(2022-12-04). EU plans to criminalize violation of sanctions against Russia. ecns.cn The European Commission on Friday proposed making the circumvention of the European Union's (EU) sanctions against Russia a criminal offense.
(2022-12-04). Golden Harvest Ceremony – Growing food in Historic Negro Bar, Lake Natoma, California. indybay.org 1848 Negro Hill, Mormon Island and Negro Bar Gold Mining District on Ancient Indigenous Lands in California. "It's important to keep the focus squarely on the culprit that brought us to this point today. And that's the US government. Its subtle and overt expansion of White supremacy is to blame here. These are two incredibly aggrieved, hyper-marginalized groups,"
(2022-12-04). Denuncian el asesinato de un líder social colombiano en Nariño. telesurtv.net El Indepaz apuntó que con este caso suman ya 179 líderes asesinados en lo que va de 2022 y 1.399 desde la firma del acuerdo de paz.
(2022-12-04). Yoan López o el chamaquito del Panel 2. cubadebate.cu øQuién le iba a decir que ese otro sueño lo cumpliría primero? O lo que es más raro: lo pondría en el camino de materializar el que parecía más fácil. En 2013 salió de Cuba con la aspiración de llegar a la Gran Carpa, dos años después (2015), cuando los Piratas de la Isla conseguían el subcampeonato en la Serie 54.
(2022-12-04). ONU condena asesinato de joven palestino en Huwwara, Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Ammar Mifleh murió luego de que un militar israelí le disparase a quemarropa. Otros uniformados impidieron que fuese socorrido y murió desangrado.
(2022-12-03). Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government, and World War Three? globalresearch.ca It all started on March 5, 2014: a US sponsored fascist coalition government under the disguise of democracy was installed in Ukraine. | With historical foresight pertaining to the dangers of a Third World War, this article by Felicity Arbuthnot was …
(2022-12-03). New York Times Has Found New Neo-Nazi Troops To Lionize In Ukraine. popularresistance.org The New York Times has found another neo-Nazi militia to fawn over in Ukraine. The Bratstvo battalion "gave access to the New York Times to report on two recent riverine operations," which culminated in a piece (11/21/22) headlined "On the River at Night, Ambushing Russians." | Since the US-backed Maidan coup in 2014, establishment media have either minimized the far-right ideology that guides many Ukrainian nationalist detachments or ignored it completely. | Anti-war outlets, including FAIR (1/28/22, 3/22/22), have repeatedly highlighted this dynamic—particularly regarding corporate media's lionization of…
(2022-12-03). Zelensky Looks To Ban Christian Denomination With Ties to Moscow. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced he is seeking to ban all religions with ties to Russia. He claims the move is needed to "guarantee spiritual independence to Ukraine."This law will target millions of Ukrainians who identify as Russian Orthodox.During his nightly address on Thursday, Zelensky announced he was introducing legislation that would eliminate religious organizations …
(2022-12-03). An African View On Ukraine. popularresistance.org First, let me say, it is very important to understand that no war is good. It is impossible not to be moved by the outrageousness of warfare. They grow some fears of civilians who are trapped between choices that are not their own, but was make very complicated historical processes that appear to be simple. The war in Ukraine is not merely about NATO, or about ethnicity. It is about many things. Every war must end at some point. And the diplomas must restart must come in. Africa and the Russian people share a history of struggle. When the African people were fighting for their independence for their liberation, t…
(2022-12-03). NATO exists to solve the problems created by NATO's existence. mronline.org NATO has doubled down on its determination to eventually add Ukraine to its membership, renewing its 2008 commitment to that goal in a meeting between the foreign ministers of the alliance in Bucharest, Romania this past Tuesday.
(2022-12-03). Military Situation In Ukraine On December 3, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Russia struck the AFU positions near Kupyansk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Konstantinovka with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Kramatorsk with high-precision missiles; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Kuzemovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Zhytlovka; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Andriivka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the…
(2022-12-03). Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands: Right-wing propaganda disguised as historical scholarship—Part Two. wsws.org The role that Snyder is playing in justifying the imperialist proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and the alliance of US imperialism with the Ukrainian far right make it imperative to investigate his book more closely.
(2022-12-03). Alastair Crooke: Europe a VASSAL of the US, Destroying Itself Over Ukraine-Russia War! thealtworld.com Going Underground is back on air for the first time since April, now broadcasting to you from Dubai, the heart of the Middle East! For our return episode we speak to Alastair Crooke, the Founder and Director of Conflicts Forum. | He discusses Europe's and the US' declining narrative hegemony with China, India and Brazil taking their own independent positions on the Russia-Ukraine War, the coming showdown with China and the US using Europe as pawns in heating up the rivalry and attempts, the economic self-destruction of Europe via sanctions on Russia and economic divorce with China resulting in the US plucking non…
(2022-12-03). Anglican Leader Tours Ukraine. strategic-culture.org Though it is not easy to fill
(2022-12-03). No, Putin Did Not Start the War in Ukraine. strategic-culture.org
(2022-12-03). Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On December 3, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org
(2022-12-03). What "Victory" and "Defeat" Would Mean in Ukraine's War. southfront.org | Written by In order to be able accurately to define "victory" in the war in Ukraine, the pre-requisite is to define whom the two sides are that wage this war. For example: when America fought in WW II, it was waging war in foreign battlefields and with its own troops and weapons, and even if America were to win in any of those battlefields, it still could have bee…
(2022-12-03). EU training 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers: Borrell. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — In continuation of the European military and financial aid to Ukraine, the EU Foreign Policy Chief announced that the first group of Ukrainian soldiers are currently spending their training services in Poland.
(2022-12-03). Voices Of Decisive Part Of Russian Elite Become Louder. southfront.org Evgeny Prigozhin | Voices of the decisive part of the Russian elite are becoming louder and louder amid the slowly but steadily growing dissatisfaction of the society with the 'balanced approach' of the country's military political leadership towards the Kiev regime. | Evgeny Prigozhin, most widely known as the head of Wagner group, and Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Russia's Republic of Chechnya, are probably the public representatives of this part of the Russian elite. | In these context, it is interesting to take a look on…
(2022-12-03). Attacks In Spain: Another Anti-Russian False Flag? southfront.org Click to see full-size imageRecent attacks in Spain using packages with explosives leave many questions unanswered. | Written by In Spain, attacks are taking place with explosives placed in postal service's packages. On December 1st, the Spanish Ministry of Defense reported an incident of this type at its facilities. The Prime Minister of Spain also received a pack…
(2022-12-03). Military Situation In Syria On December 3, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On December 3, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 5 times: 1 in Latakia province, 1 in Idlib province, 1 in Hama province; | Moscow is working to hold a presidential meeting between Turkey and Syria in Russia, according to Kremlin envoy to Syria; | On December 3, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions near Tal Abyadh city; | On December 3, Russian warplanes struck positions of Turkish-backed forces in…
(2022-12-03). Russia Is Making Efforts To Arrange Turkish-Syrian Presidential Summit. southfront.org Syria is resisting Russian efforts to broker a summit between President Bashar al-Assad and Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan, Reuters reported on December 2. | Turkey is currently conducting an air operation against Kurdish forces in northern Syria, which are backed by the United States, and is threatening the war-torn country with a new ground invasion. | Three sources with knowledge of Syria's position on possible talks told the news agency that Assad had rejected a proposal to meet Erdogan with Russia…
(2022-12-03). New US B-21 Raider Illustrates Waste in Western Defense Spending Giving Russia-China the Edge. thealtworld.com The US has unveiled the stealth B-21 Raider its newest bomber; | The B-21 Raider may cost over 700 million US dollars per warplane; | It will not fly until next year at the earliest and still requires extensive design reviews; | Western analysts admit it faces major challenges going against modern integrated air defense systems produced by nations like Russia and China; | Rather than depend on its stealth, analysts suggest it could use tactics already used by conventional aircraft to carry out standoff strikes using long-range precision guided weapons; | If used to carry…
(2022-12-03). Bagheri Kani, Ryabkov hold meeting on JCPOA in Moscow. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Deputy heads of the Foreign Ministries of Iran and Russia, Ali Bagheri Kani and Sergei Ryabkov, met in Moscow to discuss the prospects of full-scale implementation of the JCPOA.
(2022-12-03). Iran calls for ties expansion with Russia to combat terrorism. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Head of the Iranian Supreme Court called for bolstering ties with Russia to fight against terrorism and organized crimes.
(2022-12-03). Assad rejects requests to meet with Erdogan: report. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has rebuffed Russia's efforts to arrange a meeting with Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan, citing Turkey's upcoming elections and the presence of Turkish troops on Syrian soil.
(2022-12-03). Russia, China and the "Multipolar World". The Kremlin's Evolving Relations with Africa. globalresearch.ca
(2022-12-03). Is Russia Really the Reason Why Mali Continues to Push France Away? orinocotribune.com On November 21, Mali's interim Prime Minister Colonel Abdoulaye MaàØga posted a
(2022-12-03). Un Afghanistan nel Cuore dell'Europa. globalresearch.ca "Gli Alleati stanno fornendo un sostegno senza precedenti all'Ucraina e continueranno a farlo", annuncia il segretario generale della NATO Stoltenberg. Con centinaia di obici forniti dalla NATO, le forze di Kiev sparano in un solo giorno migliaia di proiettili, più …
(2022-12-03). Agricultores se escapa… øy los jonrones también? cubadebate.cu Otra barrida de Agricultores en la Liga Elite del Béisbol Cubano (LEBC) -su quinta en lo que va de campeonato- pudiera haberse ganado el motivo de estas líneas, si no fuera porque a la par que el equipo de Carlos Martí se escapa en solitario hacia la postemporada, el llamado "gol" de la pelota, los jonrones, han escapado también, pero a un lugar desconocido.
(2022-12-02). Maligned in Western Media, Donbass Forces are Defending their Future from Ukrainian Shelling and Fascism. popularresistance.org Smeared, stigmatized, and lied about in Western media propaganda, the mostly Russian-speaking people of the Donbass region were being slaughtered by the thousands in a brutal war of "ethnic cleansing" launched against them by the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv, which the U.S. installed after the CIA overthrew Ukraine's legally elected president in a 2014 coup. | Although the Donbass people had been pleading for Russian military aid to defend them against the increasingly murderous military assaults by the Ukraine government forces, which killed more than 14,000 of their people, Russian President Vladimir Putin declined…
(2022-12-02). Maligned In Western Media, Donbass Forces Are Defending Their Future. popularresistance.org Smeared, stigmatized, and lied about in Western media propaganda, the mostly Russian-speaking people of the Donbass region were being slaughtered by the thousands in a brutal war of "ethnic cleansing" launched against them by the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv, which the U.S. installed after the CIA overthrew Ukraine's legally elected president in a 2014 coup. | Although the Donbass people had been pleading for Russian military aid to defend them against the increasingly murderous military assaults by the Ukraine government forces, which killed more than 14,000 of their people, Russian President Vladimir Putin declined…
(2022-12-02). NATO Expands but Original Anti-Russia Mission Is Static 73 Years On. strategic-culture.org The organization is the heir to the throne that was vacated after Nazi Germany's defeat. | The foreign ministers of the NATO military alliance met this week for a summit in the Romanian capital Bucharest for what was a celebration of the bloc's expansion. | The anti-Russia rhetoric and hostility were also effervescent. "Russia does not have a veto," It's astounding how such ghoulish warmongering…
(2022-12-02). NYT Has Found New Neo-Nazi Troops to Lionize in Ukraine. "The Bratstvo Battalion", "The Christian Taliban" globalresearch.ca
(2022-12-02). Foreign Mercenaries: Kiev Regime's War Is Full Of Corruption, Deceit And Dirty Deals. southfront.org | With the beginning of the war in Ukraine, President Zelensky launched a full-scale campaign to attract foreign military volunteers to strengthen the capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Citizens of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and Israel were among the first to arrive. Later, entire squads of foreign soldiers of fortune were formed, equipped with the most advanced Western weapons. However, it soon became clear that this war is not 'a walk in the Ukrainian fields' but a fierce battle un…
(2022-12-02). Newly Leaked Documents Reveal Network Of SBU Agents In Donbass. southfront.org | The Ukrainian security services continue to provide Russian forces with all the necessary information about the Ukrainian secret activities against the pro-Russian population of the Donbass region. | Another batch of secret documents of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) left by the staff of the SBU in the city of Mariupol. This is already the third batch of documents shared online by Russian sources. | Read the documents in Ukrainian The newly l…
(2022-12-02). The Pentagon's Trail in Ukrainian Anthrax Labs. libya360.wordpress.com Mission Verdad The NGO Judicial Watch obtained access to documents revealing U.S. funding of anthrax laboratories in Ukraine Before the start of Russia's special military operation to protect the Dombas region, it was not entirely clear how dangerous the activities of U.S. laboratories in Ukraine were. Now irrefutable evidence has emerged that their activities are…
(2022-12-02). 21st Georgian soldier killed in Ukraine war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Could provide another photo-op for the never-camera-shy Kelly Degnan, who has encouraged Georgians to fight and die for NATO and the West in Ukraine with her unrelenting vitriol against all things Russian going back over two centuries. ==== Civil GeorgiaDecember 2, 2022 Georgian Fighter Killed in Ukraine See also: U.S. to use "all tools" to …
(2022-12-02). Whatever it takes to win war in Ukraine: Finnish PM says Pentagon is Europe's savior, takes jibe at China. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com YLE NewsDecember 2, 2022 Sanna Marin: Europe is not strong enough to stand against Russia alone See also: Pentagon, Raytheon supply Finland with ‚Ǩ1.7 billion worth of missiles for use against Russia In an address on Friday in Australia, Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin (SDP) said that Russia's attack on Ukraine has exposed European weaknesses …
(2022-12-02). U.S. Is Considering Supplying Ukraine With Rocket-Propelled Bombs That Can Hit Russia's Crimea. southfront.org The GLSDB system. Source: Saab Group | The Pentagon is considering a proposal by Boeing to supply Ukraine with rocket-propelled precision-guided bombs that would allow Kiev forces to strike far behind Russian lines, Sources in the United States military industrial complex told the news agency that B…
(2022-12-02). Russia Now Says US & NATO "Directly Participating" In Ukraine War. southfront.org Source: AP | Originally published by Earlier this week CNN reported that the Biden administration is
(2022-12-02). Russia Says US, NATO Directly Involved in Ukraine War. news.antiwar.com The US and NATO are directly involved in the war in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday. "You shouldn't say that the US and NATO aren't taking part in this war. You are directly participating in it," Lavrov said at a press conference. "And not just by providing weapons but also by …
(2022-12-02). Anti-Iran claims aim to legitimize West arms flow into Kyiv. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Rejecting claims about Iran's arms sales to Russia to be used in the Ukraine war, Iranian Foreign Minister said that such allegations are aimed at legitimizing the West's military assistance to Kyiv.
(2022-12-02). Hope a Poem By Gypsy Taub. indybay.org Gypsy Taub is an activist in California. She was born and raised in Russia. She is half Russian, half Ukrainian. Her poem "Hope" is about the war in the Ukraine. You can find more of Gypsy's poetry and more info about Gypsy at MyNakedTruth.TV or MyNakedTruth-TV.blogspot.com. Gypsy's BIO is posted on JerryGarciaFamilyClinic.org…
(2022-12-02). 'Deliberate ambiguity': Israel's nuclear weapons are greatest threat to Middle East. peoplesworld.org As Western countries are floating the theory that Russia could escalate its conflict with Ukraine to a nuclear war, many of those governments continue to turn a blind eye to Israel's nuclear weapons capabilities. Luckily, many other countries around the world do not subscribe to this endemic hypocrisy. The Conference on the Establishment of a …
(2022-12-02). Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands: Right-wing propaganda disguised as historical scholarship—Part One. wsws.org The role that Snyder is playing in justifying the imperialist proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and the alliance of US imperialism with the Ukrainian far right make it imperative to investigate his book more closely.
(2022-12-02). Srebrenica in the Ukraine. strategic-culture.org Even Even
(2022-12-02). The Heat: U.S.-France Ties. america.cgtn.com U.S. President Joe Biden hosts his first state dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron. The two leaders met earlier to discuss the Ukraine conflict, trade, cooperation in space, cyberspace and the ever-growing energy concerns in Europe. The touchiest topic though terms of the U.S. Inflation …
(2022-12-02). Ukraine Assesses Damage: Downplays Losses But Exaggerates Funds Loaned From West. southfront.org |
(2022-12-02). Ukraine and the Anti-Communications System. scheerpost.com
(2022-12-02). Writing the Ukraine War History, As It Happens. globalresearch.ca
(2022-12-02). Is Ukraine war at a turning point? workers.org Published on jornalmudardevida.net on Nov. 21, 2022. Translation: John Catalinotto. Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley said: Ukraine cannot expect a military victory. The information released in recent days about the war in Ukraine, although fragmentary and even contradictory, seems to point in one direction: the U.S. is pressuring Ukrainian leaders . . . |
(2022-12-02). Eight reasons why now is a good time for a Ukraine ceasefire and peace talks. nationofchange.org People all over the world are calling for a Christmas truce, harkening back to the inspirational Christmas Truce of 1914.
(2022-12-02). Sri Lankan SEP and IYSSE campaign for global anti-war webinar. wsws.org Students in Colombo, Sri Jayewardenapura, Moratuwa, Peradeniya, Ruhuna and Jaffna, expressed support for the global webinar being held by the IYSSE on December 10 to oppose the war in Ukraine and the drive by the imperialist powers towards a third world war.
(2022-12-02). Ukrainian War Crimes Become the Burden for Europe. orinocotribune.com By Slavisa Milacic Nov 28, 2022 | The crimes of the Ukrainian army, which we can often see on social networks, horrify the entire civilized world. And if the West is the main financier and logistics provider for the Ukrainian army, the crimes committed by Ukrainian soldiers appalled even them. After the recent Ukrainian war crime in Makiivka, it was the Western media that put pressure to launch an investigation. Unfortunately, despite the pressure from the West, it is difficult to expect that the Ukrainian army will respect the Geneva Convention in the future. It is more realistic to expect that they will c…
(2022-12-02). Joint Statement by the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on Security Crisis and Co-operation in the OSCE. libya360.wordpress.com 2 December 2022 Reaffirming the commitment to the idea of developing friendly, equal, and mutually beneficial interstate relations in the Euro-Atlantic area and Eurasia as well as to the vision of establishment free, democratic, common, and indivisible Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security community rooted in agreed principles, shared commitments, and common goals, Emphasizing the need of…
(2022-12-02). Why Does the EU Need its Own Army? libya360.wordpress.com Olivier Renault The EU wants to wage war against Russia for a long time. All the military forces of the EU countries have taken a military and financial position in this direction and this is not just since last February. A long-standing project Last November, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,…
(2022-12-02). Pentagon, Raytheon supply Finland with ‚Ǩ1.7 billion worth of missiles for use against Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com YLE NewsDecember 2, 2022 US approves Stinger missile package for Finland The US State Department has approved the potential sale of 350 portable surface-to-air Stinger missile systems and related gear to Finland, the Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced on Thursday. The equipment deal is valued at an estimated 380 million US dollars (361 million …
(2022-12-02). U.S. to use "all tools" to evict Russia from Abkhazia, S. Ossetia, thus paving way for Georgia's NATO membership. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geDecember 2, 2022 United States will use "all tools" to make Russia withdraw troops from Georgia — US OSCE Ambassador Michael Carpenter, the US Ambassador to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, has called Georgia a "very important, democratic country". The United States will use "all tools" to "one day" make Russia meet …
(2022-12-02). Macron warns of "fracturing" of NATO alliance on state visit to Washington. wsws.org Amid mounting economic conflicts between US and European imperialism, and fears of an energy crisis this winter, Biden and Macron united on escalating the war against Russia.
(2022-12-02). Eurozone Faces Record-High Inflation. strategic-culture.org The euro area is facing rising prices, with energy prices being the main drivers of inflation. Having decided to cut energy ties with Russia, the EU is doing its best to keep energy prices growing. | (Click on the image to enlarge)…
(2022-12-02). Cuba Goes on a Diplomatic Tour in an Increasingly Multipolar World. independentmediainstitute.org On November 27 morning, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, walked into a voting station in the Playa neighborhood to vote in Cuba's municipal elections. He had landed in Havana an hour earlier from an intense tour of Algeria, Russia, Turkey, and China. The tour, which started on November 16, was both a journey into the past …
(2022-12-02). 4th Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum Brings Together Executives of Major Companies. infobrics.org Government officials from the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China and executives from over 100 major Russian and Chinese companies have attended the 4th Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum…
(2022-12-02). Two University Projects to Receive Support from Russian and Chinese Science Foundations. infobrics.org The Russian Science Foundation and the State Natural Science Foundation of China have supported two research projects by scientists of the Ural Federal University…
(2022-12-02). Russia Increases Fuel Shipments to China. infobrics.org According to a report released by China's General Administration of Customs, Russian oil and gas exports to China increased significantly between January and October of this year in comparison to the same period last year…
(2022-12-02). Attacks in Spain: another anti-Russian false flag. infobrics.org Recent attacks in Spain using packages with explosives leave many questions unanswered.
(2022-12-02). What Happened To (Once) Mighty Bundesmachine… smoothiex12.blogspot.com This is not a question. As famous Gary Lineker stated in 1990: "Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win." Not the case anymore. In 2018 in the World Cup in Russia tens of millions of Russian fans, including millions who love German football, were salivating in their eager anticipation of seeing 2014 World Champions performing a football equivalent of the 1942 Panzer division on the offensive, but instead… Germany lost to Mexico in the opener and then simply bowed out of the group stage to the astonishment of the fans the world over, including…
(2022-12-02). Iran To Increase Cargo Transit Between Russia and India to Record High. orinocotribune.com Iran's contribution to the INSTC will reduce transit costs by 30 percent and lower transportation time to just 25 days | The Economic Times of India The agreement was inked during a recent visit by the head of…
(2022-12-02). Can An American Scientist Who Smuggled Critical Nuclear Secrets to the Russians After World War II Be Considered a "Good Guy"? New Film Says Yes. covertactionmagazine.com Controversial New Documentary Reveals How A Teenage Army Physicistnewsauthor">D Ted Hall Saved The Russian People From A Treacherous U.S. Sneak Attack In 1950-51—And May Well Have Prevented A Global Nuclear Holocaust The provocative documentary "A Compassionate Spy" tells the amazing but almost unknown story of a "near-genius" 16 year-old Harvard junior physics major who …
(2022-12-02). Without Russian gas imports, France prepares winter power cuts. wsws.org Cut off from Russian gas and oil imports, much of the French population faces the prospect of the regular unavailability of heat and light at home this winter.
(2022-12-02). The narrative of sham elections. mronline.org Every mainstream media outlet described the referenda in September in the Donetsk, Lugansk People's Republics (LPR and DPR), Kherson Region and part of Zaporozhye as a "sham" and therefore "rigged."
(2022-12-02). Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's News Conference on European Security Issues, Moscow, December 1, 2022. libya360.wordpress.com Esteemed journalists, Good afternoon. Thank you for responding to our invitation. We considered it important to discuss today problems of European and, hence, global security. In Europe, NATO's members are increasingly claiming global domination. The alliance has already declared the Indo-Pacific region a zone of its responsibility. Events on our continent are of interest not…
(2022-12-02). OSCE Nothing More Than a Branch of NATO. libya360.wordpress.com Ahmed Adel The West is attempting to turn the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) into a subsidiary organisation of NATO, which is paradoxical because it is meant to be concentrated on peacebuilding, unlike the Atlantic Alliance which fosters tensions to justify its existence in a post-Soviet world. It is for this reason,…
(2022-12-02). Surrounded: An Ethnography of New Colonialism. libya360.wordpress.com Yusuf Serunkuma Julius Nyerere demanding complete independence from the British Empire in 1961 ROAPE contributor Yusuf Serunkuma asks if the pillage we are witnessing on the African continent—mostly from the 1980s-onwards—is worse than the exploitation of the 1884-1960s, where is the resistance? Serunkuma writes that even after decolonisation has been achieved (the academy decolonised, stolen artefacts…
(2022-12-02). Georgia: top NATO/EUCOM commander praises strategic partnership. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Georgian Ministry of DefenseDecember 2, 2022 US European Command chief highlights "fantastic progress" made by Georgian defence forces General Christopher Cavoli, the commander of the United States European Command, on Thursday highlighted "fantastic progress" made by the Georgian defence forces over the years. In his remarks at the Georgian defence ministry, Cavoli noted it was …
(2022-12-02). Poland: 4th-, 5th-generation warplanes support "U.S.'s forward fighter presence along NATO's Eastern Flank" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Air Forces in Europe & Air Forces AfricaNovember 29, 2022 Lakenheath F-15Es swap Alaska F-22s on NATO's Eastern Flank Royal Air Force Lakenheath's F-15E Strike Eagle fighters from the U.S. Air Force's 48th Fighter Wing are scheduled to begin deterrence operations at ≈Åask Air Base, Poland, November 29…in support of the U.S.'s forward fighter …
(2022-12-02). Poland: U.S. Army leads NATO "multinational, combat-ready force" in war drills. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Army EuropeNovember 25, 2022 eFP Battle Group Poland, Combined Arms, Combined Strength NATO's enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battle Group Poland was established in 2017 as a multinational combined force that included units from the United States, Poland, the U.K., Romania, and Croatia. The mission of the eFP Battle Group Poland is to strengthen the …
(2022-12-02). Polish F-16s take control of NATO air mission aimed at Kaliningrad. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish Press AgencyDecember 1, 2022 Polish F-16s take over command of Baltic Air Policing mission in Lithuania The Polish Air Force has taken over from Hungary the command of the Nato Baltic Air Policing mission based in Siauliai, Lithuania. Poland's 150-strong Orlik 11 group will now guard the skies over the Baltic Sea with its …
(2022-12-02). Three Brothers bloc: Azerbaijan, Pakistan consolidate strategic military ties. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com AzertagDecember 2, 2022 Commander of the Pakistan Navy was informed about the Military Institute named after Heydar Aliyev The visit of Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi, Commander of the Naval Forces of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, to our country continues. The press service of the Ministry of Defense informed AZERTAC that on December 2, …
(2022-12-02). NATO Narratives and Corporate Media Are Leading to 'Doorstep of Doom'. scheerpost.com
(2022-12-02). Australia: Labor's new anti-strike industrial relations bill approved by parliament. wsws.org Hundreds of amendments, extra sitting days and horse-trading with an independent senator reflect the determination of Labor to urgently increase the capacity of the industrial courts and unions to crush a mounting wave of working-class unrest.
(2022-12-02). Denuncian en Panamá injusticia contra líderes sindicales. telesurtv.net Conato asegura que la sentencia contra líderes sindicales tiene trasfondo político para privatizar la Caja de Seguro Social.