2022-06-01: News Headlines

Ecns.cn (2022-06-01). U.S. to send medium-range rocket systems to Ukraine. ecns.cn The United States will send medium-range rocket systems to Ukraine in a new security assistance package, senior administration officials said Tuesday.

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-06-01). Mayo Clinic Minute: Treating skin cancer with Mohs surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month and a time to check your body for signs of this common and preventable disease. Nearly 5 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with a form of skin cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Dr. Naiara Sbroggio Barbosa (Nie-e-ARE-ah Bar-BOH-sah), a Mayo Clinic dermatologist, , explains how Mohs surgery can be used to treat basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and some types of melanoma….

Staff (2022-06-01). Brigadas médicas Henry Reeve que enfrentaron la COVID-19 en Italia reciben placa de reconocimiento. cubadebate.cu Con profunda gratitud recibimos de manos de Angelo Sollazzo, presidente de la Confederación de Italianos en el Mundo, una placa en reconocimiento a la labor de las brigadas médicas Henry Reeve que enfrentaron en ciudades italianas la COVID-19, durante los momentos más complejos de la pandemia. Ese gesto nos llena de orgullo.

Michele de Mello (2022-06-01). Colombia: Leftists gain highest vote in first round of elections. greenleft.org.au Leftist candidates Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez won 40.3% of the vote in Colombia's election and will head to the second round against Rodolfo Hernández and Marelen Castillo from the Anti-Corruption League, reports Michele de Mello.

Foreign Policy in Focus (2022-06-01). Supreme Court Expands Government Secrecy Powers in Torture-Related Case. juancole.com By Robert Pallitto | (Foreign Policy in Focus ) The U.S. government doesn't want to acknowledge a Polish torture site that everyone knows about. By Robert Pallitto | May 31, 2022 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled recently on the government's use of the state secrets doctrine in an opinion that will make it …

Foreign Policy in Focus (2022-06-01). Supreme Court Expands Government Secrecy Powers in Torture-Related Case. juancole.com By Robert Pallitto | (Foreign Policy in Focus ) The U.S. government doesn't want to acknowledge a Polish torture site that everyone knows about. By Robert Pallitto | May 31, 2022 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled recently on the government's use of the state secrets doctrine in an opinion that will make it …

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-06-01). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What are fibroids? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 27 and have heavy menstrual cycles. In the past year, I have begun to have more pelvic pain, especially during my period. A friend said I should get checked for fibroids. What are fibroids, and how do you treat them? ANSWER: Uterine fibroids, also called leiomyomas or myomas, are benign masses that come from the muscle portion of the uterus. Fibroids are common. Approximately 80% of people born with a uterus will…

Chloe DS (2022-06-01). More deportations and suicides under Australia's rotten detention regime. greenleft.org.au Detainees on 501s, some of whom are mentally unwell, continue to be forcibly flown from Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation centre in Melbourne to the Christmas Island detention centre. Chloe DS reports.

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-06-01). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Osteoporosis and exercise. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My 70-year-old mother is an active person. She enjoys being outdoors, hiking and boating, and regularly playing tennis with a group of other women. Recently, she was diagnosed with osteoporosis and is worried about maintaining her active lifestyle for fear of injury. Can she continue to exercise? If so, which types of exercises will be best for her? Answer: Congratulations to your mother for remaining active as she ages. Exercise is an important…

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-06-01). Mayo Clinic Minute: Treating skin cancer with Mohs surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month and a time to check your body for signs of this common and preventable disease. Nearly 5 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with a form of skin cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Dr. Naiara Sbroggio Barbosa (Nie-e-ARE-ah Bar-BOH-sah), a Mayo Clinic dermatologist, , explains how Mohs surgery can be used to treat basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and some types of melanoma….

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-06-01). Russia holds nuclear forces drill in NE Moscow. en.mehrnews.com According to Russian Defense Ministry, Russia's nuclear forces are holding drills in the Ivanovo province, northeast of Moscow.

Robert S. Becker (2022-05-31). Foiled Trump goes full Confederate, names Mar-a-Lago the MAGA Whiter than White House. nationofchange.org 'No cause is truly lost when the Confederate flag still waves, when statures of freedom-fighters stand on every village green, and good white Christian nationalists reign supreme.'

Branko Marcetic (2022-05-31). The Biden Admin Is in No Rush to Help Ukraine Negotiate an End to War. zcomm.org The US, Ukraine's leading patron, has signaled it has no patience for diplomatic efforts that cut against its hope for Moscow's "strategic defeat…

Staff (2022-05-31). Colombia Election Runoff: Leftist Gustavo Petro Leads Presidential Vote But Faces Trump-Like Tycoon. democracynow.org Colombia's highly anticipated presidential elections on Sunday resulted in victory for two anti-establishment candidates: leftist Gustavo Petro and Trump-like right-wing millionaire Rodolfo Hernández. The two will face off in a runoff election on June 19, the outcome of which will determine whether Colombia addresses worsening inequality under Petro or ushers in a new era of populist conservatism under Hernández. Both options seem to answer to previous years' mass uprisings in the country that protested the corruption within the state leadership. "What is going on in Colombia is a popular uprisi…

Contributing Writers (2022-05-31). Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer "Confidential Report" marktaliano.net It's Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies By Dr. Naomi Wolf Global Research, May 31, 2022 Outspoken with Dr. Naomi Wolf 30 May 2022 To receive Global Research's …

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-31). Mayo Clinic Minute: Men need to take melanoma seriously. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. It develops in the cells that produce the pigment in your skin that gives it color. It most often occurs on skin that is exposed to the sun, but can develop in your eyes and, rarely, inside your body, including in your nose and throat. May is Melanoma Awareness Month, and for men, it's especially important. Researchers say men are more likely to die from melanoma…

Amyn Sajoo (2022-05-31). Western countries demand Russia follows international law — so why don't they? zcomm.org With a passion that recalls the aftermath of the Second World War, politicians and commentators are demanding a global order that takes seriously the rules of the United Nations Charter…

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