Monthly Archives: January 2023

2023-01-15: News Headlines

Larry Johnson (2023-01-15). Emerging Regret About Ukraine War in the U.S. and My Interview with Emerald Robinson on Biden's Classified Document Leaks. America's infatuation with Ukraine and Zelensky (the Cocaine Comedian) is starting to wane, but most politicians and the public continue to believe the lie that Ukraine is an innocent country…

Fight Back (2023-01-15). NYC remembers Dr. King's Legacy. New York, NY — Around 60 people gathered in the historic Saint Mary's Episcopal Church in Harlem to honor the legacy of Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. on what would have been his birthday weekend. Organized by Struggle-La Lucha, a panel of 11 speakers took part in the event that demanded: No war and sanctions, strop funding white supremacy in the Ukraine, shut down NATO, and stop racism, transphobia, union busting, and the attacks on women's rights, LGBTQ+ and immigrants. | The speakers included Margaret Kimberly of Black Agenda Report, Melinda Butterfield of Struggle-La Lucha and Omowale Cla, December…

| Reuters | (2023-01-15). At least 40 killed in Nepal's worst air crash in nearly five years. At least 40 people were killed on Sunday when a domestic flight crashed in Pokhara in Nepal, a Nepal aviation authority official said, in the small Himalayan country's worst crash in nearly five years. | Hundreds of rescue workers continued to scour the hillside site where the plane of domestic carrier Yeti Airlines, flying from the capital Kathmandu, went down. | "Rescue operations are on," said Jagannath Niroula, spokesman for Nepal civil aviation authority. "Weather was clear." | Local television showed thick black smoke billowing from the crash site as rescue workers and crowds of people gathered around th…

Anonymous669 (2023-01-15). Erdogan Aide Says Ground Operation In Syria 'Possible Any Time'. FILE PHOTO: Turkish soldiers seen at the border town of Akcakale © Reuters / Murad Sezer | A new Turkish ground operation in Syria is "possible any time", Ibrahim Kalin, foreign policy adviser to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said on January 14. | The remarks came amid ongoing efforts by Russia to restore ties between Ankara, whose forces and proxies occupy vast parts of northern Syria, and Damascus. The efforts gained momentum in December after a breakthrough meeting between the defense ministers of the two count…

Eric Zuesse (2023-01-15). Russian News-media are More Honest than U.S.-and-Allied Media. How many times have the publics in U.S.-and-allied countries been lied-to about invasions their Governments had made on the basis of falsehoods that their 'news'-media knew at the time were false but nonetheless reported to them as being true? How many times have those 'news'-media reported as being 'a democratic revolution' the overthrow of a …

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-01-15). Taking apartheid to new extremes. Fanatic settlers are playing a central role in Benjamin Netanyahu's latest government.

_____ (2023-01-15). Thirty large-scale MLRS and other successes of North Korea's rocket program this New Year. In both North and South Korea, rocket scientists were able to congratulate themselves on a number of new achievements at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023. South Korea launched a solid-fuel rocket and completed a lunar orbit, while their North Korean colleagues continued to fulfil the policies of their national leader, reaching …

Dan Collyns (2023-01-15). Dozens killed in weeks of protests in Peru. Peru's President Dina Boluarte apologized on Friday for at least 42 deaths caused by clashes with the security forces in more than a month of unrest across the country. Despite widespread calls for her resignation, she said she would not step down.

_____ (2023-01-15). Thirty large-scale MLRS and other successes of North Korea's rocket program this New Year. In both North and South Korea, rocket scientists were able to congratulate themselves on a number of new achievements at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023. South Korea launched a solid-fuel rocket and completed a lunar orbit, while their North Korean colleagues continued to fulfil the policies of their national leader, reaching …

Dan Collyns (2023-01-15). Dozens killed in weeks of protests in Peru. Peru's President Dina Boluarte apologized on Friday for at least 42 deaths caused by clashes with the security forces in more than a month of unrest across the country. Despite widespread calls for her resignation, she said she would not step down.

Anonymous669 (2023-01-15). Canadian 'LAV 6' Armoured Vehicles Spotted In Ukraine (Video). Canadian-made LAV 6 Armoured Combat Support Vehicles (ACSVs) have been finally spotted in the Russian special military operation zone in Ukraine. | On December 31, a video showing a ACSV moving near an unspecified front in Ukraine surfaced online. The vehicle was of the unarmed Troops/Cargo Vehicle (TCV) version. | The ACSV, which was developed by the Canadian branch of General Dynamics Land Systems, is powered by a Caterpillar C9 Turbo-charged six-cylinder Diesel with 4 hp. The vehicle has a maximum op…

M von der Schulenbert, A Lieven, H Neuber (2023-01-15). What are the chances for peace in Ukraine? There must be another way to peace. But there can only be if we stop believing that only weapons or the annexation of foreign territories can bring peace; if we accept that the world does not belong only to the West, that there will be no single world power, the USA, and that the expansion of NATO does not contribute to stability in Europe.

Vijay Prashad (2023-01-15). The Winds of the New Cold War are Howling in the Arctic Circle.

Ralph Nader (2023-01-15). Teenage iPhone Rebellion in Brooklyn. Every Sunday about a dozen high school teenagers gather without their iPhones on a little hill in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, USA. They form a circle and quietly start to read serious books (Dostoevsky, Boethius) (paperbacks or hardbacks), or draw in sketchbooks, or just serenely sit listening to the wind. As the New York Times reporter …

Victoria Torres (2023-01-15). Chavista Teachers March in Caracas in Defense of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Staff (2023-01-15). 21st anniversary of the abduction of Ahmad Sa'adat: Palestinian Authority imprisonment and "security cooperation" continuing crimmes. 15 January 2023 marks the 21st anniversary of the abduction of Palestinian leader Ahmad Sa'adat by the Palestinian Authority — at the behest of and as part of "security coordination" with the Israeli occupation in 2002. Sa'adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, has now been imprisoned consistently since …

____ (2023-01-15). (W.E.Talk)Solving Human-Elephant Conflict Worldwide. As human and elephant habitats increasingly overlap, conflict between the two species is becoming more and more fierce. This is not only a challenge faced by many countries where wild elephants live, but also a microcosm of the international conflict between biodiversity conservation and economic and social development.

Staff (2023-01-15). Poland Seeks to Become "True Land Superpower in Europe" Adds New Army Division. Poland Seeks to Become "True Land Superpower in Europe" Adds New Army Division Andy Corbley BFzgEaDDGrsKCitE The Polish Defense Minister Mariusz B≈Çaszczak announced recently that the Polish Army would add a new army division in order to raise the uniformed soldiery of the country to 300,000 in a bid to become a "true land …

_____ (2023-01-15). The Life of James Burnham: From Trotskyism to Italian Fascism to the Father of Neo-Conservatism. The Life of James Burnham: From Trotskyism to Italian Fascism to the Father of Neo-Conservatism | It is understandably the source of some confusion as to how a former high-level Trotskyist became the founder of the neo-conservative movement. | [The following is from one of the chapters from my newly published book "The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set: The Birth of International Fascism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy" which will be made freely available as a three part series published via SCF.] | It is understandably the source of some confusion as to how a former high-level Trotskyist became the found…

Alasdair Baverstock (2023-01-15). Politics in a digitalized world. In a world where more business is conducted online, the political space has been slow to catch up. But with online trends reaching wider audiences, politicians are having their own attempts at 'influencing' the sector.

Andrew Perez (2023-01-15). LEVER WEEKLY: Heckuva Job, Pete. This is Lever Weekly, a recap of our work from the past week. If you only read one email from us all week, this should be it.Below you will find a breakdown of our reporting, podcasts, videos, and live events — a feature now open to all subscribers. Following that, we are providing paid subscribers with an original column, written by a member of The Lever, connecting the dots on our coverage to deliver important takeaways.In

Associated Press (2023-01-15). Miss USA R'Bonney Gabriel wins Miss Universe Competition. R'Bonney Gabriel, a fashion designer, model and sewing instructor from Texas who competition officials said is the first Filipino American to win Miss USA, was crowned Miss Universe on Saturday night.

Ediz Tiyansan (2023-01-15). Asian American Expo kicks off in California. The 41st Asian American Expo is underway in Southern California this weekend, bringing together hundreds of vendors, exhibitors, along with music and dance shows. It marks the beginning of the new Chinese Lunar Year and provides a unique opportunity for the Asian American community …

Fight Back (2023-01-15). Los Angeles: Fireproof Chicano pride. Los Angeles, CA – On Whittier Boulevard in East Los Angeles, a community is devastated and concerned over a recent string of building fires that have destroyed buildings that have landmarked the proud Chicano neighborhoods of Boyle Heights and East LA for many years. Some Eastside residents have taken the initiative to call County Supervisor Hilda Solis and voice this concern and call for an investigation. Many of these buildings are designated as historical and thus cannot be torn down without certain permits, but there is fear among residents that new pro-development owners of these properties may be using the…

WSWS (2023-01-15). RMT union directly colluding with UK rail companies to sell-out strikes. The RMT and train operating companies issued a joint tight-lipped two-line statement reading, "We have had detailed discussions and we are working jointly towards a revised offer."

WSWS (2023-01-15). Bloody Sunday massacre: "Soldier F" back in court. The case against the only member of the British armed forces ever to face charges for the Bloody Sunday massacre of 14 unarmed demonstrators protesting internment without trial in Derry, Northern Ireland, is due to resume this month in Belfast.

Staff (2023-01-15). Más de 100 rutas permanecen interrumpidas por protestas en Perú a pesar del estado de emergencia. Más de 100 puntos en las vías de Perú permanecen interrumpidas este domingo como parte de las protestas que exigen la renuncia inmediata de la presidenta designada Dina Boluarte, quien en la jornada de ayer extendió el estado de emergencia.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-15). Gobierno de Boluarte suspende derechos constitucionales en varias regiones de Perú. El Gobierno de la presidenta designada emitió este decreto en la víspera de varias manifestaciones que los movimientos sociales preparan para realizar este lunes en Lima.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-15). Gobierno suspende derechos constitucionales en regiones de Perú. El Gobierno de la presidenta designada Dina Boluarte emitió este decreto en la víspera de varias manifestaciones que los movimientos sociales preparan para realizar este lunes en Lima.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-15). Presentan denuncia contra gabinete de Boluarte en Perú. Las protestas han sido reprimidas por las fuerzas de seguridad, que han dejado un saldo de cerca de muertos y centenares de heridos y detenidos.

Staff (2023-01-15). Primer pulso final de la Liga Élite: Ni azul, ni verde, °sellado! Quizás la convocatoria no complace todavía a muchos, pero el primer partido de la final de la Liga Élite jugado en estadio Mártires de Barbados tuvo de todo un poco a lo que se puede aspirar en un juego de béisbol, excepto lo más importante, pues Portuarios y Agricultores sellaron a 11 carreras por oscuridad y decidirán este domingo desde las 10 de la mañana.

Staff (2023-01-15). Desafío del sábado: Te retamos a encontrar una papa entre estos hamsters. Una buena visión y la capacidad de concentración son las únicas dos cosas que deberás tener para pasar esa prueba. Te retamos a encontrar una papa entre estos hamsters. °Adelante °.

Staff (2023-01-15). Manifestantes exigen en Nueva York cese de militarismo de EE.UU. y la OTAN. Miles de personas se congregaron este sábado en la ciudad estadounidense de Nueva York para demandar el fin de la participación de los Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) en el conflicto en Ucrania y que se detenga la expansión de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN).

Staff (2023-01-15). Portuarios, los más inspirados en domingo bayamés. Sin que sea lo ideal ni mucho menos, el cierre de este certamen (plagado de dificultades desde el inicio) va emocionando a una afición ávida de sentir de nuevo al béisbol como una pasión. No obstante, para una segunda edición grandes cambios habrá que hacer. Este experimento inicial ha dejado muchas enseñanzas.

Staff (2023-01-15). Baile del Barcelona en la final: Vence 3-1 al Real Madrid y se lleva la Supercopa de España. El equipo de Xavi ganó en un encuentro en el que fue claramente superior a un rival con jugadores en baja forma y con groseros errores defensivos. El Real Madrid perdió una final, tanto tiempo después, porque fue peor que el Barcelona y porque está lejos del equipo aquel, seguro, confiando en que las cosas iban a salir y con una serie de jugadores muy por encima de la media.

Staff (2023-01-15). Cubanos en acción en decimoquinta jornada de Superliga Italiana de Voleibol. Piacenza (8-6) contará con los valiosos servicios de los centrales Robertlandy Simón y Roamy Alonso en el duelo contra Siena (2-12), al que se medirá con el entusiasmo de la victoria en la jornada precedente contra Trentino por 3-1 sets (25-22, 19-25, 25-19, 25-21), que los afincó en la quinta plaza.

Staff (2023-01-15). Declaran desastre mayor en el estado de California ante fuertes tormentas invernales. Biden confirmó que existe una catástrofe grave en California y ordenó ayuda federal para llevar a cabo la recuperación de las zonas afectadas por las fuertes tormentas invernales que han provocado inundaciones, deslizamientos de tierra y aludes de lodo en todo el estado. Desde finales de diciembre, cuando otra ola de tormentas azotó el estado, se han contabilizado como mínimo 19 muertes.

Staff (2023-01-15). Develan imagen de un átomo como nunca se había hecho. Los investigadores han demostrado cómo es posible obtener detalles precisos sobre la disposición de los protones y neutrones del oro empleando para ello un tipo de interferencia cuántica nunca antes vista en un experimento. La técnica recuerda a la tomografía por emisión de positrones (PET) que usan los médicos para escudriñar el cerebro y otras partes anatómicas.

Staff (2023-01-15). El crecimiento de la economía global ya no será del tres por ciento en 2023: Banco Mundial baja casi a la mitad su pronóstico. La economía mundial crecerá un 1,7 % en 2023, pronostica el Banco Mundial en su reciente informe 'Perspectivas económicas mundiales '. De esta manera, la entidad financiera bajó casi a la mitad su pronóstico hecho hace seis meses, cuando afirmó que el crecimiento mundial sería del 3 % en el 2023.

Staff (2023-01-15). Más de 20 estaciones meteorológicas reportaron valores de 10 ∞C o menos esta madrugada en Cuba. Esta madrugada fue notablemente fría en el occidente y centro de Cuba, informó en su cuenta de Twitter el meteorólogo Elier Pila Fariñas. El especialista refirió que 21 estaciones desde Artemisa hasta Ciego de àÅvila (excepto La Habana e Isla de la Juventud) reportaron valores de 10 ∞C o menos hasta las 7 am, valores que pueden haber descendido más después de esa hora.

Staff (2023-01-15). Palante en Cubadebate: Ríe y reflexiona con el humor criollo (+ PDF). Llega la mitad de enero y Palante está de nuevo en Cubadebate. Ríe y reflexiona con humor sobre variados temas de la vida nacional y del mundo. Conocerás sobre grandes humoristas que han estado en nuestras páginas y podrás dejar aquí tus opiniones. Ya puedes descargar el Palante en PDF.

Staff (2023-01-15). Unión Eléctrica no prevé afectaciones por generación en horario nocturno de hoy. La Unión Eléctrica estima para la hora pico nocturna una disponibilidad de 2572 MW y una demanda máxima de 2470 MW, para una reserva de 102 MW, por lo que de mantenerse las condiciones previstas no se pronostica afectación al servicio eléctrico en el SEN.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-01-15). Presidente ruso señala balance positivo de operación en Ucrania. El mandatario ruso declaró que "espero que nuestros combatientes nos complazcan con sus resultados en las operaciones".

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-01-15). Pelea entre prisioneros en cárcel ecuatoriana deja un fallecido. Al menos 110 efectivos del Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (GOE) y de la Unidad de Mantenimiento del Orden tuvieron que intervenir para restaurar el orden.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-01-15). Hallan más documentos clasificados en casa de presidente de EE.UU. Este sábado el abogado de la presidencia, Richard Sauber, tuvo que explicar cómo encontraron la página marcada como confidencial.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). FUT llama a movilización nacional para 19 de enero en Ecuador. La mayor central obrera de Ecuador indicó que la protesta es en defensa de la seguridad social.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-15). Marchan en Nueva York contra militarismo de EE.UU. y la OTAN. Se recordó el legado antibelicista de Martin Luther King. Se reclamó la disolución de la OTAN y que se dediquen a las poblaciones los presupuestos que hoy se dedican a la guerra.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-15). Miles de israelíes objetan reforma judicial del premier Netanyahu. Alertan que otorgará más poder al Ejecutivo en detrimento del Poder Judicial, cuya independencia se vería muy afectada.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-15). Paso de tornados por el sureste de EE.UU. deja nueve muertos. En tanto, el Gobierno de EE.UU. informó que aprobó una declaración de catástrofe para el estado de California, que ha sentido los efectos de un fuerte temporal.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). Oficina del colectivo àÅgora Popular son asaltadas en Perú. Al menos 60 personas entraron al local del colectivo y destruyeron todo a su paso, de acuerdo con la denuncia del vocero de Ágora Popular.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). Oficinas del colectivo àÅgora Popular son asaltadas en Perú. Al menos 60 personas entraron al local del colectivo y destruyeron todo a su paso, de acuerdo con la denuncia del vocero de Ágora Popular.

Staff (2023-01-15). Clavadista cubano Luis Gustavo Cañabate recibe el alta médica. El Instituto de Medicina del Deporte confirmó hoy el alta médica dada al clavadista cubano Luis Gustavo Cañabate, quien sufriera un accidente por caída en su escuela hace varias semanas. "A dos meses del accidente, muy mejorado, sale de alta hospitalaria. Se le realizaron radiografías de control en su mano derecha y fueron satisfactorias", explicó la institución.

Staff (2023-01-15). Concierto lírico en Cuba homenajeará obra de reconocido cantautor brasileño. Un exclusivo concierto con el título "Tom Jobim Lírico", para homenajear la obra musical del reconocido cantautor brasileño Antà¥nio Carlos Jobim, conmemorando su aniversario 95, así como los 110 del poeta y coautor de muchas de sus letras, Vinícius de Moraes, tendrá lugar el próximo miércoles 18 de enero en la capital cubana.

Staff (2023-01-15). Hallan evidencias de sabotajes en Metro de Ciudad de México. La Fiscalía General de Justicia de la Ciudad de México informó en un comunicado que, a 48 horas del ingreso de la Guardia Nacional para resguardar las instalaciones del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro, se han identificado hechos atípicos o intencionales, cuyas denuncias obran en su poder.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-01-15). Cinco obras de Rosa Luxemburgo para recordar su legado. Luxemburgo se sumó a las filas del Partido Socialdemócrata de Alemania (SPD), pero en 1914 alzó su voz contra este por dar fondos para financiar la Primera Guerra Mundial.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-01-15). Papa Francisco agradece a pueblo de Cuba por su colaboración. Francisco llamó a los cubanos a continuar trabajando con esperanza en pos de futuro mejor para ese país.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-01-15). El 71 por ciento de los peruanos desaprueba gestión de Dina Boluarte, según estudio. El 88 por ciento rechazó la labor del Congreso, para un incremento de ocho puntos porcentuales con respecto a una encuesta realizada el mes anterior.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). Tropas israelíes asesinan a dos jóvenes palestinos en Jenin. Los militares israelíes asesinaron a tiros a primera hora de la mañana de este sábado a dos jóvenes palestinos durante una redada militar en la ciudad de Jaba, al sur de Jenín.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-15). Tiroteo en centro de la capital británica provoca seis heridos. Entre las víctimas hay dos menores de edad y una de ellas se reporta en estado grave. El hecho es investigado.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-15). Avioneta se precipita en Sudáfrica y mueren sus dos tripulantes. El aparato cayó en Nasrec, suburbio al suroeste de Johannesburgo, en una zona donde no hay viviendas ni otras infraestructuras.

Staff (2023-01-15). Detienen en Brasilia a exministro de Bolsonaro. El exministro de Justicia del Gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro y exsecretario de Seguridad del Distrito Federal (DF) Anderson Torres quedó arrestado este sábado en el aeropuerto internacional de Brasilia por facilitar la invasión y actos vandálicos en sedes de tres poderes en Brasil.

Staff (2023-01-15). Gobierno de Perú declara estado de emergencia durante un mes en varias regiones del país. Mediante un decreto supremo, el Gobierno de Perú ha declarado este sábado el estado de emergencia en tres regiones, dos provincias y un distrito del país, ante las protestas sostenidas. La medida empezará a regir a partir del 15 de enero, por un término de 30 días. La renuncia de Boluarte y el adelanto de elecciones para este año son demandas centrales de los manifestantes.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-01-15). Más de 100 vías permanecen interrumpidas por protestas en Perú. En los territorios del sur, especialmente en Puno y Cusco, se concentran la mayor cantidad de bloqueos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-15). Pueblo peruano cumple décima jornada de protestas contra el Gobierno. Defensoría del Pueblo reportó bloqueos de vías y movilizaciones en 33 provincias.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-15). Pueblo peruano cumple décima jornada de protestas contra Gobierno de Boluarte. Defensoría del Pueblo reportó bloqueos de vías y movilizaciones en 33 provincias.

teleSUR, hvh (2023-01-15). Asesinan a tres mujeres garífunas en playa de Cortés, Honduras. Las víctimas fueron identificadas como Cristy Fabiana Espinoza, Ana Castillo y Janahira Castillo, estas últimas primas.

Staff (2023-01-15). Imagen del día: °Cuba sí, bloqueo no! Manifestantes exigieron este sábado en Nueva York el fin del bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero contra Cuba, en vigor hace más de seis décadas.

Staff (2023-01-15). Subvariante de ómicron provoca ola de contagios en EEUU. La subvariante XBB.1.5 de ómicron se esparce rápidamente en Estados Unidos y representa el 43 por ciento de los casos de covid-19 reportados, según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades.Dicha cepa es actualmente la variante más transmisible del país.

teleSUR, HIM, JGN (2023-01-15). Conoce 7 frases del luchador por los derechos civiles Martin Luther King. Por sus causas de lucha y activismo social y antirracista Martin Luther King mereció el premio Nobel de la Paz en 1964.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). Gobierno colombiano y ELN se reunirán en Caracas,Venezuela. Las partes, entre otros temas, conversarán sobre el cese al fuego propuesto por el Gobierno colombiano y evaluado por el ELN.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). Reportan nueva masacre en la zona rural de Riohacha, Colombia. De acuerdo con el Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz (Indepaz) de Colombia con la masacre en la Guajira suman cuatro durante 2023.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). Sube a 27 el número de muertos por fuertes lluvias en Filipinas. El meteorólogo estatal PAGASA advirtió el domingo de fuertes lluvias sobre la península de Bicol y la provincia de Quezón, en el extremo sur de la isla principal de Luzón.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-15). Lluvias causan dos muertos y 23 lesionados en Medellín, Colombia. La ciudad fue afectada por precipitaciones torrenciales y vientos huracanados. Se atendieron cerca de 180 llamadas de emergencia.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-15). Gobierno de Honduras declara emergencia por influenza aviar. La medida tiene un carácter preventivo, de control y de eliminación de casos. Se establece por 90 días pero puede prorrogarse.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). China reporta 60.000 muertes relacionadas con Covid-19. Un total de 59.938 muertes por causa de la COVID-19 fue registrado en los hospitales de China desde el 8 de diciembre de 2022 hasta el 12 de enero de 2023.

teleSUR -JCM (2023-01-15). Canciller iraní se reúne con el presidente sirio, Bashar al-Assad. El canciller de Irán inicia visita Siria para fortalecer sus relaciones bilaterales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). EE.UU. declara desastre mayor en el estado de California. Desde finales de diciembre, cuando otra ola las tormentas azotó el estado, se han contabilizado como mínimo 19 muertes.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). En El Salvador marchan contra el régimen de excepción. Mañana lunes el Frente Farabundo Marti para Liberación Naciona (FMLN) conmemorará en otra actividad el aniversario 31 de los acuerdos suscritos en México en 1992.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-15). Tropas israelíes asesinan a palestino en puesto de control. Con la muerte de Kahla, quien recibió un disparo en el cuello, luego sucumbió a sus heridas, se eleva a 13 el número de palestinos asesinados en 2023 por las fuerzas israelíes.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-15). Aumenta a 68 el número de muertos tras accidente aéreo en Nepal. El primer ministro de Nepal, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, dijo estar "profundamente entristecido por el trágico accidente de Yeti Airlines ANC ATR 72".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-15). Presidencia de República Checa se definirá en segunda vuelta. El ganador asumirá la presidencia de República Checa en marzo próximo para el periodo 2023-2028, en reemplazo de Milos Zeman.

Staff (2023-01-15). Más de 1000 migrantes irregulares devueltos a Cuba en los primeros 13 días del 2023. Como parte de los acuerdos migratorios bilaterales establecidos por Cuba, este viernes 13 de enero se efectuó la devolución de 38 migrantes irregulares por el canal aéreo, procedentes de Bahamas. Con este vuelo, suman en los primeros 13 días de 2023 un total de nueve operaciones con 1 115 devueltos, el 9% del total de devueltos en el 2022.

Staff (2023-01-15). Autoridades gubernamentales cubanas destacan labor de científicos en el país. El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, destacó la labor de los científicos del país, con motivo de celebrarse hoy el Día de la Ciencia en la nación caribeña. Se sumaron al homenaje el primer ministro Manuel Marrero Cruz, Esteban Lazo, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular entre otras autoridades gubernamentales.

Staff (2023-01-15). El aguerrido Portuarios derrota en extra inning a Agricultores con marcador 13-11. El aguerrido equipo de Portuarios derrotó en extra inning al favorito de la Liga Élite del béisbol cubano Agricultores, con marcador 13-11, tras sellar la víspera por oscuridad en el estadio Mártires de Barbados.

Staff (2023-01-15). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este domingo 15 de enero. Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este domingo 15 de enero en el mercado cambiario del país.

_____ (2023-01-14). The Decline and Fall of Nazi-Infested Ukraine. By Stephen LENDMAN | What hegemon USA created, Russia is systematically annihilating. | And there's nothing that the empire of lies and its Western vassals can do to change the course of history. | In challenging Russia militarily, they bit off more than they can chew and swallow. | Russia is a preeminent military power, China heading in the same direction — while the US-dominated West is in decline. | The battle to demilitarize and NeNazify Ukraine is proceeding as planned. | Russia's liberation of Soledar assures deNazification of Artyomovsk to follow. | These triumphs hasten the end of Nazi occupation th…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-14). In Video 18+: A Lot Of Ukrainian Servicemen Refused To Surrender In Soledar.

Anonymous103 (2023-01-14). Vain Attempts Of Kiev Regime To Hide Truth From Soledar. | The city of Soledar came under Russian control. Russian victory was officially confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Defence on January 13. Control of the city by Wagner fighters was confirmed by numerous footage from the are, which confirmed heavy losses of the AFU as well. | Despite the defeat of the Ukrainian military and loss of a strategically important stronghold on Donbass front lines, the Kiev regime is still hiding the truth. Unfortunately, the derisive attempts of Ukrainian propagandist…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-14). Military Situation In Donbass On January 14, 2023 (Map Update). Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in north of Soledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Vodyanoye; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU were reported near Novomikhaylovka; | Up to Ukrainian servicemen, 4 armored vehicle and 2 pickups were destroyed by Russian ar…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-14). Military Situation In Bakhmut-Soledar Region On January 14, 2023 (Map Update).

Larry Johnson (2023-01-14). US Army Vet From Iowa Rats Out Ukrainian Corruption. Meet Ryan O'Leary. He currently is in the Bakhmut area of operations fighting under the command of Ukrainian officers. Mr. O'Leary is not happy. He is a 34 year old…

WSWS (2023-01-14). After fascist assault in Brasilia, Lula points to military coup threat. Lula concluded that, had he agreed to the operation suggested by his defense minister, "the coup was going to happen."

scorinoco (2023-01-14). Brazil's Return to CELAC Brings Winds of Change. By Anahí Arizmendi Jan. 10, 2023 | Brazil has "fully and immediately" rejoined the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in the midst of a renewed interest in Latin America due to the energy and food crisis in the world. | After three years of Brazil's absence from the regional forum, the presidential victory of Lula da Silva, and that of Petro in Colombia, fuel expectations about the re-invigoration of the largest regional integration forum that is independent of the United States. | Re-launch of the environmental and economic agenda | The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States…

Roger D. Harris (2023-01-14). Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's Orlando Vacation — Comparing the January Riots in the Brazilian and US Capitols.

WorkWeek (2023-01-14). Brazil Coup & Labor, US CIA AFL-CIO Attack On Mexico Ford Workers, TWU Pres & MLK & ILWU10. WorkWeek covers the Brazil Coup & Labor, The US CIA AFL-CIO Attack On Mexico Ford Workers, TWU President John Samuelson On SWA meltdown, MLK, Labor & The ILWU With Retired ILWU 10 Secretary Treasurer Clarence Thomas…

JANET (2023-01-14). Pelé meant the world to us Africans. By Tafi Mhaka January 13, 2023 The following article first appeared on on Dec. 31, 2022. The death of football legend Pelé has saddened millions of football [soccer] fans. Born Edson Arantes do Nascimento, the Brazilian star has touched hearts and captivated minds across the world. In Africa, he has been celebrated, not only for his football mastery but also as a symbol of Black excellence and representation. The Brazilian superstar Pelé rose to fame, just as Africans nourished Black pride in their fight against white supremacy. For me, Pelé has been a source of indescribable joy and inspiration. I…

WSWS (2023-01-14). Far-right premier of Australia's largest state admits to having worn a Nazi uniform. Dominic Perrottet claimed that he wore a Nazi uniform to his 21st birthday as a result of "naivete" and historical ignorance.

Staff (2023-01-14). Declassified Documents Reveal US Contribution Behind Growth of Nazism in Ukraine. The documents outline details of Operation Belladonna, the US program behind the historical development of Nazism in Ukraine. One of these documents expose that the United States had already made contact with Ukrainian nationalists who were keen to ally with the US in its fight against the Soviet Union. | Some of the most interesting details on the involvement of the United…

scorinoco (2023-01-14). Peru: Police Repression in Cusco Leaves 1 Dead, 43 Injured. On Wednesday, January 11, police repression killed one person and and injured at least 43 in a demonstration in Cusco, Peru protesting the government of de facto President Dina Boluarte. | The progressive parliamentarian Ruth Luque reported that one protester in Cusco died from a gunshot wound at the end of another day of anti-government demonstrations throughout Peru. | Parliamentarian Luque, who is from Cusco, reported that Remo Candia, years old, was treated by medical personnel at the Antonio Lorena State Hospital, but died while undergoing surgery. | "So much pain, rage, and impotence! While the government…

Liberation Staff (2023-01-14). Open letter: Stop the violence against the Peruvian people! Since the Dec. 7 parliamentary coup against democratically-elected Peruvian president Pedro Castillo, huge numbers of people have been taking to the streets to resist the new regime.

WSWS (2023-01-14). Mass unrest continues in Peru following police massacres. Widespread unrest continued in Peru this week following the massacre of 17 persons on Monday by Peruvian police in the southeastern Andean City of Juliaca.

| Reuters | (2023-01-14). Five killed as Russian missile hits apartment block in Ukraine's Dnipro. Russia unleashed a major missile attack on Ukraine on Saturday, smashing a nine-storey apartment block in the city of Dnipro, killing at least five people and striking vital energy facilities, officials said. | Ukraine's energy minister said the coming days would be "difficult" as months of Russian bombardment of the power grid threaten the supply of electricity, running water and central heating at the height of winter. | In the east-central city of Dnipro, 20 people were rescued from an apartment block where an entire section of the building had been reduced to rubble, sending smoke billowing into the sky, t…

Anonymous669 (2023-01-14). DPR Spokesman Reveals Most Dangerous Weapon Supplied By U.S. To Ukraine. XM982 Excalibur by US Army. | The M982 Excalibur extended range guided artillery rounds are potentially the most dangerous part of the United States military aid to Ukraine, the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Militia told TASS on January 14. | The Excalibur round, which was jointly developed by BAE Systems and Raytheon, is guided by a GPS-aided inertial navigation system. It has a circular error probable of less than four meters. | The round can be fired from several 155 mm how…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-14). UPDATED: Overview Of Russian Missile Strikes Throughout Ukraine On January 14, 2023. Damage to a power plant | UPDATE: : | Adviser to the head of the office of Vladimir Zelensky, Alexey Arestovich, said that a missile fell on a residential building in Dnepropetrovsk because of the work of the Ukrainian air defense systems. According to Arestovich, the Ukrainian air defense forces shot down a missile that fell on the residential building and exploded. | According to the local reports with reference to local authorities, five people were killed in the incident, 60 others were wounded, including 12 c…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-14). Military Situation In Ukraine On January 14, 2023 (Map Update). Russia struck the AFU positions near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Kharkov with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Gulyay Pole with high-precision missiles; | Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu appointed Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov as overall commander in Ukraine; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Sinkovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and…

Ben Norton (2023-01-14). 'World War 3 has already started' between US and Russia/China, argues French scholar. Prominent French intellectual Emmanuel Todd argues the Ukraine proxy war is the start of WWIII, and is "existential" for both Russia and the US "imperial system", which has restricted the sovereignty of Europe, making Brussels into Washington's "protectorate".

Staff (2023-01-14). Britain sending first NATO nation tanks to Ukraine. Ukraine NewsJanuary 14, 2023 Britain Will Transfer 12 Challenger 2 Tanks To Ukraine, First 4 Immediately Media Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has approved a plan to send 12 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine, the first units of the armored vehicles should be transferred immediately. This was reported by the British tabloid The Sun. According …

WSWS (2023-01-14). US and NATO send tanks to fight Russia. The sending of main battle tanks to Ukraine is, without a doubt, the most reckless and escalatory measure taken by the US and NATO in the war to date.

Staff (2023-01-14). Pentagon backs Poland's plans for German, other tanks for Ukraine. Polish Press AgencyJanuary 14, 2023 Polish PM to meet with Germany's Scholz over tanks for Ukraine The Leopard 2 tanks that Warsaw wants to donate to Kyiv as part of a broader international coalition were purchased from Germany and require the German government's consent to be given to a non-Nato country. Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish …

Staff (2023-01-14). Ukraine as a country and its armed forces have become members of NATO: defense minister. NoviniteJanuary 13, 2023 Ukraine declared itself a "De Facto Member of NATO" and Warned of a New Russian Offensive "Ukraine has de facto become a member of NATO, and this reality may soon be shaped legally." Such confidence was expressed by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Oleksii Reznikov, in an interview with the Russian …

Editor (2023-01-14). The World Split Apart 2.0: Introduction and Part 1. Nearly a decade ago I began warning that NATO expansion and the West's failure to understand that Russian national security interests not a Russian desire to 'recreate the USSR' or 'former Russian empire' would lead to a world split apart between the West and 'the rest' (Sino-Russian 'strategic partnership and those states oriented towards it).

WSWS (2023-01-14). US and Japan accelerate war drive against China. The joint statement and comments by Biden and Japanese PM Kishida are premised on a lie: that the US and its allies are simply responding to Russian and Chinese provocations and aggression.

Staff (2023-01-14). Kosovo: U.S. intrudes itself to "prevent further Russian and Chinese influence" in Balkans. B92January 14, 2023 The new level of pressure from the US According to the Americans, Brussels should also step up its mediation in the conflict. This was reported by the Swiss daily Neue Zàºrcher Zeitung. Senior adviser of the State Department, Derek Chollet visited Pri≈°tina and Belgrade earlier this week. He was the highest envoy …

Anonymous103 (2023-01-14). Twitter Files Expose How Dems/Media Defied Twitter 'Facts' To Spread 'Russian Bot' Hoax. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) delivers remarks during a hearing in Washington, on Oct. 13, 2022. (Drew AngererGetty Images) | What's this? Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and staff repeatedly pushed Twitter to remove perfectly legal content that they found offensive, according to Friday's installment of "The Twitter Files." | When Twitter pushed back, Schiff staffer Jeff Lowenstein pulled out the 'slippery slope' argume…

unitedEditor (2023-01-14). With Syrian-Turkish rapprochement, the autonomous entity "will not remain one piece" By Nahed al Huseini / Damascus, Syria Turkish-Syrian rapprochement is continuing in a fast speed. It is expected that a bilateral foreign minister meeting will take place very soon under Russian mediation. Both sides have stated that struggle against terrorism and the dealing with the challenge of migration constitute important topics, as well as efforts …

Editor (2023-01-14). Walking Back the Russian Troll Scare.

Anonymous103 (2023-01-14). Military Situation In Syria On January 14, 2023 (Map Update). On January 14, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 3 times: 2 in Idlib province, 1 in Latakia province; | On January 14, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian met with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus; | On January 14, Turkish-backed forces attacked SAA positions in the Nahshaba area; | On January 14, Turkish artillery shelled YPG positions near Tal Rafaat; | 11 PKK/YPG militants were k…

Judy Greenspan (2023-01-14). Sunday 1/22: Stop US Wars! Disband NATO! Money for Jobs and Education Not for the Pentagon! Gather at the Lake Merritt Columns, Oakland at 1 p.m. March to the Lake Merritt Amphitheater, Oakland…

| Reuters | (2023-01-14). Time running out to ratify Sweden, Finland NATO bids: Turkiye. Turkiye is running out of time to ratify NATO membership bids by Sweden and Finland before it holds elections expected in May, a Turkish presidential spokesperson said on Saturday. | President Tayyip Erdogan's spokesperson, Ibrahim Kalin, said Turkish ratification of the countries' bids depended on how quickly Stockholm fulfils counter-terrorism promises made as part of a deal with Ankara, warning that could take months. | "Stockholm is fully committed to implementing the agreement that was signed last year in Madrid, but the country needs six more months to write new laws that would allow the judicial system…

| Reuters | (2023-01-14). Top US lawmaker objects to potential F-16 sale to Turkiye. The Biden administration has told Congress it is preparing the potential $20 billion sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkiye, sources familiar with the matter said on Friday, sparking an immediate objection from a senior US lawmaker who has long opposed the deal. | The State Department sent the informal notice to Congress on Thursday, three sources said, informing committees overseeing arms sales in the Senate and House of Representatives of its intention to proceed with the proposed deal. | NATO member Turkiye requested in October 2021 to buy 40 Lockheed Martin Corp F-16 fighters and nearly 80 modernisation kits…

Wolfgang Herzberg, Tomasz Konicz (2023-01-14). Negotiated Solution – No Alternative! NATO intervention seems unlikely so far, after U.S. President Biden ruled out direct military intervention even in the run-up to the war…Nevertheless, a further escalation of the war cannot be ruled out. At present, the powerless left has only the option of fighting for peace and of educational work: of emphasizing the survival necessity of a post-capitalist system transformation… (TKonicz)…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-01-14). ExxonMobil: Suppressing Science and Climate Change. Villains often have the best tunes. In some cases, they also have the best evidence. The tendency in the latter is to suppress or distort that evidence if it is contrary to their interests. Exxon, now ExxonMobil, the world's largest oil and gas company, has revealed, much like tobacco companies of the past, that excellent …

Anonymous103 (2023-01-14). ExxonMobil, Suppressing Science and Climate Change. | Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark | Villains often have the best tunes. In some cases, they also have the best evidence. The tendency in the latter is to suppress or distort that evidence if it is contrary to their interests. Exxon, now ExxonMobil, the world's largest oil and gas company, has revealed, much like tobacco companies of the past, that excellent research that might prove costly to profits is best suppressed. Destroying ecological systems and ravaging mother nature are secondary consider…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-01-14). A Closer Look at the Far-Right in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Cindy Forster Cadres from the Unión Juvenil Cruceñista (UJC), the Bolivian fascist youth group where Luis Fernando Camacho got his start. Grayzone The far-right is again trying to unleash devastation from their stronghold in Bolivia's largest city, Santa Cruz, in the lowland department of the same name, this time to liberate from jail the department's…

Editor (2023-01-14). Weapons Contractors Destroy Lives While Reading Fairy Tales To Children. By Lee Camp / MintPress News A UN report recently revealed that at least 11,000 children have been killed or maimed in the US-backed War in Yemen. At the same time, the weapons contractors that helped create this massacre are reading fairy tales to British children! You probably already know that, as reported by Alex Kane for In These …

John Perry (2023-01-14). Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy. By John Perry Jan 10, 2023 | A review of the report Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy, edited by Sara Flounders for the Sanctions Kill campaign and Sanctions imposed without United Nations endorsement are illegal. That is why they could be legally imposed on South Africa by a resolution of the UN General Assembly in 1962, but are unlawful when imposed by one government, often with selected allies, against any other country, for whatever reason. Known correctly as…

____ (2023-01-14). Japan's contentious plan to dump Fukushima radioactive water into sea to start in spring or summer. The Japanese government on Friday said a controversial plan to release radioactive wastewater from a crippled nuclear plant in Japan's northeast into the Pacific Ocean will start in the spring or summer.

_____ (2023-01-14). Chris Hedges Report: America Made Me A Black Man. Boyah J. Farah fled the war in Somalia arriving in the United States as a refugee with his mother and siblings when he was fifteen. His romantic dreams of America quickly ran into the dark undercurrents of American racism. Living in a housing project in Bedford, Massachusetts he was forced to discover the curse of being Black in America, the daily humiliations and small, but insidious ways he was made to constantly feel an outsider by whites. He watched as other Somali families succumbed to the poison of American racism, writing that although they had survived the war in Africa, American broke them and carried th…

_____ (2023-01-14). Creating Space For Community Imagination. This is a time of year when we have space to reflect and to make resolutions for the coming twelve months, to stop, dream and reorient ourselves. Similarly, in all the work I've done over the last couple of years on the importance of imagination, I keep coming back to how vitally important it is to create space for the imagination, what I call 'What If spaces', whether in our own lives, our organisations or our communities. In this article, I want to share some examples of what this can unlock, and some thoughts from people doing this work on the ground on how to do it well. | One great example of a successful Wh…

_____ (2023-01-14). The Supreme Court Could Gut The Right To Strike. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments January 10 in Glacier Northwest Inc. v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No. 174, a court case that labor advocates say threatens the right to strike. | "The ability to withhold your labor is the one powerful tool throughout the history of unionization that has ensured workers can improve their working conditions," Teamsters General President Sean M. O'Brien offered in a statement issued the same day. "This right is now on trial at the Supreme Court," O'Brien said, calling on the court to affirm the rulings of lower courts. Noel J. Francisco, the Jones Day…

_____ (2023-01-14). The Poor Are Bearing The Brunt Of California's Storms. Since late December, the West Coast of the United States has been battered by torrential rain of up to eight inches, strong winds reaching 70 mph that have knocked down power lines and ripped trees from the soil, and forced tens of thousands of people to evacuate. US President Joe Biden has declared a state of emergency in California. The "parade of cyclones," as read the National Weather Service warning, is predicted to cost USD$1 billion in damages. Thus far, 18 people are dead as a result of these storms. | As these storms, heightened in frequency by climate change, wreak havoc in California, many wonder, what…

_____ (2023-01-14). CIA Pushes To Dismiss Lawsuit Against Alleged Spying On Assange Visitors. The Central Intelligence Agency and former CIA director Mike Pompeo notified a federal court in New York that they intend to push for the dismissal of a lawsuit that alleges that they were involved in spying against attorneys and journalists who visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in Ecuador's London embassy. | Both the CIA and Pompeo maintain that the "allegations in the complaint do not establish a violation of the Fourth Amendment [right to privacy]." | In August 2022, four Americans who visited Assange in the embassy sued the CIA and Pompeo in his individual capacity: Margaret Ratner Kunstler, a civil ri…

_____ (2023-01-14). The Higher Education Labor Movement Runs Full Speed Ahead Into 2023. At the end of 2022, workers in higher education had their eyes turned toward the weeks-long strikes at the University of California (UC) and The New School. These strikes were among the largest and longest that higher education in the U.S. has ever seen. In California, the striking unions represented about 48,000 workers. While the total number of striking faculty at The New School in New York was much smaller, they represented 87 percent of all teaching faculty at the university, showing the power of what a near-total shutdown of classes can do. | These strikes are part of a much bigger trend in the higher educa…

_____ (2023-01-14). Allied Community And Co-operative Shared Services (ACCESS). So basically, ACCESS is a shared services platform and it provides a collective of professional services that are aligned with co-ops, nonprofits and other social purpose organizations. And we just have been working on this for the last year and a half. And the kind of the backstory to ACCESS — I was approached by the ED at ACCA, the Alberta Community Cooperative Association, and I was asked if I would be interested in writing a grant. And I think I was a month into the job there, and I wasn't quite sure what I knew about co-ops and, you know, even writing a grant application at that level. But once I saw w…

_____ (2023-01-14). Virginia Transit Strikers Fight Privatized Race To The Bottom. Loudoun County, Virginia – Around 130 workers who operate, fix, and dispatch buses in Loudoun County, Virginia, went on strike Wednesday morning. | They're up against Keolis, a French multinational and one of the largest private operators of public transit systems in the U.S. The company has challenged the union's right to strike, its right to a contract, and even its existence. | The Loudoun County workers join a movement of bus operators, mechanics, dispatchers, and call center operators striking around greater Washington, D.C. It's the eighth transit job action in the region in just over three years. Hundreds…

Anonymous669 (2023-01-14). Satellite Images Show Iranian Combat Drones At Eastern Syria Airport. A Mohajer-6 combat drone. By Wikimedia user (Alireza numberone) | On January 14, the Israeli The drones were identified as two Mohajer-6s and an Ababil-3. Both types are capable of carrying out reconnaissance and combat missions. While the presence of Islamic Revolutionary Guard…

| Reuters | (2023-01-14). Indonesia sends warship to monitor Chinese coast guard vessel. Indonesia has deployed a warship to its North Natuna Sea to monitor a Chinese coast guard vessel that has been active in a resource-rich maritime area, the country's naval chief said on Saturday of an area that both countries claim as their own. | Ship tracking data shows the vessel, CCG 5901, has been sailing in the Natuna Sea, particularly near the Tuna Bloc gas field and the Vietnamese Chim Sao oil and gas field since Dec. 30, the Indonesian Ocean Justice Initiative told Reuters. | A warship, maritime patrol plane and drone had been deployed to monitor the vessel, Laksamana Muhammad Ali, the chief of the In…

____ (2023-01-14). Ferry transfer from Zhongshan to Hong Kong resumes service. A ferry bound for Hong Kong set sail from Zhongshan, south China's Guangdong Province on Friday. It marks the resumption of ferry services from Zhongshan to Hong Kong, which have been suspended for nearly three years.

____ (2023-01-14). Jiangxi grain producer offers farmers $1.06 million annual bonus. Ling Jihe, a renowned rice grower in Nanchang, east China's Jiangxi province, offered 7.2 million yuan ($1.06 million) annual bonuses to his contract farmers.

____ (2023-01-14). Cambodia forecasts 4.6 mln air passengers in 2023 after China's reopening: spokesman. Cambodia is expected to attract 4.6 million air passengers in 2023 after China's optimization of its pandemic control policies on Jan. 8, a spokesman said on Saturday.

____ (2023-01-14). China Southern launches direct Dalian-HK flight. China Southern Airlines Flight CZ8365 took off from Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport on Friday, marking the airline officially opened its direct flights between Dalian and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

____ (2023-01-14). Visit of Islamic scholars to Xinjiang region refutes smearing on China. A delegation of Islamic figures and scholars visited China's Xinjiang region and witnessed firsthand the region's developments and stability, which proved again some media's lies about the region cannot cover up the truth and the practices of using Xinjiang topics to smear China are doomed to fail, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Friday.

____ (2023-01-14). Tibet's GDP grows 3 pct in 2022. The gross domestic product (GDP) of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region is estimated at 216.5 billion yuan (about 32.2 billion U.S. dollars) for 2022, up about 3 percent from the previous year, said Yan Jinhai, chairman of the regional government.

Jie Qiao, Yuanyuan Wang, Fei Kong, Yu Fu (2023-01-14). [Correspondence] Medical education reforms in China. Julio Frenk and colleagues1 put forward education for life as a guiding principle for health-professional education after the COVID-19 pandemic. We concur with the need for a radical rethink of medical education systems worldwide, and would like to share responses and reflections from China at a time that coincides with the 110th anniversary of the Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC; figure).

____ (2023-01-14). China urges U.S., Japan not to become disrupters of a stable Asia-Pacific: FM spokesperson. China urges the United States and Japan to abandon the Cold War mentality and ideological bias, stop creating imaginary enemies and stop trying to sow the seeds of a new Cold War in the Asia-Pacific, and not to become disruptors of a stable Asia-Pacific, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Friday.

Dongsheng News (2023-01-14). China Reopens Its Borders. This week's News on China in 2 minutes. | ‚Ä¢ China reopens its borders | ‚Ä¢ COVID-19 frontline rural doctors | ‚Ä¢ Jack Ma gives up Ant Group | ‚Ä¢ China moves to climate-adaption…

____ (2023-01-14). China launches 3 new satellites. A Long March 2D carrier rocket carrying the Yaogan 37 satellite and other two satellites – Shiyan 22A and Shiyan 22B – blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China, on Friday.

____ (2023-01-14). China has sufficient energy supply for Spring Festival holiday: official. China has sufficient energy supply and management mechanisms to help cope with peaks in energy use amid cold waves and the Spring Festival holiday, a senior official said Friday.

____ (2023-01-14). China's Yiwu in full swing as Lunar New Year orders boom. As the Spring Festival approaches, Yiwu International Trade Market in east China's Zhejiang Province has entered the peak season of selling goods related to the Lunar new year.

____ (2023-01-14). China urges UK to stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs. China urges the UK to respect China's sovereignty and stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Friday.

____ (2023-01-14). Cross-border travel gets boost from new policies. Officials said on Friday that China's optimized immigration policies are accelerating the recovery of cross-border business and exchanges, and refuted groundless criticism of the nation's anti-epidemic achievements.

____ (2023-01-14). Foreign trade growth set to continue. Against external headwinds such as cooling prospects for overseas demand and lingering geopolitical conflicts, China's foreign trade in goods is expected to keep expanding this year, according to experts and business executives on Friday.

____ (2023-01-14). Xinjiang going forward in right direction: World Muslim Communities Council leader. The rapid development of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region proves that the region is moving in the right direction, said Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, chairman of the World Muslim Communities Council, during a recent visit to Xinjiang.

____ (2023-01-14). CPC's advancement of self-governance at grassroots level. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has continued to advance its strict self-governance in all respects at the beginning of the new year.

____ (2023-01-14). Regulators draft plan to stabilize realty. China's financial regulators have drafted an action plan for improving the balance sheets of quality property developers in an effort to defuse financial risks to the real estate sector and assist the property market to form a virtuous cycle.

____ (2023-01-14). No local Omicron XBB.1.5 infections detected in China so far. There have been no local cases of the COVID-19 Omicron XBB.1.5 detected in China so far, according to a virology expert at a press conference for COVID-19 response held Friday.

____ (2023-01-14). 59,938 COVID-19 related deaths reported at Chinese hospitals from Dec. 8 to Jan. 12. A total of 59,938 COVID-19 related deaths were reported at hospitals across China from Dec. 8 to Jan 12, with an average age of 80.3 years old, said an official from the National Health Commission at a press conference on Saturday.

____ (2023-01-14). 59,938 COVID-19 related deaths reported across Chinese hospitals from Dec. 8 to Jan. 12. A total of 59,938 COVID-19 related deaths were reported at hospitals across China from Dec. 8 to Jan 12, with an average age of 80.3 years old, said an official from the National Health Commission at a press conference on Saturday.

Adriaan Alsema (2023-01-14). Colombia's prosecution blocks talks to dismantle paramilitary groups. Colombia's prosecutor general's office on Friday refused to lift arrest warrants of paramilitary leaders, effectively blocking the government's peace process. Deputy Prosecutor General Martha Marcera wrote Peace Commissioner Danilo Rueda…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Rising cases of COVID-19 variant, XBB.1.5. Flu cases and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) rates are beginning to drop in the U.S.; however, reported cases of COVID-19 are increasing. A new COVID-19 omicron variant, XBB.1.5, is spreading quickly and being closely monitored, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). "What we are learning about this new variant, XBB.1.5, is that it spreads much more easily compared to the previous variants, and almost twice more likely to spread compared to the previous variants," says Dr. Raj Palraj, an infectious diseases…

| Reuters | (2023-01-14). Iran executes British-Iranian national despite UK, U.S. pleas-report. Iran has executed British-Iranian national Alireza Akbari, the judiciary's Mizan news agency reported on Saturday, after sentencing the former Iranian deputy defence minister to death on charges of spying for Britain. | British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said late on Friday Iran must not follow through with the execution – a call echoed by the U.S. State Department. Britain had described the death sentence as politically motivated and called for his release. | Mizan said in a Tweet early on Saturday the sentence had been carried out, without saying when. | "Alireza Akbari, who was sentenced to death on c…

WSWS (2023-01-14). Workers back Will Lehman protest over voter suppression in UAW election. "My local can get the word out to every member about a golf outing," one worker said, "but they couldn't inform us about the election."

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Mayo Clinic Minute: Treating skin cancer with Mohs surgery. Nearly 5 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with a form of skin cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Dr. Naiara Sbroggio Barbosa, a Mayo Clinic dermatologist, explains how Mohs surgery can be used to treat basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and some types of melanoma. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of…

Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs (2023-01-14). Sunday 1/15: EVENT POSTPONED: Santa Cruz Prepares. Resource Center For Nonviolence | 612 Ocean St, Santa Cruz, CA 9 60…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Pediatric pectus excavatum. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: We've noticed an indent in our son's chest since he was about 6 years old. Our pediatrician diagnosed this as pectus excavatum but said that it was nothing to worry about. Six years later, he's starting to complain that his heart is racing, and he experiences loss of endurance and shortness of breath with exercise. We are very concerned and wondering if we need another opinion. I've heard surgery may be necessary for…

Sasha Abramsky (2023-01-14). McCarthy's Concessions to MAGA Diehards Have Paved the Way to Brutal Austerity. At the start of January, Kevin McCarthy's difficulties in cobbling together a House majority to support his bid to become speaker produced endless comedy fodder for the late-night shows. Fourteen times, McCarthy went up for election. Fourteen times he lost. With each loss, each humiliating reminder that one had to look back to the pre-Civil War days to find a speaker's election this drawn-out… |

Florence CGTN (2023-01-14). How AI technology affects global fashion industry. The AI market is forecasted to generate more than $63B by 2028 and contribute $15 trillion to the global economy. By the end of 2022, 30% of all retail sales were influenced by AI recommendations. But as the industry grows — so are calls …

Editor (2023-01-14). In Biden Documents Story, Stenography and Scandal Take Center Stage.

Jessica Corbett (2023-01-14). New Biden Policy Could Protect Migrant Worker Whistleblowers From Deportation. Migrant workers and advocates on Friday applauded a Biden administration policy to help protect noncitizen employees who are victims or witnesses of labor rights violations "from threats of immigration-related retaliation from the exploitive employers." The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that noncitizens will be able to submit requests for temporary relief from deportation or… |

Ya Bin Zhou (2023-01-14). [Correspondence] Pseudovesicular appearance in Sweet's syndrome: important yet easily missed. Juan Bañares and colleagues1 reported a case of Sweet's syndrome, but an important diagnostic clue was neglected. Typical skin lesions of Sweet's syndrome are painful erythematous plaques or nodules.2 The lesions have a pseudovesicular appearance due to prominent papillary dermal oedema.2 The pseudovesicular appearance is an important diagnostic clue of Sweet's syndrome for dermatologists but often neglected by non-dermatologists. The diagnostic criteria for Sweet's syndrome were not mentioned either.

Dean Baker (2023-01-14). The Fun Way to Deal with the Debt Ceiling. Like all good Keynesian economists, I'm a big fan of the platinum coin. The law explicitly allows the Treasury to print platinum coins in any denomination. That means it absolutely could deal with the debt ceiling by printing a platinum coin denominated for $1 trillion and selling it to the Fed. This would not count …

WSWS (2023-01-14). Australia: Pampas workers call on colleagues to vote "no" to union sell-out. "The union isn't celebrating a win for the workers, they're celebrating that there'll be more money in their own pocket. They're celebrating their own bank account."

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Consumer Health: What do you know about blood donation? January is National Blood Donor Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about blood types and the need for blood donation. Nearly 16 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S., according to the American Red Cross. Daily needs include 29,000 units of red blood cells, 5,000 units of platelets and 6,500 units of plasma. People need a blood transfusion for many reasons. Some may need blood during surgery. Others depend on it after an…

Anonymous669 (2023-01-14). Three Syrian Soldiers Killed On Greater Idlib Front In Yet Another Attack By HTS (Photos). Click to see full-size image. | On January 14, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) launched another attack against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) from the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib. | The group militants raided a position of the SAA near the village of Nahshabba in the northern Lattakia countryside. The militants attacked in the early morning hours, taking advantage of poor weather conditions and heavy fog which pinned army troops. | HTS claimed that six soldiers were killed as…

Editor (2023-01-14). The California floods and the climate crisis. The death toll from the ongoing storms and flooding across California and parts of Arizona, Nevada and Oregon rose to at least 18 on Wednesday.

_____ (2023-01-14). A Moscow Meeting Shatters Fantasies of a Syrian 'Confederation'. By Malek AL-KHOURY | The newly-initiated Syrian-Turkish rapprochement talks are headed in Damascus' favor and the "Turkish concessions" derided by opponents are just the start, insiders tell The Cradle. | Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has already abandoned his dream of "praying in the Umayyad Mosque" in Damascus. But sources say this will be swiftly followed by further concessions that will throw a wrench into the ambitions of Syria's opposition factions. | An undivided Syria | There will be no "federalism" or "confederation" — western codewords for the break up of the Syrian state — at these…

Staff (2023-01-14). President Maduro Announces 6 Lines of Work for 2023 in Annual Address to the Nation. On Thursday, January 12, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, in his Annual Address to the Nation, announced the six lines of work his government will implement in 2023. | The lines are: | 1- Consolidate economic growth, diversification of the economy and generation of wealth with equality. | The president stated that progress must be made in "healing the wounds" and "the inequalities that have been created as a result of the economic war and illegal sanctions." | 2- Expand protection and social security to all the Venezuelan people, especially the victims of the economic blockade. | Misiones and Grandes M…

Alexandra Martinez (2023-01-14). HarperCollins Debut Authors Say They Won't Work With Strikebreaking Editors. This story was originally published by Prism. Workers at the HarperCollins Union have been on strike for over two months, braving the fierce New York City winter and picketing outside the company's offices. Now, sources say their labor is being outsourced to temporary workers. While some authors are crossing the picket line and continuing to work with "scab" — or strikebreaking — editors… |

____ (2023-01-14). Soldiers of Misfortune. Larry on Rats.

Revolution Books (2023-01-14). Sunday 1/22: Make 2023,Year of Hope & Possibility-Come Kick it,Share Dinner & Get to Know theRevolution. Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue | Berkeley…

Scholars for Academic Freedom (2023-01-14). San Francisco State Administration Reaffirms Support for Racism. The San Francisco State administration has openly supported the racist Zionist line that Judaism equals Zionism and being critical of Israel is "anti-semitic"

Janna Corredor (2023-01-14). US Treasury's OFAC Imposes New Sanctions Against Venezuela. On Monday, January 9, the United States Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed a new unilateral coercive measure against Venezuela by extending License number 31, now named

____ (2023-01-14). Xiaonian: Prologue of the Spring Festival. In the Chinese lunar calendar, the 23rd or 24th of the 12th month are the Kitchen God Festival days, also known as Little New Year, or Xiaonian.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). New year, new goals, new edition of 'The Mayo Clinic Diet'. Each new year brings new hope and many weight loss goals that often go unrealized. "The foundation of any weight loss program, whether it involves different types of programs, medications, procedures ≠ ≠— it does get down to lifestyle and diet and physical activity. The way people go about this sometimes isn't productive. Just starving and trying to exercise for a couple of hours a day usually doesn't work well," says Dr. Donald Hensrud, an internal…

Andy Merrifield (2023-01-14). DADA NEW YEAR: Tristan Tzara's Boom, Boom, Boom. I know I'm not the only one thinking that our world has lost its mind. It's not easy being some relatively sane person nowadays. At the best of times, politics is bankrupt. At its worst, it's toxic, dominated by demagogues, liars and cheats. Their falsehoods fly wholesale, rarely disgruntling masses of people, let alone damaging a demagogue's political career.

LaborFest (2023-01-14). Saturday 2/11: Get Your Ticket To Mars! 2nd Launch To Artists, Musicians,Poets & 1937 GM Flint Occupation. Twitter Headquarters | 1355 Market St. | San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). 4 ways to reduce risks of cervical cancer. HPV plays a role in causing most cervical cancer. Cervical cancer occurs in the cells of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. "While it isn't clear what sparks the cervical cells to change their DNA, it is certain that HPV plays a role," says Kristina Butler, M.D., a Mayo Clinic gynecologic oncologist. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the U.S. "Over 85% of the general…

____ (2023-01-14). Chinese vice premier to attend WEF annual meeting, visit Switzerland. Chinese Vice Premier Liu He will attend the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2023 and visit Switzerland from Jan. 15 to 19 at the invitation of Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF and the government of the Swiss Confederation, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced here Friday.

Lynda Carson (2023-01-14). More Bay Area right-wing extremists supporting election deniers and Freedom Caucus. Election Deniers and Right-Wing Extremist Members Of The Freedom Caucus:…

ELEL (2023-01-14). [Department of Error] Department of Error. Vaduganathan M, Docherty KF, Claggett BL, et al. SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with heart failure: a comprehensive meta-analysis of five randomised controlled trials. Lancet 2022; 400: 757—67—In this Article, the Research in context panel has been corrected to clarify that SOLOIST-WHF included patients hospitalised for worsening heart failure, irrespective of ejection fraction. Also, the p value for the test for heterogeneity in Figure 2H has been corrected to 0 ∑0067. These corrections have been made to the online version as of Jan 12, 2023.

Angela (2023-01-14). Saturday 1/14: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "The Sons of Eilaboun" Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Florence CGTN (2023-01-14). R'Bonney Gabriel prepares for Miss Universe competition. History will be made this coming Saturday night at the Miss Universe competition in the U.S. city of New Orleans. For the very first time, a Filipina-American will represent the United States. R'Bonney Gabriel won the Miss USA pageant last October, just two years …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Mayo Clinic Minute: Winter skin protection tips. Winter weather changes can negatively affect the skin — the body's largest organ. Colder temperatures and a lack of moisture in the air can damage unprotected skin, especially on the face and hands. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-01-14). It Is Official—the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Is Weaponized. The Alleged January 6, 2021 "Attack on the Capitol"

Tony Kirby, Michelle Thornber-Dunwell (2023-01-14). [World Report] 10 years on—high-risk practices on the London gay scene. A decade after The Lancet investigated the explosion of high-risk drug practices on the London gay scene, Tony Kirby and Michelle Thornber-Dunwell return to analyse the landscape today.

JANET (2023-01-14). Southwest Airlines: Hundreds of thousands impacted by capitalist greed. By G. Dunkel January 13, 2023 Airlines canceled over 18,200 flights in the U.S. and hundreds more in Canada between Dec. 22 and 28, affecting millions of people. Many of the cancellations were due to the winter storm catastrophe. Winter Storm Elliot brought snow and ice and high winds to two-thirds of North America. According to the National Weather Service, about 200 million people in the lower 48 states were affected. Some 6 million households in the U.S. and 1.1 million in Canada, mainly in Ontario and Quebec, lost power. Some airlines recovered and started flying fairly rapidly, but one major airline, Southwe…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-01-14). The French working class organizes to defeat Macron's pension reforms. The Macron-led government is making a new bid to push controversial pension reforms, calling to increase the retirement age from 62 to 64.

Anonymous669 (2023-01-14). Iran Executes Ex-Deputy Defence Minister Accused Of Spying For Britain. Alireza Akbari, Iran's former deputy defence minister, speaks during an interview with Khabaronline in Tehran, Iran, in this undated picture obtained on January 12, 2023. Khabaronline/WANA (West Asia News Agency)/Handout via REUTERS/Files | British-Iranian dual national Alireza Akbari was hanged by Iran on charges of espionage and corruption, the Iranian judiciary-affiliated Mizan news outlet announced on January 14. | The outlet said that the former Iranian official was exe…

Shefali Luthra (2023-01-14). Oklahoma Bill Signals Growing Push to Prosecute People Who Have Abortions. Originally published by The 19th As state lawmakers weigh new restrictions on abortion, some Republicans are revisiting a longstanding taboo of not prosecuting pregnant people for seeking abortions in places where the procedure is banned, though the topic remains divisive among anti-abortion advocates. State restrictions have so far fallen just shy of imposing criminal penalties on people who seek… |

Brenda Norrell (2023-01-14). The Smithsonian is Missing — Whitewashing History and Harboring Native American Remains. The Smithsonian is concealing from the public its collection of Native American remains. The Smithsonian paid bounties for Native American skulls for racist studies resulting in grave robbing, executions of Native people and the Massacre at Sand Creek. Today, the Smithsonian refuses to make the facts public, and delays the return of Native American remains to their homelands for reburial by dodging the NAGPRA law.

Geoff Watts (2023-01-14). [Perspectives] Kumanan Rasanathan: committed advocate of equity in health. Kumanan Rasanathan, public health physician and Executive Director of the Geneva-based Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, quotes the 19th-century physician and polymath Rudolf Virchow, who famously suggested that "medicine is a social science, and politics nothing more than medicine on a large scale". Rasanathan, in addition to his medical qualification, has a degree in politics and a master's in public health. In retrospect, he describes Virchow's aphorism as "one of the key principles of my career", explaining that "to have trained in medicine, politics, and public health has been a good preparati…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-01-14). CIA Pushes For Dismissal Of Lawsuit Against Alleged Spying On Assange Visitors. The Central Intelligence Agency and former CIA director Mike Pompeo notified a federal court in New York that they intend to push for the dismissal of a lawsuit that alleges that they were involved in spying against attorneys and journalists who visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in Ecuador's London embassy.

INDYRADIO (2023-01-14). INDYRADIO updates: Guantánamo 21, Wikileaks Down. Washington DC protests demand Guantánamo close after 21 years of hell,but no one wants to mention Wikileaks server is down.

Kota Murai, Masashi Fujino, Mariko Harada-Shiba, Satoshi Yasuda (2023-01-14). [Clinical Picture] Spontaneous rupture of Achilles tendon xanthomas in a case of familial hypercholesterolaemia. A 70-year-old man attended our hospital reporting a 2-week history of swelling and aching of his left ankle. He did not report any recent trauma or excessive physical activity.

WSWS (2023-01-14). Teachers union pushes through sellout contract to avert a strike in Akron, Ohio. The concessions contract agreed to by the union effectively cuts teachers' pay and meets none of their demands for safe working conditions.

SP Editor (2023-01-14). What It Means for Hunger to Burn Through the Pentagon's Ranks. Co-creator of the Costs of War Project and military spouse Andrea Mazzarino describes in all-too-devastating detail that a staggeringly over-funded military-industrial complex is, to use Eisenhower's phrasing, indeed stealing from "those who hunger and are not fed."

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-01-14). Ahmaad Galloway, Former Alabama And San Diego Chargers Running Back, Passes Away at 42, Found in Apartment. Ahmaad Galloway, a former running back for the University of Alabama and San Diego Chargers, has unexpectedly died. He was 42. Galloway was found dead in his apartment in St. Louis, Missouri, on Monday, Jan. 9, during a welfare check. His cause of death has yet to be determined. When Galloway didn't report to his …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Mayo Clinic Minute: When chest discomfort becomes something to worry about. Chest discomfort and pain account for more than 6.5 million emergency department visits in the U.S. each year. Discomfort can be the first sign of a serious heart event or a symptom of other medical conditions. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says people should seek medical care at the first sign of chest pain. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 03) is in the downloads at the end of this…

Norman Solomon, Jeff Cohen (2023-01-14). The Myth of the "Moderate Republican" — and Why It's So Dangerous. Moving the right-goal posts…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Mayo Clinic Minute: Hearty and heart-smart winter soups. By December, the summer vegetable gardens have all been harvested. Winter fruits and vegetables are now on the menu. Elizabeth J. Bailey, a Mayo Clinic dietitian, says traditional winter vegetables can be satisfying and healthy in meals like salads and soups. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of…

Victor Castellanos (2023-01-14). ConocoPhillips Wants to Sell Venezuelan Oil in The US (+ Chevron). US oil company ConocoPhillips, headquartered in Houston, Texas, is supposedly in talks with the government of Venezuela to sell Venezuelan oil in the United States, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal. | "ConocoPhillips, which left Venezuela after its assets were nationalized in 2007, is now open to a deal to sell the country's oil in the US," the report stated, citing "people familiar with the discussions between the company and Venezuelan representatives." | Breaking: ConocoPhillips is in talks with Venezuela to sell the country's oil in the U.S. after Caracas seized its assets in 2007, people fami…

____ (2023-01-14). Comicomment: A 'new' Cold War toolkit.

Mickey Z. (2023-01-14). Fauci's Lies, Self-driving Car Accidents, Assisted Suicide, and More.

SP Editor (2023-01-14). The Fading of Washington's Global Dreams and the Coming of a New World. Alfred McCoy suggests what a United States that remains a significant regional power might do in its own hemisphere to come to grips with the decline of our own country, of the hemisphere, and of the planet as a whole.

| Reuters | (2023-01-14). UN calls on Taliban to end worsening repression of women. Nearly a dozen UN Security Council members on Friday urged the Taliban to end repressive treatment of women in Afghanistan as the hardline Islamists push ahead with tightening restrictions. | The Taliban seized power in August 2021, promising a softer version of their brutal 1996-2001 rule that was infamous for human rights abuses. | But they have squeezed women out of almost all areas of public life, recently banning them from secondary and higher education, public sector work and from visiting parks and baths. | "We urge the Taliban to immediately reverse all oppressive measures against women and girls," sai…

Labor & Community Studies Department CCSF (2023-01-14). Thursday 2/2: Essential: How the Pandemic Spurred A Radical New Phase in the Labor Movement with Author. The Green Arcade | 1680 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94102…

WSWS (2023-01-14). Shawn Fain and Ray Curry debate launches fraudulent UAW runoff election. Two hand-picked candidates of the UAW bureaucracy, who each received less than 4 percent of the vote of the eligible membership, participated in an online debate Thursday.

_____ (2023-01-14). Will Japan and India become permanent members of the UN Security Council?

Garnet Henderson (2023-01-14). Why Won't the FDA Adopt a Truly Bold Playbook on Medication Abortion? On January 3, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) quietly made long-awaited changes to the regulations surrounding mifepristone, one of two drugs used in medication abortion. Though the agency merely updated its website without even issuing a press release, the news was met with fanfare: "Abortion Pills Can Now Be Offered at Retail Pharmacies, F.D.A. Says"; "Abortion Pill Could Soon Become Much… |

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Healthy Weight Awareness Month. Mayo Clinic innovations can help you lose weight, keep it off. MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo Clinic experts available to talk about obesity epidemic in America and innovations in weight loss procedures January is Healthy Weight Awareness Month — and a time when many consider a fresh start with healthier eating and exercise habits. Consider these stats on obesity in America, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Forty-one percent of Americans are considered obese. And by 2030, an estimated 50% of Americans will be obese….

WSWS (2023-01-14). Australian rank-and-file health workers support Pampas pastry workers. "We urge Pampas workers to vote 'no' to the UWU-management agreement and form a rank-and-file committee to discuss and develop a campaign for secure jobs, a real wage increase and improved working conditions."

Anonymous103 (2023-01-14). Clash of the Two Americas vol. 4: The Anglo-Venetian Roots of the Deep State By Matt Ehret. In the first three volumes of the Clash of the Two Americas, we were introduced to two opposing currents which have…

Anand Naidoo (2023-01-14). The Heat: Biden Classified Documents. President Biden faces mounting questions, after classified documents are discovered at his Delaware home and a private office. Could this discovery tarnish his presidency and sideline his agenda? This week, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland named a special counsel to lead the investigation into how …

WSWS (2023-01-14). Growing support for far right and targeting of Trudeau within Canada's military. A fascistic "Make Canada Great Again" rant from a highly-decorated retired officer was greeted with rapturous applause by the large numbers of senior Canadian Armed Forces officers in attendance.

WSWS (2023-01-14). US political warfare escalates: House committees launch probes of Biden's mishandling of classified documents. On Friday, one day after Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the appointment of a special counsel to investigate President Joe Biden's mishandling of classified documents, Republican-led House committees launched their own investigations.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-01-14). How Sanctions Contributed to Venezuela's Economic Collapse.

Ann Brown (2023-01-14). More Classified Documents Found In Biden's Delaware Home: Did He Break The Law? The White House has confirmed that a second set of classified government documents was found, this time in President Joe Biden's garage at his home in Delaware. This revelation comes after other classified documents were found in November at the Penn Biden Center, a think tank office in Washington, D.C., that Biden used for about …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Science Saturday: MayoComplete next-generation sequencing — Transforming comprehensive cancer care. For patients facing a cancer journey, navigating diagnosis and treatment can be extremely daunting. Fear of the unknown is compounded by a confusing ocean of emerging information on discoveries and technological advancements. While each wave of progress brings about new types of treatment, including targeted and immune therapies linked to improved outcomes, the cancer's nuances must be understood for these pioneering treatments to work. Laboratory testing offers crucial information to help patients traverse the shifting…

Homeless Garden Project (2023-01-14). Monday 2/20: MLK Day of Service at the Farm. Homeless Garden Project Farm | 100-198 Shaffer Rd, Santa Cruz…

unitedEditor (2023-01-14). Burkina Faso: France is at the helm of Africa's decolonization. After the scandal with the expulsion of the French ambassador from Burkina Faso, Paris was seriously concerned about its situation on the continent. On January 3, the French Foreign Ministry said that in December they received a letter requesting the recall of their ambassador from the African country. The expulsion of Ambassador Luc Hallade came …

Michael Welch (2023-01-14). January 6 Riot LIVE! Helping to Propel the War on Domestic Terrorism and More.

Dana Sanchez (2023-01-14). Trader Avraham Eisenberg Thought His $110M Crypto Score Was Legal: U.S. Government Handcuffs Him, Alleging Manipulation, Fraud. The U.S. government has filed federal charges against Avraham "Avi" Eisenberg, a self-described "applied game theorist" and cryptocurrency trader who was arrested in Puerto Rico on Dec. 26 for stealing $110 million in digital assets from Mango Markets, a Solana-based crypto exchange. Holders of Mango's native token, MNGO, can lend, borrow, swap, and use leverage …

WSWS (2023-01-14). Ultraviolet light and indoor air disinfection to fight pandemics: A technology long overdue—Part 2. The ability to disinfect indoor spaces remains a critical public health endeavor. Ultraviolet technology is an important tool that has been employed for more than a century. The report reviews the current issues behind air disinfection and the history of ultraviolet disinfection.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Consumer Health: Do you know the symptoms of glaucoma? January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about treating this group of eye conditions. About 3 million people in the U.S. have glaucoma, and it's the second-leading cause of blindness worldwide, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, often due to abnormally high pressure in your eye. Elevated eye pressure is due to a buildup of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Glaucoma — the 'silent thief of sight'. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: During my recent eye exam, the eye doctor used a machine to blow a puff of air into each of my eyes. It felt like I was in a video game, but I was the target. It didn't hurt, but it did startle me. What does this test measure and how is it helpful in evaluating my vision? Is this something I need to have regularly repeated? ANSWER: Vision tests are always important to…

repost (2023-01-14). Democrat Barbara Lee Wants Millions of Gov Funds For Billionaire Fisher's A's Stadium. Democratic Party politician Congresswomen Barbara Lee is supporting spending $182 million of US DOT funds for GAP A's billionaire owner John Fisher's stadium project. While thousands are homeless in Oakland, she wants to spend millions on Fisher's privately owned stadium project.

James Patrick Jordan (2023-01-14). Peace! Peace! But in Colombia, There is no Peace. By James Patrick Jordan Jan 11, 2023 | Advocates for peace and justice around the world were thrilled to hear the proposal by Colombian president Gustavo Petro for a Total Peace Plan, an effort that was promptly approved by the congress. The plan is ambitious and deserves our support. Colombia's entire history from the Spanish colonization right up till today has been a story of violence, displacement, and repression. The country has been in the grips of armed conflict and civil war on several fronts for more than years. The 2016 Peace Accord between the former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia[mdash…

WSWS (2023-01-14). Sri Lankan government endorses arrest and detention of YouTuber. The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) condemns the arrest of Sepal Amarasinghe, demands his immediate release and the abolition of the draconian laws used to detain him.

Ricardo Vaz (2023-01-14). Venezuela: Metalworkers Block Highway, Protest for Better Pay. Sidor workers are asking for improved salaries as well as the reinstatement of health insurance and collective bargaining rights.

Tina Landis (2023-01-14). Atmospheric rivers, weather whiplash and the class struggle. Despite scientists' warnings for decades, capitalist governments have failed to act in any meaningful way to avert climate catastrophe despite the many tools available to humanity.

WSWS (2023-01-14). "The weapons help no one, it's just about economic interests"—SGP continues campaign for Berlin state election. In its election campaign for the Berlin House of Representatives, the SGP is fighting for the construction of an international movement of workers and youth in opposition to the war policy of the ruling class.

Common Dreams Staff (2023-01-14). Thousands Rally to Protest Destruction of German Village for Coal Mine Expansion. Thousands of people demonstrated in the pouring rain on Saturday protesting the clearance and demolition of a village in western Germany that is due to make way for the expansion of the coal mine Garzweiler. Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg joined the demonstrators as they protested the clearance of Luetzerath, walking through the nearby village of Keyenberg. Protesters chanted "Every… |

Leon Kunstenaar (2023-01-14). Local Code Pink Joins Organizations World Wide To Demand Closure of US Guantanamo Prison. Action at UC Berkeley law school also demands prosecution for John Yoo, provider of legal "rational" for torture…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Mayo Clinic Laboratories and Helix collaborate to provide comprehensive suite of laboratory services to biopharma customers. Mayo Clinic Laboratories, a leading reference laboratory, and Helix, the nation's leading population genomics and viral surveillance company, today announced a new strategic collaboration that will provide biopharma customers access to a comprehensive joint laboratory offering for research and development initiatives across the drug development lifecycle. The offering will include a full spectrum of testing capabilities that leverages both Helix's suite of next generation sequencing capabilities and Mayo Clinic Laboratories' portfolio of more than 3,800…

WSWS (2023-01-14). Tech firms, crypto companies, Goldman Sachs announce major layoffs. The raising of interest rates by central banks, led by the US Federal Reserve, is the primary driver of of layoffs aimed at suppressing demands by workers for wage increases to combat inflation.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-01-14). Argentina: Represión para el saqueo de los bienes comunes. Argentina: Represión para el saqueo de los bienes comunes | Brutal agresión policial en San Nicolás: NO a la impunidad! | Red Latina sin fronteras | Enero 7 del 2023…

Editor (2023-01-14). Patrick Lawrence: 'Pessimism of the Mind, Optimism of the Will'. By Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost Some years ago now, while researching a book that eventually came out as Somebody Else's Century, I spent time in Ahmedabad, a city in the northwest Indian state of Gujarat. Ahmedabad has a long and interesting history as a place where Hindus and Muslims lived side by side …

Othering & Belonging Institute (2023-01-14). Sunday 1/15: MLK Jr. Day Belonging Workshop: A Weekly Practice Space w/ OBI. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts | 701 Mission Street | San Francisco CA 94103…

Anonymous669 (2023-01-14). Iraqi F-16 Fighter Jets Attack ISIS Hideouts In Al-Anbar (Video). Iraqi Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons conduct a training mission over Iraq May 26, 2019. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Russ Scalf) | On January 10, F-16 fighter jets of the Iraqi Air Force (IQAF) attacked two hideouts of ISIS cells in the western province of al-Anbar, the heartland of the terrorist group's insurgency. | The fighter jets targeted the hideouts with several precision-guided munitions, completely destroying them both. The IQAF said in a statement that a number of terrorists who were t…

Allen Forrest (2023-01-14). Critical Thinking and Non-compliance. Astute writer Mickey Z reveals how complex non-compliance/non-conformity can be in "

____ (2023-01-14). S Korean police refer 23 officials to prosecution over Halloween crowd crush. South Korean police said Friday that it referred 23 government officials to the prosecution on professional negligence.

David Giesen (2023-01-14). Sunday 1/15: Martin Luther King: Land & Liberty. Martin Luther King: Land & Liberty | Sunday, January 15 ∑ 7: 00 — 8: 00pm | Google Meet joining info | Video call link:

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). What is cardiac arrest? A Mayo Clinic heart expert explains. Cardiac arrest, or sudden cardiac arrest as it is more formally known, is a medical emergency. It happens when an event, usually an electrical disturbance, quickly and unexpectedly causes your heart to stop working. It's not the same as a heart attack and is called sudden because it seems to happen without warning. Dr. Christopher DeSimone, a Mayo cardiac electrophysiologist specializing in abnormal cardiac rhythm, answers questions about cardiac arrest, the differences between cardiac arrest…

Local volunteers (2023-01-14). Sunday 1/22: San Jose: Women's March for Roe's th Anniversary. San Jose City Hall | 200 East Santa Clara Street | San Jose, CA, 95113…

Terra Marin School (2023-01-14). Saturday 1/21: 2023 Lunar New Year Festival in Mill Valley. Terra Marin School, 70 Lomita Dr, Mill Valley, CA 94941…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Mayo Clinic Minute: Weight loss and willpower. What does it take to make meaningful, lasting lifestyle changes? Some may argue it takes a fair amount of willpower to develop new habits, but a person can't rely on willpower alone. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Donald Hensrud, a Mayo Clinic physician specializing in nutrition and editor of "The Mayo Clinic Diet," offers strategies that can help people achieve their weight loss goals. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10)…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). 1-2-3 approach to eating fruits and veggies. Is it a challenge for you to eat all five servings of fruits and vegetables every day? The 1-2-3 approach can help you pack in all your servings — and more — throughout the day. Get six servings by eating: 1 serving with breakfast 2 with lunch 3 with dinner and snacks Remember that the serving size for fruits and vegetables is about 4 to 6 ounces. Measurements for one serving can differ depending on…

3 Bay Area & climate partners (2023-01-14). Friday 1/20: Biden: Declare a Climate Emergency! Joye Braun Day of Action Bay Area Rally. San Francisco Federal Building | 90 7th Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Editor (2023-01-14). Briahna Joy Gray: Inside Biden's DIRTY MONEY Insurance Scheme. By Briahna Joy Gray / | Briahna Joy Gray Briahna Joy Gray is an American political commentator, lawyer, and political consultant who served as the National Press Secretary for the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign. She hosts her own podcast, Bad Faith, and co-hosts The Hill's web series Rising. |

Andres Kargar (2023-01-14). American Healthcare System. I have a newly-discovered health problem, where during the day, my blood pressure readings are quite normal, or we might even say somewhat on the low side, 105-65. During the night, when I am sleeping, however, the very same indicators are just too high, 168-92. My doctor, a very dedicated physician and caring human being …

Wendy Craig (2023-01-14). Press Conference: Defend the African Community's Right to Economic Self-Determination. What: Press Conference: Defend the African Community's Right to Economic Self-Determination, and Human and Civil Rights on this MLK Day! | When: Friday, January 13th, 2023 at 10am | Where: Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles, 3742 Grand Ave., Oakland, CA 94610 | Who: African People's Education & Defense Fund and Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles | Black Star Industries and Uhuru Foods and Pies…

WSWS (2023-01-14). Rock guitar great Jeff Beck dies at 78. Legendary guitarist Jeff Beck, who emerged during the culturally tumultuous period of the mid-1960s, died suddenly January 10 at the age of 78.

John Launer, Anita Wohlmann (2023-01-14). [Perspectives] Narrative medicine, narrative practice, and the creation of meaning. Medical interest in the study of narratives, whether those of patients or doctors, goes back a long way. However, the field of narrative medicine emerged in the late 20th century and is associated in many people's minds with two seminal texts. One was Narrative Based Medicine: Dialogue and Discourse in Clinical Practice, a collection of essays edited by two British academic general practitioners, Trisha Greenhalgh and Brian Hurwitz. The other was Narrative Medicine: Honoring the Stories of Illness by the US physician and literary scholar Rita Charon.

manager (2023-01-14). Think Big Tech's Thousands of Layoffs Indicate a Coming Recession? Think Again. Los Angeles Times See article on original site Amazon is laying off more than 18,000 workers. Salesforce is shedding 8,000, and Twitter has let go thousands more. While we should never minimize the difficulties of people facing an unexpected layoff, these announcements by major tech companies are not a large-scale tragedy for the American economy. …

Michael Welch (2023-01-14). January 6 Riot LIVE! Helping to Propel the War on Domestic Terrorism and More! file:/Users/rain/Dropbox/_data/_rss/

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Mayo Clinic expert provides perspective on FDA approval of another experimental Alzheimer's drug. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated approval of a disease-modifying treatment that could potentially give some patients with Alzheimer's disease something they haven't had before: a medication that may slow the decline of memory and thinking. A monoclonal antibody, lecanemab, shows promise in removing amyloid plaques from the brain, according to phase 3 trial results. Amyloid plaques are one of the defining features of Alzheimer's disease, according to Dr. Ronald Petersen, a neurologist…

posted by Norse (2023-01-14). RV Human Rights Activists Challenges Santa Cruz City Police Violations. Reggie Meisler, civil liberties defender of unhoused rights, is waiting for an answer to his January 9th letter to Santa Cruz City Manager Matt Huffaker, Mayor Fred Keeley, Police Chief Rudy Escalante, and the S.C. City Council. Meisler calls for Huffaker to direct his SCPD to stop harassing and uprooting those whose vehicles are their shelter by misusing the "abandoned vehicle" tagging law.

_____ (2023-01-14). Prince Harry's Game of Thrones.

Richard Horton (2023-01-14). [Comment] Offline: The mathematics of danger. Rishi Sunak, the UK's Prime Minister, last week announced his ambition that all school students would study some form of mathematics to the age of 18 years. He was sharply criticised by those who either hated maths at school or have prospered in life with little knowledge of mathematics. But Sunak's motivation was sound. 8 million adults in England have the numeracy skills of primary school children. In a world where quantitative and statistical capabilities will become ever more important, he was right to draw attention to the importance of mathematics.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Celebrating international relationships, past, present and future. It was 100 years ago that Dr. Charles Mayo visited France and met with famed physicist Marie Curie, the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize. That meeting helped to set the stage for her research collaboration with Mayo and the relationship between Mayo and France that continues today. Celebrating those past, present and future relationships was the reason for a news conference held at Mayo Clinic on Friday, Jan. 6. Ambassador of France to…

Lynda Carson (2023-01-14). Doing business with Fit "N" Furry Pet Resort in Petaluma may be a threat to our democracy. Extremist Fascist Right-Wing Pet – Training Center Pet:…

Juan Bañares, Laia Aceituno, Alba Jiménez, Avonello Maynard, Eduardo Dacosta Escobar, Carmen Alemán (2023-01-14). [Correspondence] Pseudovesicular appearance in Sweet's syndrome: important yet easily missed — Authors' reply. We are thankful to Ya Bin Zhou for the helpful comment about the appearance of skin lesions in the suspected diagnosis of Sweet's syndrome. Detailed physical examination is paramount to add up features that could narrow the differential diagnosis. In this case, and as Zhou shrewdly noticed, the dermal plaques have a vesicle-like appearance. Some of the other lesions (not shown in the Clinical Picture)1 indeed had a morphology similar to small bullae. Neutrophilic dermatoses, and specifically Sweet's syndrome, have different variants.

____ (2023-01-14). Cradle of Civilization: Yungang Grottoes.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-14). Mayo Clinic Minute: What are superbugs? Antibiotics treat bacterial infections, prevent the spread of disease and reduce serious complications of disease. But misusing antibiotics can lead to drug resistance and strains of superbugs. Dr. John Presutti, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, explains what your care team may ask of you before prescribing an antibiotic. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network."…

Staff (2023-01-14). El podcast de Cubadebate: øQué podemos esperar de los sucesos en Brasil? (+Podcast). Una semana después de la entrega de la banda presidencial a Lula llegaba el caos: marchas multitudinarias hacia las sedes de los poderes del Estado brasileño que culminaron con la toma de las instalaciones por parte de los manifestantes. øQuién está detrás de estos hechos? øQué relación guardan con otros intentos de la derecha de boicotear a los gobiernos progresistas o de izquierda en la región?

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-14). Demandan investigar a Jair Bolsonaro por delito de incitación. Solicitan ampliar investigaciones contra el expresidente de Brasil por incurrir en actos que incentivan a que otras personas violen la ley.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-01-14). Piden incluir a Bolsonaro en investigación por actos en Brasilia. El pedido, firmado por integrantes del Ministerio Público Federal, sugirió que Bolsonaro había incitado de manera pública a las manifestaciones antigubernales.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-14). Confirman que líder campesino de Cusco, Perú, murió tras disparo. Remo Candia Guevara murió en el departamento de Cusco, tras ser herido por arma de fuego durante las protestas contra el Gobierno.

teleSUR, MER (2023-01-14). Continúan las movilizaciones en Perú para exigir renuncia de Dina Boluarte. La Defensoría del Pueblo indicó que en esta jornada fueron reportadas movilizaciones y concentraciones en unas diez provincias.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-14). Presentan denuncia contra gabinete de Boluarte por represión de protestas en Perú. Las protestas han sido reprimidas por las fuerzas de seguridad, que han dejado un saldo de cerca de muertos y centenares de heridos y detenidos.

teleSUR, SH (2023-01-14). Exigen la liberación de dirigentes sociales en Ayacucho, Perú. Desde la Cnddhh advirtieron que la persecución a los líderes sociales sólo agudizará la polarización en el país suramericano.

Staff (2023-01-14). Perú: Presentan denuncia contra los 19 ministros del gabinete de Boluarte. La legisladora peruana Kelly Portalatino presentó este sábado una denuncia contra los 19 ministros que conforman el gabinete de la presidenta designada Dina Boluarte, quien reiteró que seguirá en el cargo, pese a las manifestaciones que reclaman su renuncia. La denuncia es por la presunta comisión de los delitos de homicidio y heridas graves contra ciudadanos.

Staff (2023-01-14). De la Masacre de Rosewood a Martin Luther King: øHacia dónde vamos? El Día de Año Nuevo representa la posibilidad de un nuevo comienzo y la oportunidad de fijarse nuevas metas. Sin embargo, para los residentes afroestadounidenses de la localidad de Rosewood, estado de Florida, el 1 de enero de 1923 —hace 100 años— fue el comienzo de una semana de violencia y asesinatos en masa llevados a cabo por una turba de gente blanca enardecida que atacó e incendió por completo esa localidad de población mayoritariamente negra hasta dejarla prácticamente convertida en cenizas.

Staff (2023-01-14). La Habana: Participa Díaz-Canel en reunión para evaluar potencialidades de los territorios. Este sábado continúan en La Habana las reuniones que encabeza el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, con el propósito de evaluar las potencialidades de cada territorio para lograr que el 2023 sea un mejor año.

Staff (2023-01-14). Después de 61 años: La Serie Nacional sigue siendo el rey. Este 14 de enero comenzará la final de la I Liga Élite del Béisbol Cubano. Quiso la feliz coincidencia que fuera exactamente 61 años después que nacieran las Series Nacionales, evento rey en cuanto al espectáculo socio cultural del país. Y que no parece resistir competencia alguna, por más que necesita oxigenarse con detalles organizativos.

Staff (2023-01-14). Díaz-Canel recibe a la ministra de Estado de Asuntos Exteriores y Cultura de la India. "Es un placer recibirla durante su primera visita a Cuba, que esperamos no sea la última", aseguró el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista, y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, al dar la bienvenida en el Palacio de la Revolución en la tarde de este viernes a la ministra de Estado de Asuntos Exteriores y Cultura de la República de la India, Meenakashi Lekhi.

Staff (2023-01-14). La Habana: Entregan ocho viviendas a damnificados por accidente en el hotel Saratoga. En la calle Vives, entre Carmen y Figura, en la Habana Vieja, fueron entregadas ocho viviendas a familias afectadas con la explosión del hotel Saratoga, ocurrida el pasado 6 de mayo de 2022. Los inmuebles, que tienen hasta cuatro cuartos, según la cantidad de miembros de los núcleos, solo requieren para su culminación algunos detalles eléctricos.

Staff (2023-01-14). Luis Javier Paradela y Alianne Matamoros, mejores futbolistas de Cuba en 2022. Los mejores futbolistas de Cuba en el año 2022 son Luis Javier Paradela y Alianne Matamoros. En el futsal, el atleta más destacado resultó Iduán Martínez y entre los juveniles destacaron Dairon Reyes y Shayla Hernández. Además, la Comisión Nacional de Fútbol anunció cambios en el formato de la 107 Liga Nacional de Fútbol, que comenzará el 11 de febrero próximo.

Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein (2023-01-14). Democracia, dictadura y golpes de Estado. Los que se creen el cuentico de la democracia representativa y el "mundo libre" habrán tenido tiempo de recapacitar tras los últimos sucesos en Perú y Brasil, que han mostrado en todo su esplendor la falsedad de tales conceptos. | Finalmente,…

Staff (2023-01-14). El tiempo: Condiciones invernales en el occidente y centro. Estará parcialmente nublado y nublado en ocasiones en las regiones occidental y central con algunas lluvias en la costa norte del centro durante la madrugada, que serán más escasas en el occidente. En el oriente se nublará desde el final de la mañana con algunos chubascos y lluvias que ocurrirán principalmente en su costa norte durante la tarde y noche.

Staff (2023-01-14). Camiela: "Escribimos canciones intentando ser poetas que le maquillan al mundo las manchas" Camila Daniela cree fehacientemente que el mundo necesita poesía, pero no se queda con los brazos cruzados, toma su bajo eléctrico y lleva al pentagrama los versos sobre el amor que le vienen a la mente. Está consciente de que vivimos un mundo de rapidez, donde lo breve es mejor y, en busca de una marca, ya no será más Camila Daniela, al menos en el mundo artístico: su música saldrá bajo el sello de Camiela.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-01-14). República Checa realiza elecciones presidenciales. Un total de 15.000 colegios electorales abrirán sus puertas para que los ocho millones de ciudadanos ejerzan su derecho al voto.

Jorge Alemán (2023-01-14). Brasil: Democracia y ultraderecha. La democracia está intervenida por los dispositivos del neoliberalismo, de la derecha liberal se ha pasado a una ultraderecha neofascista que impone una presión política promoviendo un nuevo tipo de estado de excepción. | Todo esto es posible porque en los…

Staff (2023-01-14). La opinión del lector: øVenta de pollo en una escuela? La verdad es que cada vez que "inventamos" algo nuevo es para peor. En el municipio de Diez de Octubre, más que mejorar, es terrible lo que inventaron: distribuir los productos en escuelas, usando sus aulas (escuela Alvarado, en Espadero y Figueroa) y comenzando a las cinco de la tarde. Hasta las tres de la madrugada despachando pollo.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-01-14). Italia confirma 84.076 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en una semana. En rasgos generales, los contagios se redujeron en un 38,2 por ciento, mientras que las muertes un 25,7 por ciento.

Staff (2023-01-14). Cuba entre los 52 destinos recomendados para viajar en 2023 por The New York Times. Cultura, gastronomía y bellezas naturales son cualidades que tuvo en cuenta el diario estadounidense The New York Times para que Cuba figure hoy en un listado de 52 sitios a los que recomienda viajar en 2023. Cuba ocupa el lugar 27 en el listado de recomendaciones, pintorescos lugares escogidos sobre la base de sus enormes bondades patrimoniales y naturales.

Staff (2023-01-14). Declaración y pago de tributos en el 2023: Detalles que debes conocer. Según informó la ONAT en su portal web este año todos los trabajadores por cuenta propia (TCP), tanto los del régimen general (RG) como los del simplificado (RS), deben presentar la declaración jurada (DJ) del Impuesto sobre los Ingresos Personales correspondiente al ejercicio fiscal 2022, según dispone la Ley No.157 del Presupuesto del Estado para 2023.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-01-14). OMS actualiza las pautas sanitarias contra la Covid-19. La OMS sugiere que un paciente salga antes del tiempo de aislamiento establecido si se realiza un test de antígenos y da negativo.

Staff (2023-01-14). OMS recomienda uso de la mascarilla en el enfrentamiento a la covid-19. En las pautas contra la covid-19 publicadas la víspera, la OMS continúa recomendando el uso de la mascarilla para la población. La organización enfatiza en que las personas sospechosas o que sufran el padecimiento, tengan comorbilidades o estén en un lugar cerrado, deben usar la mascarilla para proteger a sus allegados y a sí mismos.

Staff (2023-01-14). Las 3 del día: Lo que fue noticia este 13 de enero (+Podcast). Saludos a todos los seguidores del podcast "Las 3 del día". Este viernes 13 de enero de 2023 le damos un repaso a lo que acontece en Cuba y el resto del mundo. | Superintendencia del Banco Central de Cuba informa sobre procedimiento judicial ante Tribunal en Londres | Confirman hallazgo de exoplaneta casi del mismo diámetro que la Tierra por el telescopio James Webb | La Habana celebra el Día del Trabajador Eléctrico | Estas noticias se abordan aquí en "Las 3 del día", el podcast de Cubadebate que tiene de todo un poco en materia informativa. En la voz de nuestros editores, periodistas y colaboradores escucha…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-01-14). Mueren diez personas por accidente vial en Maharashtra, India. Los heridos fueron trasladados inmediatamente al hospital, donde se declaró que la condición de unos pocos era crítica.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-01-14). Denuncian despidos injustificados de maestros en El Salvador. Bases Magisteriales rechazó además la unión de grados y secciones, lo que provocó la eliminación del sobresueldo.

Staff (2023-01-14). Todo listo para la gran final de la I Liga Élite: Agricultores vs Portuarios (+ Encuesta). Los equipos de Portuarios y Agricultores sostendrán hoy el primer encuentro de la final de la I Liga Élite del béisbol cubano, en un tope a un máximo de siete juegos. Si los choques llegan cerrados a los finales es cuando los ahora visitantes podrán aspirar a la victoria, para la cual resulta vital también mejorar el aspecto defensivo, que no brilló en su cruce con Centrales.

Staff (2023-01-14). Proyecto Ciudad Inteligente: Pensando en la ciudadanía y el patrimonio. Hace 15 años comenzó la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (OHCH) su estrategia de transformación digital, para, desde el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías, facilitar la vida de los habitantes de La Habana Vieja y beneficiar a los cientos de miles de personas que visitan anualmente el Centro Histórico de la capital. A inicios de 2023, aquella estrategia, devenida proyecto Ciudad Inteligente, muestra resultados palpables.

Miguel àÅngel Ferrer (2023-01-14). Estado de Bienestar: øA favor o en contra? Durante muchos decenios en México se aplicaron diversas políticas públicas que sin duda pueden ser calificadas como principios o bases de un Estado de Bienestar. Son los casos de la salud y la educación. Y salvo los sectores sociales privilegiados,…

Staff (2023-01-14). Al Mayadeen estrenará mañana serie documental "Enigma de la Revolución cubana" La red informativa Al Mayadeen estrenará mañana la serie documental "Enigma de la Revolución cubana", para dar voz a la resistencia de su pueblo. El presidente del canal panárabe aseguró que la obra audiovisual de cinco capítulos, de casi una hora de duración cada uno, transmite un mensaje no solo del pasado de Cuba, dirige su discurso al presente.

Staff (2023-01-14). Informan sobre cambios en el calendario de la Serie del Caribe de Béisbol de Gran Caracas 2023. El campeón de la I Liga Élite del Béisbol Cubano será protagonista del primer partido de la Serie del Caribe de Béisbol de Gran Caracas 2023, el venidero 2 de febrero, pero no en el nuevo estadio La Rinconada, sede principal de la cita. Ello trasciende de un reciente anuncio realizado por los organizadores, que trasladaron el partido entre Cuba y Curazao.

Victoria Torres (2023-01-14). Venezuela's Banking System Reports Growth in 2022. On Tuesday, January 10, during the yearly closing of banks, the president of the Bank of Venezuela (BDV) and deputy minister of Digital Economy, Banking, Insurance, and Securities, Román Maniglia, reported positive indicators for the Venezuelan national banking system. The minister highlighted a growth of 366% for deposits with the national financial system during 2022. | The total deposits of the banking system grew to 46.539 billion bolívars, with an increase of 28.06% during the last month of 2022. | La banca creció en depósitos, créditos y bajó su morosidad. La banca pública en los primeros lugares de estos i…

Staff (2023-01-14). Unidad 1 de Felton recibirá mantenimiento programado en febrero. La Unidad 1 de la termoeléctrica Lidio Ramón Pérez, de Felton, recibirá mantenimiento programado en febrero. Actualmente, aporta al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional 235 MW, 25 por debajo de su capacidad de diseño. Así le fue confirmado al vice primer ministro, Comandante de la Revolución Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, quien volvió a visitar la planta.

Staff (2023-01-14). Destacado humorista cubano Luis Silva protagonizará serie animada cubana "Titoverse" Luis Silva, luego de triunfar en la televisión y en teatros por casi dos décadas como Pánfilo en su exitoso programa "Vivir del Cuento", llegará al cine a través de la serie de dibujos animados Titoverse, conformada por veintiséis capítulos monotemáticos, coproducidos por los Estudios de Animación del ICAIC y el creador, coguionista y director de la misma, Daniel Martín.

Staff (2023-01-14). Salvador Valdés Mesa recorrió centros de interés económico de Sancti Spíritus (+ Fotos). El miembro del Buró Político del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y Vicepresidente de la República, Salvador Valdés Mesa, inició este viernes un recorrido por centros de interés económico de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus, en aras de conocer las potencialidades de los municipios para su desarrollo.

Staff (2023-01-14). Cuba ratifica compromiso y apoyo al Frente Polisario en congreso de esa organización árabe. Este sábado Cuba ratificó en la segunda jornada del XVI Congreso del Frente Polisario su compromiso y apoyo a esta organización árabe en su lucha por la independencia y soberanía del pueblo saharaui. Yudí Rodríguez Hernández, miembro del Secretariado del Comité Central del PCC, reiteró la solidaridad de su país con la causa de este pueblo.

Staff (2023-01-14). Papa Francisco envía mensaje al pueblo de Cuba por el aniversario 25 de la visita de Juan Pablo II. La Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Cuba dio a conocer un mensaje enviado por el Papa Francisco al pueblo cubano en ocasión del aniversario 25 de la visita pastoral de Su Santidad Juan Pablo II a nuestro país. Juan Pablo honró a Cuba con su visita entre el 21 y el 25 de enero de 1998, y fue recibido y despedido por el Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz. En su mensaje, el Papa Francisco califica aquella visita como "un momento de gracia y bendición para todos".

Daniel Kersffeld (2023-01-14). Conflicto Rusia-Ucrania: baja el apoyo de EE.UU. a Kiev. El conflicto entre Ucrania, Rusia y los países de la OTAN está cerca de cumplir un año. Hasta el momento el frente occidental sustentado por Estados Unidos construyó su capacidad ofensiva a partir de amplios recursos económicos, una enorme capacidad…

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-01-14). Frente Polisario saharaui inicia su XVI Congreso en Dakhla. El evento se llevará a cabo bajo el lema "Escalada de los combates para expulsar la ocupación y completa soberanía".

____ (2023-01-14). Gong Lijiao, Su Bingtian elected as CAA vice presidents. Star sprinter Su Bingtian and Olympic shot put champion Gong Lijiao have been elected as vice presidents of the Chinese Athletics Association (CAA), the country's governing body of the sport confirmed on Friday.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-14). Investigan a 6 militares en Colombia por abuso sexual a menor. El presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro, por su parte, se comprometió a investigar el hecho hasta determinar y castigar a los responsables.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-01-14). Costa Rica registra 5.712 nuevos casos de la Covid-19 en una semana. El incremento respecto a la última semana del 2022 es de 734 nuevos casos, cuando se contaron 4.978 pacientes contagiados.

Staff (2023-01-14). La Unión Eléctrica pronostica una afectación de 40 MW para el horario pico nocturno. En el día de ayer se afectó el serviciobdesde las 18: 02 horas hasta las 18: 48 (46 minutos). La máxima afectación en el horario de la noche fue 95 MW a las 18: 30 horas, coincidiendo con la hora pico. La disponibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional a las 07: 00 horas es de 2115 MW y la demanda 1650 MW, sin afectación al servicio por déficit de capacidad en el SEN.

Berenice Galli (2023-01-14). ASSANGE: Il momento decisivo. Il padre di Julian Assange, John Shipton, annuncia dall'Australia, in questa intervista a Berenice Galli, una novità che potrebbe essere decisiva per la sorte del figlio: "Sento che prevarremo e che Julian sarà libero. Lo sento, lo vedo, lo percepisco …

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-01-14). México Zapatista: La teoría sobre la Hidra y cómo destruirla… México Zapatista: La teoría sobre la Hidra y cómo destruirla construyendo la autonomíA (notas sobre el seminario…

teleSUR- lvm (2023-01-14). Elevan a 12 las provincias dominicanas en alerta por vaguada. Entre las provincias declaradas se encuentran Monte, Santiago Rodríguez, Hermanas Mirabal y otras.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-01-14). Reportan primera muerte por chikungunya en Paraguay. La fallecida por la enfermedad tenía 73 años de edad y tenía antecedentes de salud.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-14). Denuncian plan británico de vigilancia a migrantes irregulares. Ministerios del Interior y de Justicia se proponen rastrear las 24 horas del día a migrantes irregulares sujetos a deportación y en libertad bajo fianza.

Staff (2023-01-14). Tras duelo de batazos, Agricultores y Portuarios quedan abrazados en primer juego de la final. Los equipos de Portuarios y Agricultores sellaron el primer juego de la gran final de la Liga Élite del béisbol cubano tras empatar en nueve capítulos completos a 11 carreras.En el partido, protagonizado por el arsenal ofensivo de ambos conjuntos, se conectaron un total de 34 hits y se cometieron tres pifias. El juego se decidirá mañana domingo.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-01-14). Fiscalía boliviana suma cargos contra exgobernador Camacho. La decisión de agregar al cargo por terrorismo los de cohecho y seducción de tropas fue dada a conocer al Juzgado Décimo de Instrucción Penal Cautelar de La Paz.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-01-14). Ejército ruso dice tener control de la ciudad de Soledar. Según Moscú, el control sobre la ciudad permite cortar las rutas de suministro de las fuerzas ucranianas en la ciudad de Artiómovsk.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-14). Detienen a exministro de Justicia en el Gobierno de Bolsonaro. Anderson Torres es investigado en conexión con el violento ataque contra las sedes de los tres poderes del Estado en Brasil.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-14). Bolsonaro será investigado por actos golpistas en Brasil. El magistrado Alexandre de Moraes accedió a incluir al ultraderechista, quien se encuentra en Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) en las investigaciones.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-01-14). Gobierno de Ayacucho reclama la renuncia de presidenta peruana. Los 17 miembros de la administración regional votaron a favor de la decisión donde además se rechazan a los mandos militares.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-14). Venezolanos retornan de Perú mediante Plan Vuelta a la Patria. Hacen el vuelo desde Lima un total de 251 connacionales. Hasta la fecha suman 9.761 los repatriados desde Perú mediante este programa.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-01-14). Imputan al presunto asesino del expremier japonés Shinzo Abe. El 8 de julio del año pasado, Abe estaba dando un discurso de campaña electoral del Senado frente a la estación Saidaiji en Nara cuando fue tiroteado por Tetsuya Yamagami.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-14). Tropas de Amhara inician retirada de región etíope de Tigray. La operación está contemplada en el acuerdo de paz para la región. A la despedida asistió el jefe adjunto del Estado Mayor etíope, general Abebaw Tadesse.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-01-14). Trabajadores de jornales solidarios continúan huelga en Uruguay. Para extender el programa se hace necesario la presentación en el Parlamento de un proyecto de ley por el Ejecutivo.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-01-14). Bolivia rechaza declaraciones de EE.UU. sobre asuntos internos. Las declaraciones del canciller se basan en las palabras del subsecretario de Estado Brian A. Nichols sobre los sucesos en Santa Cruz…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-01-14). Inflación en República Dominicana alcanza el 7,83 % en 2022. Se registró 0,96 por ciento en diciembre con respecto a noviembre por el incremento del costo de los productos agropecuarios.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-01-14). Presidente argentino entrega 178 viviendas en Buenos Aires. Para poder realizar esta acción el Gobierno de Fernández debió invertir 1.860 millones de pesos argentinos (cerca de 10.280.000 dólares).

Staff (2023-01-14). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 14 de enero. Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este sábado 14 de enero en el mercado cambiario del país.

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