(2022-03-05). Russia declares ceasefire in Ukraine for civilians evacuation — defense ministry. ecns.cn Russian forces will observe truce in Ukraine starting 10: 00 Moscow time (0700 GMT) on Saturday to facilitate the evacuation of civilians via humanitarian corridors.
(2022-03-05). Biden Takes Advantage of the Levers of Power to Protect his Family Business in Ukraine. journal-neo.org It is no secret that members of the current US political elite and their closest relatives are fairly quick to gain business shares in all countries invaded by US occupation forces. This has been commonplace since the Iraqi wars and the destruction of Yugoslavia. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, for example, had a business …
(2022-03-05). The hysterical anti-Russian campaign and the US-NATO drive to war with Russia. wsws.org Media outlets, academics, and scientists who ought to know better have lapped up the pro-war propaganda of the imperialist powers, according to which the world was a peaceful paradise until Putin sent Russian troops into Ukraine.
(2022-03-05). Who gets NATO's weapons in Ukraine? wsws.org The primary beneficiaries of these weapon deliveries, both politically and militarily, are far-right forces in Ukraine and internationally, who are being strengthened and emboldened.
(2022-03-05). News on China | No. 89. dissidentvoice.org China criticizes NATO expansion, supports national sovereignty. It calls for both sides, Russia and Ukraine, to end the war. China restates its opposition to unilateral economic sanctions. The de-dollarization of China-Russia trade is about to increase. China is the world leader in transitioning to clean energy. The rate of urbanization slows down.
(2022-03-05). Eastern European governments at forefront of NATO war drive against Russia. wsws.org Eastern European ruling elites fan the flames of the NATO proxy war against Russia and maneuver to secure their own predatory interests.
(2022-03-05). Russia Announces One Day Ceasefire In Volnovakha And Mariupol To Evacuate Civilians (Video). southfront.org On March 5, the Russian Defense Ministry announced a one day ceasefire to evacuate civilians from Mariupol and Volnovakha. These are the key strongholds of the Ukrainian Army and nationalist battalions in Donetsk Region. Both of them are now encircled by joint forces of Russia, the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic. | According to the representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, humanitarian corridors and exit routes have been agreed with the Ukrainian side. | Kiev authorities claim that 200,000 civilians want to leave Mariupol and 20,000 civilians &…
(2022-03-05). China responds to Pentagon official's criticism over Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Global TimesMarch 4, 2022 Chinese FM questions US role in Ukraine crisis amid the latter's smears on China The US has been spreading disinformation and using the Ukraine crisis to smear China. Its rumor mongering in order to shift its own responsibilities is hypocritical and despicable, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Friday amid …
(2022-03-05). President Zelenskiy At War: Facts And Fakes. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | During the 9 days of the war in Ukraine, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky led the war against Russia online. He gave numerous interviews to the Western MSM, addressed the Ukrainian people and fought against all rumors about him by shooting video appeals on Instagram. | On March 4, several Kiev's officials claimed that Zelenskiy left the country. According to the State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada could not get to him in Lviv. Now he is in Poland…
(2022-03-05). For African and Colonized Peoples, to Understand Ukraine: De-Center Europe and Focus on Imperialism (Statement). orinocotribune.com The Black Alliance for Peace emphatically declares that the conflict in the Ukraine emerges from the ceaseless and single-minded drive of the U.S., NATO, and the European Union for global economic and political dominance. The genesis of the current crisis,
(2022-03-05). Metropolitan Opera announces the banning of soprano Anna Netrebko. wsws.org The Russian singer has fallen victim to the US-NATO war drive that has been stepped up following Moscow's invasion of Ukraine a week ago.
(2022-03-05). Carlos Daniel Albornoz es el campeón nacional de ajedrez en modalidad Blitz. cubadebate.cu El camagàºeyano Carlos Daniel Albornoz sigue sumando lauros, esta vez al coronarse en el Campeonato Nacional de Ajedrez, en la modalidad de Blitz, celebrado este viernes en Santa Clara como antesala del clásico absoluto de la Isla. Albornoz sumó ocho puntos en nueve rondas de partidas relámpagos, con un paso impresionante a base de triunfos.
(2022-03-05). How Germany's "new foreign policy epoch" was prepared. wsws.org The justifications given by Chancellor Olaf Scholz for tripling the military budget amid Putin's aggression against Ukraine are nothing but lying propaganda.
(2022-03-05). Ex-Japanese Prime Minister Abe suggests Japan host US nuclear weapons. wsws.org Abe, who remains highly influential in Japanese politics, has seized on the current war crisis in Ukraine to further his right-wing nationalist agenda of remilitarization.
(2022-03-05). Why Don't We Treat All Refugees as Though They Were Ukrainian? independentmediainstitute.org It was inevitable that when brown-skinned Afghan refugees fleeing war were turned away from European borders over the past few years, the callous actions of these governments would come back to haunt them. A whopping 1 million people have fled Ukraine from Russia's violent invasion in the span of only a week. They are being …
(2022-03-05). Demands grow in Washington for US war with Russia. wsws.org As the Russian military continues to advance in Ukraine, there are growing demands for direct US military intervention to attack Russian forces.
(2022-03-05). Sunday 3/6: San Jose: Peace in Ukraine! Global Day of Action Sidewalk Vigil. indybay.org Sidewalk peace vigil – intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd and Winchester Blvd, San Jose, CA…
(2022-03-05). [World Report] Humanitarian work in Ukraine disrupted. thelancet.com The UN and aid agencies have halted operations amid worsening conflict, while the region prepares for huge numbers of displaced people. Sharmila Devi reports.
(2022-03-05). Export route of Iranian goods to Russia to be eased: official. en.mehrnews.com Vice-Chairman of Non-Oil Exports Commission of Iran Chamber of Commerce said that given the latest developments between Ukraine and Russia, as well as Western sanctions, Russia will facilitate the export route for Iran.
(2022-03-05). Chinese FM questions U.S. role in Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn
(2022-03-05). [World Report] Ukrainian health workers respond to war. thelancet.com Ukraine's civilian health workers are having to postpone usual care and focus instead on treating casualties following Russia's invasion. Salehya Ahsan reports.
(2022-03-05). Why don't we treat all refugees like they were Ukrainian? asiatimes.com It was inevitable that when brown-skinned Afghan refugees fleeing war were turned away from European borders over the past few years, the callous actions of these governments would come back to haunt them. A whopping 1 million people have fled Ukraine after Russia's violent invasion in the span of only a week. They are being welcomed — as refugees …
(2022-03-05). Russia declares ceasefire in Ukraine for civilians' evacuation — defense ministry. ecns.cn Russian forces will observe a truce in Ukraine starting 10: 00 a.m. Moscow time (0700 GMT) on Saturday to facilitate the evacuation of civilians via humanitarian corridors, the Russian Ministry of Defense said.
(2022-03-05). War In Ukraine Day 9: Russia Focuses Forces On Battlefield, Counter-Attacks In Information Sphere. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Day 9 of the war in Eastern Europe demonstrated that the world has changed completely and irrevocably. Nine day of the Russian operation on the territory of the former USSR republic, which was founded by Vladimir Lenin in 1919, destroyed at least eight years of the global elite's Overton Window aspirations resulted in the creation of an alternative reality with renewed Nazi criteria of dividing society into slaves and masters. | On March 4, there were a number of notable events on the front line…
(2022-03-05). [Comment] Offline: Ukraine and the lessons of Alexander Herzen. thelancet.com A pandemic. And now war. A war, the UK's Ukraine Ambassador wrote last week "on the whole of the civilised world". The burden of war falls mostly on women and children. 10 million children younger than 5 years died in conflicts between 1995 and 2015. Women and children will now be dying from preventable causes in Ukraine. The health and humanitarian crisis afflicting Ukraine has received far too little attention. Consider those forcibly displaced. Although hard to predict, as many as 5 million people, up to three-quarters of whom will be women and children, are likely to become refugees.
(2022-03-05). Sunday 3/6: Santa Cruz: Peace in Ukraine! Global Day of Action Rally. indybay.org The Town Clock, N. Pacific Ave. and Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA…
(2022-03-05). Sunday 3/6: Monterey County: Peace in Ukraine! Global Day of Action. indybay.org Window on the Bay, 717 Del Monte Blvd, Monterey CA, 93940. Across the street from El Estero Park.
(2022-03-05). Ukraine says radiation levels around captured nuclear power plant "unchanged" ecns.cn The radiation levels around the captured Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine remain unchanged, the head of the Zaporizhzhia regional administration Olexandr Starukh said Saturday on Facebook."ÄÄ…
(2022-03-05). Mohawks Being Recruited to Fight in Ukraine: Mohawk Mothers Say No to Mercenary Army. indybay.org Mohawks are being recruited to fight in a mercenary army in Ukraine. Mohawk mothers respond with a call for peace, and a reminder that Russia is a longtime ally of the Mohawks.
(2022-03-04). How Ukraine's Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia. thegrayzone.com While Western media deploys Volodymyr Zelensky's Jewish heritage to refute accusations of Nazi influence in Ukraine, the president has ceded to neo-Nazi forces and now depends on them as front line fighters. Back in October 2019, as the war in eastern Ukraine dragged on, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to Zolote, a town situated firmly in the "gray zone" of Donbas, where over 14,000 had been killed, mostly on the pro-Russian side. There, the president encountered the hardened veterans of …
(2022-03-04). Forever war in Ukraine or an end to the unipolar world? thegrayzone.com Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Moscow-based international affairs analyst Mark Sleboda about the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the possibility of a prolonged war. Mark Sleboda offers a critical assessment of Russia's military maneuvers in the early days of the conflict in Ukraine and evaluates the possibility of a Syria-style dirty war erupting in the country. Sleboda also explains how the war has ushered in a "great decoupling" between Russia and the West and why he believes it could represent …
(2022-03-04). US Sanctions on Russia Over Ukraine Also Target Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba. orinocotribune.com By Benjamin Norton — Feb 28, 2022 | President Joe Biden's top Latin America advisor, Juan S. Gonzalez, admitted that US sanctions against Russia aim to hurt Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba as well. The three socialist governments condemned NATO aggression for creating the crisis in Ukraine. | President Joe Biden's top Latin America advisor has admitted that US sanctions against Russia over Ukraine intentionally seek to hurt Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba as well. | The United States imposed a series of harsh sanctions on Russia following Moscow's recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk Peop…
(2022-03-04). Guerra de EE.UU. contra Rusia: una estampida hacia el precipicio. workers.org Boletín: Desde el 22 de febrero, Rusia ha reconocido las dos repúblicas populares de la región de Donbass, en el este de Ucrania, la República Popular de Donetsk y la República Popular de Lugansk, establecidas en 2014. Rusia ha dicho que enviará tropas para proteger a las dos repúblicas si . . . |
(2022-03-04). Stop NATO War on Russia! Info for rallies and webinars. iacenter.org Stop NATO War on Russia! No Sanctions! No War! Find antiwar actions here: unac.notowar.net/national-call-to-action- nowarwithrussia/ AND HERE The corporate media speaks with one voice against Russia. There is NO mention that the U.S. commanded NATO military alliance has pumped tons of lethal weapons and U.S. advisors into Ukraine for eight years. Since the 2014 U.S.- backed coup in Kiev, the U.S. has aided fascist forces in relentlessly shelling the 1,200 mile Russian border to target the Peoples' Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk, killing over 14,000 people in the Russian-speaking Donbass region. Over a t…
(2022-03-04). Turkey didn't give combat drones to Ukraine, it sold them — Ankara. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com What this says about the moral health of the world, when it's ethically defensible to sell weapons that have murdered people in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh, Ethiopia and the Donbass but not to donate them is truly nauseating to consider. ==== Daily SabahMarch 4, 2022 Bayraktar UAVs purchased by Ukraine, not aid from Turkey: Deputy …
(2022-03-04). La hipocresía de un "No a la guerra" que llega muy tarde. indybay.org mi querido pueblo del Donbass. La hipocresía de un "No a la guerra" que llega muy tarde…
(2022-03-04). US Support For Self-determination In Ukraine Is Political And Conditional. popularresistance.org Russia's decision to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics and begin military operations upon their request has led to a firestorm of misinformation in the United States and the West. The move by Russia has been portrayed as a violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and clear proof that Russia is seeking to expand beyond its borders at any cost. This simplistic view of geopolitical developments in Eurasia has fueled an aggressive response from the United States and its Western allies. Military deployments are underway and further sanctions are being considered just days after the U.S. success…
(2022-03-04). War, NATO and the New World Order. libya360.wordpress.com Fernando Rivero 1.- War and U.S. Military Doctrine: The armed conflict in Europe is directly related to U.S. military planning. The "Third Offset Strategy", the "Interim Strategic National Security Guidance" and the advent of the NATO "Strategic Concept" of 2022, outline the US military plan for global domination. The Third Offset Strategy, proposed by Secretary…
(2022-03-04). U.S. Space Command expands global interceptor missile radars. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Breaking DefenseMarch 4, 2022 Space Command looking to ground, ship-based missile defense radars to improve monitoring US Space Command is working to improve its capability keep tabs on what is happening in space — including looking to ground- and ship-based missile defense platforms as additional sources of much needed data, SPACECOM head Gen. Jim Dickinson …
(2022-03-04). Ukrainian conflict being replicated in Moldova. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com AgerpresMarch 4, 2022 ForMin Aurescu reiterates Romania's strong support for Republic of Moldova's sovereignty and territorial integrity Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu reaffirmed today "Romania's strong support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders". "Today Transnistria requested recognition of its independence. I am in direct …
(2022-03-04). Russian Defense Ministry summons Croatian defense attaché over mercenaries in Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com InterfaxMarch 3, 2022 Croatian defense attaché summoned to Russian Defense Ministry over arrival of 200 mercenaries in Ukraine The defense attaché of the Croatian embassy to Russia was summoned to the Russian Defense Ministry on Thursday to be informed of the arrival of about 200 mercenaries in Ukraine, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said. …
(2022-03-04). Hungarian foreign minister warns against provoking war between NATO and Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Budapest TimesMarch 4, 2022 Szijjarto: NATO not at war No decision of any kind was made at a Friday meeting of NATO foreign ministers which could lead to a direct NATO-Russia conflict, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in Brussels after the meeting. Participants in the meeting declared that NATO was not participating in the war …
(2022-03-04). War in Ukraine to boost Pentagon's annual budget closer to trillion dollars. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense OneMarch 3, 2022 Russia's Invasion Will Boost 2023 Defense Budget, Top Democrat Says Russia's invasion of Ukraine will boost the Pentagon's funding for next year, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee predicted on Thursday. "Without question, it's going to have to be bigger than we thought," Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., said at …
(2022-03-04). Ukrainian Armed Forces Destroyed Headquarters Of Azov Nationalist Battalion In Mariupol — Report. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The headquarters of the Azov special detachment in Mariupol were hit with the Tochka-U tactical missile system by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, according to the DPR People's Militia. | According to the report, more than 20 militants were killed."The location of the headquarters of a separate special purpose detachment "Azov" in the south-west of Mariupol was struck by the armed forces of Ukrainewith the "Tochka-U" tactical missile system. As a result of the strike, more…
(2022-03-04). NATO transport operations move strike forces to Eastern Flank. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandMarch 4, 2022 Allied heavy air lifters move land forces to NATO's Eastern Flank Strategic and tactical air transport aircraft including C-17s, C-5s, A330 MRTTs and C-130s from multiple nations have been busy moving units from the NATO Response Force along with national contributions to locations across NATO's Eastern Flank. In a combined …
(2022-03-04). NATO brings Finland, Sweden into all future war councils. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsMarch 4, 2022 NATO brings Finland, Sweden on board for all Ukraine conflict discussions From now on, NATO is sharing all information pertaining to the ongoing war in Ukraine with close partners Sweden and Finland, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced Friday. "In response to Russia's aggression, we have decided to strengthen our coordination and information-sharing …
(2022-03-04). NATO ministerial: Romania calls for more backing of Georgia, Moldova. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Which translates into new armed conflicts in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria. ==== Agenda.geMarch 4, 2022 Romania's FM to ask colleagues for more support for Moldova, Georgia at NATO ministers' meeting Bogdan Aurescu, Romania's Foreign Minister, said he will ask his counterparts for more support for partner states, "especially the Republic of Moldova and Georgia", …
(2022-03-04). Slovakia declares state of emergency as NATO troops, missiles due to arrive. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Slovak SpectatorMarch 3, 2022 Slovakia declares state of emergency, arrival of NATO troops confirmed Slovakia is deciding on the potential expulsion of Russian diplomats. The Foreign Ministry warns against travelling to Moldova and some regions of Belarus and Russia. A state of emergency applies in Slovakia as of noon on February 26. It was declared …
(2022-03-04). Born of NATO's first war: Kosovo to apply for membership in the bloc. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com ReutersMarch 3, 2022 Kosovo parliament urges government to start NATO membership bid Kosovo's parliament approved a resolution on Thursday asking the government to start negotiations on NATO membership following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Kosovo has been guarded by NATO troops since 1999 when a war between ethnic Albanians and Serb forces ended, but the country …
(2022-03-04). "Band of 3.2 million brothers and sisters": Top NATO military, civilian leaders visit Eastern Flank. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeMarch 4, 2022 NATO leaders visit troop reinforcements to the Eastern Flanks NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Military Committee Chairman Admiral Rob Bauer, and Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) General Tod D. Wolters visited political and military leadership in Poland and Estonia on Tuesday, Mar. 1, 2022…along the Eastern flank. While …