(2022-06-11). Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov visits Turkey as NATO escalates war in Ukraine. wsws.org Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Ankara for talks to create a "safe grain corridor" from Ukrainian ports to world markets.
(2022-06-11). Ukrainian Army Shelling of Donbass: A Day in Hell Without End/ By Christelle Néant. marktaliano.net Original Link Here: Ukrainian Army Shelling of Donbass: A Day in Hell Without End — INTERNATIONALIST 360 ∞ (wordpress.com) For several days, the Ukrainian army has been intensively shelling several towns in Donbass (Donetsk, Gorlovka, Makeyevka, Stakhanov) in the middle of the day, causing numerous victims among civilians. On 4 June 2022, Donetsk was heavily shelled. …
(2022-06-11). NATO's No. 2 touts global conflict to make the world safe for…rules-based international order. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOJune 9, 2022 Russia's war against Ukraine has "galvanised our democratic society" Deputy Secretary General Mircea GeoanƒÉ spoke at a panel on Russia's war against Ukraine on Thursday (9 June 2022), hosted by POLITICO and presented by the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies. He said that the war had not just galvanized NATO and …
(2022-06-11). Barack Obama Says Ukraine War Is 'Far From Over'. news.antiwar.com Former President Barack Obama said in a speech at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit on Friday that the war in Ukraine is "far from over." "Make no mistake, this war is far from over. The costs will continue to mount," Obama said. "The costs will continue to mount, the course of events … are hard to …
(2022-06-11). Biden Works to Prolong Ukraine War 214. zcomm.org When we reach the stage that Henry Kissinger is a comparative voice of sanity, the political situation is indeed dire…
(2022-06-11). Thursday 6/23: Protest US Escalation in Ukraine! No More Weapon Sales. indybay.org Barbara Lee's office | 1 Kaiser Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612…
(2022-06-11). "Our great friend Ben Wallace": British, Ukrainian DMs meet. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Interfax-UkraineJune 11, 2022 Reznikov meets with UK Secretary of State for Defence Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov met with British Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace in Kyiv, and the parties had a productive discussion. "I was pleased to meet with our great friend Ben Wallace. We had a productive and frank discussion today. …
(2022-06-11). Ukraine and the Risk of Geopolitical Conflict. zcomm.org The return of the nuclear question…
(2022-06-11). Kissinger and the Fight for Russia. moderndiplomacy.eu In the event that the growing conflict in and around Ukraine does not lead to irreparable consequences on a global scale in the near future, its most important result will be a fundamental demarcation between Russia and Europe, which will make it impossible to maintain even insignificant neutral zones and will require a significant reduction …
(2022-06-11). Taking (Another) Turn to the East: Making Sense of Russia's Stance in the Asia-Pacific. moderndiplomacy.eu Given the rapidly developing situation in Ukraine and the sweeping sanctions aimed at derailing Russia's economy, Moscow has been mulling over its opportunities of making another pivot to the so-called Global East. Most of the Asia-Pacific forms an integral part of the mentioned area. The goal of this piece is to determine the tendencies intrinsic …
(2022-06-11). SPIEF'22 Offers Russia Hopes and Aspirations for Better Future. moderndiplomacy.eu Under the chosen theme 'New Opportunities in a New World' that reflects the changing global situations, the process of recovery from Covid-19 and the Russia-Ukraine crisis, St. Petersburg readies to host the landmark 25th International Economic Forum from June 15 to 18. That however, Russia's President Vladimir Putin explained in his welcome message that Russia …
(2022-06-11). Military Intermarium: NATO chief addresses Bucharest 9 summit. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOJune 10, 2022 NATO Secretary General takes part in B9 Summit Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg attended the Bucharest Nine (B9) Summit by video teleconference on Friday (10 June 2022), to prepare for the NATO Summit in Madrid at the end of this month. The B9 format, established at the initiative of Polish President Duda and …
(2022-06-11). NATO furthers Georgia's military integration. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOJune 10, 2022 Georgia takes another step towards NATO interoperability On 8 June 2022, the Defence Institution Building School one of the flagship initiatives of the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package achieved a major milestone, as it was certified as a NATO accredited Education and Training Facility for a period of six years, by the …
(2022-06-11). WATCH: Bashar al-Assad: Russia Restored Lost International Balance (English subtitles). marktaliano.net Damascus, SANA— President Bashar al-Assad said that Russia is facing a war that cannot be linked to the issue of NATO expansion, but rather it is an ongoing war that did not stop even before communism or before World War I, affirming that Russia's power today constitutes a restoration of international equilibrium. "So, we can …
(2022-06-11). Backed by Israel, US and EU Allies Submit Anti-Iran Draft Resolution to IAEA Board of Governors. orinocotribune.com The United States and the three European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal, backed by the Israeli regime, have reportedly submitted to the International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors a draft resolution censuring Iran's nuclear program. | The United States and the EU troika — Britain, Germany and France — submitted the draft to the 35-nation board on Tuesday, accusing Iran of failing to offer transparent responses to the IAEA's questions over nuclear activities at three sites. | According to the draft, seen by Reuters, the board "expresses profound concern that the safeguards issues rela…
(2022-06-11). Virginia Thomas and Trump's election coup: More revelations about role of Supreme Court justice's wife. wsws.org The revelation of Thomas' expansive efforts in service of Trump's coup comes a day after leading Michigan Republican gubernatorial candidate, Ryan Kelley, was arrested by the FBI for participating in the fascist assault on Congress.
(2022-06-11). Mundial de Voleibol de Playa: Díaz y Alayo también abren con derrota. cubadebate.cu La pareja cubana de Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo abrió con derrota de 0-2 su presencia en el Campeonato Mundial de Voleibol de Playa, un evento con sede en la capital italiana, donde las cubanas Leila y Lidy también debutaron con un revés. Los antillanos cedieron 0-2 ante los australianos McHugh y Burnett, con pizarras finales de 21-15 y 21-18.
(2022-06-11). Philly Pride 2022: Smash racism, transphobia and police brutality! workers.org Philadelphia Center City Philadelphia was awash with rainbow flags, as a sea of people turned out to celebrate the city's 50th Pride march on June 5. This year's event, with new organizers PHL Pride Collective and the Philly Dyke March, will go down as one of the most diverse events . . . |
(2022-06-11). Russian PM authorizes Russia's withdrawal from UNWTO. ecns.cn Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order on Friday authorizing the country's withdrawal from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
(2022-06-11). Parsing China's policy towards Russia from realpolitik not fantasy. moderndiplomacy.eu For more than decades, Modern Diplomacy is an invaluable platform for assessing and evaluating complex international issues. Although a leading European opinion-maker, its far-reaching opinion power and prestige have gone globally including its high public esteem in China. Given this, it is necessary for international scholars to sincerely maintain Modern Diplomacy's academic decency and qualities …
(2022-06-11). Turkey is Changing its Opinion on the Events in Ukraine. journal-neo.org The "collective West" and many NATO countries have finally begun to receive objective information on the goals and results of Russia's special military operation to denazify Ukraine. Instead of openly Russophobic coverage of these events by representatives of the current military-political elite of the EU and NATO and, above all, the United States, the true …
(2022-06-11). Moscow to respond appropriately to NATO threats: report. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 11 (MNA) — A Russian Foreign Ministry official emphasized that his country will respond appropriately to the security threats posed by NATO forces.
(2022-06-11). Iran, Russia to launch green customs to strengthen coop. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 11 (MNA) — Islamic Republic of Iran and Russian Federation will set up a customs office entitled "Green Customs" in line with invigoration of bilateral cooperation in the field of customs.
(2022-06-11). North-South corridor begins op. with 1st shipment. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 11 (MNA) — The International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) began operation with the first shipment from Russia to India, the head of Iranian-Russian port Solyanka in the Astrakhan region said.
(2022-06-11). US sanctions policy to create new G8 group: Volodin. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 11 (MNA) — Russia's State Duma Speaker said that a new G8 group including Iran and Russia will be set up with the sanctions policy of the United States and its allies.
(2022-06-11). JCPOA revival possible despite passing resolution. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 11 (MNA) — Russia's envoy to international organizations based in Vienna said that there are still opportunities to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), even after passing of an anti-Iran resolution at IAEA BoG.
(2022-06-10). Ukrainian Army Shelling of Donbass: A Day in Hell Without End. libya360.wordpress.com Christelle Néant For several days, the Ukrainian army has been intensively shelling several towns in Donbass (Donetsk, Gorlovka, Makeyevka, Stakhanov) in the middle of the day, causing numerous victims among civilians. On 4 June 2022, Donetsk was heavily shelled. After the bombardment of the Petrovski district, during which we found ourselves trapped for five hours…
(2022-06-10). Russian Ops in Ukraine (June 10, 2022): Ukraine Running Low on Ammo, Russia Isn't. libya360.wordpress.com The Western media continues to paint a bleak picture for Ukraine's military prospects as its forces admit to huge losses on the battlefield and a dwindling supply of weapons and ammunition. Russia continues to make advances and is said to have enough combat power to fight on for another year. References: Guardian — We're almost…
(2022-06-10). Zelensky's Delay in Opening Sea Corridor Threatens the World with Hunger. libya360.wordpress.com Paul Antonopoulos Hundreds of Ukrainian mines floating in the Black Sea threaten to halt tens of millions of tons of grain from being exported. Ukrainian officials claim it would take six months to clear the mines, something which directly contradicts the long-held claim that Russia's naval blockade is preventing the export of wheat. Markiyan Dmytrasevych, an adviser…
(2022-06-10). From the Global South to Ukraine, America's Faux Left "Socialists" Do the CIA's Work. libya360.wordpress.com Rainer Shea As Imperialism's Spoils Dry Up, the Imperial Center & its "Left" Further Embrace Fantasy The core imperialist countries are being confronted with the reality that when you build an entire civilization off of theft from other civilizations, your society can't sustain itself. It goes straight from its rise, made possible by parasitic extraction…
(2022-06-10). "Democracy Arsenals" in Kiev's Support: Middle Eastern Perspective. journal-neo.org "War not in the name of democracy", "Will democracy arsenals benefit Ukraine?" these and other similar headlines mirror Middle Eastern views on the situation in Ukraine. They address a key narrative of the Western world: Ukraine allegedly has become a flashpoint where war "between Western democracy and Russia's authoritarianism" rages on. This message has hit …
(2022-06-10). The Empire Strikes Back — Imperialism's Global War on Multipolarity — Sat. 11 June (11am EDT-US, 8am PDT-US, 4pm Britain, 11pm China). iacenter.org The Empire Strikes Back: Imperialism's Global War on Multipolarity Saturday, June 11, 11am EDT | 8am PDT | 4pm BST | 11pm CST Click here to register About this event This Friends of Socialist China webinar will explore the latest developments in, and increasing militarization of, the US-led New Cold War. About this event This webinar on Saturday 11 June (11am US Eastern, 8am US Pacific, 4pm Britain, 11pm China) will address the latest developments in international politics, particularly around NATO, AUKUS, the war in Ukraine, and the increasing militarization of the US-led New Cold War. Register:…
(2022-06-10). Storms at the Summit of the Americas. libya360.wordpress.com Rosa Miriam Elizalde The 9th Summit of the Americas, in Los Angeles. (Photo: Summit of the Americas via Twitter) June 7 was a bad day for the secretary-general of the Organization of American States. During the Summit of the Americas, a young man declared to him what he is: an instigator of the coup in…
(2022-06-10). The Rebellious Seed. libya360.wordpress.com Carolina Vásquez Araya (Image by Dalia Chiú S.) Violence against indigenous peoples has only made them stronger. Throughout our America, but also in the rest of the world, the harassment and criminal violence against indigenous communities that do not give in to the invasion of their territories has caused millions of innocent victims. This constant…