(2022-03-15). China continues to resist U.S. demand to join "global web to strangle Russia" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Global TimesMarch 15, 2022 US cannot expect China to cooperate under its suppression: Global Times editorial Edited On Monday, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi met with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in Rome, Italy. They …
(2022-03-15). 14 March Missile Attack On Civilians In Donetsk: Many Griefs And One Happy Story (Video 18+). southfront.org On the morning of March 14, around 11: 20 a.m. local time, Ukrainian units struck the center of Donetsk with a…
(2022-03-15). War In Ukraine Day 19: Russian Forces Pave The Way For Blow In Response To Massacre In Donetsk. southfront.org The main military developments in Ukraine are taking place in eastern regions and around the capital Kiev. While on the…
(2022-03-15). Pro-imperialist pseudo-left event on Ukraine ends in debacle for organizers. wsws.org On Sunday, representatives of a variety of pro-imperialist pseudo-left tendencies held an online event to support the US/NATO war drive in Ukraine. The event ended in a political debacle for the organizers, who expelled David North for raising criticisms of the meeting in the event's public chat.
(2022-03-15). US threatens China over Ukraine crisis. wsws.org US National Security Adviser Sullivan warned Beijing that "there will absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions evasion efforts or support to Russia to backfill them."
(2022-03-15). Russia's Operation in Ukraine, a Middle Eastern Perspective. journal-neo.org "Ukraine: the price of the American-European deception," "A lesson for the Ukrainian people in the school of the West." These and similar headlines have flooded the Middle Eastern media and social media in the wake of the Russian military operation in Ukraine. One of the main topics is the reasons and background for this move …
(2022-03-15). Massive Russian Air And Artillery Strikes On The Night And Morning Of March 15. southfront.org Russian aviation and artillery of the Russian Armed Forces and the DPR and LPR actively attacked various Ukrainian military infrastructure facilities and different AFU positions throughout the night and morning of March 15. | The Russian command finally switched to the tactic of massive artillery shelling before the troops moved forward. | In a number of cases, fire was opened at residential buildings where Ukrainian military firing positions reportedly were detected inside. | Multistory buildings in Kiev were damaged as a result. |
(2022-03-15). Hamid Karzai warns Ukraine against repeating Afghan tragedy. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The HinduMarch 9, 2022 Ukraine should learn Afghanistan lessons, should not get involved in big power games, says Hamid Karzai Excerpt You're drawing parallels between Ukraine and Afghanistan when it comes to the big power games. Many have warned that with its occupation or continuing invasion of Ukraine, Russia could face another version of what …
(2022-03-15). 30 Nonviolent Things Russia Could Have Done and 30 Nonviolent Things Ukraine Could Do. warisacrime.org By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, March 15, 2022 The war-or-nothing disease has a firm grip. People literally can't imagine anything else — people on both sides of the same war. Every time I suggest that Russia might have done anything nonviolent to resist NATO expansion and the militarization of its border or that Ukraine …
(2022-03-15). Spanish truckers mount nationwide strike against rising fuel prices. wsws.org As strikes spread in Italy, Morocco and beyond, an international movement is emerging against the rise in prices now accelerated by NATO-EU sanctions against Russia.
(2022-03-15). Ejército y policía de Israel asesinan a tres jóvenes palestinos. telesurtv.net Otros seis jóvenes fueron heridos por disparos de las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes en dos zonas distintas de Palestina.
(2022-03-15). Asesinan a un líder social y a un firmante de la paz en Colombia. telesurtv.net Parte de la ola de la violencia que vive Colombia y suman 308 firmantes de la paz y 1326 líderes asesinados desde 2016.
(2022-03-15). Behind the Azov-Brazil Connection: How Neo-Nazis Are Pushing to "Ukrainize" Brazil. mintpressnews.com A small group of Brazilian bolsonaristas have become social media celebrities as they crossed the border into Ukraine to fight against Russia, but as Brian Meir reports, Ukrainian Neo-Nazi groups have had influence in Brazil for years.
(2022-03-15). Chris Hedges: Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death. mintpressnews.com Putin played into the hands of the war industry. He gave the warmongers what they wanted. He fulfilled their wildest fantasies. There will be no impediments now on the march to Armageddon.
(2022-03-15). Censorship of Russian Media Featuring Lee Camp and Chris Garaffa. projectcensored.org This week, Eleanor Goldfield hosts both segments of the show. Her first guest is Lee Camp, comedian and political writer, whose TV program (Redacted Tonight) ended with the recent shutdown…
(2022-03-15). India should quit Quad now! mronline.org This is a moment of truth, therefore, as the U.S. unsheathes the sword to bleed and dismember Russia, and gives an ultimatum to China to stay out of it.
(2022-03-15). Arson attack on Berlin's Lomonosov International School—a result of anti-Russian agitation. wsws.org The incident is no isolated event. Ethnic Russians and Russian institutions in Germany have been experiencing hostility and open attacks since the beginning of the war.
(2022-03-15). UK cost of living crisis worsens. wsws.org Sanctions against Russia are fuelling the surge in the cost of everyday items of food and fuel to their highest rate in 30 years.
(2022-03-15). Russia on the brink of debt default. wsws.org An indication of whether Russia will default will come on Wednesday when it is due to make $117 million in interest payments on two dollar-denominated bonds.
(2022-03-15). US announces sanctions against 11 Russian defense officials. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 15 (MNA) — The US announced the imposition of sanctions again 11 high-ranking representatives of the Russian forces and military-industrial complex Monday.
(2022-03-15). Tomgram: William Astore, Making Sense of the New Cold War Dreamscape. warisacrime.org This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here. When it comes to bravery in relation to the war in Ukraine, let me just tip my cap to all the antiwar protesters in Russia who have taken to the streets across that ever more autocratic land. They've …
(2022-03-15). Iran's attack on Irbil confirms widening of US/Russia conflict to the Middle East. wsws.org Iran's attack on Irbil marks a significant escalation in the ongoing tensions between Tehran and Israel, and by extension the US.
(2022-03-15). Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and the hypocrisy of imperialism. wsws.org The Biden administration and the corporate media howl about alleged Russian atrocities in Ukraine while turning a blind eye to the mass executions and saturation bombing carried out by Saudi Arabia.
(2022-03-15). Nuclear expert speaks on the dangers of war between the US and Russia. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site five years ago interviewed Greg Mello, an expert on the dangers of nuclear war. Today we are republishing that interview.
(2022-03-15). Japan freezes assets of 17 Russians. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 15 (MNA) — The government of Japan imposed additional personal sanctions against 17 Russian citizens over the situation around Ukraine, the Japanese Foreign Ministry announced Tuesday.
(2022-03-15). US threatens trade embargo as fighting continues to escalate, sanctions devastate Russian economy. wsws.org Announcing a further escalation of economic warfare against Russia, the US deputy treasury secretary threatened that the US was considering a full trade embargo on Russia and the closure of international waterways to the country.
(2022-03-15). Russian Oligarchs Find Ally In America's Small Business Lobby. dailyposter.com
(2022-03-15). Israel's Links to Ukraine's Thriving Neo-Nazi Movement. mintpressnews.com Although there is no concrete evidence of a direct Israeli government link with the Azov Battalion or other neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine, there are clearly Israeli citizens who are directly aiding them.
(2022-03-15). A rant followed by a big dream followed by some thoughts on psychedelics and the microbiome. thiscantbehappening.net I need to get something off my chest. This is a rant: It occurs to me, as I contemplate the horrors of Ukraine, that I would not wish our system on the world as alternative because our system is the most violent system in the world. It is insidiously violent when it's not blatantly violent. … |
(2022-03-15). Chinese envoy to UN says sanctions won't help solve Ukraine issue. ecns.cn China's permanent representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun said Monday that "the wanton use of sanctions" will not help solve the conflict in Ukraine but only create new problems.
(2022-03-15). Another flight carrying Chinese citizens evacuated from Ukraine arrives safely. ecns.cn At 10: 24 a.m. on Tuesday, a temporary flight carrying Chinese citizens evacuated from Ukraine arrived in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province.
(2022-03-15). Iran supports any political effort to resolve Ukraine crisis. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 15 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has expressed the country's support for any political effort aimed at putting an end to the conflict in Ukraine.
(2022-03-15). Chinese envoy stresses importance of indivisible security. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy on Monday stressed the importance of the principle of indivisible security and called for abandoning a Cold War mentality in the context of the Ukraine crisis.
(2022-03-15). Former Democratic Party congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard attacked for demanding the US shut down Ukrainian biolabs. wsws.org Gabbard has come under attack for calling on the Biden administration to take action to destroy the pathogens held in US-sponsored Ukrainian biolabs.
(2022-03-14). Censored Reports From Donbass Make Clear Ukraine Started The War. popularresistance.org Censored reports from the Donbass in Eastern Ukraine, however, make clear that the war was started eight years ago by Ukraine—after its legitimate government was overthrown in a U.S.-backed coup (known as the Maidan revolution), and the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces voted to secede. | Patrick Lancaster is an American video-journalist and U.S. Navy veteran fluent in Russian who has reported from the Donbass since 2014. | His latest video posted on March 10 shows how people living on the edge of Donetsk, one kilometer from the Ukrainian position in Peski, have been subjected to constant shelling by the Ukrain…
(2022-03-14). War In Ukraine Day 18: Russia And Allies Consolidate Forces In Donbass And Succeed. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 13, there were several important military events on the Ukrainian front lines which marked important successes of Russian forces. | There was a
(2022-03-14). China Adopts a New Defense Budget. journal-neo.org Against the backdrop of the seriousness of Ukraine's Western-backed preparations for a dramatic escalation and aggression against Donbass and Luhansk, including with US-funded biological weapons, China has rolled out its defense budget for 2022. It happened on the opening day of the fifth annual session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC). Usually these annual …
(2022-03-14). Russia Delivers Military Equipment To People's Militia, Showcases Captured Ukrainian Warships (Video). southfront.org On March 14, the Russian Defense Ministry released a video showing the dlivery of military equipment to forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic. | According to the Russian side, the delivered equipment previously belonged to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and was captured during the military operation."Equipment and weapons, both Soviet-made and supplied by Western countries, after checking its technical condition and restoration, are transferred to units of the people's republics. | In the course of a special military operation, units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation seized a large amount o…
(2022-03-14). Ucrania anuncia pausa técnica en las negociaciones con Rusia. telesurtv.net En esta jornada destaca el ataque con misil de las tropas ucranianas contra una zona residencial en la autoproclamada república de Donetsk.
(2022-03-14). Ataque ucraniano en Donetsk dejó al menos 20 muertos. telesurtv.net A las acciones bélicas se suma el impedimento de las tropas ucranianas de que lleguen ayudas humanitarias a Donetsk.
(2022-03-14). Rusia condena ataque con misil de nacionalistas contra Donetsk. telesurtv.net Autoridades aseguran que iba cargado con munición de racimo y dirigido contra civiles, por lo cual lo consideran un crimen de guerra.
(2022-03-14). Azerbaijani armed forces train for new war in Caucasus. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Trend News AgencyMarch 14, 2022 Azerbaijani army conducts firing exercises The Land Forces of the Azerbaijani Army conducted firing exercises from heavy machine guns and automatic grenade launchers in accordance with the combat training plan for 2022, Trend reports via the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry. According to the ministry, before the exercises, the units fulfilled the …
(2022-03-14). NATO details military buildup along Russia's western flank. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeMarch 13, 2022 NATO Allies send reinforcements to the Eastern Flank …Allies have increased readiness and vigilance across Europe to defend and protect all Allies. In recent weeks, Allies have deployed thousands more troops to the eastern, central and south eastern part of the Alliance and placed more on standby. Since …
(2022-03-14). U.S. federal agency calls on Biden to grant Major non-NATO Ally status to Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Finland Sweden. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Commission on Security and Cooperation in EuropeMarch 12, 2022 Helsinki Commission urges US President to designate Georgia, Ukraine as Major Non-NATO Allies The Helsinki Commission, an independent U.S. government agency tasked with promoting human rights and security in Europe, has called on the Biden administration to upgrade the United States' defense relationship with Ukraine. The …
(2022-03-14). Russophobia: NATO's Psychological Torture Manual and the Construction of a Single Perception. libya360.wordpress.com José Negrón Valera In Venezuela we have experience in dealing with psychological siege tactics. For 20 years, Chavismo has been subjected to a campaign of psychological torture that reached its paroxysm when, in 2017, news portals called for "hunting" and publishing the location of people the opposition identified as Chavistas.mind Today, a very dangerous strategy…
(2022-03-14). Wednesday 4/13: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. indybay.org Please email contact@oaklandprivacy.org a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info.
(2022-03-14). Norway: NATO holds strike force drills ahead of large-scale Arctic war games. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Command OperationsMarch 14, 2022 Exercise Brilliant Jump 22 — a keystone exercise for NATO's Response Force Exercise Brilliant Jump 22, currently underway in southern Norway, is the cornerstone exercise for the Rapid Reaction Corps (RRC) France as the NATO Response Force (NRF) Land Component Command (LCC) for 2022. During the exercise, RRC — France …
(2022-03-14). Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey back each other in wars in former Soviet Union. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyMarch 12, 2022 Azerbaijani FM: "Azerbaijan-Turkiye-Georgia cooperation format is exemplary for several countries" "Azerbaijan and Georgia have friendly, good-neighborly and centuries-old relations," Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov within the framework of Antalya Diplomacy Forum to Azerbaijani and Georgian journalists, APA's Turkiye bureau reports. *** "Today, the South Caucasus region and our wider geography …