(2022-03-14). Why we should oppose a "no-fly zone" over Ukraine (downloadable pamphlet). liberationnews.org The Party for Socialism and Liberation is distributing this pamphlet across the country to combat the pro-war frenzy being promoted by the media and ruling class politicians…
(2022-03-14). Understanding the War in Ukraine. orinocotribune.com By Vijay Prashad — Mar 9, 2022 | The war between Russia and Ukraine began much before February 24, 2022—the date provided by the Ukrainian government, NATO and the United States for the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to Dmitry Kovalevich, a journalist and a member of a now-banned communist organization in Ukraine, the war actually started in the spring of 2014 and has never stopped since. | He writes to me from the south of Kyiv/Kiev, Ukraine, and recounts an anecdote: "What's there at the front line?" asks one person. "Our troops are winning as usual!" comes the response. "Wh…
(2022-03-14). Tomorrow at 7pm (EST) — Webinar 'Ukraine Crisis: Which is the Cause, Russia or US/NATO?'. orinocotribune.com Tomorrow, Monday, March 14th, Orinoco Tribune is co-sponsoring a webinar about the conflict in Ukraine. | This panel brings together peace activists in Canada and the U.S.A. to share and discuss one of our time's most critical historical crises. Since Russia's "special military operation" began in Ukraine on February 24th, we have been bombarded by mainstream media, giving us a distorted and perplexing picture of this crisis. Hysterical demonization of Russia, the Trudeau Liberal government's heavy political and military support of the Ukrainian government, and the mainstream media's dishonest reporting have gene…
(2022-03-14). War In Ukraine Day 18: Russia And Allies Consolidate Forces In Donbass And Succeed. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 13, there were several important military events on the Ukrainian front lines which marked important successes of Russian forces. | There was a
(2022-03-14). Russia Delivers Military Equipment To People's Militia, Showcases Captured Ukrainian Warships (Video). southfront.org On March 14, the Russian Defense Ministry released a video showing the dlivery of military equipment to forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic. | According to the Russian side, the delivered equipment previously belonged to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and was captured during the military operation."Equipment and weapons, both Soviet-made and supplied by Western countries, after checking its technical condition and restoration, are transferred to units of the people's republics. | In the course of a special military operation, units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation seized a large amount o…
(2022-03-14). Rusia condena ataque con misil de nacionalistas contra Donetsk. telesurtv.net Autoridades aseguran que iba cargado con munición de racimo y dirigido contra civiles, por lo cual lo consideran un crimen de guerra.
(2022-03-14). Ucrania anuncia pausa técnica en las negociaciones con Rusia. telesurtv.net En esta jornada destaca el ataque con misil de las tropas ucranianas contra una zona residencial en la autoproclamada república de Donetsk.
(2022-03-14). Ataque ucraniano en Donetsk dejó al menos 20 muertos. telesurtv.net A las acciones bélicas se suma el impedimento de las tropas ucranianas de que lleguen ayudas humanitarias a Donetsk.
(2022-03-14). Beijing, Delhi, Moscow partnership: Primakov's Strategic Triangle belatedly emerging? antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Times of IndiaMarch 14, 2022 Pressure on China, India to distance themselves from RussiaChidanand Rajghatta ==== The Strategic Triangle Russia-India-China Triangle — From Russian Perspective Primakov: The man who created multipolarity ==== The United States is urging China not to help Russia out in the Ukraine crisis amid growing apprehension in Washington over whether Beijing …
(2022-03-14). U.S. pressures China over Russia-NATO conflict: no respect, no cooperation. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Global TimesMarch 14, 2022 China, US keep dialogue, but 'no respect, no cooperation'By Yang Sheng, Wan Lin and Wang Wenwen Edited China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi met US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in the Italian capital of Rome Monday to exchange views on China-US relations and other international and regional issues of common‚ÄÇconcern. Chinese …
(2022-03-14). U.S. federal agency calls on Biden to grant Major non-NATO Ally status to Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Finland Sweden. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Commission on Security and Cooperation in EuropeMarch 12, 2022 Helsinki Commission urges US President to designate Georgia, Ukraine as Major Non-NATO Allies The Helsinki Commission, an independent U.S. government agency tasked with promoting human rights and security in Europe, has called on the Biden administration to upgrade the United States' defense relationship with Ukraine. The …
(2022-03-14). Ex-SecGen: NATO should have given membership plans to Georgia, Ukraine, intervened in war in 2008. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geMarch 14, 2022 NATO ex-Sec-Gen Rasmussen: not granting Ukraine, Georgia MAP in 2008 "a mistake" It was a mistake by NATO not to grant Ukraine and Georgia their Membership Action Plans (MAP) back in 2008, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former Secretary-General of the alliance, said in an interview with the Georgian service of Radio Free …
(2022-03-14). NATO condemns elections in Abkhazia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geMarch 14, 2022 NATO refuses to recognise elections in occupied Abkhazia NATO does not recognise the legitimacy of the elections held on Saturday in the Russian-occupied Georgian region of Abkhazia, Javier Colomina, The NATO Secretary General Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia, said on Monday. "The Alliance continues to support Georgia's sovereignty and …
(2022-03-14). NATO details military buildup along Russia's western flank. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeMarch 13, 2022 NATO Allies send reinforcements to the Eastern Flank …Allies have increased readiness and vigilance across Europe to defend and protect all Allies. In recent weeks, Allies have deployed thousands more troops to the eastern, central and south eastern part of the Alliance and placed more on standby. Since …
(2022-03-14). Norway: NATO holds strike force drills ahead of large-scale Arctic war games. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Command OperationsMarch 14, 2022 Exercise Brilliant Jump 22 — a keystone exercise for NATO's Response Force Exercise Brilliant Jump 22, currently underway in southern Norway, is the cornerstone exercise for the Rapid Reaction Corps (RRC) France as the NATO Response Force (NRF) Land Component Command (LCC) for 2022. During the exercise, RRC — France …
(2022-03-14). French nuclear aircraft carrier, strike group active on NATO's eastern flank. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandMarch 14, 2022 French carrier aircraft support NATO mission to secure Allied airspace The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and its associated Carrier Strike Group (CSG) are contributing to air patrols with Allies over NATO's Eastern Flank, as part of its current CLEMENCEAU 22 deployment in the Mediterranean. The Charles de Gaulle …
(2022-03-14). Azerbaijani armed forces train for new war in Caucasus. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Trend News AgencyMarch 14, 2022 Azerbaijani army conducts firing exercises The Land Forces of the Azerbaijani Army conducted firing exercises from heavy machine guns and automatic grenade launchers in accordance with the combat training plan for 2022, Trend reports via the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry. According to the ministry, before the exercises, the units fulfilled the …
(2022-03-14). Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey back each other in wars in former Soviet Union. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyMarch 12, 2022 Azerbaijani FM: "Azerbaijan-Turkiye-Georgia cooperation format is exemplary for several countries" "Azerbaijan and Georgia have friendly, good-neighborly and centuries-old relations," Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov within the framework of Antalya Diplomacy Forum to Azerbaijani and Georgian journalists, APA's Turkiye bureau reports. *** "Today, the South Caucasus region and our wider geography …
(2022-03-14). Joint Expeditionary Force: Britain consolidates Baltic-Nordic military, energy bloc. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyMarch 13, 2022 UK to host Baltic, Nordic leaders to find new ways to isolate Russia ==== From 2011, three years before the start of the crisis in Ukraine: Britain Spearheads "Mini-NATO" In Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea === The leaders from countries in the Joint Expeditionary Force, a British-led grouping made up of …
(2022-03-14). Wednesday 4/13: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. indybay.org Please email contact@oaklandprivacy.org a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info.
(2022-03-14). Refresher on recent U.S. attitudes toward war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com This is not intended to justify current Russian actions by recent ones of the U.S. It is meant to expose the last two decades' history of Washington and NATO in relation to the horrors of war.
(2022-03-14). West pressuring last four EU/NATO members to recognize Kosovo: Serbian president. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Jamie Shea was NATO spokesman during the 78-day war against Yugoslavia. TanjugMarch 14, 2022 Vucic: Some want four NATO member states to recognise Kosovo Some in the West want four EU member states that are also NATO members to recognise the so-called Kosovo to get Pristina into NATO, and this has now been confirmed by …
(2022-03-14). WSJ: State Department veteran calls for heavily-armed NATO troops in western Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The author, Ludovic Hood, identifies himself as a fifteen-year veteran of the State Department and currently Special Advisor to Vice President Harris for the Middle East and North Africa and Senior Advisor to the Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism at the State Department. Wall Street JournalMarch 13, 2022 Send NATO …
(2022-03-14). Diplomats Are Talking But the Guns Are Not Silent. covertactionmagazine.com Kiev and Moscow say they are moving towards a compromise amid the continuation of hostilities Against the backdrop of ongoing …
(2022-03-14). Unique Resource on the Russia/Ukraine Conflict 2022. transcend.org Mar 2022 – Better World Info provides a unique peace perspective on the current developments. At over 4,000 links, and growing daily, they feature the conflict from a Western/NATO perspective, Russian perspective, and independent viewpoints.
(2022-03-14). Arms Flood into Ukraine as US, NATO Pursue Proxy War over Peace. transcend.org 8 Mar 2022 – In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the country has been flooded with weapons and military hardware from Europe and North America. The strategy significantly expands the growth prospects for military companies like Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman.
(2022-03-14). Putin's Criminal Invasion of Ukraine Highlights Some Ugly Truths about U.S. and NATO. transcend.org 7 Mar 2022 – The fact that Putin is trying to justify the unjustifiable in Ukraine does not mean we must ignore the U.S. actions that fuel his narrative.
(2022-03-14). Definidos los participantes en Mundial de Atletismo Bajo Techo: Conozca los seis competidores cubanos. cubadebate.cu Con 680 competidores de 137 países, incluidos los seis cubanos, quedaron oficializadas las listas de competidores en el Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo Bajo Techo Belgrado 2022. Desde la Isla se seguirá a Maikel Massó, los triplistas Leyanis Pérez, Liadagmis Povea y Lázaro Martínez, la corredora Roxana Gómez y la pertiguista Yarisley Silva.
(2022-03-14). U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen tests positive for COVID-19. ecns.cn U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen said on Sunday night that she had tested positive for COVID-19 and was "abiding by all public health protocols to quarantine."
(2022-03-14). Progressive candidate sweeps Colombia's primaries. colombiareports.com Opposition Senator Gustavo Petro convincingly became Colombia's most popular politician after presidential primaries. The primaries were organized parallel to congressional elections. After counting approximately 99.4% of the votes, the presidential…
(2022-03-14). Nuclear winter—the long-suppressed reality of nuclear war. wsws.org This interview with scientist Steven Starr, an expert on the dangers of nuclear war, was conducted by the WSWS in 2017 and attains even greater significance today amid the escalating drive to World War III between the US-NATO powers and Russia.
(2022-03-14). NATO is Not a Defensive International Organization But Was Founded to Threaten the USSR. thiscantbehappening.net Reading US reports on the deadly Russian rocket attack on the so-called International Peacekeeping and Security Center in western Ukraine, one could be excused for thinking that the Russians might have been destroying some UN peacekeeping base. In fact, the deceptively named target, as a few US news reports on the attack did note, … |
(2022-03-14). The NATO-Russia conflict spirals out of control. wsws.org The war between Russia and Ukraine, now well into its third week, is rapidly and dangerously escalating.
(2022-03-14). Colombia's government maintains majority in Senate. colombiareports.com The coalition of Colombia's President Ivan Duque maintained a majority in the Senate after elections on Sunday,. The big winner of the elections was the "Historic Pact" of opposition Senator…
(2022-03-14). Cracking Down on Russian Oligarchs Means Cracking Down on U.S. Tax Havens. inequality.org
(2022-03-14). UK and US Jointly Develop Biological Weapons. journal-neo.org Documentary evidence of Washington's aggressive plans for developing and manufacturing biological weapons in secret US biological laboratories in Ukraine, banned by international conventions, has been uncovered during the Russian special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, and it is frankly horrifying! Although suspicions of such US activities have already been repeatedly published by many media …
(2022-03-14). Russia-Ukraine: Western Media Are Acting as Cheerleaders for War. transcend.org 4 Mar 2022 – Journalists are cheering on the arming of militias and civilians making improvised explosives — acts they usually treat as terrorism. It's suddenly sexy to make IEDs — at least, if the media consider you white, European and "civilised".
(2022-03-14). A Proposed Solution to the Ukraine War. transcend.org 7 Mar 2022 – An end to the invasion and war in Ukraine can only be guaranteed if Russia's security is itself guaranteed. Security is largely indivisible. Security for one state requires security for others, says the Los Alamos Study Group.
(2022-03-14). Stop the Ukraine War — Now! transcend.org 11 Mar 2022 – The war in Ukraine can and must be stopped now, before any more Ukrainians or Russians are killed and maimed, by declaring a ceasefire and then negotiating a peace. A decisive victory or defeat for either party is highly unlikely. Now — right now! — is the time for a ceasefire. There simply is no alternative to a negotiated peace.
(2022-03-14). Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize Them. transcend.org 9 Mar 2022 – The neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S. role in Ukraine, and raises vital questions about these labs that deserve answers.
(2022-03-14). We Must Abolish Nuclear Weapons. transcend.org In addition to illegally invading Ukraine, Russian leaders have put their nuclear forces on high alert, thus illegally threatening nuclear war. This recent crisis emphasizes the urgent need for the world to somehow rid itself of nuclear weapons before human civilization is destroyed by them, together with much of the biosphere.
(2022-03-14). Ukraine crisis: US warns China against helping Russia. nationofchange.org The US says China will face harsh "consequences" if it aids Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, according to US media reports. Unnamed officials reportedly told multiple US news outlets that Russia asked China to provide military assistance after it began the invasion. The Chinese foreign ministry described the allegation as disinformation from the US. …
(2022-03-14). Russian Ambassador in Caracas: Russia in Favor of Caracas-Washington Rapprochement. orinocotribune.com The Russian ambassador to Venezuela, Sergey Mélik-Bagdasárov, considered that the recent visit to Caracas by a delegation from Washington to meet with the government of President Nicolás Maduro "is a sign that they have recognized their mistaken policies towards Venezuela." | For the Russian diplomat, economic and political measures against the Russian Federation have only one objective, which is to uphold the hegemony of the United States government in the world. | During the TV show Here with Ernesto Villegas hosted by the Minister for Culture broadcasted by Venezolana Television, Ambassador Mélik-Bagdasárov sa…
(2022-03-14). Biden, Macron agree to step up sanctions against Russia. en.mehrnews.com Presidents of France and the United States agreed during their telephone conversation to step up sanction measures against Russia, the press office of the French president said in a statement on Monday.
(2022-03-14). Vienna talks to continue non-stop: Moscow. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 14 (MNA) — The Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday said that Vienna talks on the removal of anti-Iranians sanctions will continue without delay and according to the scheduled program.
(2022-03-14). Anti-war demonstrations continue in Russia, despite mass repression. wsws.org According to the Russian-language human rights project OVD-Info, which receives funding from the European Commission, 668 people had been detained in 36 cities as of the end of the day yesterday.
(2022-03-14). Venezuela condemns Western sanctions against Russia. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 14 (MNA) — Venezuela condemns Western sanctions against Russia and denounces attempts to cancel the Russian culture worldwide, Foreign Minister Felix Plasencia said.
(2022-03-14). Buffalo Philharmonic holds concerts with Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev. wsws.org In the face of the current eruption of anti-Russian sentiment, at least one musical organization in North America has demonstrated some courage.
(2022-03-14). UK: Johnson government keeps Ukrainian refugees entry to bare minimum. wsws.org Having played a leading role, along with the US, in provoking the Russian government into launching its catastrophic invasion, British imperialism is indifferent to the millions of people they have forced to flee for their lives.
(2022-03-14). Australia announces sanctions against 33 Russian businessmen. en.mehrnews.com The Australian government is introducing new sanctions targeting 33 Russian businessmen and their family members, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said on Monday.