(2022-08-05). Amnesty International Says Ukraine's Fighting Tactics Endanger Civilians. news.antiwar.com Amnesty International on Thursday "We have documented a pattern of Ukrainian forces putting civilians at risk and violating the laws of war when they operate in populated areas," said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty's secretary-general. "Being in a defensive position does not exempt the Ukrainian military from respecting internation…
(2022-08-05). Statement condemning Nancy Pelosi's reckless visit to China's Taiwan. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement issued by Friends of Socialist China. Freedom Road Socialist Organization is one of the organizational signatories. | We condemn in the strongest possible terms the provocative and war-mongering visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to China's territory of Taiwan. | Pelosi is a reactionary, anti-working-class imperialist politician with a long record of inveterate hostility to Socialist China and the Chinese people. Her visit to Taiwan is a major political provocation that carries with it a grave danger of leading to regional and even world war. It…
(2022-08-05). Fuerzas ucranianas bombardean objetivos civiles en Donetsk. telesurtv.net Los informes preliminares reportan cinco civiles muertos y seis heridos como consecuencia del bombardeo.
(2022-08-05). Has the Ukraine Conflict Driven U.S. Government Officials Crazy? covertactionmagazine.com Latest outrage is the FBI's use of flash-bang grenades and drones to startle 80-year-old leader of Black Nationalist organization who …
(2022-08-05). German government sets course for world war as it backs Pelosi's Taiwan visit. wsws.org Similar to the war in Ukraine, Berlin also sees the conflict with China as an opportunity to advance its long-cherished plans for rearmament and its great power ambitions.
(2022-08-05). Imputan a 4 policías por asesinato de afroamericana en EE.UU. telesurtv.net El fiscal afirmó que tres de los policías se involucraron en la falsificación de una orden de allanamiento.
(2022-08-05). VII Campeonato Nacional sub 23: Villa Clara y Pinar del Rio logran barridas en los primeros duelos. cubadebate.cu Los equipos de Villa Clara y Pinar del Rio barrieron a sus oponentes en las primeras subseries particulares del VII Campeonato Nacional de béisbol categoría sub 23, en una jornada donde se firmó una lechada y dos partidos necesitaron una entrada extra para definirse.
(2022-08-05). Condenan a implicados en intento de magnicidio del presidente Nicolás Maduro. telesurtv.net Detonaron cargas explosivas para atentar contra la vida del jefe de Estado, en momentos en que hablaba durante un acto público en Caracas el 4 de agosto de 2018.
(2022-08-05). Here's Why More Countries Are Knocking on BRICS' Door. infobrics.org The growing charm of strength between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) coupled with the loss of attraction in the West has led to more countries, including Iran and Argentina, applying for BRICS membership…
(2022-08-05). Russia, China to Break Ground on Gas Pipeline Via Mongolia in 2024. infobrics.org The Power of Siberia-2 pipeline, which will deliver Europe-bound gas from western Siberian fields to China for the first time, is expected to go online in 2030…
(2022-08-05). Why Russian Exporters Should Be Looking to the India Consumer Market for Diversifying Trade. infobrics.org Indian Imports of Russian Goods Grew 272% in April-May 2022…
(2022-08-04). Ukrainian Forces Shell Civilian Targets in Donetsk. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the Ukrainian Armed Forces bombed the Opera and Ballet Theater and the Donbass Palace hotel in downtown Donetsk, leaving a preliminary toll of five civilians dead and six others injured. | RELATED: | The funeral of Colonel Olga Kachura, leader of the artillery rocket division of the militia of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), who died in combat, was planned to be held in this theat…
(2022-08-04). Today, Ukraine Bombed a Donetsk Hotel Full of Journalists. libya360.wordpress.com Eva Karene Bartlett Another attack from Kiev has hit central Donetsk, targeting a funeral and a hotel where numerous reporters stay and work At 10: 13 am today (Thursday), Ukraine began shelling central Donetsk. There were five powerful blasts in the space of ten minutes. The last explosion blew out my hotel's ground-floor glass, including a sitting…
(2022-08-04). Lucien Cerise: "NATO Threatens France, Western Civilization, and all Forms of Civilization" libya360.wordpress.com Lucien Cerise, a social engineering researcher, answers questions from Continental Observer about NATO on the occasion of the new edition of his book, Ukraine, NATO's Hybrid War, a first edition of which was published in 2017 under the title Return to Maidan — NATO's Hybrid War. How do you assess the differences in NATO's hybrid…
(2022-08-04). Russian Operations in Ukraine (August 4, 2022): Featuring Mark Sleboda. libya360.wordpress.com Joining me for this update is Mark Sleboda, an international relations and security expert based in Russia, and US Navy veteran. We will discuss the latest developments in Ukraine including a recent Pentagon briefing and Western media claims made in recent days. References War on the Rocks — Ukraine's Window of Opportunity?: warontherocks.com/2022/07/ukr… US Department…
(2022-08-04). Stoltenberg Says NATO Working With Arms Industry to Get Ukraine More Weapons. news.antiwar.com NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday said that the military alliance was working closely with the arms industry "We are providing a lot of support but we need to do even more and be prepared for the long haul," the NATO chief told Reuters. "Therefore we're also now in close contact and working closely with the defense industry to produce mor…
(2022-08-04). Three Ships To Leave Ukrainian Ports by Friday. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the Tàºrkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced that three new shipments of Ukrainian grain are expected to leave Ukraine's ports by Friday. | RELATED: | "As part of the intensive activity of the joint coordination center, three ships with grain are scheduled to leave Ukrainian ports tomorrow," said the Tàºrkish minister. | Last Tuesday, the Ministry announced that the first shipment of Ukrainian gr…
(2022-08-04). Viktor Orban says Trump is "important ally" for peace in Ukraine. infobrics.org Trump gives another re-election hint after meeting with ideological ally Viktor Orban.
(2022-08-04). Canada Deploying Soldiers To Train Ukrainian New Recruits. telesurenglish.net Under Operation UNIFIER, Canada's military training and capacity-building mission in Ukraine, the CAF will deploy personnel to the United Kingdom, Defence Minister Anita Anand said. | Members of the Canadian Armed Forces wearing face masks walk outside a mobile hospital at a parking lot of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on April 30, 2021.
(2022-08-04). Ukrainian top intelligence official reveals US involvement in missile strikes against Russia. wsws.org The provocative interview with the deputy head of Ukraine's military intelligence was published the same day as the first grain shipment from Ukraine since the start of the NATO-provoked war left Odessa as part of a deal brokered by Turkey and the UN.
(2022-08-04). He Can Not Take It Any Longer. smoothiex12.blogspot.com Good. So, there is still some integrity to be found… Or, are they getting ready to admit the inevitable which is very near, in fact is in progress–a collapse of the front in Ukraine. But as they say, better late than never. Anyway, good for you, Cory Bernardi.
(2022-08-04). NATO's Moderate Rebels (HTS) in Idlib Mourn Al Qaeda's Zawahiri/ By Arabi Souri. marktaliano.net Original Link Here: NATO's Moderate Rebels (HTS) in Idlib Mourn Al Qaeda's Zawahiri (syrianews.cc) NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda in northern Syria (HTS) and its affiliated terrorists mourned the alleged killing of the head of Al Qaeda Organization Ayman Zawahiri on their social media accounts widely circulated among their members. NATO member state Turkey insists that Al …
(2022-08-04). Denuncian asesinato de periodista en Guanajuato, México. telesurtv.net El gobernador del municipio, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez, orientó a la Secretaria de Gobierno del estado, Libia García, brindar todo el apoyo a las familias de quienes fallecieron.
(2022-08-04). Yarisleidis Cirilo: Tres finales en el Campeonato Mundial de Canotaje. cubadebate.cu Yarisleidis Cirilo consiguió este jueves el avance a su tercera final en el Campeonato Mundial de Canotaje y hasta ahora protagoniza la mejor actuación cubana en un torneo que acoge la ciudad canadiense de Halifax. Paa este viernes: Pelier estará en las semifinales del C1 a mil metros y la dupla de Sergey Torres y Tabiani Diéguez en las del C2 a 500 metros.
(2022-08-04). Campeonato Nacional sub 23: Juego sin hits ni carreras y cuatro invictos en la segunda jornada. cubadebate.cu El primer partido sin hit ni carreras que firma un lanzador avileño en esta categoría y cuatro equipos que repitieron victorias, fue lo más interesante que ocurrió este miércoles en la segunda jornada de competencias del VII Campeonato Nacional sub 23. El zurdo Yadier Batista mantuvo en un puño durante las siete entradas de juego a los Toros de Camagàºey.
(2022-08-04). Punto Deportivo: Cuba y sus últimas actuaciones en el deporte rey (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Esta semana regresa la sección Punto Deportivo en su formato audiovisual. Por ello dedicamos la emisión al atletismo. En un primer momento, analizamos el reciente campeonato mundial de Oregón, Estados Unidos. Luego, actualizamos sobre la participación cubana en el mundial sub-20, que acoge por estos días la ciudad colombiana de Cali.
(2022-08-04). Oficina de DD.HH. de ONU en Colombia condena asesinato de líder campesino. telesurtv.net Suman 110 los líderes asesinados en Colombia en 2022, y 1.337 desde la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz en 2016.
(2022-08-04). BRICS Expansion: Five New Members in 2023. infobrics.org Following Russia's announcement of Iran & Argentina's BRICS membership bids, the alliance president reveals that Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt have the same plans…
(2022-08-04). Nigeria Not Against Joining BRICS, It Is Possible in Future. infobrics.org Nigeria is not against becoming a member of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), Nigerian Ambassador to Russia Abdullahi Shehu said in an interview, adding that it is "quite realistic" in the future…
(2022-08-04). French volunteer suggests Bucha tragedy was a false flag. infobrics.org Evidence points that there was no Russian participation in the Bucha incident.
(2022-08-04). Iranian, Russian chief negotiators discuss JCPOA in Vienna. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 04 (MNA) — At the threshold of new round of talks on removal of anti-Iranian sanctions, Iranian and Russian top negotiators, headed by Ali Bagheri Kani and Mikhail Ulyanov, discussed JCPOA in Austrian capital of Vienna on Thursday.
(2022-08-04). Colombia Witnesses One of the Worst Killing-Sprees of 2022. libya360.wordpress.com Tanya Wadhwa According to INDEPAZ, 59 massacres have been perpetrated and 110 social leaders and 31 ex-combatants of the FARC assassinated in 2022 so far. (Photo: Radio Nacional CO/Twitter) According to the Institute of Development and Peace Studies (INDEPAZ), 20 citizens were murdered in six massacres in the past 10 days. Five social leaders and…
(2022-08-04). How China is Countering US Sanctions. libya360.wordpress.com Petr KonovalovFor many years there has been a rivalry between two world superpowers, namely, the United States and China. In recent years, it has developed into an outright struggle, during which the parties use various political and economic instruments against each other. Usually, the sanctions imposed by Washington against its rivals attract the most attention…
(2022-08-03). Outcomes in Ukraine and Russian Resilience Can be Served Up as the Perfect Scapegoat. journal-neo.org There is always a conflict between high principle and pragmatism. Embracing both is probably a wise strategy. But whether you can actually have anything both ways, or whether the outcome would mean anything if you did, remains to be seen. American policymakers, during their many attempts to isolate and antagonise Russia, should have been asking, …
(2022-08-03). Most 'Fact-Checking' Organizations Facebook Uses In Ukraine Are Funded By Washington. popularresistance.org Most of the fact-checking organizations Facebook has partnered with to monitor and regulate information about Ukraine are directly funded by the U.S. government, either through the U.S. Embassy or via the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED). | In light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, an information war as bitter as the ground fighting has erupted, and Meta (Facebook's official name) announced it had partnered with nine organizations to help it sort fact from fiction for Ukrainian, Russian and other Eastern European users. These nine organizations are: StopFake, VoxCheck, Fact Check Georgia, Demagog,…
(2022-08-03). Jim Clyburn Claimed Kamala Harris Becoming VP Proves America Isn't Racist, Now He Says America Is Moving In Direction Of Hitlerism. moguldom.com Veteran Democrat Congressman Jim Clyburn once agreed with Rep. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) that the appointment of former senator Kamala Harris as the first Black vice president of the U.S. proves America isn't racist. "I agree with him on that. I don't think a racist country would have elected Barack Obama as President, or Kamala Harris …
(2022-08-03). The Movement Sorely Misses Glen Ford. popularresistance.org It has been one year since the death of Black Agenda Report Executive Editor, Glen Ford. The turbulence of the past year has been as intense as Glen Ford's loss to the movement. President Joe Biden is facing a crisis of legitimacy. Inflation and recession loom over a flailing U.S. capitalist system. A U.S.-led imperialist war with Russia and China is closer than it has ever been and Black America is no better off with a Democrat controlling the White House. | Such conditions demand that we remember and emulate Glen Ford's tireless contributions to the Black liberation, peace, and socialist movement. Ford was a st…
(2022-08-03). The EU Has Begun its Retreat. "First Steps in Unraveling Energy and Food Sanctions on Russia" globalresearch.ca
(2022-08-03). Joe Biden's "Arms Control Talks" Offer to Russia — Genuine Move or More Hot Air? globalresearch.ca
(2022-08-03). Biden Sends Mixed Signals to Russia in Offer to Negotiate New START Replacement. globalresearch.ca
(2022-08-03). EU, UK Delay Cutting Off Russia from Oil Insurance Market. globalresearch.ca
(2022-08-03). Lavrov, Macron, Blinken and Africa. journal-neo.org From July 23 to 27, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Egypt, the Republic of Congo Brazzaville, Uganda and Ethiopia. During these visits, which covered the Northern, Eastern and Central Africa, he was received by the heads of these States, Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers. The special significance of this visit was due to …