers: | In lieu of a regular post today, I just have Righteous advocate: ‚ÄÇ"We have proved genocidal intent." | I am not allowing myself to hope that the UN Court will do anything to stop the genocide.‚ÄÇOn…

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). White House Throws Support Behind Using Frozen Russian Funds to Spend on Ukraine. The White House has thrown its support behind legislation that's been introduced in Congress that would allow the use of frozen Russian central bank assets to fund Ukraine, Bloomberg reported. About $300 billion in Russian central bank assets was frozen by the US and its allies after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. The idea …

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). Pentagon Did Not Properly Track Over $1 Billion in Weapons Shipped to Ukraine. More than $1 billion in weapons that were shipped to Ukraine have not been properly tracked by the Pentagon, a report from the Defense Department's inspector general has found. The report examined $1.699 billion in weapons sent to Ukraine that are subject to enhanced end-use monitoring (EEUM), which includes Javelin anti-tank missiles, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, …

infobrics (2024-01-11). West frustrated by Global South's refusal to abandon Russia in secret US-G7 meeting on Ukraine. Brazil refuses to participate in Ukraine peace meeting without Russia's presence.

Pressenza New York (2024-01-11). An American Appeals To Taiwan: Don't Vote To Be Ukraine 2.0. "American bullets, Taiwanese blood" Is a Cruel and Evil Bargain | By John V. Walsh | On January 13, the people of Taiwan, officially designated the Republic of China (ROC), will elect a new President and unicameral legislature known as the Legislative Yuan. The election hinges on the question of Taiwan's policy toward the Mainland, the People's Republic of China (PRC). That policy will have a profound impact on East Asia — and the world. | Taiwan's major threat to peace in the area is a move to break with the One China Policy and declare independence from the Mainland. The PRC's policy is to reunite with Ta…

Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (2024-01-11). Atrocity Alert No. 377: Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Myanmar (Burma) and Ukraine.

Connor Echols (2024-01-11). Surprise: US military failed to properly track weapons to Ukraine.

The Pentagon The U.S. has given Ukraine roughly $1.7 billion worth of weapons that it considers to be at high risk of diversion, $1 billion of which was not inventoried according to American legal standards for end-use monitoring, according to the report, which also notes that inventory pra…

Larry Johnson (2024-01-11). Stupidity is Rampant at Foreign Affairs when it comes to Ukraine. Zelensky plays piano with his penis | I read this stuff so you don't have to. Shout out to Gary in Austrailia who flagged this tripe to me. Emma Ashford and Kelly A. Grieco are two chick academics who do not know a damn thing about military operations and capabilities. Geez. This article is just another Dumb and Dumber episode with a dash of Ground Hog Day tossed in. | Emma, who is is a Senior Fellow at the Stimson Center and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Georgetown University, and Kelly, who is a Senior Fellow at the Stimson Center, a Nonresident Fellow with the Marine Corps University's Brute Krulak Cent…

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). Poland Resists Cooperation With Nord Stream Sabotage Investigation. Poland has resisted efforts to investigate the 2022 bombings of the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines that connect Russia and Germany, raising suspicion that the Polish government could have had knowledge of the attack, The Wall Street Journal reported. The leading theory among Western officials is that Ukraine was behind the blast and that it …

Zero Hedge (2024-01-11). Russia Is Still — by Far — the World's Most-Sanctioned Country.

infobrics (2024-01-11). Russia Still Wants to Collaborate with China on Long-Range Aircraft Program. Russia hopes to leverage its strengths to provide crucial components for the C929 project…

A A (2024-01-11). As West Condemns Bangladesh election, China and Russia Embrace Dhaka.

A A (2024-01-11). Russians Cry Tears of Laughter Into Their Sanctioned German Beer.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-01-11). Israel asesina a cuatro miembros de Media Luna Roja Palestina. El ente palestino condenó enérgicamente el asesinato y precisó que otras dos personas resultaron heridas.

UN Security Council (2024-01-11). Conseil de sécurité: l'intensification du conflit en Ukraine préoccupe les délégations. Country: Ukraine | Source: UN Security Council | CONSEIL DE SÉCURITÉ
| 9526E SÉANCE — MATIN | CS/15559 | De nombreuses délégations ont dénoncé, ce matin, devant le Conseil de sécurité, une nouvelle intensification du conflit en Ukraine après que des barrages de missiles, de drones et d'artillerie russes se sont abattus au cours des dernières semaines sur l'ensemble des régions du pays, les communautés de première ligne et les infrastructures civiles étant les plus durement touchées. | ´ Nous sommes à l'aube de la troisième année du conflit armé le plus grave en Europe depuis la Seconde Guerre…

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-01-11). Condenan a 20 años de prisión a expresidente de Surinam. Desi Bouterse deberá presentarse para pagar su condena de 20 años por el asesinato de dirigentes opositores.

teleSUR- lvm, MS (2024-01-11). Denuncian asesinato de dos líderes sociales en Colombia. Argemiro Mayo fue asesinado por sicarios en zona rural del municipio de Mutatá cuando se trasladaba en un vehículo junto a su hermano.

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