(2022-05-18). Why is the US Trying to Provoke a Conflict on the Afghanistan—Tajikistan Border? journal-neo.org Ever since the withdrawal of the last US troops from Afghanistan and the fall of the country to the Taliban (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), Washington has been unable to come to terms with the loss of its influence in the region. It is therefore doing all it can to turn the …
(2022-05-18). The Liberation of Mariupol. marktaliano.net READ MORE: Human Shields of Mariupol/By Patrick Lancaster Mark Taliano MARIUPOL — CIVILIANS DENOUNCE THE CRIMES OF THE FIGHTERS OF THE NEO-NAZI AZOV REGIMENT/By Christelle Néant Mark Taliano Marioupol — Reddition des soldats ukrainiens retranchés dans Azovstal Donbass Insider (donbass-insider.com)…
(2022-05-18). CovertAction Bulletin Podcast: Whitewashing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine & Biden's "Disinformation Governing Board" covertactionmagazine.com Biden announced last month the assembly of a team within the Department of Homeland Security with the title: Disinformation Governing Board (DGB). Supposedly this team will be working to combat Russian, Iranian, and Chinese "disinformation." We dive deeper into the contradictory history of disinformation about Ukraine in 2014 spread by non other than the executive director of the DGB board, Nina Jankowicz.
(2022-05-18). Is Russia To Blame For Global Food Crisis? southfront.org | Western leaders, headed by U.S. President Joe Biden, claim that Russia's actions in Ukraine have blocked food sources needed for worldwide supplies. In particular, Africa will not be able to survive without Ukrainian grain. | As the threat of a food crisis grows, Europe and the United States are
(2022-05-18). The 16 Biggest Lies the U.S. Government Tells America About the Ukraine War. covertactionmagazine.com In any war, the first casualty is truth. Here are the biggest lies: 1. "Ukraine is a democracy"Ukrainian President Volodymyr …
(2022-05-18). The Heat: Russia-Ukraine Crisis. america.cgtn.com Ukraine has surrendered the city of Mariupol after almost 90 days of fighting. Does that mark a major turning point in the conflict?>
(2022-05-18). Video: Pfizer's "Secret" Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide/By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux. marktaliano.net By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline MaillouxGlobal Research, May 17, 2022 Lux Media and Global Research The following video interview with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky pertains to the Confidential Pfizer Report released as part of a Freedom of Information (FOI) procedure. The report is a bombshell. The vaccine was launched in mid-December 2020. By the end of February 2021, "Pfizer had already …
(2022-05-18). It's impossible to determine your personal COVID-19 risks and frustrating to try — but you can still take action. Malia Jones, Scientist in Health Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(2022-05-18). Signs, Symbols, Costumes at San Francisco Reproductive Justice March. indybay.org San Francisco is a free speech town and San Franciscans are at their finest at a march like the one of May 14.
(2022-05-18). 959 Ukrainian Militants Surrendered At Azovstal Plant So Far. southfront.org | On May 18, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported that the militants of the nationalist Azov unit and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant continued to surrender. | According to the Russian MoD, 694 militants surrendered over the past day, including 29 wounded. A total of 959 militants have surrendered since May 16, including 80 wounded, of whom 51 who needed urgent treatment were placed in the hospital of Novoazovsk of the Donetsk People's Republic. | On May 17, the Russia…
(2022-05-18). US schools are not racially integrated, despite decades of effort. Pedro A. Noguera, Dean, USC Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California
(2022-05-18). Beyond flora and fauna: Why it's time to include fungi in global conservation goals. Matt Kasson, Associate Professor of Mycology and Plant Pathology, West Virginia University
(2022-05-18). Why a US task force is recommending anxiety screening in kids 8 and older. Elana Bernstein, Assistant Professor of School Psychology, University of Dayton
(2022-05-18). Suman 959 los militares ucranianos rendidos en planta Azovstal. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia informó que un total de 959 nacionalistas ucranianos del batallón Azov cercados en la planta metalúrgica Azovstal, en la región de Mariúpol, depusieron las armas. El portavoz mayor general Âgor Konashénkov, detalló a la prensa que de ellos hay 80 heridos, 51 de los cuales fueron enviados a un hospital de la ciudad de Novoazovsk, en la autoproclamada República Popular de Donetsk (RPD).
(2022-05-18). Will Labor in government abandon the paternalistic cashless welfare card? greenleft.org.au What will happen to the pernicious cashless debit card scheme after the election? Labor has promised to make the scheme voluntary and the Coalition claims not to have a plan to expand it. But can either be trusted? Alex Bainbridge and Vivien Miley report.
(2022-05-18). Tibetan gazelles spotted on Qinghai grassland. ecns.cn A group of Tibetan gazelles was spotted in Banma County, Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of northwest China's Qinghai Province.
(2022-05-18). Finnish parliament approves proposal to join NATO. wsws.org The same day that Finland and Sweden formally submitted their NATO membership applications, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared it was ending the country's participation in the Council of the Baltic Sea States.