(2022-10-19). Bay Area Activists Demand California Senators Seriously Address Nuclear War Threat. indybay.org Nuclear war danger greatest since Cuban missile crisis sixty years ago…
(2022-10-19). India strengthening anti-China alliance with US as Washington wages war on Russia. wsws.org India's far-right Narenda Modi-led government is doubling down on its military-strategic partnership with US imperialism even as Washington demonstrates that it is ready to risk triggering nuclear war to prevail over Moscow and China.
(2022-10-19). "Nuclear Follies" Performs to Huge Crowd at UC Berkeley. indybay.org Is there humor in nuclear annihilation? … not so much…
(2022-10-19). German Green Party in a war frenzy. wsws.org The party conference of the Green Party held last weekend was a repulsive spectacle. The 817 delegates gathered in Bonn outdid one another with demands for an escalation of the war in Ukraine.
(2022-10-19). Saturday 10/15: Say No To US Wars in Ukraine and Around The World: Money For Housing, Healthcare & Climate. indybay.org Oakland Federal Building | 1301 Clay St. | Oakland…
(2022-10-19). AFT President Randi Weingarten: A longtime agent for American imperialism. wsws.org Weingarten's propaganda tour of war-torn Ukraine demonstrates the deepening integration of the unions with the US government and follows decades of AFL-CIO cover operations for the CIA.
(2022-10-19). New Mexico Governor Rescinds 1800s Orders for Apaches and Navajos to Be Hunted and Killed. indybay.org New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham rescinded governors' orders from the 1800s that targeted Navajos and Apaches to be hunted by militia and murdered. The previous territorial governors orders had never been rescinded, which required an executive order by the governor. Santa Fe Historian Valerie Randel's research led to the governor's order.
(2022-10-19). Thursday 12/1: NCLR's Champions for Justice Dinner + Party. indybay.org Marriott Marquis | 780 Mission Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…
(2022-10-19). Ola de frío polar provocará temperaturas de invierno esta semana en EEUU. cubadebate.cu Unas 70 millones de personas en EE.UU. sufren esta semana el frío polar resultado de una onda de baja presión que viene desde Canadá y empuja aire frío hacia el sur. La alteración del clima que se extenderá provocará caídas de temperatura por debajo de los 32 ∞F en algunas zonas. En algunos estados como Michigan y Wisconsin se espera nieve.
(2022-10-19). Aliuska, una guerrera de Jagàºey a Pinar. cubadebate.cu Es una jefa que no solo manda, sino que es parte de la tarea. Nada de lo que cuenta es para ella heroico, aunque es la única mujer dentro de las casi 300 personas que han venido a apoyar esta tierra del occidente y se encuentran albergadas en la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva (Eide) Ormani Arenado.