Monthly Archives: August 2022

2022-08-24: News Headlines

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-24). IAEA Renews Request to Visit Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. A UN official said Tuesday that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has renewed its request to visit the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine, which is under Russian control and has been the target of recent shelling. UN political chief Rosemary DiCarlo announced that IAEA chief Rafael Grossi has requested to send IAEA inspectors …

WSWS (2022-08-24). US, South Korea resume large-scale joint war games. The military drills in South Korea, adjacent to northern China and Russia's Far East, take place as the Biden administration wages a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and goads Beijing into conflict over Taiwan.

WSWS (2022-08-24). US to announce another $3 billion in military aid for its "forever war" in Ukraine. Billions of dollars are designed to fund the new "forever war" by US imperialism in Ukraine, which has already killed tens of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers and thousands of civilians, while displacing over a fourth of the country's population.

Staff (2022-08-24). Video del gol del PSG en el que Messi realiza asistencia prodigiosa a Mbappé se vuelve viral. El París Saint-Germain (PSG) arrancó con todo la defensa de su título en la Ligue 1 con tres triunfos al hilo con tres goleadas y 17 tantos a favor. Este domingo vapuleó 7-1 al Lille de visitante y desde el arranque controló el partido con el segundo gol más rápido en la historia del campeonato francés.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-08-24). Muere otro joven palestino tras ser herido por ejército israelí. El asesinato ocurrió en medio de una campaña de detenciones masivas que lleva adelante Israel en la Cisjordania ocupada.

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-08-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Hand, foot and mouth disease in kids. Hand, foot and mouth disease, most commonly caused by a coxsackievirus, is a highly contagious childhood illness. The virus can be spread through respiratory droplets, person-to-person contact and touching a contaminated object.Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at Mayo Clinic's Children's Center, says it is typically an illness of young children — usually children under 5. But you can get infected with hand, foot and mouth disease at any age. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute.

Connor Freeman (2022-08-23). Moscow Accuses Kiev's 'Special Services' in Russian Journalist's Car Bombing. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) accused Kiev's secret services of carrying out the car bombing murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina, the 29-year-old daughter of nationalist philosopher Alexander Dugin. On Saturday night, Dugina was driving her father's Toyota Land Cruiser about 20 miles outside Moscow when an explosive planted beneath his SUV detonated, the …

Uriel Araujo (2022-08-23). Europe Quietly Abandoning Ukraine, as for the First Time, No New Military Pledges Have Been Made.

WSWS (2022-08-23). Spanish-Russian journalist Pablo Gonzalez held six months in Polish jail on bogus spying charge. His arrest was coordinated between NATO states, including Spain's Socialist Party (PSOE)-Podemos government, and has met with silence by European and US media.

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-23). Estonia Wants EU to Ban Russian Tourists. Estonia's Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu "We are letting the citizens of an aggressor state peacefully visit the Louvre … and return to [their] homeland as if nothing has happened," Reinsalu told Politico. | Last week,

_____ (2022-08-23). Disaster In Cuba Highlights Biden's Disastrous (And Illegal) Foreign Policy. On August 5, lightning caused a fire at an oil supertanker base in Matanzas, Cuba. The fire caused the collapse of three large oil tanks, killed 16 people and wounded 146 people. Immediately, friendly nations sent aid, including $70 million in oil from Russia, but the United States only provided technical advice to the neighboring Caribbean nation that has been crippled by six decades of the US' economic blockade. Clearing the FOG speaks with Arturo Lopez-Levy of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs about the fire, the Biden administration's continuation of Trump's policies in Cuba and the campaign to change that,…

Eva Bartlett (2022-08-23). In Just Under Three Weeks, Ukrainian-Fired Prohibited "Petal" Mines Maim At Least 44 Civilians, Kill 2, in Donetsk Region. Ukraine continues to fire internationally-banned anti-personnel mines on civilian areas of Donetsk and other cities in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), in violation of international law and of the mine ban convention Ukraine signed in 1999 and ratified in 2005. Since July 27, Ukraine has been firing rockets containing cluster munitions filled with banned PFM-1 …

Contributing Writers (2022-08-23). What do the New York Times, Kiev Independent, Euromaidan Press, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and TikTok All Have in Common? / By John Parker. They are all funded by or staffed by Western and U.S. intelligence members pushing the U.S. narrative about the war in Ukraine. This is why organized a fact-finding mission to Ukraine and Russia to report on the suppressed information that challenges the narrative of NATO and its member states, led by the U.S.This is the second …

TeleSUR (2022-08-23). Ukrainian President Pledges To Take Over the Crimean Region. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said Tuesday that Kiev would take over the Crimea region by all means. The Ukrainian President said they would use military forces to seize the Russian territory and will not consult any other country. | RELATED: | Zelensky announced while speaking to the 'Crimea Platform,' a Ukrainian-organized gathering of 60 nations and international organizations supporting Kiev's claims of sovereignty over Crimea. The…

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-23). Around 720,000 Tonnes of Food Exported from Ukraine's Black Sea Ports Under Grain Export Deal. The Ukrainian Agriculture Ministry reported Tuesday The numbers show that the deal between Russia and Ukraine that was brokered by the UN and Turkey and signed in July has been a success. Ukraine's Agriculture Ministry said that in addition to the 33 ships that have left, another 18…

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-23). US to Send Ukraine $3 Billion in New Military Aid as Part of Long-Term Support. The US is expected to announce a new $3 billion weapons package for Ukraine on Wednesday as Washington is shifting to a longer-term campaign to support Kyiv in its war against Russia, The new military aid will be the single largest weapons package that the US will be providing Ukraine since Russia invaded on February 24, and it will bring the total of direct military aid for Kyiv since the war started to about $13.6 billion. The $3 billion is bei…

TeleSUR (2022-08-23). Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant To Be Visited by IAEA. On Tuesday, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, said a personal visit to the Zaporozhye (Ukraine) NPP is planned for the next few days. | RELATED: | According to the Director General, the IAEA mission that he expects to lead personally within a few days is intended to inspect the integrity of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, dialogue with Russian and Ukrainian per…

TeleSUR (2022-08-23). UN Official: End Military Actions Around Ukraine Nuclear Plant. "We must be clear that any potential damage to the plant, or any other nuclear facilities in Ukraine, leading to a possible nuclear incident would have catastrophic consequences, not only for the immediate vicinity, but for the region and beyond," UN Undersecretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo warned. | Rosemary DiCarlo, UN under-secretary-general for political and peacebuilding affairs, speaks during the UN Security Council briefing on Ukraine at the UN headquarters in New York, July 29, 2022.

____ (2022-08-23). Canada sanctions 62 more Russians, a defense entity. TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Canada used a virtual summit of world leaders Tuesday to slap new sanctions on dozens of Russians and a defense organization, as well as more financial assistance for Ukraine.

WSWS (2022-08-23). Turkey calls for Ukraine-Russia mediation, signaling deal with Syria. The Turkish initiatives point to rising conflicts inside the NATO alliance amid the mounting danger of a world war between NATO and Russia.

_____ (2022-08-23). An Assassin's Bomb and the Death of the West. In September 2018 I wrote an essay about the brutal murder of Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the Donetsk Republic, by Kiev agents, backed by NATO, who was killed by a bomb on August 31 of that year, signalling the death of the Minsk Agreements and the inevitability of Russia's special military operation to free …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Kiev's Ambassador to Kazakhstan Criticized for Inciting Ethnic Hatred. Andrew Korybko Nobody in good conscience could endorse anyone else gleefully talking about committing genocide like Vrublevsky just shamelessly did. If there's any silver lining to this scandal, however, it's that it showed just how comfortable that regime's representatives are talking about the plans that they have for their country's Russian minority. Ukrainian Ambassador to…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). US Space Force Wants to Disrupt Russia-China Space Cooperation. Drago Bosnic Both Russia and China have been responding to the US militarization of space by enhancing their own capabilities, both separately and jointly. Close strategic partnership between Russia and China has been the mainstay of their relationship for decades. The US has been trying to disrupt this successful partnership ever since, especially as Russia…

_____ (2022-08-23). Russia and Cambodia Continue Talks within the ASEAN Framework. At the beginning of August Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister visited Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. During his official trip to that fairly small Asian state it has a population of 17.3 million he met with other foreign ministers as part of the dialog between the Russian Federation and the Association …

TeleSUR (2022-08-23). Canada Grows Russian Sanctions List. According to Global Affairs Canada's website, Ottawa added Russia's Avtomatika defense technology company to the sanctions against the Russian Federation. | RELATED: | The site revealed that dozen Russian nationals had been enlisted too as the target of sanctions. According to reports, the Canadian administration will also include 27 Russian governors on the sanction list. | Among the latest additions to the list are ex-d…

TeleSUR (2022-08-23). German Gas Operator Warns of Regional Shortages in Winter. Germany could face regional gas shortages in winter as gas supplies from Russia to Europe's largest economy have been heavily reduced, according to the country's gas market operator. Although a gas shortage at a national level was not expected, not all gas storage facilities could be filled, leading to local bottlenecks. | RELATED: | "Unfortunately, that cannot be ruled out," Trading Hub Europe (THE) Director Torsten Fr…

____ (2022-08-22). Russian envoy blasts U.S. attempts to undermine Asia-Pacific security. The United States and its allies have significantly intensified their destructive actions in the Asia-Pacific region, Russia's permanent representative to the UN said here on Monday.

____ (2022-08-23). High time to conclude agreement on JCPOA without any delay. TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Russia's permanent representative to Vienna-based International Organizations said that it is high time to conclude the agreement on the restoration of the #JCPOA without any further delay.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Ghost Stories of Capitalism: Mental Health is a Class Issue. Danny Haiphong We can't fight capitalism or imperialism without confronting the psychic suffering that these systems have spread far and wide among us In addition to producing socialist and anti-imperialist independent media, I've been in social work for nine years. Before this, I moved from childhood to adulthood within a household that struggled with mental…

TeleSUR (2022-08-23). Ukrainian Shelling Leaves Three Dead in Donetsk. On Tuesday, authorities in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) denounced that three citizens were killed and six people were injured as a result of a Ukrainian shelling. | RELATED: | This happened in downtown Donetsk, which was attacked with the M-777 long-range 155mm howitzers that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) delivered to the Vodolymyr Zelensky regime. | Donetsk Mayor Al…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Evidence of Ukrainian Shelling of Zaporozhye Provided to UN. Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing regarding the attacks of Ukrainian armed forces on the Zaporozhye NPP Mr. President, I thank Under-Secretary-General R.DiCarlo for her briefing. In the context of the briefing I would like to point out that we've heard her words that the electricity of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant…

WSWS (2022-08-23). Washington Post reveals aims behind US-approved Ukrainian assassination of Daria Dugina.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-08-23). Rusia acusa a Ucrania del asesinato de la periodista Daria Dúgina. El Servicio Federal de Seguridad ruso identificó a la autora del crimen como una mujer ucraniana nacida en 1979.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-08-23). Presidente de México rechaza verdad histórica sobre Ayotzinapa. Señaló que el informe sobre el caso aborda cómo funcionarios del Estado se organizaron para fabricar falsedades sobre el asesinato de los normalistas.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Mali: Expectations and Challenges. Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov Following the now complete withdrawal of the French military presence from Mali, challenges remain in a context where the former colonial metropolis and other Western regimes do not intend to ease the pressure on the country, which has become another example of a pan-Africanist and pro-multipolar orientation. After nine years of military presence…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Totalitarianism and the Descent into Collective Madness. Alastair Crooke "The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several million human beings may be smitten with a new madness,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Colombia and the Mythical Creation of Cuba as "State Sponsor of Terrorism" Gustavo A Maranges We recently published two articles called "Cuba and the Peace Talks between the ELN and the Colombian Government: New Opportunities vs. Old Obstacles," in which we referred to Cuba's commitment to peace in Colombia; something that former President Ivan Duque boycotted. At that time, we only had public information to justify our thesis…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Colombian Government Launches Initiative for Protection of Social Leaders. Peoples Dispatch On August 20, the government of President Gustavo Petro in Colombia launched the first Unified Command Post for Life (PMU), in the municipality of Caldono, in the Cauca department. (Photo: Alfonso Prada/Twitter) Interior Minister Alfonso Prada reported that the protection plan will cover the 65 municipalities hardest hit by violence in the country…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Mexico Declares Ayotzinapa 43 Case a State Crime. Alejandra Garcia On September 26, 2014, 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Normal Rural School disappeared in the Mexican city of Iguala, in the Guerrero state, and their loved ones never heard from them again. Eight years later, the controversy remains unsolved despite the families' endless calls for justice. After two years of intense investigations, the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Nicaragua: Bishop of the Money Gods. Fabrizio Casari The liberation of the Matagalpa cathedral, which had been occupied by Bishop Alvarez, ended an attempt to unleash a climate of confrontation in that city. The coup-supporting bishop is now in the capital, Managua, where he is under house arrest, but enjoying the presence of his family and visits from the prelates of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Venezuela's Road to Economic Recovery. Kawsachun News The following is a translation of a guest lecture delivered by Venezuela's Ambassador in Bolivia, César Trómpiz, at the UMSA university in La Paz. For 100 years, our natural market for oil exports had been the United States. In 2019, the US decided to stop buying oil from Venezuela for political reasons and…

_____ (2022-08-22). US Taunts Russia To Escalate In Ukraine. In military terms, the crude, locally assembled drone dropping a country-made bomb or two on unguarded sites in Crimea are at best pin pricks in the big picture of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. But it can be profoundly consequential in certain other ways. | For a start, this escalation has Washington's approval. A senior Joe Biden administration official told NatSec Daily that the US supports strikes on Crimea if Kiev deems them necessary. "We don't select targets, of course, and everything we've provided is for self-defence purposes. Any target they choose to pursue on sovereign Ukrainian soil…

John Parker (2022-08-22). What do the New York Times, Kiev Independent, Euromaidan Press, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and TikTok All Have in Common? They are all funded by or staffed by Western and U.S. intelligence members pushing the U.S. narrative about the war in Ukraine. This is why organized a fact-finding mission to Ukraine and Russia to report on the suppressed information that challenges the narrative of NATO and its member states, led by the U.S. This …

_____ (2022-08-22). The Blowback of Washington's Geopolitics of Containment. When President Joe Biden upgraded the US policy of containment to dual containment i.e., a simultaneous containment of Russia and China via a crisis manufactured in Europe (Ukraine) and Asia (Taiwan), little did he, or his administration, know this could mark the beginning of a process that could alter the existing world order in ways …

_____ (2022-08-22). From Resistance To Governing Power In Honduras. A month after the coup d'état I was delegated by the new Front Against the Coup d'état to go to the U.S. to make known what had happened in Honduras. I had been working around international representation and communications in two formations, the National Coordinator of Popular Resistance and the Bloque Popular (Popular Block). These were spaces for coordination amongst the social movements that were confronting the impacts of neoliberalism, specifically the struggle against the Free Trade Agreement, which was impacting everything related to our agricultural capacity. | Small and mid-sized Honduran producers had…

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