Monthly Archives: February 2023

2023-02-14: News Headlines

Staff (2023-02-14). Stoltenberg: NATO allies prepared to provide combat aircraft for Ukraine war. UkrinformFebruary 13, 2023 Stoltenberg: NATO allies may send warplanes to Ukraine so that country can defend itself NATO…may send warplanes to Ukraine so that the country can defend itself. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said this at a press conference ahead of the two-day meeting of NATO Defense Ministers…. "So first, I think we need …

Staff (2023-02-14). Polish president, DM meet with Ukrainian tank crews training on German tanks. UkrinformFebruary 13, 2023 Duda, B≈Çaszczak meet with Ukrainian tank crew members undergoing training in President of Poland Andrzej Duda and Minister of National Defence of Poland Mariusz B≈Çaszczak have visited a tank training ground in ≈öwiƒôtoszów and met with the Ukrainian tank crew members, who are undergoing training on Leopard 2 tanks there, and their …

Larry Johnson (2023-02-14). Sy Hersh Speaks and NATO Warns of Escalation in the War in Ukraine? Let me start with the good news and then I will turn to the darker stuff. Sy decided to give an interview to the War Nerd podcast. War Nerd is…

Andrew Korybko (2023-02-14). Debunking the #Lulaliberals' Lies for Covering Up His Condemnation of Russia.

Global Research News (2023-02-14). Selected Articles: Ukraine: The Performance and the Reality. Manlio Dinucci. By The San Remo Festival will be remembered as the "Festival of the two Presidents": the President of the Italian Republic Mattarella at the opening and …

Kim Petersen (2023-02-14). Russia Is Taking on All of NATO Plus Ukraine.

americanthinker (2023-02-14). Since When did Ukrainians Become Entitled to a Giant State? The history of the transformation of a tiny area occupied by Zaporozhian Cossacks into the largest country in Europe after Russia. How did Ukraine pull off an expansion of this magnitude without a single conquest?

____ (2023-02-14). U.S. warns Americans not to go to Russia. The U.S. State Department has warned Americans not to travel to Russia due to the "unpredictable consequences" of the military conflict in Ukraine, and those who are there should leave right away.

Douglas Macgregor (2023-02-14). Video: Putin's "Minimization of Destruction in Ukraine". Douglas Macgregor.

Irwin Jerome (2023-02-14). Biden's Role in Ukraine War Under Scrutiny After Nord Stream Sabotage Claim.

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-14). Ukrainian Troops Training on Leopard Tanks in Poland. Ukrainian troops are training on German-made Leopard tanks in Poland and put on a demonstration Monday for Polish President Andrzej Duda that was attended by reporters. The training for Leopard tanks typically takes a few months, but the program in Poland is being expedited and is expected to be completed in one month. Currently, 105 …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-14). Russia Says NATO Should Hold Emergency Summit Over Nord Stream Sabotage. Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said over the weekend that NATO countries should hold an emergency summit over the sabotage of the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines after a report from journalist Seymour Hersh said US Navy divers planted explosives on the pipelines. "There have been plenty of facts: pipeline explosions, motives and indirect evidence obtained …

infobrics (2023-02-14). China Gives Russian Studies High Grades in New Overseas Scholarship Drive. Science, business, language are priority Russian subjects in government-led talent push…

infobrics (2023-02-14). Russian Companies Target the Chinese Market. Currently, Moscow prioritizes the strengthening of relations with Beijing, which is reflected not only in political relations but also in the economy, especially in energy cooperation…

infobrics (2023-02-14). Milestone for Russia's Zarubino Port as Ship with 10,000 Tons of Corn Leaves for China. The first ship loaded with 10,000 tons of Russian corn left Russia's Zarubino Port and will arrive in the Port of Qingdao in East China's Shandong Province within days, the Global Times learned…

____ (2023-02-14). Chinese civilian groups step forward to aid quake rescue work. When he saw the news that a magnitude 7.8 earthquake had hit Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, Wang Kaibo was involved in a charity activity sending oxygenators and health packs to elderly people living alone, as part of COVID-19 prevention work.

Staff (2023-02-14). Pinareña Lisandra Ordaz asegura liderazgo en Nacional de Ajedrez. La pinareña Lisandra Ordaz acordó hoy rápidas tablas, pero mantuvo la diferencia que le asegura de momento el liderazgo solitario del Campeonato Nacional Femenino de Ajedrez de Camagàºey 2023. Ordaz apenas anotó nueve movidas de una Defensa Eslava frente a la santiaguera Oleiny Linares, desenlace ajustado a lo que habitualmente ha sucedido durante sus cruces en estos clásicos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-14). Ejercito ruso libera la ciudad de Krásnaya Gorá en Donetsk. Según el mando ruso, las fuerzas ucranianas perdieron en esta dirección "más de 150 militares, cuatro blindados de combate, seis automóviles y dos obuses D-30" de fabricación soviética.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-14). Fiscalía peruana investiga muerte de manifestantes en Ayacucho. De acuerdo a la Defensoría del Pueblo, al menos ocho personas murieron en Huamanga, Ayacucho debido a la represión policial.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-14). Fiscalía peruana investiga muerte de manifestantes en Ayacucho. De acuerdo a la Defensoría del Pueblo, al menos ocho personas murieron en Huamanga, Ayacucho debido a la represión policial.

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