Monthly Archives: February 2023

2023-02-13: News Headlines

Chris Hedges, Scheer Post. (2023-02-13). The Chris Hedges Report: Matt Taibbi On Russiagate And Censorship. Shortly after the election of Donald Trump, revelations that a Russian disinformation campaign had helped sweep the 45th president to power shook the media and the wider culture. The unfolding drama of the Mueller Report and a Senate investigative panel gripped the nation for the next four years. But now, journalist Matt Taibbi has revealed that the source of many of the claims of ongoing Russian disinformation during the Trump presidency, Hamilton 68, was itself a disinformation operation concocted by former US intelligence officials. Matt Taibbi joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss his findings and dissect…

Kyle Anzalone (2023-02-13). US, French Troops Lead NATO Live-Fire War Games in Romania.

Andrew Korybko (2023-02-13). Lula's Condemnation of Russia in His Joint Statement with Biden Disqualifies Him as a Mediator.

WSWS (2023-02-13). Letter from a Maximus call center worker: "Maximus should be under criminal investigation" "I think there is a connection between the exploitation that all of us at Maximus are suffering and the failure of entire social services system in the US, which has been purposefully underfunded for years, yet there is always money for illegal wars in place like Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq."

infobrics (2023-02-13). Russian Companies Target the Chinese Market. Currently, Moscow prioritizes the strengthening of relations with Beijing, which is reflected not only in political relations but also in the economy, especially in energy cooperation…

____ (2023-02-13). New York Chinatown celebrates Chinese New Year with parade. Twenty floats participated in the parade, attracting thousands to gather along the parade route on Sunday.

____ (2023-02-13). Chinese New Year parade staged in New York's Chinatown. The 25th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade and Festival was staged on Sunday, attracting people from various ethnic backgrounds.

Staff (2023-02-13). Elier Miranda, nuevo campeón cubano de ajedrez. El villaclareño Elier Miranda se convirtió en el nuevo rey cubano, luego de imponerse en el Campeonato Nacional Masculino de Ajedrez de Holguín 2023, que hoy completó las 11 rondas programadas. Elier sumó ocho puntos después de cerrar su travesía hacia el trono con triunfo sobre el habanero Omar Almeida en 59 jugadas de una defensa Pirc.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-13). Denuncian asesinato de líder campesino en Bajo Aguán, Honduras. Santos Hipólito Rivas es el séptimo defensor campesino de la tierra y el agua asesinado en la zona durante 2023.

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