Daily Archives: August 12, 2022

2022-08-12: News Headlines

Staff (2022-08-12). Shelling at Zaporizhzhia NPP caused no 'immediate threat'. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 12 (MNA) — The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) stated that there was no immediate threat to nuclear safety after the shelling incident that occurred on Saturday near the dry spent fuel storage facility at Ukraine's ZNPP.

Infobrics (2022-08-12). China and Russia Are in the Final Stages of Building the Pipeline from Siberia to Shanghai. infobrics.org In China, the pipeline runs down the eastern side of the country, past the capital city of Beijing and down to Shanghai…

Staff (2022-08-12). VII Campeonato Nacional de béisbol sub 23: Guantánamo y Villa Clara van en serio por boletos clasificatorios. cubadebate.cu Este jueves los equipos de Guantánamo y Villa Clara dejaron al campo a sus rivales para llegar a seis victorias y mantenerse al frente de sus respectivos grupos, cuando ya se sobrepasó la mitad del corto calendario clasificatorio del VII Campeonato Nacional de béisbol categoría sub 23.

Infobrics (2022-08-11). Kiev and the West infuriated by Amnesty International's expose on Ukrainian military. infobrics.org Amnesty International's report on Ukraine supports claims made by other human rights groups.

Infobrics (2022-08-11). Investment Cooperation Between Russia and BRICS. infobrics.org The rapid growth of emerging market economies, which have a significant impact on all aspects of the world, accompanies the multipolar development of contemporary international relations. Participating countries are actively interacting with each other to make the BRICS a sustainable and promising platform. One of the most important areas of strengthening ties is investment cooperation…

Infobrics (2022-08-11). India-Russia Trade Settlement: A Way Forward. infobrics.org The new arrangement, if adopted, could potentially shield bilateral trade from the restrictions imposed against Russian companies…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-11). Russians Welcomed as Liberators in Many Eastern Ukrainian Cities Contrary to Western Media Depictions. libya360.wordpress.com Sonja Van den Ende Lysychansk in Luhansk (LPR) [Source: Photo courtesy of Sonja van den Ende] People of liberated territories likely to vote in favor of joining Russia in forthcoming referenda—just like Crimeans did in 2014 On my way from Severodonetsk to Lysychansk on the right bank of the Donetsk River in eastern Ukraine, I…

Contributing Writers (2022-08-11). Russians Welcomed as Liberators in Many Eastern Ukrainian Cities Contrary to Western Media Depictions/By Sonja Van den Ende. marktaliano.net People of liberated territories likely to vote in favor of joining Russia in forthcoming referenda—just like Crimeans did in 2014 [Sonja van den Ende has been reporting on the war in eastern Ukraine and has received protection from the Russian military.—Editors] Original Link Here: Russians Welcomed as Liberators in Many Eastern Ukrainian Cities Contrary to …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-11). Africa's Role in the New Cold War. libya360.wordpress.com Andrew Korybko The US-led Golden Billion wants to retain its neo-imperial hegemony over those African countries that it regards as being within its self-declared "sphere of influence" while the BRICS-led Global South (in this context represented by Russia) wants to help them fully complete their decolonization processes exactly as Foreign Minister Lavrov recently promised. Africa…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-11). The New York Times Exposed Kiev's Latest Lie: No Newly Exported Grain is Going to Africa. libya360.wordpress.com Andrew Korybko Observers might have thought that the Golden Billion's Ukrainian proxy would have dispatched at least a single ship to one African country in order for their patron's Mainstream Media to manipulate perceptions about this to falsely claim that Kiev is helping to counteract the consequences of the global food crisis that the US-led…

Kit Klarenberg (2022-08-11). New Research Finds CIA Used Black Americans as Drugs Experiment Guinea Pigs. mintpressnews.com By now, many will be familiar with Project Perhaps the program's most notorious aspect was the administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs to targets, particularly LSD. These substances were brought to Langley's attention in 1948 by Richard Kuhn, one of 1,600 Nazi scientists covertly spirited to the U.S. via Operation Paperclip following W…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-11). Jemima Pierre: UN "Peacekeeping" in Haiti. libya360.wordpress.com Jemima Pierre speaks on Haiti for the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute's "Understanding Canadian Peacekeeping" webinar. Jemima Pierre is the Haiti/Americas Coordinator for the Black Alliance for Peace & and Associate Professor in the Departments of African American Studies & Anthropology, UCLA. Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Extension of United Nations Mandate in Haiti and Calls…

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2022-08-11). The Most Bloated Military Budget in U.S. History Is Being Speciallynewsauthor">D to Honor an 87-Year-Old Disciple of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. covertactionmagazine.com 2023 NDAA represents swan song in Senate of a long-time stalwart of the radical right The ghosts of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan must be looking down with pride on their devoted acolyte, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, known as "the hawk's hawk." He recently succeeded in pushing through a $45 billion addition to the …

Staff (2022-08-11). VII Campeonato Nacional sub 23: La Habana y Las Tunas llegaron a cinco victorias. cubadebate.cu Los Leones de La Habana y los Leñadores de Las Tunas alcanzaron su quinta victoria este miércoles en el marco del VII Campeonato Nacional sub 23, en una jornada donde los partidos fueron muy cerrados al punto de necesitarse en cuatro de ellos entradas extras para definir al ganador. Un elevado de sacrificio del torpedero Ernesto Oses en el octavo capítulo, le dio la victoria.

Staff (2022-08-11). Positive outcome possible in talks on JCPOA restoration. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 11 (MNA) — A positive outcome is possible in the negotiating process on the restoration of JCPOA regarding the Iranian nuclear program, Russian diplomat Ivan Nechayev said on Thursday.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-11). How the CIA Illegally Used African Americans for Experimental Drug Research. libya360.wordpress.com Kit Klarenberg By now, many will be familiar with Project MKULTRA. For decades, the CIA conducted highly unethical experiments on humans in order to perfect brainwashing, mind control and torture techniques. Perhaps the program's most notorious aspect was the administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs to targets, particularly LSD. These substances were brought to Langley's…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-11). Over 900,000 Brazilians Sign Letter in Defense of Democracy. libya360.wordpress.com Brasil de Fato Reading of the letter in defense of democracy at the Faculty of Law in the University of Brasília, in Brazil's capital city. Photo: Janelson Ferreira/MST The letter is being read in dozens of cities on August 11 as part of national mobilizations in defense of democracy On Thursday August 11, tens of…

_____ (2022-08-10). In Wait for the Seventh Nuclear Test of the DPRK. journal-neo.org The speech of Kim Jong-un, which we reviewed earlier on July 27, 2022, was perceived as a sign that this time the DPRK will definitely conduct the seventh nuclear test in the very near future, and North Korean experts are waiting for a corresponding decision by Kim Jong-un. It seems that "experts" and specialists on …

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