(2022-03-07). Does Germany Support the Nazi Regime in Kiev? journal-neo.org Recent developments around Russia's special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine have dotted the I's in terms of showing the true political face of the current leaders of many countries and their attitude towards neo-Nazism and the revival of an atmosphere of fascist intimidation of people. While it has been clear to everyone what the …
(2022-03-07). The IMF connection with the Ukraine crisis. mronline.org THE security concerns of Russia arising from Ukraine's intentions of joining NATO have been widely discussed in the media. But the IMF's link with Ukraine which is a parallel issue has scarcely received much attention.
(2022-03-07). Student ejected from audience of Australian current affairs program for asking critical question on Ukraine. wsws.org The removal of the student from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Q+A program was intended to silence and intimidate any opposition to the official US-NATO line on the conflict.
(2022-03-07). Stop the reckless spiral toward nuclear war! wsws.org The confrontation between US-NATO and Russia threatens to escalate out of control, with catastrophic consequences.
(2022-03-07). US gives "green light" for Poland to provide fighter jets to Ukraine. wsws.org The move is yet another reckless escalation by NATO in the Russia-Ukraine war.
(2022-03-07). 'Senior US Officials to Meet with Government of President Nicolás Maduro:' More NYT Fake News? orinocotribune.com Caracas, March 6, 2022 (OrinocoTribune.com)—Yesterday, the New York Times (NYT) published a news piece signed by hardcore antichavista journalist Anatoly Kurmanaev, about an alleged visit of Washington top officials to Venezuela, in an attempt to weaken the solid alliance between Caracas and Moscow amid the Ukrainian conflict. | The NYT hit piece reads in its first paragraph that "senior US officials are traveling to Venezuela on Saturday to meet with the government of President Nicolás Maduro, according to people familiar with the matter, as the Biden administration steps up efforts to separate Russia from…
(2022-03-07). 300 workers locked out at Troy, Ohio aeronautics plant. wsws.org The lockout of the aerospace workers comes in the midst of an accelerating war drive of the US and its NATO allies against Russia.
(2022-03-07). US and NATO have Syria in their sights. wsws.org It is Russia's return to the Middle East as a major geopolitical player that the US is determined to reverse, as part of its war of regime change now centered in Ukraine.
(2022-03-07). Calling Russia's Attack 'Unprovoked' Lets U.S. Off the Hook. scheerpost.com By Bryce Greene / FAIR Many governments and media figures are rightly condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin's attack on Ukraine as an act of aggression and a violation of international law. But in his first speech about the invasion, on February 24, US President Joe Biden also called the invasion "unprovoked." It's a word that …
(2022-03-07). Navigating our humanity: Ilan Pappé on the four lessons from Ukraine. mronline.org Israel's assaults on Gaza should, indeed, be mentioned and considered when evaluating the present crisis in the Ukraine.
(2022-03-07). Russian Invasion of Ukraine Exposes Political Rifts and Makes for Strange Bedfellows. indybay.org The complicated politics of the invasion have exposed rifts across the political spectrum and led to some otherwise odd alliances.
(2022-03-06). The Focus On Russia Distracts From What The US Government Is Doing. popularresistance.org The current escalation of the conflict between the United States and Russia, two nations with the most nuclear weapons, places the world in great danger of a major war. It is the people of Ukraine who are bearing the brunt of this violence, which the United States government claims is "unprovoked," but comes after more than eight years of direct intervention in the country, including a coup in 2014 led by the US. It is the people of the world who will need to rise up together to demand an end to this and all wars. | Ukraine is being targeted by the United States as part of a plan to surround Russia militarily thr…
(2022-03-06). In These Days of Great Tension, Peace Is a Priority. dissidentvoice.org Konstantin Yuon (USSR), People of the Future, 1929. It is impossible not to be moved by the outrageousness of warfare, the ugliness of aerial bombardment, the gruesome fears of civilians who are trapped between choices that are not their own. If you read this line and assume I am talking about Ukraine, then you are …
(2022-03-06). Ukrainian Extremists Prevent People From Leaving Mariupol City. popularresistance.org Donetsk, Kiev, SANA – Ukrainian extremist battalions are preventing civilians from leaving the Ukrainian city of Mariupol through a humanitarian corridor, and took them as human shields, Deputy Head of the People's Militia of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), Eduard Basurin said on Thursday, March 3. | Quoted by Sputnik, Basurin added that the city is suffering from lack of water in addition to the deteriorated humanitarian situation due to the practices of the Ukrainian extremists. | He warned that the Ukrainian army personnel will be exposed to strict strikes if they don't hand over their weapons. | Ukrainia…
(2022-03-06). Ex ministro ucraniano asegura que Kiev no aceptará la neutralidad de Ucrania porque EEUU no lo permitirá. cubadebate.cu Las autoridades ucranianas no aceptarán un estatus de neutralidad para el país ni reconocerán a las repúblicas populares de Donetsk y Lugansk, ya que EE.UU. no se lo permitirá, afirmó el ex primer ministro ucraniano Nikolái Azárov en una entrevista con RIA Novosti publicada este sábado.
(2022-03-06). Tercera ronda de las negociaciones entre Moscú y Kiev será este lunes, según diputado ucraniano. cubadebate.cu El diputado David Arajamia, jefe de la fracción parlamentaria del partido gobernante Servidor del Pueblo y miembro del equipo negociador de Kiev, publicó en su página en la red social Facebook que la próxima reunión será este lunes en la frontera belarusa-polaca.
(2022-03-06). EU comments on warplanes for Kiev. rt.com Ukraine insists it needs jet fighters to repel the Russian attack | European Council President Charles Michel has said that the bloc's military aid to Ukraine will not include jet fighters, which Kiev has insisted it badly needs to fend off the ongoing Russian invasion. | "The European Union is definitely not at war with Russia. A war is what Russia has launched against Ukraine, a country very friendly and very close to the EU. That is why we support Ukraine on all levels," Michel said in an interview with several European newspapers on Saturday. | The chief of the EU's top political body confirmed that the EU…
(2022-03-06). Video: Mohammed Khatib of Samidoun on "Dictators and Fascist Regimes" samidoun.net Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, joined the International League of Peoples' Struggle for an international online event on "Dictators and Fascist Regimes" on Saturday, 5 March 2022. "Fascism is on the rise. To fight this, we must link all the peoples' struggles against fascism all over the world." Speakers: …
(2022-03-06). America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century. orinocotribune.com By Michael Hudson — Mar 1, 2022 | How the MIC, OGAM and FIRE Sectors Conquered NATO | My old boss Herman Kahn, with whom I worked at the Hudson Institute in the 1970s, had a set speech that he would give at public meetings. He said that back in high school in Los Angeles, his teachers would say what most liberals were saying in the 1940s and 50s: "Wars never solved anything." It was as if they never changed anything—and therefore shouldn't be fought. | Herman disagreed, and made lists of all sorts of things that wars had solved in world history, or at least changed. He was right, and of course that is…
(2022-03-06). The Pentagon's "Ides of March": Best Month to Go to War? globalresearch.ca Recent history confirms that with the exception of Afghanistan (October 2001) and the 1990-91 Gulf War, all major US-NATO led military operations over a period of almost half a century —since the invasion of Vietnam by US ground forces on March 8, 1965— have been initiated in the month of March.
(2022-03-06). Bagheri, Mora meet again as Vienna talks continue. en.mehrnews.com Iran's top negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani on Sunday held a bilateral meeting with the EU's Coordinator of the Vienna talks Enrique Mora.
(2022-03-06). Putin, Lenin, Imperialism And The (Real) History Of Ukraine. popularresistance.org The people of this country suffer, I've always thought, from a general ignorance of history. This is because with vast oceans for borders, and ever-friendly neighbors, and no experience of being invaded, living in a country that has always urged assimilation including the acceptance of "American exceptionalism," schooled through an educational system that avoids teaching U.S. history with any degree of credibility so as not to upset anybody, they've never been encouraged to think critically about the past. To ask questions. To raise objections—not necessarily about what happened, but about how to interpret…
(2022-03-06). Would a "Cold" War Be the Best News Around? tomdispatch.com Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been widely described as the beginning of a new cold war, much like the old one in both its cast of characters and ideological nature. "In the contest between democracy and autocracy, between sovereignty and subjugation, make no mistake — freedom will prevail," President Biden asserted in a televised address to the nation the day Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine. But while Russia and the West disagree on many issues of principle, this is not a replay of the Cold War. It's an all-too-geopolitical twenty-first-century struggle for advantage on a highly contested global chessb…
(2022-03-06). Another Casualty Of The Ukraine Conflict: The Truth. popularresistance.org War and conflict are the enemies of truth. Accurate perception, precise language and objectivity are its first victims. For good reason. Emotion eclipses reason. The 'we/they' prism refracts and distorts our thoughts. The individual is swept up into the mass mood. Frenzy roils just below the surface. | Experiences of war and conflict, though, are not uniform. They vary. Whose blood is being shed, in what quantities? Are we the direct protagonist or just the empathetic supporters of certain combatants? How closely and why do we identify with one side? How much do we hate the other side? Is our collective self ging…
(2022-03-06). The Opera Singer and the Sanctions. cepr.net The decision of the New York Metropolitan Opera to not host Russian opera singer Anna Netrebko, unless she explicitly repudiates Vladimir Putin, has received a great deal of attention. The issue is whether it is appropriate to effectively sanction artistic performers and athletes over the decision by Putin to invade Ukraine. This may be …
(2022-03-06). Latin America and the Ukraine War. orinocotribune.com By Ignacio Ramonet — Mar 4, 2022 | No country in Latin America unconditionally aligned itself with Russia's positions regarding its special military operation in Ukraine. They have all defended International Law, United Nations Charter and advocated for a diplomatic agreement to resolve the crisis by peaceful means through effective dialogue that guarantee the security and sovereignty of all, as well as peace, stability, and regional and international security. | In our globalized and interconnected world, a conflict on the scale of the war in Ukraine obviously has planetary consequences. Since the beginning…
(2022-03-06). Doubling Down On Double Standards: The Ukraine Propaganda Blitz. dissidentvoice.org The American population was bombarded the way the Iraqi population was bombarded. It was a war against us, a war of lies and disinformation and omission of history. That kind of war, overwhelming and devastating, waged here in the US while the Gulf War was waged over there.' ((Howard Zinn, 'Power, History and Warfare', Open Magazine …
(2022-03-06). What You Don't Know about the War in Ukraine. dissidentvoice.org
(2022-03-06). Why It's Hard for Most People in the US to Talk About War. truthout.org When former U.S. President George W. Bush released a statement on Ukraine — "condemning Vladimir Putin's unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine," and calling on the American people to "stand in solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people as they seek freedom and the right to choose their own future" — I thought to myself, Not now, man. You're hurting more than you're helping. And that's because, as very few Americans will need reminding, the Bush administration took advantage of the publ…
(2022-03-06). Sanctions May Sound "Nonviolent," But They Quietly Hurt the Most Vulnerable. truthout.org Today, people around the world are The current invasion is raising a dilemma for progressives in the U.S. who are sympathetic to the plight of the people of Ukraine, who believe that the invasion is abhorrent and unacceptable, and who want to stop Russia's actions, but who question the notion tha…
(2022-03-06). West Pressures Thailand to Take Their Side Against Russia. newatlas.report March 8, 2022 (Brian Berletic — NEO) — On February 28, 2022 the EU ambassador to Thailand, David Daly, would declare in a social media post that Thailand "should speak up to save our rules based international order," demanding the Kingdom of Thailand vote at the UN with the West regarding Ukraine. Accompanying his comments were the flags …
(2022-03-06). US is Trying to Lure Central Asian Countries into Opposing Russia. journal-neo.org Against the background of the developments in Ukraine in recent days, the US, in the context of adjusting its policy in Central Asia (CA), urgently convened a C5+1 online meeting on February 28, with the participation of foreign ministers: Kazakhstan's Mukhtar Tileuberdi, Kyrgyzstan's Ruslan Kazakbaev, Tajikistan's Sirojiddin Muhriddin, Turkmenistan's Rasit Meredow, Uzbekistan's Abdulaziz Kamilov, and US …
(2022-03-06). Mohawks Being Recruited to Fight in Ukraine: Mohawk Mothers Say No to Mercenary Army. indybay.org Mohawks are being recruited to fight in a mercenary army in Ukraine. Mohawk mothers respond with a call for peace, and a reminder that Russia is a longtime ally of the Mohawks.
(2022-03-06). War In Ukraine Day 10: Civilian Evacuation Failed, Russia Gained Tactical Successes, Holding Strategic Pause (18+). southfront.org The tenth day of the conflict was marked by several milestone events. First of all, the Russian side attempted to…
(2022-03-06). Sunday 3/6: San Jose: Peace in Ukraine! Global Day of Action Sidewalk Vigil. indybay.org Sidewalk peace vigil – intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd and Winchester Blvd, San Jose, CA…
(2022-03-06). Ukraine war reveals ugly face of racism in Europe. en.mehrnews.com The war in Ukraine has sparked a public backlash in other parts of the world against what activists and observers call the resurgence of "racism" in Europe.
(2022-03-06). Russian troops reportedly enter Ukraine's Irpin. en.mehrnews.com On the 11th day of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, Russian forces inch closer to the capital Kyiv from the north and west and the number of Ukrainian refugees was expected to reach 1.5 million.
(2022-03-06). Military Situation In Ukraine On March 5, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | MORE ON THE TOPIC: : |
(2022-03-06). Yemenis Protest Continuing U.S. Supplied Saudi – UAE Air War. indybay.org Massive U.S. and European support to besieged Ukrainians in sharp contrast to U.S. participation in Saudi – UAE air war against Yemen…