(2022-10-16). Trump Calls For Peace In Ukraine. popularresistance.org Since the U.S. sponsored coup in Ukraine in 2014, taking a stand against the plan by the U.S. to use Ukraine as a weapon of war against Russia was a perilous stance for pro-peace and anti-imperialist forces. What made opposition especially difficult was that the plan was being executed by the administration of Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama with the full support of the right-wing neoliberal establishment that controlled and still controls the U.S. state. | But, while it was a challenge to oppose the many criminal adventures of the Obama administration, the return of that administration to power under Joe B…
(2022-10-16). The New York Times Has Been Friendly To Nazis For 80 Years. popularresistance.org The New York Times loves a good Nazi. And I don't just mean this past year. I mean, going back to World War II to the OG Nazis, the guy with the mustache. If any of you out there are still New York Times lovers; then you really shouldn't watch this episode. Just go back to playing with your Legos or something. | Back in 2019, an Australian white supremacist murdered 49 people in New Zealand. As discussed this week by Fairness And Accuracy in Reporting, at the time, the New York Times correctly reported that "On his flak jacket was a symbol commonly used by the Azov Battalion, a Ukrainian neo-Nazi paramilitary org…
(2022-10-16). DPRK launches medium-range missile, danger line is one step closer. journal-neo.org The current rise in tensions on the Korean peninsula is by no means over with US carrier group maneuvers and a series of short-range North Korean missile launches. It should be recalled that "in a previous episode" the US and ROK conducted naval exercises involving the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and, more importantly, resumed …
(2022-10-16). 11 killed in terrorist attack at training range in Belgorod. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 16 (MNA) — At least 11 people were killed and 15 more wounded at a Russian military training ground on Saturday when two attackers opened fire on a group of volunteers who wanted to take part in the special military operation in Ukraine.
(2022-10-15). China warns of security to its citizens in Ukraine. ecns.cn China called on its citizens still in Ukraine to strengthen security precautions and evacuate the country given the severe security situation within Ukraine on Saturday.
(2022-10-16). Russian troops arrive in Belarus under new deal. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 16 (MNA) — The first trains carrying Russian soldiers to Belarus under a new deal have reached their destinations, the Belarusian Ministry of Defense said on Saturday.
(2022-10-16). Xi underscores role of education, sci-tech, talent in modernization drive. ecns.cn Xi Jinping on Sunday stressed invigorating China through science and education and developing a strong workforce for the modernization drive. Education, science and technology, and human resources are the foundational and strategic pillars for building a modern socialist country in all respects, Xi said in a report at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
(2022-10-16). CPC to unswervingly advance cause of national reunification: Xi. ecns.cn Xi Jinping said on Sunday that the Communist Party of China (CPC) will implement its overall policy for resolving the Taiwan question in the new era, and unswervingly advance the cause of national reunification.
(2022-10-16). Xi calls for advancing Beautiful China Initiative. ecns.cn Xi Jinping called for advancing the Beautiful China Initiative at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on Sunday."ÄÄ…
(2022-10-16). CPC outlines China's overall development objectives for year 2035. ecns.cn The Communist Party of China (CPC) outlined China's overall development objectives for the year 2035, according to a report submitted to the 20th CPC National Congress, which opened Sunday.
(2022-10-16). Xi stresses promoting high-standard opening up. ecns.cn Xi Jinping stressed promoting high-standard opening up in a report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on Sunday.
(2022-10-16). Xi stresses safeguarding national security, social stability. ecns.cn Xi Jinping on Sunday stressed modernizing China's national security system and capacity and safeguarding national security and social stability."National security is the bedrock of national rejuvenation, and social stability is a prerequisite for building a strong and prosperous China," said Xi at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
(2022-10-16). China to accelerate creating new development pattern, pursue high-quality development: Xi. ecns.cn China will accelerate creating a new development pattern and pursue high-quality development, Xi Jinping said on Sunday.
(2022-10-16). China works to build major-country relations featuring peaceful coexistence, overall stability, balanced development: report. ecns.cn China works to enhance coordination and positive interaction with other major countries to build major-country relations featuring peaceful coexistence, overall stability, and balanced development, said a report submitted to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which opened on Sunday.
(2022-10-16). China to work toward carbon goals actively, prudently: Xi. ecns.cn China will work actively and prudently toward the goals of reaching peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, Xi Jinping said Sunday at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
(2022-10-16). Full, rigorous Party self-governance an unceasing endeavor: Xi. ecns.cn Xi Jinping said on Sunday that the Communist Party of China (CPC) members must bear in mind that full and rigorous self-governance is an unceasing endeavor and that self-reform is a journey to which there is no end.
(2022-10-16). China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansionism: Xi. ecns.cn China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansionism, Xi Jinping said on Sunday at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
(2022-10-16). Xi lists major principles in building modern socialist China. ecns.cn Xi Jinping on Sunday listed major principles in the great and arduous endeavor to build a modern socialist China in all respects.
(2022-10-16). China opposes protectionism, decoupling: report. ecns.cn China opposes protectionism, the erection of "fences and barriers," decoupling, disruption of industrial and supply chains, unilateral sanctions, and maximum-pressure tactics, according to a report submitted to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on Sunday.
(2022-10-16). Building a modern socialist country in all respects under rule of law: Xi. ecns.cn Xi Jinping said on Sunday that China must strive to build a modern socialist country in all respects under the rule of law."We must follow a path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, develop a Chinese system of socialist rule of law, and establish China as a socialist country under the rule of law," Xi said.
(2022-10-16). Xi pledges to improve people's wellbeing. ecns.cn Xi Jinping on Sunday pledged to improve the people's wellbeing and raise quality of life at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC)."ÄÄ"ÄÄ"This country is its people; the people are the country.
(2022-10-16). China dedicated to promoting human community with shared future: Xi. ecns.cn China is dedicated to promoting a human community with a shared future, Xi Jinping said on Sunday at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
(2022-10-16). Xi calls for building cultural confidence, strength. ecns.cn Xi Jinping on Sunday called for building cultural confidence and strength and securing new successes in developing socialist culture."To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must develop a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and be more confident in our culture," Xi said in a report at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
(2022-10-16). Winning tough, protracted battle against corruption: Xi. ecns.cn "Corruption is a cancer to the vitality and ability of the Party, and fighting corruption is the most thorough kind of self-reform there is," said Xi at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
(2022-10-15). Presidium of 20th CPC National Congress holds first meeting. ecns.cn The presidium of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held its first meeting in Beijing on Saturday.
(2022-10-16). Innovation remains at heart of China's modernization drive: Xi. ecns.cn Innovation will remain at the heart of China's modernization drive, Xi Jinping said Sunday in a report at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
(2022-10-16). Xi stresses improving income distribution system. ecns.cn China will improve the system of income distribution, keeping distribution according to work as the mainstay with multiple forms of distribution existing alongside it, Xi Jinping said on Sunday.
(2022-10-16). CPC expounds on main objectives, tasks for next 5 years. ecns.cn The Communist Party of China (CPC) unveiled the main objectives and tasks for the next five years in a report submitted to the 20th CPC National Congress, which opened on Sunday.
(2022-10-15). Long-term growth prospects called promising. ecns.cn The long-term positive fundamentals of the Chinese economy have remained unchanged, with the economy showing strong resilience, immense potential and robust vitality, and China's development still faces favorable conditions, the spokesman for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China said on Saturday.
(2022-10-16). Chinese people's lives see all-around improvement over past decade: report. ecns.cn The Communist Party of China (CPC) has brought about an all-around improvement in Chinese people's lives over the past decade, according to a report submitted to the 20th CPC National Congress, which opened Sunday.
(2022-10-15). China's fight against corruption yields tangible results. ecns.cn Over the years, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been tackling corruption with swift and resolute measures, making marked achievements in the battle against corruption and accumulating valuable experiences, Sun Yeli, spokesperson for the 20th CPC National Congress, said Saturday.
(2022-10-16). China opposes unilateralism, exclusive groups against particular countries: report. ecns.cn China opposes all forms of unilateralism and the forming of blocs and exclusive groups targeted against particular countries, according to a report submitted to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on Sunday.
(2022-10-16). Fuerzas de ocupación israelíes asesinan a palestino en Ramalá. telesurtv.net El crimen se produjo en medio de un aumento de los ataques israelíes en Cisjordania y Jerusalén ocupada.
(2022-10-16). øQuién fue el líder revolucionario africano Thomas Sankara. telesurtv.net A 35 años de su asesinato mediante un golpe de Estado, el mundo continúa recordando su pensamiento y su legado.
(2022-10-16). Xi stresses further modernizing national defense, military. ecns.cn Xi Jinping said on Sunday achieving the goals for the centenary of the People's Liberation Army in 2027 and more quickly elevating the people's armed forces to world-class standards are strategic tasks for building a modern socialist country in all respects.
(2022-10-16). Xi stresses upholding, improving policy of One Country, Two Systems. ecns.cn Xi Jinping on Sunday stressed upholding and improving the policy of One Country, Two Systems.
(2022-10-16). CPC opens 20th National Congress. ecns.cn
(2022-10-16). Whole-process people's democracy is democracy in its broadest, most genuine, most effective form: Xi. ecns.cn Whole-process people's democracy is the defining feature of socialist democracy; it is democracy in its broadest, most genuine, and most effective form, Xi Jinping said on Sunday.
(2022-10-16). Un lugar en el corazón del pueblo. cubadebate.cu Alpidio, nuestro Ministro de Cultura, acaba de explicar en su perfil de Twitter, en una síntesis brillante, por qué los enemigos de la Revolución Cubana atacan con tanta saña, de manera tan obsesiva y perversa, a Díaz-Canel. Y es que les exaspera su liderazgo.
(2022-10-16). Fidel Castro y los días luminosos y tristes de la Crisis de Octubre. cubadebate.cu De los días luminosos y tristes de la Crisis de Octubre, calificados así por el Che, se concluyeron amargas, pero aleccionadoras experiencias. Se puso a prueba la capacidad de victoria del pueblo cubano, quien respaldó a su líder que brilló muy alto. En aquella coyuntura difícil, el Comandante en Jefe defendió con dignidad la autodeterminación y soberanía del país frente a la actuación de las dos superpotencias de la época. Enfrentó con entereza la política de prepotencia y de fuerza de los EE.UU. y discutió con la Unión Soviética sobre la base de la razón y el derecho del pueblo.
(2022-10-16). Evaluó presidente del Inder acciones de recuperación en instalaciones deportivas de Pinar del Río. cubadebate.cu Osvaldo Vento Montiller, presidente del Inder, evaluó de positivas las acciones de recuperación en instalaciones deportivas de Pinar del Río tras el paso devastador del huracán Ian. Este sábado, el titular del Inder se reunió con autoridades del deporte en la provincia y constató el avance en la operatividad de algunas estructuras.
(2022-10-16). Otra preocupación para Washington: øNuevos tiempos dentro de la OEA? cubadebate.cu Los nuevos tiempos que corren dentro de la OEA, y que marcan ciertos cambios dentro la correlación interna de fuerzas, tuvieron lugar en un hecho específico que, pese a todo, no tuvo gran trascendencia en la prensa internacional. Así, el debate giró en torno a si la OEA podía admitir como "representante especial" a Gustavo Tarre.
(2022-10-16). Congreso Latinoamericano Cultura Viva Comunitaria: Esperanza y solidaridad. cubadebate.cu La integración de nuestros pueblos desde las expresiones culturales trasciende fronteras y contextos políticos, pues inciden y articulan a potenciar el vínculo entre agentes culturales, políticos y sociales a través de metas concertadas que permitan profundizar las apuestas que se gestan desde la identidad y el buen vivir a nivel continental, nacional y local.
(2022-10-16). Llamamiento de intelectuales y artistas cubanos supera las mil cien firmas. cubadebate.cu El "Mensaje de científicos, educadores, periodistas, escritores y artistas cubanos a sus colegas de otros países", publicado hace unos días en la revista cultural La Jiribilla, supera ya las mil cien firmas y expresa el sentir de la sociedad civil cubana.
(2022-10-16). Ministerio de Defensa de Belarús anuncia llegada de tropas rusas. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Defensa de Minsk señaló que la misión de las tropas rusas era "exclusivamente para fortalecer la protección y defensa de la frontera".
(2022-10-16). Cuba: Ante los problemas, que la vocación de servicio sea quien lidere y obre soluciones. cubadebate.cu Esta tarde de sábado, desde el Palacio de la Revolución, tuvo lugar la reunión de chequeo de las actividades recuperativas tras el paso del huracán Ian. El encuentro estuvo encabezado por el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.
(2022-10-15). NATO to launch nuclear drills on Monday. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 15 (MNA) — NATO said on Friday it would launch its annual nuclear exercise "Steadfast Noon" on Monday.
(2022-10-15). White House Announces New $725 Million Arms Package for Ukraine. news.antiwar.com The Joe Biden administration will send $725 million in more weapons and other military equipment to Ukraine, the White House announced on Friday. The arms shipment is expected to contain munitions, including more rounds for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), and military vehicles but no new significant capabilities or counter air-defenses.Russia's wide scale …
(2022-10-15). How Much Longer Can the U.S. Wage Economic War on Europe, and the World, Without Major Blowback? libya360.wordpress.com Jeremy Kuzmarov Sabotage of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has awakened many people to the gangster methods that have been deployed for years by the U.S. government doing the bidding of multinational corporations. On September 26, the world was put on edge when "blasts equivalent to the power of several kilograms of explosives," according to a…
(2022-10-15). Chechen Jihadists Have Joined the Ranks of the Ukrainian Army. libya360.wordpress.com Laurent Brayard The Sheikh Mansour battalion is a unit formed in Ukraine with the contribution of Islamist fundamentalist Chechens, many of whom fought during the two Chechen wars before being finally crushed by Russia. These men dispersed throughout Western Europe, and for many also in Georgia and Turkey, before finally joining Ukraine. It was at…
(2022-10-15). Whose Grain Is Being Shipped from Ukraine? America's GMO Agribusiness Giants to Take Control of Ukraine Farmland. globalresearch.ca
(2022-10-15). Military Situation In Ukraine On October 14, 2022 (Photos, Videos). southfront.org Offensive actions on the Ukrainian front | The situation on the Ukrainian front remains tense for both sides of the conflict. | Kharkiv direction: | In the Kupyansk sector, units of the 14th Branches and the 32nd Integrated Troops Battalion once again unsuccessfully attempted to storm Russian positions at the Kislovka-Pershotravnevoje line. The enemy had sustained heavy losses and retreated. | Luhansk direction: | In the Limano-Svatovsky section, the AFU servicemen increase the grouping at the line Torskoye …
(2022-10-15). U.S. panel votes to subpoena Trump over Capitol riot. ecns.cn The House select committee investigating last year's Capitol riot voted Thursday to subpoena former U.S. President Donald Trump.
(2022-10-15). The Rise Of India's Dystopian Surveillance State. popularresistance.org A few months after Narendra Modi was re-elected in 2019, India's Parliament passed a discriminatory bill extending citizenship to refugees from six religious minority communities, except for Muslims from the neighboring countries of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. | Following the controversy, a series of protests erupted across the country. The capital city of Delhi witnessed ghastly communal riots, as members of the minority Muslim community were targeted by far-right groups that rallied in support of the bill. To identify the alleged "rabble rousers and miscreants," including the protesters, law enforceme…
(2022-10-15). EU Calls China And Russia 'Threats' In 'War For Future Of The Entire World'. popularresistance.org The European Union is waging a proxy war on Russia in Ukraine, as well as an economic war aimed at destroying Russia's economy. But Moscow is not Brussels' only target. Beijing is also in its crosshairs. | European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen made it clear that Europe sees both China and Russia as threats. And it is waging a new cold war aimed at undermining them, in order to maintain a so-called "rules-based order" dominated by Western hegemony. | Von der Leyen emphasized that the EU is raising hundreds of billions of euros to fund programs to weaken Chinese and Russian influence in Asia, Africa, a…
(2022-10-15). Who Did It? More Evidence Points to US-NATO Sabotage of Nord Stream. globalresearch.ca
(2022-10-15). Military Situation In Ukraine On October 15, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Russia struck positions of the 65th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Dudchany with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Kupyansk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Konstantinovka with high-precision missiles; | The Russian Army is advancing in the industrial area in the east of Bakhmut; | The AFU took control of Tabaivka, Pishchan…
(2022-10-15). In Video: Ukrainian Commander Having Fun On National TV When Hundreds Of Servicemen Dying On Kherson Front Lines. southfront.org On October 15, another large offensive operation in the Kherson region resulted in heavy losses by the AFU and…
(2022-10-15). Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On October 15, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org
(2022-10-15). NATO already defeated in Ukraine: Russia deputy FM. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 15 (MNA) — "NATO has already been defeated in Ukraine. This defeat is connected with the collapse of the project of turning Ukraine into 'anti-Russia'," Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). Saudi Arabia announces $400 mn aid to Ukraine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 15 (MNA) — Saudi Arabia announced on Saturday $400 million in humanitarian aid for Kyiv.
(2022-10-15). Russian air defense destroys two HARM, 18 HIMARS missiles. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 15 (MNA) — Russian air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft, destroyed 18 HIMARS shells, as well as 2 HARM anti-location missiles, the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry said.
(2022-10-15). Russian Loitering Munitions Take Out Ukrainian OSA, S-300PS Air-Defense Systems (Videos). southfront.org A Lancet-3 loitering munition, screen grab from Russia-24 report. | The Russian military is successfully hunting down the remaining air defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) with Lancet loitering munitions. | On October 14, a video showing a Lancet loitering munition destroying a Soviet-made 9K33 Osa short-range air defense system of the AFU surfaced online. The loitering munition hit the system on the move. The location of the strike was not revealed. | Later on October 15, the RIA Novosti…
(2022-10-15). UPDATED: 11 Killed In Terrorist Attack At Training Ground In Russia. southfront.org On the evening of October 15, a terrorist attack took place at the training ground of the Russia's Western military district in the city of Belgorod, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported. Two citizens of one of the CIS countries opened fire on the recently mobilized Russian servicemen. | As a result of the terrorist attack, 11 people were killed, 15 were injured and are receiving medical care. | Two terrorists were destroyed by return fire, law enforcement agencies are working at the s…
(2022-10-15). Military Situation In Syria On October 15, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On October 15, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 2 times: 1 in Latakia province, 1 in Idlib province; | On October 13, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham captured the city of Afrin; | On October 15, clashes between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Third Corps continue in the north of Afrin; | On October 15, several ISIS commanders were killed in the bombing of a house in Jassim city in the northern countryside by a local grou…
(2022-10-15). The OPEC's decision to cut oil output. mronline.org WHAT is called OPEC+, that is the 13 members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) together with 11 other petroleum exporting countries led by Russia, decided on October 5 to cut their oil production by 2 million barrels per day, starting from November. The U.S. had been pressing OPEC not to take this decision.
(2022-10-15). Why is India Arming Armenia Against Azerbaijan? libya360.wordpress.com Yeghia Tashjian Trade routes and national security interests in the South Caucasus are central to New Delhi's decision to arm Armenia After the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war and the shift in the South Caucasus balance of power toward Turkey, India has expressed concern that its vision to connect Europe and Russia to its Indian ports through the…
(2022-10-15). UN Is Not Aware If Grain Deal Was Used To Prepare Terrorist Attack On Crimean Bridge. southfront.org After the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge, the Russian Security Service revealed the way the explosion was prepared and…
(2022-10-15). Ideological Work in the New Era of Socialism in China. libya360.wordpress.com Gabriel Martinez Part 1 The Reform and Opening policy, initiated by the Communist Party of China in 1978, has produced important transformations in the economic sphere of the country. The transformation in the structure of property has, little by little, caused the basic structure of property relations in the country to change to a system…
(2022-10-15). Xi presides over preparatory meeting for 20th CPC National Congress. ecns.cn Xi Jinping presided over a preparatory meeting for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held Saturday afternoon at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
(2022-10-15). Qualifications of 2,296 delegates to CPC national congress approved: spokesperson. ecns.cn Qualifications of 2,296 delegates to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) have been confirmed valid, a spokesperson for the congress said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). China has confidence, capability to meet new goals, create greater miracles: spokesperson. ecns.cn The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will envision the two stages toward building a great modern socialist country in all respects and set out strategic tasks and major measures for the next five years, a spokesperson said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). Opening of 20th CPC National Congress on Sunday to be broadcast live. ecns.cn The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is scheduled to open at 10 a.m. Sunday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
(2022-10-15). Journalists visit Beijing sub center ahead of 20th CPC National Congress. ecns.cn Journalists for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China paid a visit to Beijing sub-center on Thursday.
(2022-10-15). Picturesque scene of terraced fields in E China. ecns.cn Aerial view shows picturesque scene of golden terraced fields in Shanghang County of Longyan City, east China's Fujian Province, Oct. 13, 2022. More than 1, 0 hectares of paddy rice entered harvest.
(2022-10-15). China, U.S. have more common interests than differences: spokesperson. ecns.cn China does not believe the so-called "Thucydides trap," while China and the United States have far more common interests than differences, a spokesperson said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). CPC has more friends all over the world: spokesperson. ecns.cn The Communist Party of China (CPC) has extensive interactions with friendly political parties from other countries, and has more and more friends all over the world, a spokesperson said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). China helps African countries respond to climate change with every sincerity: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn China helps African countries respond to climate change with every sincerityÔºöFM…
(2022-10-15). China's retrieved cultural relics on show in Shanghai. ecns.cn More than 40 pieces of national treasures lost overseas were on display, including five bronze heads originally part of an 18th century water clock fountain in Yuanmingyuan or the Old Summer Palace.
(2022-10-15). China is always against politicization and weaponization of economic and trade issues. ecns.cn
(2022-10-15). Gansu launches first China-Africa agricultural products freight train. ecns.cn A freight train carrying containers of apple juice concentrate departed Tianshui, Gansu Province on Thursday, and headed for Cape Town, South Africa. The freight train will leave China via Qingdao Port in Shandong Province.
(2022-10-15). China to pursue broader, deeper opening-up: spokesperson. ecns.cn China will unswervingly advance opening-up to cover more fields in a broader scope and at a greater depth, a spokesperson for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). China to remain popular investment destination: spokesperson. ecns.cn China will continue to be a popular destination for investment, a spokesperson said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). Number of Milu deer rises to 7,033. ecns.cn A herd of Milu deer, also known as Pere David's deer, cross a river in Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve in Yancheng, east China's Jiangsu Province, Oct. 12, 2022.
(2022-10-15). Delegates to CPC National Congress arrive in Beijing. ecns.cn Delegates from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) arrived in Beijing on Thursday.
(2022-10-15). BRI already a popular international public good: spokesperson. ecns.cn The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has become a well-received international public good and an important platform for building a community with a shared future for mankind, the spokesperson for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). Opinions of over 4,700 people collected on draft report to CPC national congress: spokesperson. ecns.cn Opinions of more than 4,700 people were collected on a draft report of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to the 20th CPC National Congress, Sun Yeli, spokesperson for the congress, said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). 20th CPC National Congress delegate Ke Xiaobin: Craftsman's spirit in mundane work. ecns.cn Ke Xiaobin is a team leader at a local branch of China's leading railway signal communication group.
(2022-10-15). Chinese shipbuilder wins additional contract from ROK. ecns.cn Guangzhou Shipyard International Company Limited, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, has won an additional order of three 8,600 CEU dual-fuel LNG battery hybrid pure car and truck carriers (PCTCs) from H-line, a shipping company from the Republic of Korea.
(2022-10-15). First China-made subway train exported to EU. ecns.cn Two subway trains developed by CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd., one of China's major high-speed train manufacturers, left Tianjin Port for Portugal's Porto on Thursday. This is China's first metro project to be exported to a European Union country.
(2022-10-15). China remains important stabilizer, driving force of global growth: spokesperson. ecns.cn China remains an important anchor of stability and driving force of global economic growth, a spokesperson for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). 20th CPC National Congress to be held from Oct. 16 to 22: spokesperson. ecns.cn The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will open at 10 a.m. Sunday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, and conclude on Oct. 22, lasting seven days, Sun Yeli, spokesperson for the congress, said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). They Say: Communist Party of China a stimulator of Chinese socio-economic prosperity. ecns.cn
(2022-10-15). CPC Constitution amendment to incorporate major theoretical views, strategic thinking: spokesperson. ecns.cn The amendment to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress will incorporate the major theoretical views and strategic thinking to be established in a report of the 19th CPC Central Committee to the 20th CPC National Congress, a spokesperson said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). Preparations for 20th CPC National Congress complete: spokesperson. ecns.cn All preparations for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) are complete, Sun Yeli, spokesperson for the congress, said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). China rolls out over 2,000 reform programs in past decade: spokesperson. ecns.cn China has introduced more than 2,000 reform programs in the past ten years, covering various economic and social fields, the spokesperson for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). China to work with int'l community to oppose protectionism, bullying practices in sci-tech. ecns.cn China will work with the international community to oppose unilateralism, protectionism and bullying practices in sci-tech, and promote the steady recovery of the world economy, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Friday.
(2022-10-15). New CPC leadership to meet press: spokesperson. ecns.cn Members of the new Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will meet Chinese and foreign journalists after the conclusion of the first plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, a spokesperson said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). Spokesperson hails overwhelming victory in China's fight against corruption. ecns.cn China's fight against corruption has achieved an overwhelming victory and this momentum has been consolidated across the board, but the situation is still grave and complex, a spokesperson for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China said here on Saturday.
(2022-10-15). China's COVID response measures most cost-effective: spokesperson. ecns.cn China's measures to tackle the COVID-19 epidemic are the most cost-effective and have worked the best for the country, a spokesperson said Saturday.
(2022-10-15). XX Congreso del Partido Comunista chino robustecerá prioridad a desarrollo inclusivo e integridad territorial. cubadebate.cu El XX Congreso Nacional del Partido Comunista de China fortalecerá las líneas generales trazadas por esta nación hacia la modernización creciente de su sociedad, la construcción de un paradigma de desarrollo económico-social inclusivo y amigable con el medio ambiente y la defensa de su integridad territorial, anticipó el vocero oficial de la cita.
(2022-10-15). La Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de Biden, dos páginas sobre Latinoamérica. globalizacion.ca La nueva Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional del gobierno de Joe Biden afirma que Estados Unidos se mantendrá en el lugar de líder mundial, señala a China como su principal retador en la disputa geopolítica mundial, propone controlar a una Rusia…
(2022-10-15). South-to-North Water Diversion Project transfers over 8 billion cubic meters of water to Beijing. ecns.cn Tuancheng Lake, a terminal of the Beijing section of the Central Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, has played an important role in water transfer regulation and storage, as well as supplying water for river and lake systems.
(2022-10-15). °Prepárate para reír!: Las imágenes finalistas del premio Comedy Pet Photo Awards 2022. cubadebate.cu øQuieres saber cuáles han sido las imágenes ganadoras de la edición de 2022 del Comedy Pet Photo Awards? Prepárate para que te saquen una espléndida sonrisa e incluso alguna carcajada.
(2022-10-15). Brazil: Electoral Fraud Casts a Shadow Over the October 30th Presidential Runoff. libya360.wordpress.com Brasilwire Vote For Bolsonaro Or Lose Your Pension: Election Fraud Brought 1 Million Extra Elderly To Polls A study by ValorData has demonstrated how Bolsonaro campaign misinformation which associated receipt of pensions with proof of voting for the far-right president, brought almost 1 million more elderly people to the polls in the 2022 first round than voted…
(2022-10-15). Xi congratulates on establishment of global center for sustainable transport. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter on the establishment of the Global Sustainable Transport Innovation and Knowledge Center on Friday.
(2022-10-15). WorldSkills Competition 2022 Edition kicks off in S Korea. ecns.cn The special edition competition attracted more than 130 participants from 34 countries and regions and the Chinese delegates will compete in six contests.
(2022-10-15). Chinese, Maldivian presidents exchange congratulations on 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Friday exchanged congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
(2022-10-15). Guangming Cinema: Audio descriptions bring cinema alive to the visually impaired. ecns.cn Statistics show that there are more than 17 million visually-impaired Chinese. This gave birth to a public welfare project called Guangming Cinema in 2017. More than 500 university faculty and student volunteers participated in the project, interjected their narrations between dialogues and sounds to complete accessible movies.
(2022-10-15). Biden decries mass shooting in Raleigh, North Carolina. ecns.cn U.S. President Joe Biden decried the mass shooting in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday.
(2022-10-15). Webb telescope captures 'cosmic' fingerprint. ecns.cn Image released on Oct. 12, 2022 shows dust rings formed by two giant starts, resembling a fingerprint captured by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.
(2022-10-15). More benefits to Chinese females over past decade. ecns.cn
(2022-10-15). Emerging markets, developing countries being hit by "triple blow": IMF chief. ecns.cn Emerging markets and developing countries are being hit by a stronger dollar, high borrowing costs, and capital outflows — a triple blow particularly heavy for countries that are under a high level of debt, the chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Thursday.
(2022-10-15). Chinese, Maldivian presidents exchange congratulations on th anniversary of diplomatic ties. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Friday exchanged congratulations on the th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
(2022-10-15). Cradle of Civilization: Chengtoushan Site. ecns.cn
(2022-10-15). Peaceful means first choice to resolve Taiwan question: spokesperson. ecns.cn To realize national reunification through peaceful means is our first choice to resolve the Taiwan question, said a spokesperson at a press conference in Beijing on Saturday, adding that non-peaceful means will remain the last resort.
(2022-10-15). Figures in new Living Planet Report 'shocking,' says WWF director general. ecns.cn Wildlife populations in tropical regions are plummeting at a staggering rate and freshwater species populations have globally been reduced by 83 percent, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) said on Thursday.
(2022-10-15). Televisión cubana estrenará programa Cultivar Conciencia. cubadebate.cu El programa Cultivar Conciencia surge como proyecto audiovisual que pretende conectar mucho más, la ciencia con la agricultura. Por Canal Caribe cada sábado, con retransmisiones el resto de la semana. A las 2: 15pm se podrán compartir diversos temas, de cara a los desafíos actuales para quienes investigan y producen la tierra en Cuba.
(2022-10-15). Nave Oficio de Isla regresa con obra de teatro Luz en Jornada por la Cultura Nacional. cubadebate.cu La Comunidad Creativa Nave Oficio de Isla presenta a partir de este sábado un programa especial con la obra de teatro Luz, a propósito de la Jornada por la Cultura Cubana que acontece hasta el 20 de octubre. De acuerdo con el equipo de trabajo, serán dos las funciones de la temporada Otoño en La Nave que llegará los días 15 y 16.
(2022-10-15). Arlenis Sierra ratificó liderazgo en América en escalafón mundial. cubadebate.cu Arlenis Sierra terminó otra temporada anual con la mejor de las posiciones entre las americanas en el escalafón mundial de ruta femenina élite de la Unión Ciclista Internacional. La manzanillera de 29 años se ubicó en el lugar 20, con 1 398.33 puntos, solo precedida por europeas, una australiana y una sudafricana, entre 1 368 pedalistas.
(2022-10-15). Extinguen incendio en región rusa de Bélgorod provocado por ataque ucraniano. cubadebate.cu El gobernador de la región rusa de Belgorod, Viacheslav Gladkov, dijo este sábado que los bomberos lograron sofocar un incendio en un depósito de petróleo, que fue alcanzado por un proyectil tras un bombardeo ucraniano. Gladkov precisó que el siniestro en un tanque con capacidad de 3 000 metros cúbicos pudo ser extinguido y no hubo que lamentar víctimas.
(2022-10-15). El Atlético de Madrid vence al Athletic y se coloca en el tercer puesto de LaLiga. cubadebate.cu El Atlético de Madrid ha conseguido una valiosa victoria ante el Athletic en San Mamés que les propulsa hasta el tercer puesto de la clasificación. El encuentro se decidió por un solitario gol de Griezmann.
(2022-10-15). V Copa Mundial sub 23: Lluvia asiática pospone segundo partido de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Un persistente aguacero asiático evitó que los que equipos de Cuba y Australia pudieran completar su partido correspondiente a este viernes, en el marco de la IV Copa Mundial de béisbol categoría sub 23. La impertinente lluvia no quiso abandonar el Tianmu Baseball Stadium, y tuvieron que mandar a las tropas a sus cuevas.
(2022-10-15). Qué trae la prensa cubana, sábado 15 de octubre de 2022. cubadebate.cu
(2022-10-15). Más de un millón de viajeros arribaron a Cuba entre enero y agosto de 2022. cubadebate.cu La Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas e Información (ONEI) informó este viernes que entre enero y agosto de 2022 Cuba recibió 1 396 921 viajeros, que representan un 556.1% de incremento interanual. Según la ONEI, la Isla recibió un 1 145 743 viajeros más que en igual periodo de 2021, entendiendo como tal toda persona que se desplaza entre dos o más países distintos.
(2022-10-15). La historia del niño trabajador, cuyas fotos se hicieron tendencia en redes sociales. cubadebate.cu Liam Ernesto es un niño hermoso, de esos que alcanzan flores, te dan besos cariñosos y te "echan" miradas que te roban el alma. Sin embargo, eso también lo logró por estos días una foto suya que inundó las redes. Aunque él aún no lo sepa. Recoger yerba es de las cosas que más ayuda a hacer a su papá en la finca del patio.
(2022-10-15). Pinareños siguen en recuperación. cubadebate.cu La recuperación del servicio eléctrico en Pinar del Río estaba al 48.89%, y en la jornada del jueves pudo avanzarse en el suministro de energía desde el sistema electroenergético nacional (SEN) a varios campos de pozo, lo que ha permitido incrementar el suministro en la ciudad capital, cabeceras municipales y otros asentamientos.
(2022-10-15). Unión Eléctrica estima una afectación de 1 121 MW durante el horario pico de este sábado. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica pronostica para este sábado una afectación máxima de 980 MW en el horario diurno y 1 121 MW en el pico, fundamentalmente por déficit de capacidad de generación. Se mantienen las limitaciones en la generación térmica (386 MW) y en la generación distribuida, están indisponibles por avería 1 043 MW y en mantenimiento 718 MW.
(2022-10-15). Raúl Castro recibe a ministro de Seguridad Pública de Vietnam. cubadebate.cu El General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, líder de la Revolución Cubana, recibió en la tarde de este viernes al General de Ejército To Lam, miembro del Buró Político del Partido Comunista de Vietnam y ministro de Seguridad Pública de ese hermano país, quien realiza una visita de trabajo a Cuba desde el pasado 12 de octubre.
(2022-10-15). Instalaciones deportivas en La Habana: Un recorrido por la sala Trejo, el Pontón y el parque Martí (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Han estado en la vida de varias generaciones de habaneros, símbolos de barrios, capítulos en las historias de atletas hoy famosos y presencia permanente en la actividad social de los habitantes de la ciudad. La sala Rafael Trejo ha llegado a ser referente internacional, el Pontón es parte de la tradición de Centro Habana, el Parque Martí era motivo de orgullo desde los sesenta por la amplia lista de instalaciones y su larga cubierta en forma de bóvedas, justo frente al Malecón.
(2022-10-15). Bloqueo de EEUU provoca pérdidas millonarias a la agricultura cubana. cubadebate.cu
(2022-10-14). EU Warns West Will 'Annihilate' Russian Army If Moscow Uses Nukes. news.antiwar.com EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell issued a threat against Russia on Thursday, warning that Western powers would "annihilate" the Russian army if Moscow uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine. "Putin is saying he is not bluffing. Well, he cannot afford bluffing, and it has to be clear that the people supporting Ukraine and the European Union …
(2022-10-14). NATO Set To Kick Off Nuclear War Games on Monday. news.antiwar.com The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is set to begin its annual military drills in preparation for nuclear war. American B-52 bombers will be joined by advanced aircraft from other alliance members as they simulate a war of annihilation with Russia. The war games, dubbed "Steadfast Noon," will begin Monday and run through the end of …
(2022-10-14). Macron: France Won't Respond to a Nuclear Strike on Ukraine With Nuclear Weapons. news.antiwar.com French President Emmanuel Macron answered questions about Paris's nuclear weapons policy in a Wednesday television interview. He indicated that Moscow detonating a nuclear weapon in Ukraine would not cause Paris to use its nukes. Macron is facing criticism for his remarks. Paris's current nuclear policy only allows for the deployment of its ultimate weapons in …
(2022-10-14). Indo-Russian Science & Technology Cooperation Research. infobrics.org Russia and India, as strategic partners, have developed their partnership in almost all areas of bilateral relations, including politics, security, defence, trade and economy, and culture. The two countries focus on strengthening, expanding and also deepening cooperation in science and technology…
(2022-10-14). NATO: Dead Hand vs. Dead Brain. libya360.wordpress.com Davor Slobodanovich Vuyachich NATO is a brainless monster that wastes human lives with the same ease with which it wastes the taxpayer funds of the member states of that infamous military alliance. In November 2019, French President Macron warned his European allies that NATO was in a state of brain death. Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign…
(2022-10-14). Ethiopia and Tigray Cannot Agree on Peace. libya360.wordpress.com Viktor Mikhin The Ethiopian government stated it had accepted an invitation from the African Union (AU) to hold peace talks with rebels in the Tigray region after another escalation of fighting in the nearly two-year war in the north. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's National Security Advisor Redwan Hussein wrote on social media that the government…
(2022-10-14). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este viernes 14 de octubre. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este viernes 14 de octubre en el mercado cambiario del país.