(2022-03-04). La hipocresía de un "No a la guerra" que llega muy tarde. indybay.org mi querido pueblo del Donbass. La hipocresía de un "No a la guerra" que llega muy tarde…
(2022-03-04). Slovakia declares state of emergency as NATO troops, missiles due to arrive. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Slovak SpectatorMarch 3, 2022 Slovakia declares state of emergency, arrival of NATO troops confirmed Slovakia is deciding on the potential expulsion of Russian diplomats. The Foreign Ministry warns against travelling to Moldova and some regions of Belarus and Russia. A state of emergency applies in Slovakia as of noon on February 26. It was declared …
(2022-03-04). German, Italian, Romanian air force chiefs meet at Black Sea air base. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Nine O'Clock NewsMarch 3, 2022 Air Force Chiefs of Romania, Italy and Germany meet at Mihail Kogalniceanu Military Air Base The Air Force Chiefs of Romania, Italy and Germany had, on Thursday, an informal meeting at the 57th Mihail Kogalniceanu Military Air Base (southeastern Romania). The Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Major General …
(2022-03-04). Born of NATO's first war: Kosovo to apply for membership in the bloc. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com ReutersMarch 3, 2022 Kosovo parliament urges government to start NATO membership bid Kosovo's parliament approved a resolution on Thursday asking the government to start negotiations on NATO membership following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Kosovo has been guarded by NATO troops since 1999 when a war between ethnic Albanians and Serb forces ended, but the country …
(2022-03-04). Russian Defense Ministry summons Croatian defense attaché over mercenaries in Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com InterfaxMarch 3, 2022 Croatian defense attaché summoned to Russian Defense Ministry over arrival of 200 mercenaries in Ukraine The defense attaché of the Croatian embassy to Russia was summoned to the Russian Defense Ministry on Thursday to be informed of the arrival of about 200 mercenaries in Ukraine, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said. …
(2022-03-04). Declara»õia PSL privind interven»õia militarƒÉ a Rusiei àÆn Ucraina. liberationnews.org Amenin»õarea rƒÉzboiului poate fi àÆnvinsƒÉ doar prin solidaritatea interna»õionalƒÉ àÆntre popoarele lumii »ôi printr-o luptƒÉ hotƒÉrâtƒÉ àÆmpotriva imperialismului american, care trebuie sƒÉ impunƒÉ abolirea NATO. FƒÉrƒÉ rƒÉzboi cu Rusia!
(2022-03-04). French President Macron backs NATO war drive against Russia. wsws.org On Wednesday night, in a prime time address to the nation, Emmanuel Macron spoke on the rapidly escalating war between Russia and NATO's puppet regime in Ukraine.
(2022-03-04). 40 Things We Can Do and Know for People in Ukraine and the World. warisacrime.org By David Swanson Remarks at Code Pink event in Washington D.C. on March 3, 2022 Image Source. Send aid to Ukrainian friends and aid organizations. Send aid to organizations helping refugees leaving Ukraine. Send aid especially that will reach those being refused help for racist reasons. Share the remarkable media coverage of war victims in …
(2022-03-04). The war in Ukraine: The questions that must be asked. wsws.org The deep-rooted and essential causes of a war are revealed not in how a war begins but in how it develops and to what it leads.
(2022-03-04). For a free and sovereign Ukraine. indybay.org We cannot accept the intervention and military repression of the population set in motion by Russia; it is equally unacceptable to open any space to the representatives of imperialism who are trying to expand their rule by means of wars that ensure profits and more power for the capitalists.
(2022-03-04). U.S., Russia establish military hotline to prevent miscalculation. ecns.cn The United States and Russia have established a military hotline aimed at preventing miscalculation during the ongoing Russia-Ukraine military conflict, U.S. media outlets reported Thursday.
(2022-03-04). War In Ukraine Day 8: Russian Forces Make More Gains In Southeast Amid Stalemate Near Kharkiv (Videos). southfront.org On March 3, clashes between the Russian Armed Forces and the Ukrainian military was reported to the west of Kyiv….
(2022-03-04). Hypocritical, despicable for U.S. to discredit China through Ukraine issue: spokesperson. ecns.cn The U.S. side has repeatedly spread false information related to the Ukraine issue to smear and discredit China in order to shirk their own responsibility, which is hypocritical and despicable, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said Friday.
(2022-03-04). Sunday 3/6: Santa Cruz: Peace in Ukraine! Global Day of Action Rally. indybay.org The Town Clock, N. Pacific Ave. and Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA…
(2022-03-04). Ukraine says Russia taken control of Zaporizhzhia Plant. en.mehrnews.com It's another heavy day into the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, as media reported early Friday that Europe's largest nuclear power plant Zaporizhzhia has been faced shelling and subsequently caught fire.
(2022-03-04). Humanitarian aid from Russia arrive in the Kharkiv region. ecns.cn Over 30 tons of humanitarian aid have been delivered to residents of Ukraine from the Belgorod region on Wednesday, March 2, 2022.
(2022-03-04). Sunday 3/6: San Jose: Peace in Ukraine! Global Day of Action Sidewalk Vigil. indybay.org Sidewalk peace vigil – intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd and Winchester Blvd, San Jose, CA…
(2022-03-04). Truth dies first and then intelligence. indybay.org The war in Ukraine is an exception to the rule of thumb that in war the truth dies first. The truth was already dead before the war began… War is the greatest crime imaginable. War creates endless suffering, whoever starts war is a war criminal. (Note: There is only one exception to this: if the war is started by the US or other allies).
(2022-03-04). Sunday 3/6: Monterey County: Peace in Ukraine! Global Day of Action. indybay.org Window on the Bay, 717 Del Monte Blvd, Monterey CA, 93940. Across the street from El Estero Park.
(2022-03-04). Russian Forces Secure Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Expand Control Zone Near Kyiv (Video). southfront.org In the morning of March 4, the Ukrainian authorities that remain in Zaporizhzhia Region confirmed that Russian forces have established control of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant located at the town of Enerdogdar. The Ukrainian side added that the plant is manned by local workers and the facility works without incidents. | Russian troops established control of the facility and secured it after a series of clashes with the Ukrainian Army and so-called territorial defense units. These units had positions just in the vicinity of the plant. This allowed Zelensky government to speculate that the Russian advance may en…
(2022-03-03). NATO floods Ukraine with weapons. wsws.org In a global weapons-running program without precedent in post-World War II history, more than 20 countries, including members of NATO and the European Union, are funneling weapons, such as aircraft and missiles, to Ukraine for use in NATO's proxy war with Russia.
(2022-03-03). Russia Prevents Washington from Unleashing Biological Warfare. libya360.wordpress.com Vladimir Platov In view of the unrest that US intelligence services have been actively initiating lately, whether in Central Asia, Transcaucasia or other areas bordering Russia and China, the risk of a biological disaster from multiple secret military biological laboratories deployed by the US in potentially politically and socially unstable regions is objectively increasing. In…
(2022-03-03). Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: Outing the Iraq War White Washers. dissidentvoice.org The guilty can be devious in concealing their crimes, and their role in them. The greater the crime, the more devious the strategy of deception. The breaking of international law, and the breaching of convention, is a field replete with such figures. Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine has presented a particularly odious grouping, a good …
(2022-03-03). Black Refugee Lives Matter: U.N. urged to act on Ukraine border racism. peoplesworld.org An international coalition of renowned human rights lawyers has launched an urgent appeal to the United Nations to act over "abominable" racism in Ukraine. Africans living, working, and studying in Ukraine have been held up in that country by racist Ukrainian cops who have forced them to remain out in the cold, without food and …
(2022-03-03). Where is Lenin when we need him? peoplesworld.org One can draw historical parallels only so far before they break down. No two time periods are exactly alike, but sometimes one can see striking similarities between them. That is true about the current war in Ukraine and World War I. Though much is different today than in the 1914-18 period, similarities exist. History teachers usually highlight …
(2022-03-03). No nuclear weapons, no war. greenleft.org.au Russia possesses the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. The US has only slightly less. This makes the escalating crisis in the Ukraine all the more terrifying, argues Markela Panegyres.
(2022-03-03). The war on Donbass: why we must all stand against fascism. iacenter.org March 2, 2022 The people of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics celebrating Russia's recognition of the independence of their republics, Feb. 21. This lightly edited opinion piece by journalist, author and activist Fra Hughes first appeared in the Arab independent media satellite Al Mayadeen, Feb. 26. The Donbass people, much like the Palestinian people, continued to resist the dominance of global capitalism that supports fascism in Ukraine for eight years. For those who claim President [Vladimir] Putin is a megalomaniac sociopath, intent on drawing Europe and the U.S. into some kind of Machiavellian war…
(2022-03-03). In conversation with Dmitri Kovalevich. mronline.org Dmitri Kovalevich: The current events are a continuation of the Donbass conflict which has been going on since 2014. For years Kyiv media and West MSM used to tell that Ukraine was confronting the Russian invasion – and now that happened in reality – as soon as Russia recognized the republics.
(2022-03-03). NYC: Sat 3/5 at 3pm Rally: Stop NATO War on Russia! No Sanctions! No War! iacenter.org Emergency Anti-War Demonstration Stop NATO War on Russia! No Sanctions! No War! Saturday, March 5 — 3pm Times Square (North End, 7th Ave & 46 St) The corporate media speaks with one voice against Russia. There is NO mention that the U.S. commanded NATO military alliance has pumped tons of lethal weapons and U.S. advisors into Ukraine for eight years. Since the 2014 U.S.- backed coup in Kiev, the U.S. has aided fascist forces in relentlessly shelling the 1,200 mile Russian border to target the Peoples' Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk, killing over 14,000 people in the Russian-speaking Donbass region. Over a…
(2022-03-03). Ukraine: The Afghan Solution. libya360.wordpress.com Guadi Calvo The saying: "Truth is the first victim of war," has been verified in the Ukrainian conflict like few times, in which the international media decided to hide the reasons for Moscow's decision to definitively stop the war that the Kiev regime, as NATO's spearhead, is waging against the pro-Russian republics of Donetsk and…
(2022-03-03). Dilyana Gaytandzhieva: Why is the Pentagon Funding Bio-Labs in Ukraine & Around Eurasia? libya360.wordpress.com Hard-hitting investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva discusses her groundbreaking work uncovering diplomatically protected international arms traffic from Western governments to terrorists as well as her discovery of Pentagon-funded bio-laboratories scattered throughout Eurasia. She learned how the whole of Eastern Europe was involved in a network for arming terrorists with weapons paid for by the USA, UAE,…
(2022-03-03). The G5 Sahel Group — Clearly Just an Illusion. libya360.wordpress.com Vladimir Danilov The vast Sahel region, stretching across Africa from Senegal to Sudan, has long been the continent's powder keg. National governments have been able to secure peace here and as a result millions of citizens in Mali, Niger, Burkina-Faso and the other Sahel nations have been forced from their homes and flee en masse…
(2022-03-03). Ukraine and the New Al Qaeda. libya360.wordpress.com Whitney Webb The eruption of war between Russia and Ukraine appears to have given the CIA the pretext to launch a long-planned insurgency in the country, one poised to spread far beyond Ukraine's borders with major implications for Biden's "War on Domestic Terror" As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues to escalate and dominate…
(2022-03-03). Black Alliance for Peace: Brief Guide on the Situation in Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Within large sectors of the U.S. left, including many elements of the Black left, there is widespread confusion related to the Ukraine "crisis." Years of anti-Russia propaganda from the U.S. and its NATO allies, and the tendency to abstract the current Ukrainian situation from its historical and geo-strategic context, have created a climate of confusion….
(2022-03-03). The War Will Not End With Russian Control of Ukraine: It's Just the Beginning. libya360.wordpress.com Elijah J. Magnier "It is time for the US nuclear weapons in Europe to return back to America." The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov summed up the Russian roadmap beyond Ukraine. This means that the Russian battle has begun because America has strategic nuclear forces in NATO bases spread across the European continent, including Turkey…
(2022-03-03). Double Standards at the UN and ICC to Criminalize Russia. libya360.wordpress.com Mision Verdad Can the International Criminal Court (ICC) judge Russia? Legally no, but prosecutor Karim Khan has already announced that it will, even if Moscow never ratified the Rome Statute and in 2016 withdrew the symbolic signature it had provided at the origins of this institution. Can a member state be prevented from accessing UN…
(2022-03-03). Israel Defends Kiev's Nazi Authorities. journal-neo.org Russia's recognition of the independence of the LPR and DPR caused some confusion in Tel Aviv, where at first nobody was in a hurry to make a statement. Moreover, after intense consultations in Israel's Foreign Ministry and National Security Council, local officials were forbidden to provide comments by the ruling coalition, leaving the Jewish nation-state in a very uneasy situation. …
(2022-03-03). Ukraine requests IAEA to call on NATO for no-fly zone over nuclear power plants. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformMarch 3, 2022 Ukraine decries Russia's seizure of Chernobyl NPP as "nuclear terrorism," asks IAEA to urgently appeal to NATO Ukraine is asking the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to call on NATO to close access to the airspace over the country's nuclear facilities…. "In order to reestablish legal regulation of safety of nuclear installations …
(2022-03-03). After NATO meeting, Blinken to visit Baltic states, Poland, Moldova. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Radio PolandMarch 3, 2022 US state secretary to visit Poland US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to visit Warsaw on Saturday for talks with Polish government officials and military leaders about Russia's war against Ukraine. The US Department of State said in a statement on Wednesday that Blinken would travel to Belgium, Poland, …
(2022-03-03). Tomorrow: Ukraine to ask NATO FMs for no-fly zone, air and missile defense weapons. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkranewsMarch 3, 2022 Kuleba To Discuss Closure Of Skies Over Ukraine And Supply Of Heavy Air Defense Weapons With NATO On March 4 Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba will discuss the issue of closure of the skies over Ukraine and the supply of heavy weapons to strengthen the country's air defenses with the foreign affairs …
(2022-03-03). Global Times: Biden fails to use Ukraine crisis to cover partisan struggles in U.S. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Full article at URL below. Global TimesMarch 3, 2022 Biden fails to use Ukraine crisis to cover partisan struggles in USState of the Union shuns provoking China, showing US limited ability: expertsBy Yang Sheng and Zhang Han US President Joe Biden finally made his delayed State of the Union address local time Tuesday night, devoting …
(2022-03-03). Canada extends deployment of artillery unit in Latvia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Ottawa CitizenMarch 2, 2022 Canadian military to extend stay of artillery unit in Latvia Canada will extend the stay of an artillery unit it is sending to Latvia as part of efforts to bolster NATO in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The deployment of the unit, with 120 personnel, was only to …
(2022-03-03). Borrell calls emergency meeting with NATO head, FMs of U.S., Britain,Canada, EU. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Rustavi2March 3, 2022 Josep Borrell invites European, British, Canadian and US foreign ministers and NATO chief to emergency meeting High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy invites European, British, Canadian and US foreign ministers and NATO chief to emergency meeting. "I called an extraordinary Foreign Affairs Council on Friday and invited …
(2022-03-03). NATO to more than double troops in Estonia — DM. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com ANI/SputnikMarch 1, 2022 NATO to double military contingent in Estonia: Estonian Defense Minister NATO allies will double their military presence in Estonia within the next two to three months to ensure "deterrence" on the eastern flank, Estonian Defense Minister Kalle Laanet said on Tuesday. "Within the next two-three months, NATO allies will double their military …
(2022-03-03). Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian news sites not available. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com March 3: Interfax and RIA Novosti are currently online. Several Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian online news sites are out of operation. They include: 112 Ukraine, which is/was affiliated with the television station of the same name recently shut down by the Ukrainian government. It's position was pro-Ukrainian, anti-Russian and contained more information on events in …
(2022-03-03). Serbian parliament president: When Hitler entered Ukraine, the U.S. did not declare war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com B92March 2, 2022 "We have died for the sake of others; they aren't against Russia, but against Serbia" ==== Also see: Serbia is only free country in Europe, only one not obeying NATO's orders — official Serbia: West plans to oust Russia from UN, trigger total collapse of existing order ==== Speaker of the National …
(2022-03-03). Serbia is only free country in Europe, only one not obeying NATO's orders — official. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com B92March 3, 2022 "Serbia proves to be the only free country in Europe" ==== Also see: Serbian parliament president: When Hitler entered Ukraine, the U.S. did not declare war Serbia: West plans to oust Russia from UN, trigger total collapse of existing order ==== Minister Vulin added that today is the seventh day in which …
(2022-03-03). U.S. carrier strike group supports NATO Response Force, Black Sea air patrols. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Sixth FleetMarch 3, 2022 Carrier Air Patrols Provide Support, Deterrence to NATO Response Force Naval aviators assigned to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1's strike fighter squadrons (VFA) 11, 211, 81, 34 and electronic attack squadron (VAQ) 137 conducted airborne patrols through a series of missions spanning enhanced vigilance, training and NATO enhanced Air Policing …
(2022-03-03). Caspian Sea: Azerbaijan, Pakistan consolidate Ankara-Baku-Islamabad axis. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyMarch 2, 2022 Pakistani delegation visited the Azerbaijan Naval Forces On March 2, the commander of the Azerbaijan Naval Forces, Rear Admiral Subhan Bakirov met with a delegation led by the Chief of the Naval Academy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Rear Admiral Shifaat Ali Khan. The Pakistani delegation is on an …
(2022-03-03). War In Ukraine Day 7: Storm Of Mariupol, Fighting Around Kiev, Besiege Of Kharkiv (Videos 18+). southfront.org On March 2, the situation near Kharkiv remains difficult for both sides of the conflict. Russian units, having suffered losses…